my soldier dream 我的军人梦想

My dream

Good morning (afternoon? ) everyone. My name is ###, I come from Weifang Foreign Language School. Today I am very happy to stand here and share my dream with all of you!

Talking about my dream, soldiers come into my mind first! Yes! I wanna(want to) become a soldier, as what I know from the book, newspaper and the Internet, they are all brave, kind and helpful. When someone needs help, they always come ahead of others, but on the other hand they never ask for return! I think this is their mission, so from their behaviors, I have very strong ideas that I wanna(want to) become one of them in the future. I am very proud of being a soldier, because happiness is very meaningful to me. In the daily life, I feel very happy to help others! So this is my dream, very meaningful! And I will try my best to make my dream come true.


My dream

Good morning (afternoon? ) everyone. My name is ###, I come from Weifang Foreign Language School. Today I am very happy to stand here and share my dream with all of you!

Talking about my dream, soldiers come into my mind first! Yes! I wanna(want to) become a soldier, as what I know from the book, newspaper and the Internet, they are all brave, kind and helpful. When someone needs help, they always come ahead of others, but on the other hand they never ask for return! I think this is their mission, so from their behaviors, I have very strong ideas that I wanna(want to) become one of them in the future. I am very proud of being a soldier, because happiness is very meaningful to me. In the daily life, I feel very happy to help others! So this is my dream, very meaningful! And I will try my best to make my dream come true.



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