
Lesson 51 ANY THING CHEAPERHello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?开胃小菜send 送,寄 letter 信件 cheap 便宜的 safe 安全的 slow 慢的色拉大餐Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.I'd like to...我想...I'd like to send an international letter.我想寄封信到国外去.Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.I'd like to buy a pair of shoes. 我想买双鞋.I'd like to take a rest. 我想休息一下.Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have...? 你有没有...?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have anything in my size? 你有没有什么合我尺码的东西?Do you have anything in a different color?你有没有其他颜色的东西?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!This is..., but...这个..., 但是...This is cheaper... but not very safe! 这个便宜些... 但是不太安全!This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!This is beautiful but expensive. 这个很漂亮,但是很贵.This is quick, but dangerous. 这个很快,但是很危险.This is dangerous, but exciting. 这个危险,但是很刺激.This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?风味小吃I'm not in a hurry. 我不赶时间.Which is...? 哪个更...?Which is better? 哪个更好?How about this? 这个如何?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?今日回味send 送,寄 letter 信件 cheap 便宜的I'm not in a hurry. 我不赶时间.Which is...? 哪个更...? How about this? 这个如何?Lesson 52 I LOVE THIS HOUSECool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!开胃小菜modern 现代的 clean 干净的 place 地方 trouble 麻烦色拉大餐Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen...我从没见过...I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen such a terrible film!我从没见过如此恐怖的电影!I've never seen such a lovely baby!我从没见过如此可爱的婴儿!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me... 让我...Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me think for a while! 让我考虑一下!Let me show you around the city! 让我带你参观一下这个城市!Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think... 我想...I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think you are right. 我想你是对的.I think your dog is really cute! 我觉得你的狗真可爱!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!风味小吃Stay calm. 冷静.Stay calm. Don't be so excited. 冷静一点. 不要如此兴奋.Watch out! 小心!Watch out! This traffic is dangerous! 小心! 马路上很危险Don't worry! 别担心!Don't worry! I'll be OK! 别担心! 我没事!Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!今日回味new 新的 modern 现代的 clean 干净的Stay calm. 冷静. Watch out! 小心! Don't worry! 别担心!Lesson 53 I CAN'T SLEEPDoctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.开胃小菜terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 rest 休息 pill 药片 sheep 绵羊work 起作用色拉大餐Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do,...无论我做什么,我...No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already... 我已经...I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why...那就是...的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.风味小吃have a go at...尝试...give...a shot 尝试...I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.今日回味terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 rest 休息 pill 药片have a go at... 尝试... give...a shot 尝试...I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.Lesson 54 HOW SWEET OF YOUHello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.I just ate. 我刚吃过.开胃小菜beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 sweet 甜美的 pretty 漂亮的flower 花朵 free 空闲的色拉大餐Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...How...of you. 你真...How sweet of you! 你说话真甜!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...How thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到.Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?What's the occasion? 为什么?What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.Nothing special, I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.没什么特别的,我只是看见那些花,它们让我想到你.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.How was your day? Nothing special. 你今天过得怎么样? 没什么特别的.How was the film? Nothing special.那部电影怎么样? 没什么特别的.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free, how about...如果你有空,...如何?If you're free tonight, how about having dinner together如果你今晚有空,一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free, how about going to the park?如果你有空,去公园玩玩如何?If you're free, how about watching a movie?如果你有空,去看场电影如何?If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.I just ate. 我刚吃过.风味小吃It's nothing at all, just a little token of my admiration. 这没什么,我只不过表示我的钦佩.You flatter me. 你太过奖了.remind...of...让...想到...Those buildings along the Bund remind me of those in Europe.外滩的建筑物让我想到了欧洲的建筑物.Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.今日回味beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 sweet 甜美的 pretty 漂亮的You flatter me. 你太过奖了. remind...of...让...