

Principal raw material:


Jelly fish head, alums, salt, etc.




Vat, pool



1) 将海蜇头放海水池中浸泡,使其表面霉烂。气温在27℃左右时浸泡约10小时,

Putting jelly fish head into sea pool to keep soaking, making its surface midew. Soaking in 2)

3) water 27℃ about 10 hours. 蜇头拿在手中用手一橹,蜇头上的须子和白污、粘液等都去掉,将蜇头冲洗干净, removing palpus, white waste, mucus, etc., and cleaning jelly fish head. 按每50公斤蜇头撒0.25公斤矾粉比例,用适当海水,将蜇头漫过,

Soaking the jelly fish head into the sea water and put alums into the water. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 0.25kg alums.


After 10 hours taking jelly fish head out, drop the alums water

再按现有蜇头重量,每50公斤加盐矾混合物7.5~9公斤(盐矾比例 5:0.2~0.25),将蜇头放入缸中,放层蜇头就撒一层盐矾,最上层撒盐封顶,5-7天即可。

According to the weight of jelly fish head, mix the jelly fish head with salt-alums mixture. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 7.5kg~9kg. Besides, the proportion for salt-alums 4) 5) mixture is 5:0.2~0.25. Put jelly fish head first and then cover it with salt-alums and repeat the above step. It may take 5-7 days.

6) 取出沥卤,用干净的矾盐水将蜇头冲洗干净,再按现有蜇头重量,每50公斤用盐矾混


Taking jelly fish head out and cleaning with slat-alums mixed water. Then, according to the weight of jelly fish head, mix the jelly fish head with salt-alums mixture. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 7kg~8kg. Besides, the proportion for salt-alums mixture is 5:0.075. Putting jelly fish head first and then covering it with salt-alums and repeat the above step. The topside covers salt-alums mixture.

7) 腌7-8天后,用卤水将蜇头洗净,沥卤7天,要上下翻动,到用手使劲攥时,卤水即滴


After 7~8 days, taking jelly fish head out and cleaning it with slat-alums mixed water. Then, drying it by rolling up and down. Dry it will take 7 days.

8) 成品呈白色、黄褐色、淡茶色,无泥沙,无蜇须,无杂质,无异味。

The finished product looks white or yellowish-brown or sandy color, no silt, no palpus, inclusion-free, no bad smell.


Process: soaking and making mildew and rot → first using alum → soaking with salt-alums mixture → draining off → finished product


Principal raw material:


Jelly fish head, alums, salt, etc.




Vat, pool



1) 将海蜇头放海水池中浸泡,使其表面霉烂。气温在27℃左右时浸泡约10小时,

Putting jelly fish head into sea pool to keep soaking, making its surface midew. Soaking in 2)

3) water 27℃ about 10 hours. 蜇头拿在手中用手一橹,蜇头上的须子和白污、粘液等都去掉,将蜇头冲洗干净, removing palpus, white waste, mucus, etc., and cleaning jelly fish head. 按每50公斤蜇头撒0.25公斤矾粉比例,用适当海水,将蜇头漫过,

Soaking the jelly fish head into the sea water and put alums into the water. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 0.25kg alums.


After 10 hours taking jelly fish head out, drop the alums water

再按现有蜇头重量,每50公斤加盐矾混合物7.5~9公斤(盐矾比例 5:0.2~0.25),将蜇头放入缸中,放层蜇头就撒一层盐矾,最上层撒盐封顶,5-7天即可。

According to the weight of jelly fish head, mix the jelly fish head with salt-alums mixture. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 7.5kg~9kg. Besides, the proportion for salt-alums 4) 5) mixture is 5:0.2~0.25. Put jelly fish head first and then cover it with salt-alums and repeat the above step. It may take 5-7 days.

6) 取出沥卤,用干净的矾盐水将蜇头冲洗干净,再按现有蜇头重量,每50公斤用盐矾混


Taking jelly fish head out and cleaning with slat-alums mixed water. Then, according to the weight of jelly fish head, mix the jelly fish head with salt-alums mixture. The proportion is 50kg jelly fish head VS 7kg~8kg. Besides, the proportion for salt-alums mixture is 5:0.075. Putting jelly fish head first and then covering it with salt-alums and repeat the above step. The topside covers salt-alums mixture.

7) 腌7-8天后,用卤水将蜇头洗净,沥卤7天,要上下翻动,到用手使劲攥时,卤水即滴


After 7~8 days, taking jelly fish head out and cleaning it with slat-alums mixed water. Then, drying it by rolling up and down. Dry it will take 7 days.

8) 成品呈白色、黄褐色、淡茶色,无泥沙,无蜇须,无杂质,无异味。

The finished product looks white or yellowish-brown or sandy color, no silt, no palpus, inclusion-free, no bad smell.


Process: soaking and making mildew and rot → first using alum → soaking with salt-alums mixture → draining off → finished product


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