播音: 播音时间:
编辑: 录音时间:
A: Hello, dear audience, we meet again. Welcome to our Free P odcast in FM87.0 of Wuhan Donghu University. I ’m ……
A:今天要为大家介绍的是当下最热门英剧《神探夏洛克》。《神探夏洛克》是英国悬疑犯罪电视剧系列。该系列于2010年7月25日在英国广播公司BBC 首播,现已播出三季,每季由三个故事组成,每个故事的情节都不一样。今天我们介绍的就是第三季的内容,帮助大家更好的了解第三季剧集的故事背景和故事内容,以便更好的欣赏该影视作品!
B:Sherlock based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes det ective stories. Created b y Steven Moffat and Mark Gratiss. It s tar s Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman a s Doctor J ohn Watson. The series is primarily f ilmed in Cardiff, Wales, with North Gower Street in London used for exterior shot s of Holmes and Watson ’s 211B Baker Street residence.
A:Sherlock depicts “consulting detective ”Sherlock Holmes solving various mysteries in mordern -da y London.Holmes is asis ted b y his flatmate and fr iend, Dr John Watson, who has returned from military serv ice in Afghanistan with the Royal Army Madical Corps. B :《神探夏洛克》第三季虽然已经完结但是仍给观众留下了诸多悬念。首先第三季第一集《空灵柩》根据《福尔摩斯探案集》中的《空屋》改编,延续第二季最后一集《莱辛巴赫的坠落》的剧情,主要讲述了夏洛克重新归来的原因和方法。
B:Mycroft sa ys there is an underground network of London that need to deal with the underground network of terrorist activites Sherlock offically return to London. In the meantime, Doctor Watson told MS Handson that he had married.
A:Sherlock prepared a surprise to let Watson and other friends know he is alive, but be hited b y Watson angrily. After that Sherlo ck began to fight the horrible attack in the underground.Beyond all expectations,Watson been kidnapped.
B:夏洛克骑着机车带着华生的妻子玛丽赶到了篝火节救出差点被火烧死的华生。之后一个火车上工作的工作人员发现了地铁里面的异常 ,夏洛克和华生顺藤摸瓜,发现了地铁案件的阴谋。于是他们来到地铁隧道里发现并拆除了炸弹,而华生也最终原谅了夏洛克,伦敦神探向众人解释了在天台上成功逃脱的原因,终于重返贝克街221B, 带着华生继续破案。
A :其实第三季第一集的内容很大程度上改编了原著夏洛克归来的情节,融入了许多新的元素。尤其是后半部分的篝火节和地铁爆炸案取材于伦敦历史上一个著名的事件:1605年的一天,一个叫盖伊·福克斯携带大量火药潜入到伦敦议会大厦下面的一个房间里,企图炸毁议会。他被迅速逮捕最终判了死刑。在随后的几个月里,与“火药阴谋”有牵连的一些人也相继落网,最终也被处决。阴谋被挫败了,国王安然无恙,叛国贼落网。人们燃起篝火,庆祝胜利。从此以后,英国就形成了每年11月5日庆祝“篝火之夜”的传统。
B:Sherlock’s season 3 lasted the style of the first second seasons.The exciting and stimulating plot let ever yone can ’t stop.After two episodes 《 The sign of three 》 and 《The Mind P alace 》tell the story of Watson ’s wedding , his friend’s case, Mary ’s role of sp y and Sherlock save the Mary by kill the Magnuson.
A: 《 The sign of three 》,as the name impl ie s, based on the classi cal chapter 《The sign of four 》.And in the end of 《The Mind Palace 》Moriarty raised, the scene of he said “Did you miss me? ”which plays on the TVs all over the world chilling everyone.
B:Welcome back to FM87.0 Free P odcast in Wuhan Donghu University. I ’m ……then we will talk about more details to you.
A:The director of Sherlock Steven Willia m Moffat is ver y talented. The o ther British drama of him 《Doctor Who 》is also very popular around the world.And the writer of Sherlock Mark Gatiss is also an actor who role in Sherlock’s brother Mycroft.