想到...Lesson 55 WHERE'S MY WATCHHey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?开胃小菜lucky 幸运的 operation 手术 ring 戒指 belly 肚子色拉大餐Hey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks to...多亏了...Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks to the tour guide, we had a great trip.多亏了导游,我们旅途很愉快.Thanks to the fine weather, the rice grew quickly.多亏了好天气,稻米长得很快.Thanks to the rain, we had to stay inside all day.多亏了这场雨,我们在屋里待了一天.Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!What do you mean? You're lucky-he's so absent-minded!什么意思?你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!What do you mean? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you...? 你在...?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you doing? 你在做什么?What are you looking at? 你在看什么?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.When I was a child, I liked to play with insects.当我是个孩子时, 我很喜欢昆虫.When I'm free, I'll show you around Shanghai.当我有空时,我会带你参观上海的.When I was watching TV. the phone rang. 当我看电视时,电话响了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?风味小吃How are things going? 感觉如何?Long time no see, how are you things going?好久不见,感觉如何?Terrific! 棒极了!How are you? Terrific! 你好吗? 棒极了!Hey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?今日回味lucky 幸运的 operation 手术 ring 戒指How are things going? 感觉如何? Terrific. 棒极了.Lesson 56 THAT'S WHY I COME TO SEE YOUHi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!开胃小菜doctor 医生 medicine 药 store 商店 street 街道,道路色拉大餐Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.I feel...我感觉...I don't feel so geat. 我感觉不是很舒服.Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.I don't feel well. 我感觉不是很舒服.I feel better now. 我现在感觉好些了.Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you...? 你为什么不...?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you take a taxi? 你为什么不坐出租车?Why don't we go out for a walk? 我们为什么不出去走走?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!suggest...建议...He suggested I come to see you. 他建议我来找你.He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!I suggest you wash your hands. 我建议你洗一下手.They suggested we stay in Shanghai for another two weeks他们建议我们在上海再呆两星期.He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!风味小吃quack 江湖医生,冒充医生的 Do't believe him, he is a quack. 不要相信他,他是个庸医.hot air 空想,空话Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!今日回味doctor 医生 medicine 药 store 商店quack 江湖医生,冒充医生的 hot air 空想,空话Lesson 57 SOMETHING DIFFERENTWell, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的?开胃小菜mess 搅乱,弄糟 fault 过错 stupid 愚蠢的 latest 最新的imported 进口的色拉大餐Well, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了.I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了.I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Sorry, I lost the game. It wasn't your fault.对不起,我输了. 那不是你的错.Whose fault is this? Mine, I'm afraid.这是谁的错? 很抱歉,是我的错.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.It won't happen again. 这事儿再也不会发生了.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.What happened last night? 昨晚发生了什么事?Nobody knows what will happen later. 没人知道还会发生什么.Something must have happened to him. 他一定出了什么事儿.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do is...你所要做的就是...All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do now is wait. 你现在所要做的就是等.All you need to do is press the button.你所要做的就是按一下钮.All you need to do is give me a call.你所要做的就是给我打电话.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的?风味小吃Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!mess up 把...搞砸This time you really messed up! 这次你真的把事情搞砸了!It's easy to use. 这很好使.Well, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的? 今日回味mess 搅乱,弄糟 fault 过错 stupid 愚蠢的Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!mess up 把...搞砸 It's easy to use. 这很好使.Lesson 58 SUCH A BIG TREEIt's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.开胃小菜dull 无聊的 happen 发生 change 改变 interesting 有趣的gift 礼物色拉大餐It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's hard work being a student! 做一个学生很辛苦!It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's great living in China. 住在中国很棒.It's wonderful spending time with you. 和你在一起很好.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember...我记得...I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember you're a tour guide. 我记得你是个导游.I remember the time I visited the Great Wall.我记得我去过长成.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I hope...我希望...I was hoping it would grow quickly. and have lots of fruit. 我希望树能快些长大,结许多果实.I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I hope we can be friends. 我希望能和你成为朋友.I hope we can visit the Shanghai Museum tomorrow.我希望明天去上海博物馆.I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.