

1. After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends, teachers and advisers who had gone there, Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.

经过数月在网上搜索并研究NW 大学和仔细询问到访过NW 大学的朋友、老师和顾问,Maxine 最终希望自己能被NW 大学录取。

2. For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse.

对于像Maxine 一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。考入一所名校的机会从未如此渺茫。

3. But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab.


4. Those who left private schools in the 1980s and 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.

20世纪80年代和90年代中期的私立学校毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生多35%, 他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所受的教育,而非背景。

5. The researchers also managed to pinpoint the way private schools work their magic: through better exam results, rather than through networking opportunities or better teaching of soft skills, such as etiquette or leadership.


6. One inside thinks this unlikely: many parents have remortgaged to pay fees, and with house prices shaky and banks tightening. their lending criteria, this route is fast closing off.



1. Such differences in priorities are bound to grow in importance as the BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India and China– and other emerging markets gain in economic clout and confidence. --随着金砖四国以及其他新兴市场的经济影响力和自信不断增强,发展重点方面的差异一定会变得越来越 。

2. There is a convergence of interests between NGOs trying to improve lives in poor communities and companies keen to reach consumers in markets with huge growth potential.


3. To sign up, companies need only commit themselves to ten broad principles – such as promoting environmental responsibility and working against corruption –and report on their progress once a year.


4. So long the leader among the handful of elite multinationals that define Japan Inc., the sony name is riding the fading momentum of past successes that defined the quality in consumer electronics, from the Trinitron TV to the Walkman (para. 2).


5. Idei’s decision to depart a year ahead of schedule is a sign that the company may be even worse off than previously thought, that his goal of restoring profit margins to 10 percent by 2007 is now beyond reach. (para. 4).


6. Over time, growth bred slow-footed gigantism, and Sony became a case study of the lingering stagnation in corporate Japan. (papa.7)



1. The default option is a significant increase in disputes, as the focus of the U.S. and its trading partners leads to protectionist and discriminatory policies.


2. No amount of learned discourse, or administration exhortation about the economic benefits of further trade liberalization for the country as a whole, can counteract the present fearful mood in the U.S..


3.A very solid argument can be made that GATT was created and the WTO evolved from it as a result of U.S. willingness to make the market-opening concessions necessary to drive other countries to agree to ever greater reductions of trade barriers and increases in market access opportunities.


4. The U.S. has been just as stymied in its efforts to force a revaluation of the yuan. (para. 10. 在迫使人民币做出调整方面,美国所做的种种努力一直没有取得任何进展.

5. For 20 years, China has given many breaks to lure multinationals, which now dominate markets for cars, cell phones, and other goods. (para. 12).


6. Aggrieved companies can always file anti-dumping suits in the U.S. against specific Chinese manufacturers that export at below-market prices. (para.13)



1. ISO 9000 是令各地从小公司到整个政府部门等所有组织都感兴趣的第一个质量管理体系标准。

2. ISO 9000 系列质量管理标准被普遍接受,它变得像一本通行证,是公司在客户考虑购买其产品或服务之前必须出具的最低限度证明。

3. 欧盟生态标签特别能帮助公司打入其他成员国市场,尤其在绿色环保采购占主导地位的政府采购领域。

4. 像大多数面临声誉或品牌危机的组织一样,联合国在国际社会认为它应该承担的责任和该组织所做的事情及实际上真正能做的事情之间存在信用差距。

5. 双方都意识到建立品牌不仅仅是装饰门面,而是形象、影响和声誉的体现,是双方战略资本不可或缺的部分。

6. 采取一项相似的策略,而不是沉迷于打造一个聚焦于像“人道主义强国”那样感召力十足的广告词的崇高品牌的诱惑之中,这能使联合国变得更好。


1. Mr. Drucker counseled groups like the Girl Scouts to think like businesses even though their bottom line was ―changed lives‖ rather than profits. He warned them that donors would increasingly judge them on results rather than intentions.(para. 6)


2. ―Marketing is a fashionable term. The sales manager becomes a marketing vice president. But a gravedigger is still a gravedigger even when it is called a mortician—only the price of the burial goes up.‖


3. ― The only things evolved by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance.‖ (para. 11)


4. 但是聪明的CEO 们都会牢记,即使美国总统也要受到宪法的限制,最多只有两个四年的任期。

5. 将要退休的CEO 都喜欢亲手挑选他们的继承人。但是董事会却越来越愿意自己进行挑选,而把CEO 的挑选仅仅当成一种推荐。

6. 商学院的教科书总是告诉学生在公司中当家作主的是董事会。但是直到最近,整个商业世界都很少按照这种模式来运转;许多CEO 的权利大大超过董事会。


1. Successful marketing depends upon „about its products and services.

成功的营销取决于你如何处理一些关键问题。包括:公司准备生产什么; 产品定价多少;如何把产品或服务送到顾客手里;如何向顾客介绍产品和服务。

2. Customer surveys have „when choosing a supplier . (Line 65-67)


3. physical evidence „a more relaxed approach. (para. 32)


