
  加拿大是一个人口不到3千万、却有着美国疆土面积两倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国的差不多,但也有它的独特之处。      Behavior行为举止   加拿大人要求约会或会议准时,这和很多国家都是一样的(法国人在这方面就差了一点儿);很少有人会个人去拜访别人的家,如果是被邀请的,一定要带上一些小礼物哦!      Be punctual for meetings and appointments, as promptness is valued. In French areas, time is more relaxed. However, you will be expected to arrive at the appointed time, even if the French attending the meeting don’t.   Always maintain a reserved demeanor, and follow good rules of etiquette. Traditions and gracious manners are part of the culture, even in more rural areas. If you travel to different cities or areas, pay attention to local customs. By being observant, you will respect the pace and nuances of each area.   Do not eat while walking in public. Plan your time so you can stop in a café or restaurant to enjoy your snack.   Gifts are not routinely given. If you do give a gift when you arrive or when you are leaving, make it a modest one. A lavish gift, though accepted, would be frowned upon. Gifts are given to celebrate finalizing a negotiation, a contract, or a project. Gifts for the office, a nice bottle of wine or liquor would be appropriate.   Invitations to private homes are rare. Occasionally, in the western provinces, you may be invited to someone’s home. If you are invited, you may take candy, flowers, or liquor to the host or hostess. Wait for your host to start a business conversation during or following a meal. Traditionally, business is not discussed during dinner; however, this is slowly changing.   Personal space and body movement or gestures differ between the English and the French provinces and cities. In English areas, body movement is minimal, there is rarely touching other than handshakes, and personal space―how close someone stands―is about two feet. In French areas, people stand closer together, people will frequently touch, and gestures are more expressive.   (责编:张雯)

  加拿大是一个人口不到3千万、却有着美国疆土面积两倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国的差不多,但也有它的独特之处。      Behavior行为举止   加拿大人要求约会或会议准时,这和很多国家都是一样的(法国人在这方面就差了一点儿);很少有人会个人去拜访别人的家,如果是被邀请的,一定要带上一些小礼物哦!      Be punctual for meetings and appointments, as promptness is valued. In French areas, time is more relaxed. However, you will be expected to arrive at the appointed time, even if the French attending the meeting don’t.   Always maintain a reserved demeanor, and follow good rules of etiquette. Traditions and gracious manners are part of the culture, even in more rural areas. If you travel to different cities or areas, pay attention to local customs. By being observant, you will respect the pace and nuances of each area.   Do not eat while walking in public. Plan your time so you can stop in a café or restaurant to enjoy your snack.   Gifts are not routinely given. If you do give a gift when you arrive or when you are leaving, make it a modest one. A lavish gift, though accepted, would be frowned upon. Gifts are given to celebrate finalizing a negotiation, a contract, or a project. Gifts for the office, a nice bottle of wine or liquor would be appropriate.   Invitations to private homes are rare. Occasionally, in the western provinces, you may be invited to someone’s home. If you are invited, you may take candy, flowers, or liquor to the host or hostess. Wait for your host to start a business conversation during or following a meal. Traditionally, business is not discussed during dinner; however, this is slowly changing.   Personal space and body movement or gestures differ between the English and the French provinces and cities. In English areas, body movement is minimal, there is rarely touching other than handshakes, and personal space―how close someone stands―is about two feet. In French areas, people stand closer together, people will frequently touch, and gestures are more expressive.   (责编:张雯)


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