A :When dramatizin g Conan Doyle,there ’s only one rule you have to obey,get your Holmes right,and you ’re most of the way there. Benedict pla ys Holmes as a bird, specifically a fa lcon/emu crossbreed that has ver y little intere st or underst anding of human interactions beyond their use as motivation to commit crimes.
A :When your hero is someone as unusual as Sherl ock,it’s important that he (or she) has an earthly representative, so that their thought processes are rendered into intelligible Englidh for those of us unlucky enough not to be a genius. But Martin Free man, for all that he is that everyma n, plays Watson as far more than and admiring onlooker.
B: 马丁·弗瑞曼,1971年9月8日出生于英国。2004年,马丁·弗瑞曼因出演《办公室》获得第57届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳喜剧表演的提名。2010年,马丁·弗瑞曼凭借在BBC 电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演华生一角而走红,并因此入围艾美奖迷你剧和电视电影类别的最佳男配角奖。2011年,出演《霍比特人》中男主角比尔博·巴金斯一角。2012年,参与动画电影《神奇海盗团》的配音。2015年,参演电影《美国队长3》。
A:Every good hero needs a villain, an d with Sherlock being quite the high -functioning sociopath that he is, you need someone of equal mental acuity to prov ide a decent challenge.Scott’s Moriarty is a raw nerve, a peeled brain, and as such he ’s capable of anything, and genuinely terrifying.
B:Andrew Scott(born October 21,1976) is an Irish film ,tele vision and s tage actor. He pla ys J im Moriar ty in Sherlock and Max Denbigh in the 2015 J ames Bond fil m Spectre.Scott has received var ious awards including two laurence Olin ier Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Affiliate Theatre.
A:Now,let's appreciate the music to have a short rest.
B: 欢迎回到武汉东湖学院英语教学调频电台FM87.0《无线播客》节目,我是主播…… A:节目的最后一点时间让我们来看看最近有什么好看的电影要上映吧!
B:The film Fantastic Beasts and Where to F ind Them is coming.It ’s an upcoming film by J.K.Rowling as her screenwriting debut and inspired by Rowing ’s book of the same name.A spon -off and a prequel of the Harry P otter film series and directed by David Yates ,the film will be the first installment of a trilog y.
A:《神奇动物在哪里》主要讲述了20世纪30年代,魔法部雇员纽特·斯卡曼德到纽约办公时,意外从一只手提箱里放出了许多危险的魔法生物。美国的巫师管理机构因此开始追踪他(没有被隐藏的神奇动物会引起麻瓜的注意,造成当地的魔法部受到纪律惩罚)。纽特由此展开了努力找回这些魔法生物并消除在巫师和麻瓜之间产生的社会不稳定的冒险。影片的灵感来源于J ·K ·罗琳写的同名衍生书(霍格沃茨魔法学校教科书),由罗琳本人操刀剧本,讲述教材作者纽特·斯卡曼的经历;电影与《哈利·波特》系列设定于同一个世界,但不是其前传或后传。
B:The film s tars Eddie Redma yne, Katherin e Waterston,Dan Fogler,and so on.P rincipal photography commenc ed on 17 August 2015, at Warner Bros.Studios,Lea vesden. Fan tastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is scheduled to be released on November 18,2016 worldwide in the 3D IMAX 4K Laser for mat, and other large format theatres. And I absolutely convince that everyone will ver y ex pect this magical fantas y movie ,especially the Harry Potter ’s faithful fans.
A: 影片探讨的主题非常成人化、戏剧化,切入的矛盾我们在现实世界中也能看到相似的地方。《神奇动物在哪里》同样具有罗琳作品中最精髓的魅力、人性和戏谑。它不是成年后的哈利波特的故事,它有种纯粹的特质,吸引我们走近这个世界,幽默感、黑暗与好奇心混杂在一起,让我们情不自禁爱上这些角色,沉迷在这个世界之中。
B:All right , Thank yo u for being with u s to have a good time and listening to FM87.0 Free Podcast in Wuhan Donghu University today,I ’m......