风味小吃something interesting 有趣的事情I worked very hard. 我很勤劳地工作.I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.今日回味dull 无聊的 happen 发生 change 改变something interesting 有趣的事情I worked very hard. 我很勤劳地工作.I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.Lesson 59 MY TEETH HURTI'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!开胃小菜pull 拉,拔 tooth 牙齿 hurt 疼痛 courage 勇气 dentist 牙医色拉大餐I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.Actually, yes. 我想会的.Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think...我不认为...I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think you can get there in half an hour.我认为你无法在半小时内到那里.I don't think they're right. 我认为你是错的.I don't think it's an iteresting place.我认为这不是个有趣的地方.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Try a few sips of this. It'll give you a lot more courage...喝点这个,它能给你勇气...Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of...我不害怕...I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of anything. 我不害怕任何东西.I'm not afraid of travelling alone. 我不害怕独自旅游.I'm not afraid of getting lost in Shanghai.我不害怕在上海迷路.I'm not afraid of you, orany other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!风味小吃take 忍受,容忍 I can't take it any more. 我再也忍受不了.I can't take this noise! 我受不了这噪音!Get out of here! 滚出去!Get out of here! You are bothering me! 滚出去! 你妨碍到我了!I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!今日回味pull 拉,拔 tooth 牙齿 hurt 疼痛 take 忍受,容忍Get out of here! 滚出去!Lesson 60 SMART DOGGYThis is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.开胃小菜pet 宠物 dog 狗 funny 有趣的 cute 可爱的 smart 聪明的色拉大餐This is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!He can...他会...And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!She can play the piano. 她会弹钢琴.And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.every chance...get 一有机会...We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.We travel every chance we get. 我们一有机会就去旅行.We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!the...in the world! 世界上最...He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!He's the smartestdog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.风味小吃get 懂得I don't get it: why did he do that? 我不明白,他为什么要做那事?care about 关心He doesn't care about money. 他一点都不关心钱.This is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.今日回味funny 有趣的 cute 可爱的 smart 聪明的get 懂得 care about 关心

Lesson 51 ANY THING CHEAPERHello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?开胃小菜send 送,寄 letter 信件 cheap 便宜的 safe 安全的 slow 慢的色拉大餐Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.I'd like to...我想...I'd like to send an international letter.我想寄封信到国外去.Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.I'd like to buy a pair of shoes. 我想买双鞋.I'd like to take a rest. 我想休息一下.Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have...? 你有没有...?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?Do you have anything in my size? 你有没有什么合我尺码的东西?Do you have anything in a different color?你有没有其他颜色的东西?Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!This is..., but...这个..., 但是...This is cheaper... but not very safe! 这个便宜些... 但是不太安全!This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!This is beautiful but expensive. 这个很漂亮,但是很贵.This is quick, but dangerous. 这个很快,但是很危险.This is dangerous, but exciting. 这个危险,但是很刺激.This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?风味小吃I'm not in a hurry. 我不赶时间.Which is...? 哪个更...?Which is better? 哪个更好?How about this? 这个如何?Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能帮你点什么?Hi, I'd like to send an internaltional letter.你好, 我想寄封信到国外去.Airmail, or standard mail? 你要寄航空信还是平信?Which is cheaper? 哪个便宜些呢?Standard mail is cheaper, 平信便宜,but it's also slower. 但慢些.I'm not in a hurry. 我想我不需要赶时间.Do you have anything cheaper? 还有更便宜的吗?This is cheaper...这个便宜些...but it's not very safe! 但是不太安全!Hmmm...do you have anything even cheaper?啊...我还想知道有没有更便宜的办法?Even cheaper?!! 还要便宜?!!How about this? 这个怎么样?今日回味send 送,寄 letter 信件 cheap 便宜的I'm not in a hurry. 我不赶时间.Which is...? 哪个更...? How about this? 这个如何?Lesson 52 I LOVE THIS HOUSECool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!开胃小菜modern 现代的 clean 干净的 place 地方 trouble 麻烦色拉大餐Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen...我从没见过...I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!I've never seen such a terrible film!我从没见过如此恐怖的电影!I've never seen such a lovely baby!我从没见过如此可爱的婴儿!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me... 让我...Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Let me think for a while! 让我考虑一下!Let me show you around the city! 让我带你参观一下这个城市!Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think... 