

Uint8 Our things The Fourth Period

To master and use 名词性物主代词 correctly

my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs


Step1 Greetings

Step2 Revision

Ask and Answer

1. What do you have in your desk?

I have __________

2. What does Andy have in his /her pencil-box?

He/she has ____________

3. Whose walkman is this?

It’s mine (yours, hers, his)

4. Whose rackets are these?

They’re mine (yours, hers, his )

5. 提问与课文内容相关的问题,以复习课文

如:1.Are there any lockers for students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School?

2.What’s in Lily’s locker?

Step3 Present.

1.Look at the pictures and talk about them

What’s this ? Whose is it ?

What are these ? Whose are they ?

2.Fill in the blanks 用正确的物主代词完成对话 ,让学生说出答案,然后集体订正 ,归纳总结物主代词的用法。

3.Let the students read the dialogue together, one by one ,or in a group of three or four

4.Ask some students to come to the front and act out the dialogue vividly. Some can make up similar dialogues

Step4 Do some exercise on the slide shows.


1.I have a comic book in it. (用the girl 替换主语) The ____ ____a comic book in it.

1. she has a pair of sunglasses in her locker (对画线部分提问) What ____ she ____in her locker ?

2. Nick has a computer in his room . (改为一般疑问句) ____Nick ____ a computer in his room?

3. Whose watch is this?(改为复4. 数形式)

Whose___ ___ ___?

5. I have some stickers.(改为否定句)

I ___ ___ ___stickers.

6.Whose flowers are these ?(同义句)

Whose ___ ___ ___ ?

Step5 Homework :

1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogues.

2.Do Exercise in the WB


Uint8 Our things The Fourth Period

To master and use 名词性物主代词 correctly

my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs


Step1 Greetings

Step2 Revision

Ask and Answer

1. What do you have in your desk?

I have __________

2. What does Andy have in his /her pencil-box?

He/she has ____________

3. Whose walkman is this?

It’s mine (yours, hers, his)

4. Whose rackets are these?

They’re mine (yours, hers, his )

5. 提问与课文内容相关的问题,以复习课文

如:1.Are there any lockers for students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School?

2.What’s in Lily’s locker?

Step3 Present.

1.Look at the pictures and talk about them

What’s this ? Whose is it ?

What are these ? Whose are they ?

2.Fill in the blanks 用正确的物主代词完成对话 ,让学生说出答案,然后集体订正 ,归纳总结物主代词的用法。

3.Let the students read the dialogue together, one by one ,or in a group of three or four

4.Ask some students to come to the front and act out the dialogue vividly. Some can make up similar dialogues

Step4 Do some exercise on the slide shows.


1.I have a comic book in it. (用the girl 替换主语) The ____ ____a comic book in it.

1. she has a pair of sunglasses in her locker (对画线部分提问) What ____ she ____in her locker ?

2. Nick has a computer in his room . (改为一般疑问句) ____Nick ____ a computer in his room?

3. Whose watch is this?(改为复4. 数形式)

Whose___ ___ ___?

5. I have some stickers.(改为否定句)

I ___ ___ ___stickers.

6.Whose flowers are these ?(同义句)

Whose ___ ___ ___ ?

Step5 Homework :

1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogues.

2.Do Exercise in the WB


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