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只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。



只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.



只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。



只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。



只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.

My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future.




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation




参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth.

During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs.

Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt.

In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.


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