我想...I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!I think you are right. 我想你是对的.I think your dog is really cute! 我觉得你的狗真可爱!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!风味小吃Stay calm. 冷静.Stay calm. Don't be so excited. 冷静一点. 不要如此兴奋.Watch out! 小心!Watch out! This traffic is dangerous! 小心! 马路上很危险Don't worry! 别担心!Don't worry! I'll be OK! 别担心! 我没事!Cool! 酷!Our new home is so modern! 我们的新家多现代啊!I've never seen such a clean place before!我从没见过哪个地方像这里一样整洁!Look! 看啊!Stay calm. 冷静些.Let me have a look. 让我看看.Maybe it's some sort of sculpture. 这也许是个雕塑什么的.Careful! Watch out! 小心! 小心啊!Don't worry, I'll be careful! 别担心, 我会小心的!I think we're in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!我想我们惹大麻烦了!今日回味new 新的 modern 现代的 clean 干净的Stay calm. 冷静. Watch out! 小心! Don't worry! 别担心!Lesson 53 I CAN'T SLEEPDoctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.开胃小菜terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 rest 休息 pill 药片 sheep 绵羊work 起作用色拉大餐Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do,...无论我做什么,我...No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already... 我已经...I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why...那就是...的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.风味小吃have a go at...尝试...give...a shot 尝试...I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.Doctor, 医生,I'm suffering from a terrible case of insomnia.我整夜的失眠, 非常痛苦.No matter what I do I can't get a good night's rest.不论我做什么, 我整夜休息不好.I've already tried all sorts of sleeping pills.我已经试过各种安眠药了.I've attempted counting sheep. 我也尝试过数羊.473...474...475...473...474...475...I've attended university lectures on sleep.我参加过大学中关于睡眠的讲座.I've had a go at yoga. 尝试过瑜伽.I've given Tai Chi a shot. 还尝试过太极拳.Nothing works! 可是都没有什么效果!I really don't know what to do. 我真的不知道该怎么办.I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.All I want to do is get some sleep, that's all.我只想能睡个好觉, 只想这样而已.That's why I've come to see you today.这就是我今天来找你的原因.今日回味terrible 可怕的,糟糕的 rest 休息 pill 药片have a go at... 尝试... give...a shot 尝试...I'm at the end of my rope. 我真的不知道该怎么办.Lesson 54 HOW SWEET OF YOUHello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.I just ate. 我刚吃过.开胃小菜beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 sweet 甜美的 pretty 漂亮的flower 花朵 free 空闲的色拉大餐Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...How...of you. 你真...How sweet of you! 你说话真甜!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...How thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到.Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?What's the occasion? 为什么?What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.Nothing special, I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.没什么特别的,我只是看见那些花,它们让我想到你.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.How was your day? Nothing special. 你今天过得怎么样? 没什么特别的.How was the film? Nothing special.那部电影怎么样? 没什么特别的.Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free, how about...如果你有空,...如何?If you're free tonight, how about having dinner together如果你今晚有空,一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?If you're free, how about going to the park?如果你有空,去公园玩玩如何?If you're free, how about watching a movie?如果你有空,去看场电影如何?If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.I just ate. 我刚吃过.风味小吃It's nothing at all, just a little token of my admiration. 这没什么,我只不过表示我的钦佩.You flatter me. 你太过奖了.remind...of...让...想到...Those buildings along the Bund remind me of those in Europe.外滩的建筑物让我想到了欧洲的建筑物.Hello, they're beautiful! 嗨, 真美!For me? 给我的吗?For you! 给你的!Why? How sweet of you!...为什么? 你说话真甜!...Thank you! 谢谢!It's nothing at all. 这没什么.Just a little token of my admiration. 我只不过表示我的钦佩.What's the occasion? 为什么?Nothing special. 没什么特别的.I just saw those flowers and they reminded me of you.我只是看见那些, 它们让我想到你.You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields! 你知道吗, 我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的!Oh, you flatter me! 哦, 你太过奖了!Say, I was wondering. 我在想.If you're free tonight. 如果你今晚有空.how about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?No thanks, I'm not hungry. 不谢谢, 我不饿.今日回味beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 sweet 甜美的 pretty 漂亮的You flatter me. 你太过奖了. remind...of...让...想到...Lesson 55 WHERE'S MY WATCHHey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?开胃小菜lucky 幸运的 operation 手术 ring 戒指 belly 肚子色拉大餐Hey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks to...多亏了...Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks to the tour guide, we had a great trip.多亏了导游,我们旅途很愉快.Thanks to the fine weather, the rice grew quickly.多亏了好天气,稻米长得很快.Thanks to the rain, we had to stay inside all day.