4. 内部二手资料调查的例子包括销售收入、销售预测、顾客人口统计数据、购买模式以及收集到的关于顾客的其他信息。这种信息的收集也被称为数据挖掘。这些信息对于诊断进一步发展面临的问题至关重要。如果有这些合适的信息,就应该充分加以利用。能内利用的内部二手资料数量一般都很有限。

5. 要研究出你的市场调查方法,就应该诚实地评价你自己和整个团队的市场调查能力,设定一个预算,了解你所处的环境和这个环境中有影响力的因素,研究出一个分析模式,还要构想出一些假设。

6. 任何来自于你的市场调查投资的关键信息和知识都受制于你向决策者呈递市场调查报告的方式。


1. Foreclosures and mortgage delinquency rates are already at record levels — some 6% of borrowers, nationwide, are behind on their payments. (para. 3)


2. Homeowners’ debt now exceeds their equity for the first time since the Fed has gathered the data. (para. 3)


3. In recent years, the widening trade deficit has dragged down America’s output growth. Now trade is keeping the economy afloat. para.6)


4. In the last three months of 2007 the combination of growing exports and shrinking imports added nearly a percentage point to the annual rate of GDP growth, while the economy overall grew by only 0.6%. para.6)

2007年的最后3个月,出口的增长和进口的减少对年GDP 的增长率贡献了将近1个百分点,而经济的总增长只有0.6%。

5. The big question is whether exports can remain buoyant even as the rest of the economy slides into recession. (para.9)


6. Much depends on how far an American downturn – and the global fall-out from the mortgage bust —weakens growth in the rest of the world. (para.9)


7. 权威数据显示,中国的出口额占GDP 的份额从2001年的20%增长到2007年的将近40%,这似乎不仅仅表明出口是中国经济增长的主要推动力,还表明美国经济衰退给中国带来的打击要比2001年经济衰退带来的打击更大。

8. 加上生产卖给出口商的产品的当地公司的资本支出,他认为依赖出口的投资比例仍然比较适度,约占14%。在基础设施和住宅建设方面的投资保持平稳的情况下,总投资不大可能突然大幅减少。

9. 美国政府经常指责中国过渡依赖出口,但是新加坡星展银行经济学家大卫 ∙卡波恩认为美国现在看上去像是五十步笑百步。


1. After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends, teachers and advisers who had gone there, Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.

经过数月在网上搜索并研究NW 大学和仔细询问到访过NW 大学的朋友、老师和顾问,Maxine 最终希望自己能被NW 大学录取。

2. For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse.

对于像Maxine 一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。考入一所名校的机会从未如此渺茫。

3. But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab.


4. Those who left private schools in the 1980s and 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.

20世纪80年代和90年代中期的私立学校毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生多35%, 他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所受的教育,而非背景。

5. The researchers also managed to pinpoint the way private schools work their magic: through better exam results, rather than through networking opportunities or better teaching of soft skills, such as etiquette or leadership.


6. One inside thinks this unlikely: many parents have remortgaged to pay fees, and with house prices shaky and banks tightening. their lending criteria, this route is fast closing off.



1. Such differences in priorities are bound to grow in importance as the BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India and China– and other emerging markets gain in economic clout and confidence. --随着金砖四国以及其他新兴市场的经济影响力和自信不断增强,发展重点方面的差异一定会变得越来越 。

2. There is a convergence of interests between NGOs trying to improve lives in poor communities and companies keen to reach consumers in markets with huge growth potential.


3. To sign up, companies need only commit themselves to ten broad principles – such as promoting environmental responsibility and working against corruption –and report on their progress once a year.


4. So long the leader among the handful of elite multinationals that define Japan Inc., the sony name is riding the fading momentum of past successes that defined the quality in consumer electronics, from the Trinitron TV to the Walkman (para. 2).


5. Idei’s decision to depart a year ahead of schedule is a sign that the company may be even worse off than previously thought, that his goal of restoring profit margins to 10 percent by 2007 is now beyond reach. (para. 4).


6. Over time, growth bred slow-footed gigantism, and Sony became a case study of the lingering stagnation in corporate Japan. (papa.7)



1. The default option is a significant increase in disputes, as the focus of the U.S. and its trading partners leads to protectionist and discriminatory policies.


2. No amount of learned discourse, or administration exhortation about the economic benefits of further trade liberalization for the country as a whole, can counteract the present fearful mood in the U.S..


3.A very solid argument can be made that GATT was created and the WTO evolved from it as a result of U.S. willingness to make the market-opening concessions necessary to drive other countries to agree to ever greater reductions of trade barriers and increases in market access opportunities.


4. The U.S. has been just as stymied in its efforts to force a revaluation of the yuan. (para. 10. 在迫使人民币做出调整方面,美国所做的种种努力一直没有取得任何进展.