A::这里是武汉东湖学院英语教学调频电台FM87.0《无线播客》节目, 感谢您的收听!相约电影时光,领悟人生真谛。我是……, 我是……, 本期编辑白文冰。期待下周在此与您相约,领略别样电影人生。
播音: 播音时间:
编辑: 录音时间:
A: Hello, dear audience, we meet again. Welcome to our Free P odcast in FM87.0 of Wuhan Donghu University. I ’m ……
A:今天要为大家介绍的是当下最热门英剧《神探夏洛克》。《神探夏洛克》是英国悬疑犯罪电视剧系列。该系列于2010年7月25日在英国广播公司BBC 首播,现已播出三季,每季由三个故事组成,每个故事的情节都不一样。今天我们介绍的就是第三季的内容,帮助大家更好的了解第三季剧集的故事背景和故事内容,以便更好的欣赏该影视作品!
B:Sherlock based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes det ective stories. Created b y Steven Moffat and Mark Gratiss. It s tar s Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman a s Doctor J ohn Watson. The series is primarily f ilmed in Cardiff, Wales, with North Gower Street in London used for exterior shot s of Holmes and Watson ’s 211B Baker Street residence.
A:Sherlock depicts “consulting detective ”Sherlock Holmes solving various mysteries in mordern -da y London.Holmes is asis ted b y his flatmate and fr iend, Dr John Watson, who has returned from military serv ice in Afghanistan with the Royal Army Madical Corps. B :《神探夏洛克》第三季虽然已经完结但是仍给观众留下了诸多悬念。首先第三季第一集《空灵柩》根据《福尔摩斯探案集》中的《空屋》改编,延续第二季最后一集《莱辛巴赫的坠落》的剧情,主要讲述了夏洛克重新归来的原因和方法。
B:Mycroft sa ys there is an underground network of London that need to deal with the underground network of terrorist activites Sherlock offically return to London. In the meantime, Doctor Watson told MS Handson that he had married.
A:Sherlock prepared a surprise to let Watson and other friends know he is alive, but be hited b y Watson angrily. After that Sherlo ck began to fight the horrible attack in the underground.Beyond all expectations,Watson been kidnapped.
B:夏洛克骑着机车带着华生的妻子玛丽赶到了篝火节救出差点被火烧死的华生。之后一个火车上工作的工作人员发现了地铁里面的异常 ,夏洛克和华生顺藤摸瓜,发现了地铁案件的阴谋。于是他们来到地铁隧道里发现并拆除了炸弹,而华生也最终原谅了夏洛克,伦敦神探向众人解释了在天台上成功逃脱的原因,终于重返贝克街221B, 带着华生继续破案。
A :其实第三季第一集的内容很大程度上改编了原著夏洛克归来的情节,融入了许多新的元素。尤其是后半部分的篝火节和地铁爆炸案取材于伦敦历史上一个著名的事件:1605年的一天,一个叫盖伊·福克斯携带大量火药潜入到伦敦议会大厦下面的一个房间里,企图炸毁议会。他被迅速逮捕最终判了死刑。在随后的几个月里,与“火药阴谋”有牵连的一些人也相继落网,最终也被处决。阴谋被挫败了,国王安然无恙,叛国贼落网。人们燃起篝火,庆祝胜利。从此以后,英国就形成了每年11月5日庆祝“篝火之夜”的传统。
B:Sherlock’s season 3 lasted the style of the first second seasons.The exciting and stimulating plot let ever yone can ’t stop.After two episodes 《 The sign of three 》 and 《The Mind P alace 》tell the story of Watson ’s wedding , his friend’s case, Mary ’s role of sp y and Sherlock save the Mary by kill the Magnuson.
A: 《 The sign of three 》,as the name impl ie s, based on the classi cal chapter 《The sign of four 》.And in the end of 《The Mind Palace 》Moriarty raised, the scene of he said “Did you miss me? ”which plays on the TVs all over the world chilling everyone.
B:Welcome back to FM87.0 Free P odcast in Wuhan Donghu University. I ’m ……then we will talk about more details to you.
A:The director of Sherlock Steven Willia m Moffat is ver y talented. The o ther British drama of him 《Doctor Who 》is also very popular around the world.And the writer of Sherlock Mark Gatiss is also an actor who role in Sherlock’s brother Mycroft.