多亏了这场雨,我们在屋里待了一天.Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!What do you mean? You're lucky-he's so absent-minded!什么意思?你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!What do you mean? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you...? 你在...?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?What are you doing? 你在做什么?What are you looking at? 你在看什么?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.When I was a child, I liked to play with insects.当我是个孩子时, 我很喜欢昆虫.When I'm free, I'll show you around Shanghai.当我有空时,我会带你参观上海的.When I was watching TV. the phone rang. 当我看电视时,电话响了.Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?风味小吃How are things going? 感觉如何?Long time no see, how are you things going?好久不见,感觉如何?Terrific! 棒极了!How are you? Terrific! 你好吗? 棒极了!Hey, how are things going? 嘿, 伙计, 感觉怎么样?Terrific, thanks to the doctor! 我感觉好极了,多亏了医生.Thanks? What do you mean? 感谢? 什么意思?You're luck-he's so absent-minded!你真幸运.他是个很粗心大意的人!Absent-minded? 粗心?What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.嗯, 他给我做手术时,就把纱布忘在我肚子里了.What did you say? 你说什么?He left a sponge inside you? 他把纱布留在你肚子里了?And he left his ring in my belly! 他还把戒指忘在我肚子里呢!No! 不!Say, has anyone seen my watch? 你们谁看见我的手表了?今日回味lucky 幸运的 operation 手术 ring 戒指How are things going? 感觉如何? Terrific. 棒极了.Lesson 56 THAT'S WHY I COME TO SEE YOUHi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!开胃小菜doctor 医生 medicine 药 store 商店 street 街道,道路色拉大餐Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.I feel...我感觉...I don't feel so geat. 我感觉不是很舒服.Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.I don't feel well. 我感觉不是很舒服.I feel better now. 我现在感觉好些了.Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you...? 你为什么不...?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Why don't you take a taxi? 你为什么不坐出租车?Why don't we go out for a walk? 我们为什么不出去走走?Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!suggest...建议...He suggested I come to see you. 他建议我来找你.He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!I suggest you wash your hands. 我建议你洗一下手.They suggested we stay in Shanghai for another two weeks他们建议我们在上海再呆两星期.He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!风味小吃quack 江湖医生,冒充医生的 Do't believe him, he is a quack. 不要相信他,他是个庸医.hot air 空想,空话Hi, Doctor, I don't feel so great. 医生, 我感觉不是很舒服.Hmmm, you know, you don't look well. 哦,你看上去是不太好I think you need an immediate examination!我想你必须立即接受检查.Why don't you lie down? 为什么不躺下呢?Tell me, are you taking any medicine? 告诉我,你吃了什么药吗?No. 没有.Has anyone else looked at you before you came here?到我这里之前你还请教过什么人吗?Well, I talked to the owner of the drug store across the street.我找过街对面一家药店老板.What? That quack? 什么! 那个江湖骗子?He's full of hot air! 他什么都不懂!What kind of useless advice did he give you?他都给你出了什么馊主意?He...he...he suggested I come see you?他...他...他建议我来找你!今日回味doctor 医生 medicine 药 store 商店quack 江湖医生,冒充医生的 hot air 空想,空话Lesson 57 SOMETHING DIFFERENTWell, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的?开胃小菜mess 搅乱,弄糟 fault 过错 stupid 愚蠢的 latest 最新的imported 进口的色拉大餐Well, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了.I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了.I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Sorry, I lost the game. It wasn't your fault.对不起,我输了. 那不是你的错.Whose fault is this? Mine, I'm afraid.这是谁的错? 很抱歉,是我的错.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.It won't happen again. 这事儿再也不会发生了.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.What happened last night? 昨晚发生了什么事?Nobody knows what will happen later. 没人知道还会发生什么.Something must have happened to him. 他一定出了什么事儿.Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do is...你所要做的就是...All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.All you need to do now is wait. 你现在所要做的就是等.All you need to do is press the button.你所要做的就是按一下钮.All you need to do is give me a call.你所要做的就是给我打电话.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的?风味小吃Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!mess up 把...搞砸This time you really messed up! 这次你真的把事情搞砸了!It's easy to use. 这很好使.Well, hello! 啊,您好!Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!I'm sorry, I really messed up last time. 对不起,上次我把事情搞砸了了.Oh, come on. 哦,得了.That wasn't your fault! 那不是你的错!Don't worry, it won't happen again.别担心,这事儿再也不会发生了.Really? 真的?How can he be so stupid? 真是够笨的!Now, this is the latest imported model. 这是最新版的进口货.It's very easy to use. 这很好使.All you need to do is set it somewhere.你所要做的就是把它放在那里.Really? 真的? 今日回味mess 搅乱,弄糟 fault 过错 stupid 愚蠢的Good to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!mess up 把...搞砸 It's easy to use. 