5. For 20 years, China has given many breaks to lure multinationals, which now dominate markets for cars, cell phones, and other goods. (para. 12).


6. Aggrieved companies can always file anti-dumping suits in the U.S. against specific Chinese manufacturers that export at below-market prices. (para.13)



1. ISO 9000 是令各地从小公司到整个政府部门等所有组织都感兴趣的第一个质量管理体系标准。

2. ISO 9000 系列质量管理标准被普遍接受,它变得像一本通行证,是公司在客户考虑购买其产品或服务之前必须出具的最低限度证明。

3. 欧盟生态标签特别能帮助公司打入其他成员国市场,尤其在绿色环保采购占主导地位的政府采购领域。

4. 像大多数面临声誉或品牌危机的组织一样,联合国在国际社会认为它应该承担的责任和该组织所做的事情及实际上真正能做的事情之间存在信用差距。

5. 双方都意识到建立品牌不仅仅是装饰门面,而是形象、影响和声誉的体现,是双方战略资本不可或缺的部分。

6. 采取一项相似的策略,而不是沉迷于打造一个聚焦于像“人道主义强国”那样感召力十足的广告词的崇高品牌的诱惑之中,这能使联合国变得更好。


1. Mr. Drucker counseled groups like the Girl Scouts to think like businesses even though their bottom line was ―changed lives‖ rather than profits. He warned them that donors would increasingly judge them on results rather than intentions.(para. 6)


2. ―Marketing is a fashionable term. The sales manager becomes a marketing vice president. But a gravedigger is still a gravedigger even when it is called a mortician—only the price of the burial goes up.‖


3. ― The only things evolved by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance.‖ (para. 11)


4. 但是聪明的CEO 们都会牢记,即使美国总统也要受到宪法的限制,最多只有两个四年的任期。

5. 将要退休的CEO 都喜欢亲手挑选他们的继承人。但是董事会却越来越愿意自己进行挑选,而把CEO 的挑选仅仅当成一种推荐。

6. 商学院的教科书总是告诉学生在公司中当家作主的是董事会。但是直到最近,整个商业世界都很少按照这种模式来运转;许多CEO 的权利大大超过董事会。


1. Successful marketing depends upon „about its products and services.

成功的营销取决于你如何处理一些关键问题。包括:公司准备生产什么; 产品定价多少;如何把产品或服务送到顾客手里;如何向顾客介绍产品和服务。

2. Customer surveys have „when choosing a supplier . (Line 65-67)


3. physical evidence „a more relaxed approach. (para. 32)


4. 内部二手资料调查的例子包括销售收入、销售预测、顾客人口统计数据、购买模式以及收集到的关于顾客的其他信息。这种信息的收集也被称为数据挖掘。这些信息对于诊断进一步发展面临的问题至关重要。如果有这些合适的信息,就应该充分加以利用。能内利用的内部二手资料数量一般都很有限。

5. 要研究出你的市场调查方法,就应该诚实地评价你自己和整个团队的市场调查能力,设定一个预算,了解你所处的环境和这个环境中有影响力的因素,研究出一个分析模式,还要构想出一些假设。

6. 任何来自于你的市场调查投资的关键信息和知识都受制于你向决策者呈递市场调查报告的方式。


1. Foreclosures and mortgage delinquency rates are already at record levels — some 6% of borrowers, nationwide, are behind on their payments. (para. 3)


2. Homeowners’ debt now exceeds their equity for the first time since the Fed has gathered the data. (para. 3)


3. In recent years, the widening trade deficit has dragged down America’s output growth. Now trade is keeping the economy afloat. para.6)


4. In the last three months of 2007 the combination of growing exports and shrinking imports added nearly a percentage point to the annual rate of GDP growth, while the economy overall grew by only 0.6%. para.6)

2007年的最后3个月,出口的增长和进口的减少对年GDP 的增长率贡献了将近1个百分点,而经济的总增长只有0.6%。

5. The big question is whether exports can remain buoyant even as the rest of the economy slides into recession. (para.9)


6. Much depends on how far an American downturn – and the global fall-out from the mortgage bust —weakens growth in the rest of the world. (para.9)


7. 权威数据显示,中国的出口额占GDP 的份额从2001年的20%增长到2007年的将近40%,这似乎不仅仅表明出口是中国经济增长的主要推动力,还表明美国经济衰退给中国带来的打击要比2001年经济衰退带来的打击更大。

8. 加上生产卖给出口商的产品的当地公司的资本支出,他认为依赖出口的投资比例仍然比较适度,约占14%。在基础设施和住宅建设方面的投资保持平稳的情况下,总投资不大可能突然大幅减少。

9. 美国政府经常指责中国过渡依赖出口,但是新加坡星展银行经济学家大卫 ∙卡波恩认为美国现在看上去像是五十步笑百步。


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