A :When dramatizin g Conan Doyle,there ’s only one rule you have to obey,get your Holmes right,and you ’re most of the way there. Benedict pla ys Holmes as a bird, specifically a fa lcon/emu crossbreed that has ver y little intere st or underst anding of human interactions beyond their use as motivation to commit crimes.
A :When your hero is someone as unusual as Sherl ock,it’s important that he (or she) has an earthly representative, so that their thought processes are rendered into intelligible Englidh for those of us unlucky enough not to be a genius. But Martin Free man, for all that he is that everyma n, plays Watson as far more than and admiring onlooker.
B: 马丁·弗瑞曼,1971年9月8日出生于英国。2004年,马丁·弗瑞曼因出演《办公室》获得第57届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳喜剧表演的提名。2010年,马丁·弗瑞曼凭借在BBC 电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演华生一角而走红,并因此入围艾美奖迷你剧和电视电影类别的最佳男配角奖。2011年,出演《霍比特人》中男主角比尔博·巴金斯一角。2012年,参与动画电影《神奇海盗团》的配音。2015年,参演电影《美国队长3》。
A:Every good hero needs a villain, an d with Sherlock being quite the high -functioning sociopath that he is, you need someone of equal mental acuity to prov ide a decent challenge.Scott’s Moriarty is a raw nerve, a peeled brain, and as such he ’s capable of anything, and genuinely terrifying.
B:Andrew Scott(born October 21,1976) is an Irish film ,tele vision and s tage actor. He pla ys J im Moriar ty in Sherlock and Max Denbigh in the 2015 J ames Bond fil m Spectre.Scott has received var ious awards including two laurence Olin ier Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Affiliate Theatre.
A:Now,let's appreciate the music to have a short rest.
B: 欢迎回到武汉东湖学院英语教学调频电台FM87.0《无线播客》节目,我是主播…… A:节目的最后一点时间让我们来看看最近有什么好看的电影要上映吧!
B:The film Fantastic Beasts and Where to F ind Them is coming.It ’s an upcoming film by J.K.Rowling as her screenwriting debut and inspired by Rowing ’s book of the same name.A spon -off and a prequel of the Harry P otter film series and directed by David Yates ,the film will be the first installment of a trilog y.
A:《神奇动物在哪里》主要讲述了20世纪30年代,魔法部雇员纽特·斯卡曼德到纽约办公时,意外从一只手提箱里放出了许多危险的魔法生物。美国的巫师管理机构因此开始追踪他(没有被隐藏的神奇动物会引起麻瓜的注意,造成当地的魔法部受到纪律惩罚)。纽特由此展开了努力找回这些魔法生物并消除在巫师和麻瓜之间产生的社会不稳定的冒险。影片的灵感来源于J ·K ·罗琳写的同名衍生书(霍格沃茨魔法学校教科书),由罗琳本人操刀剧本,讲述教材作者纽特·斯卡曼的经历;电影与《哈利·波特》系列设定于同一个世界,但不是其前传或后传。
B:The film s tars Eddie Redma yne, Katherin e Waterston,Dan Fogler,and so on.P rincipal photography commenc ed on 17 August 2015, at Warner Bros.Studios,Lea vesden. Fan tastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is scheduled to be released on November 18,2016 worldwide in the 3D IMAX 4K Laser for mat, and other large format theatres. And I absolutely convince that everyone will ver y ex pect this magical fantas y movie ,especially the Harry Potter ’s faithful fans.
A: 影片探讨的主题非常成人化、戏剧化,切入的矛盾我们在现实世界中也能看到相似的地方。《神奇动物在哪里》同样具有罗琳作品中最精髓的魅力、人性和戏谑。它不是成年后的哈利波特的故事,它有种纯粹的特质,吸引我们走近这个世界,幽默感、黑暗与好奇心混杂在一起,让我们情不自禁爱上这些角色,沉迷在这个世界之中。
B:All right , Thank yo u for being with u s to have a good time and listening to FM87.0 Free Podcast in Wuhan Donghu University today,I ’m......
A::这里是武汉东湖学院英语教学调频电台FM87.0《无线播客》节目, 感谢您的收听!相约电影时光,领悟人生真谛。我是……, 我是……, 本期编辑白文冰。期待下周在此与您相约,领略别样电影人生。