这很好使.Lesson 58 SUCH A BIG TREEIt's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.开胃小菜dull 无聊的 happen 发生 change 改变 interesting 有趣的gift 礼物色拉大餐It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's hard work being a student! 做一个学生很辛苦!It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.It's great living in China. 住在中国很棒.It's wonderful spending time with you. 和你在一起很好.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember...我记得...I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.I remember you're a tour guide. 我记得你是个导游.I remember the time I visited the Great Wall.我记得我去过长成.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I hope...我希望...I was hoping it would grow quickly. and have lots of fruit. 我希望树能快些长大,结许多果实.I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I hope we can be friends. 我希望能和你成为朋友.I hope we can visit the Shanghai Museum tomorrow.我希望明天去上海博物馆.I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.风味小吃something interesting 有趣的事情I worked very hard. 我很勤劳地工作.I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.It's dull living on a desert island. 住在荒岛上十分的单调.Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes.没有什么事情发生, 没有什么改变.Everything always looks the same. 每天的景色都是一样的.I remember once a bird flew by. 我记得有一天天上飞过一只鸟.Another time I fond something interesting.后来我发现一件有趣的事情.Thank you for this wonderful gift!谢谢你,给我这么有趣的礼物!I was hoping it would grow quickly. 我希望树能快些长大.and have lots of fruit. 结许多果实.I worked very hard! 我很勤劳地工作!The plant grew into a tree, just as I hoped.正如我所盼望的,树长大了.Yet...I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.今日回味dull 无聊的 happen 发生 change 改变something interesting 有趣的事情I worked very hard. 我很勤劳地工作.I was still not happy. 可我却仍很烦恼.Lesson 59 MY TEETH HURTI'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!开胃小菜pull 拉,拔 tooth 牙齿 hurt 疼痛 courage 勇气 dentist 牙医色拉大餐I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.Actually, yes. 我想会的.Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think...我不认为...I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.I don't think you can get there in half an hour.我认为你无法在半小时内到那里.I don't think they're right. 我认为你是错的.I don't think it's an iteresting place.我认为这不是个有趣的地方.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Try a few sips of this. It'll give you a lot more courage...喝点这个,它能给你勇气...Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of...我不害怕...I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!I'm not afraid of anything. 我不害怕任何东西.I'm not afraid of travelling alone. 我不害怕独自旅游.I'm not afraid of getting lost in Shanghai.我不害怕在上海迷路.I'm not afraid of you, orany other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!风味小吃take 忍受,容忍 I can't take it any more. 我再也忍受不了.I can't take this noise! 我受不了这噪音!Get out of here! 滚出去!Get out of here! You are bothering me! 滚出去! 你妨碍到我了!I'm going to have to pull this tooth.我不得不把你的这颗牙拨掉.Are you sure? 你确定?Is it going to hurt? 会很疼吗?Actually, yes. 我想会的.I don't think I can take it. 我想我受不了.Can you give me something? 能给我想个办法吗?Let's see. 让我想想.Okay, how about this. 好的,这个怎么样.Try a few sips of this. 喝点这个.It'll give you a lot more courage...它能给你勇气...Good.Now, shall I start pulling that tooth?好.现在我要开始拔了?What? Get out of here! 什么? 滚出去!I'm not afraid of you, or any other dentist!我不怕你,还有别的牙医!今日回味pull 拉,拔 tooth 牙齿 hurt 疼痛 take 忍受,容忍Get out of here! 滚出去!Lesson 60 SMART DOGGYThis is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.开胃小菜pet 宠物 dog 狗 funny 有趣的 cute 可爱的 smart 聪明的色拉大餐This is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!He can...他会...And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!She can play the piano. 她会弹钢琴.And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.every chance...get 一有机会...We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.We travel every chance we get. 我们一有机会就去旅行.We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!the...in the world! 世界上最...He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!He's the smartestdog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.风味小吃get 懂得I don't get it: why did he do that? 我不明白,他为什么要做那事?care about 关心He doesn't care about money. 他一点都不关心钱.This is my pet dog, Spot. 这是我的宠物斯伯特.He's two. 它已经两岁了.I just love him. 我很喜欢它.He's so funny and cute! 它是个很可爱很有趣的家伙!And get this-he can play chess! 最神奇的是它会下棋!We play together every chance we get.我们一有机会就一起玩.He's the smartest dog in the world!它是世界上最聪明的小狗!But sometimes he can be naughty. 可是有时候也很调皮.Everything changed after I got a new computer.可是自从我买了电脑以后,这些都改变了.I think I liked the old Spot better.我比较喜欢以前的斯伯特.今日回味funny 有趣的 cute 可爱的 smart 聪明的get 懂得 care about 关心


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