
1. How to prepare for job interview?

Good morning, my name is zhang jie, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for the interview , I would like to Answer to whatever you may raise problem, and I hope I can make a good performance today.

Now, I would introduce to myself briefly, I am nineteen years old, and I am a College students who have desire and distance and loy al. And I graduate from xinanjiaotong univ ersity, my major is vehicle engineering, and I have received my bachelor degree, In the after my university time, ,I spend so much of my time on studying hardly ,that I have make good results, I have acquired enough basic knowledge both in theory and in practice.

Nowaday s, more and more countries developing them economic and they focus on transportation, I thinking our major was a promising major. Our country is a developing county, so the auto industry will have many undergraduates that studying vehicle engineering.

Looking at your requirement, I feeling I fit the job very much. I must do well to our company get large benefit.

2. What ’s your attitude toward stress?

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of study and life. As is known to all, stress is a natural part of every day life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling our no time. And we always every one around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, we feels under stress all the time.

We should how to face the stress, Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. I believe that stress is not the bad thing to our and it is often supposed to be. In my opinion .The stress is a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to giv e purpose to lif e. We should hav e some stress, thus, we can study to planned; and we always keep some stress that is good for ov ercame the challenge of our facing.

Though to some people it might bring some puzzle and even bring some illness, I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is desorbed in the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health, so we should keep some stress in our study and life now and then.

3. How to balance economic development and environment protection?

Nowaday s, many countries are dev elopment booming on economic, but to a lot of countries it is a serious problem that the economic development giving they bring a very serious problems------the environment disruption.

So it is a concerned question that How to balance economic dev elopment and env ironment protection. Many people believe that a lot of countries economic development is based on sacrifice environment; I think it was a silly mind, it will bring a lot problems, for example the industrial development cause land resources are shrinking, deserts are spreading because of ov er grazing and tree cutting, appears so, we should developing economic, but at the same time, we must don’t destroy our environment.

In my opinion, the next is some ways; first we should apply to some science methods dev elopment industry and we can decrease use of fossil fuel, secondly, Unite many countries in the world to protect the environment and superv ision together. Finally, the dev eloped countries should help to the developing countries, such as; they can provide some Science and technology to them. Thus, I believ e economic development and environment protection balanced.

4. How to plan your future career?

As for a college student, I think, it is necessary that plan our future career, the plan is very important to guidance our direction. Particular to plan our future career,

I’m so plan my future career; Firstly, I will design clearly my career plan. Because once identify ing I want, I will own limitless

energy to achieve my career goal. Secondly, now, we should Studying hard, because, it is the key to career planning, Understanding what you are like ,what you value ,and what you want to become is the foundation for all the career planning. Finally, we will examine my strengths and weakness, thus, I can plan a goal proper.

Plan a proper is good for our success, even it was determined our future.

5. What ’s your suggestion about solving traffic jams in cities?

It is the headache of issue for most of cities are facing now - the traffic jams. What’s more, the traffic jams cause inconvenience f or many road workers. And the implication of such traffic jam would bring a big trouble if we don't make measures to prevent it. It will waste to much times for many workers, even the delay in transportation for all trades and the businesses would be affected badly. So, to reduce the traffic jam is a must, and the following points are suggestions how to reduce the traffic jams:

1. To encourage the general public to take public transports instead of driving to town;

2. To set up toll zone for cities some areas;

3. To build more highway for heavy traffic zones;

4. To limit the number of vehicles from entering the cities;

5.; To let more traffic polices on the zones that easily cause traffic jams to guiding.

6. To develop in schools, organization and so on; via the mass media about the pollution caused by the traffic, and the cost and times wasted should be implanted in every one mind.

With these, the problems of traffic jam should be solved.

1. How to prepare for job interview?

Good morning, my name is zhang jie, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for the interview , I would like to Answer to whatever you may raise problem, and I hope I can make a good performance today.

Now, I would introduce to myself briefly, I am nineteen years old, and I am a College students who have desire and distance and loy al. And I graduate from xinanjiaotong univ ersity, my major is vehicle engineering, and I have received my bachelor degree, In the after my university time, ,I spend so much of my time on studying hardly ,that I have make good results, I have acquired enough basic knowledge both in theory and in practice.

Nowaday s, more and more countries developing them economic and they focus on transportation, I thinking our major was a promising major. Our country is a developing county, so the auto industry will have many undergraduates that studying vehicle engineering.

Looking at your requirement, I feeling I fit the job very much. I must do well to our company get large benefit.

2. What ’s your attitude toward stress?

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of study and life. As is known to all, stress is a natural part of every day life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling our no time. And we always every one around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, we feels under stress all the time.

We should how to face the stress, Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. I believe that stress is not the bad thing to our and it is often supposed to be. In my opinion .The stress is a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to giv e purpose to lif e. We should hav e some stress, thus, we can study to planned; and we always keep some stress that is good for ov ercame the challenge of our facing.

Though to some people it might bring some puzzle and even bring some illness, I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is desorbed in the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health, so we should keep some stress in our study and life now and then.

3. How to balance economic development and environment protection?

Nowaday s, many countries are dev elopment booming on economic, but to a lot of countries it is a serious problem that the economic development giving they bring a very serious problems------the environment disruption.

So it is a concerned question that How to balance economic dev elopment and env ironment protection. Many people believe that a lot of countries economic development is based on sacrifice environment; I think it was a silly mind, it will bring a lot problems, for example the industrial development cause land resources are shrinking, deserts are spreading because of ov er grazing and tree cutting, appears so, we should developing economic, but at the same time, we must don’t destroy our environment.

In my opinion, the next is some ways; first we should apply to some science methods dev elopment industry and we can decrease use of fossil fuel, secondly, Unite many countries in the world to protect the environment and superv ision together. Finally, the dev eloped countries should help to the developing countries, such as; they can provide some Science and technology to them. Thus, I believ e economic development and environment protection balanced.

4. How to plan your future career?

As for a college student, I think, it is necessary that plan our future career, the plan is very important to guidance our direction. Particular to plan our future career,

I’m so plan my future career; Firstly, I will design clearly my career plan. Because once identify ing I want, I will own limitless

energy to achieve my career goal. Secondly, now, we should Studying hard, because, it is the key to career planning, Understanding what you are like ,what you value ,and what you want to become is the foundation for all the career planning. Finally, we will examine my strengths and weakness, thus, I can plan a goal proper.

Plan a proper is good for our success, even it was determined our future.

5. What ’s your suggestion about solving traffic jams in cities?

It is the headache of issue for most of cities are facing now - the traffic jams. What’s more, the traffic jams cause inconvenience f or many road workers. And the implication of such traffic jam would bring a big trouble if we don't make measures to prevent it. It will waste to much times for many workers, even the delay in transportation for all trades and the businesses would be affected badly. So, to reduce the traffic jam is a must, and the following points are suggestions how to reduce the traffic jams:

1. To encourage the general public to take public transports instead of driving to town;

2. To set up toll zone for cities some areas;

3. To build more highway for heavy traffic zones;

4. To limit the number of vehicles from entering the cities;

5.; To let more traffic polices on the zones that easily cause traffic jams to guiding.

6. To develop in schools, organization and so on; via the mass media about the pollution caused by the traffic, and the cost and times wasted should be implanted in every one mind.

With these, the problems of traffic jam should be solved.


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