

Ben Parker,

144, Pine Street,

Hamilton, Ohio, 06541,

(571)-444 5744.


Looking for a challenging position as a front desk coordinator. Responsibilities and Duties:

• Responsibilities include handling the front office reception and interacting to the patients. Handles the payments and respond to the mails of the clients. Responsible for the control flow of the office. Schedule the appointments and respond to the customer queries. Type memos, reports and arrange meeting in between clients and employees. Handles the documents and deals with the personal come for interview or meeting. Assist customer in the respective department and forward call to the concern


Work History

Front Office Coordinator 2007-present

SN Group Association, Hamilton, Ohio

Receptionist 2005-2007

Right Choice Tech Co., Hamilton, Ohio


4 years of experience as a front office coordinator. Great management and organization skills. Enthusiastic and alert personnel along with the ability to work under pressure. Sound interpersonal skills and able to work in a flexible environment. Profound ability to perform multiple tasks and maintain the tranquility during busy schedule. Comfortable working on MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power point.

• Dictation speed is 76 words per minute. Responsible, consistent and able to work alone also. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Academic Background:

Maryland College, Hamilton, Ohio

High School Graduation


Mr. Thomas Grant

Sr. Manager

SN Group Association, Hamilton, Ohio


Mathew Hederson,

1-45, East A-1 Street,

Clayton, Georgia, 03544,

(341)-435 2452.


Seeking for a position as a Word Processor.

Professional Experience:

Word processor

Hugen Grant University, Clayton, Georgia


• Responsibilities include data entry and word processing. Organize data and done complex entries on word, access and spreadsheets. Manipulate data and formulate the information given on PC. Responsible for equipments and track records. Responds to the phone and inquiries regarding policies, procedures and services. Assist supervisor and schedule appointments. Compile and evaluate data according to the instructions. Done other assigned work.

Assistant Word Processor

Oasis College, Clayton, Georgia


• Responsible for the processing of the words and data entry. Manipulate, evaluate and formulate the data according to the given instructions. Type records, documents, forms and schedule. Type dictations and input the data in the word, excel spreadsheets and access. Done other related work.


• Experience of 4 years as a word processor. Great keyboard skills with 40 words per minute. Sound knowledge of the vocabulary and fast in calculations. Able to work individual and under pressure also. Profound ability to work in a fast paced environment. Proficient PC skills in word, excel, access, power point. Excellent communication skills along with the interpersonal skills. Bi-lingual can speak, read and write Latin.


Greenland College, Georgia

High School Diploma


Mr. Michael Smith

Managing Director

Hugen Grant University, Clayton, Georgia


Ben Parker,

144, Pine Street,

Hamilton, Ohio, 06541,

(571)-444 5744.


Looking for a challenging position as a front desk coordinator. Responsibilities and Duties:

• Responsibilities include handling the front office reception and interacting to the patients. Handles the payments and respond to the mails of the clients. Responsible for the control flow of the office. Schedule the appointments and respond to the customer queries. Type memos, reports and arrange meeting in between clients and employees. Handles the documents and deals with the personal come for interview or meeting. Assist customer in the respective department and forward call to the concern


Work History

Front Office Coordinator 2007-present

SN Group Association, Hamilton, Ohio

Receptionist 2005-2007

Right Choice Tech Co., Hamilton, Ohio


4 years of experience as a front office coordinator. Great management and organization skills. Enthusiastic and alert personnel along with the ability to work under pressure. Sound interpersonal skills and able to work in a flexible environment. Profound ability to perform multiple tasks and maintain the tranquility during busy schedule. Comfortable working on MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power point.

• Dictation speed is 76 words per minute. Responsible, consistent and able to work alone also. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Academic Background:

Maryland College, Hamilton, Ohio

High School Graduation


Mr. Thomas Grant

Sr. Manager

SN Group Association, Hamilton, Ohio


Mathew Hederson,

1-45, East A-1 Street,

Clayton, Georgia, 03544,

(341)-435 2452.


Seeking for a position as a Word Processor.

Professional Experience:

Word processor

Hugen Grant University, Clayton, Georgia


• Responsibilities include data entry and word processing. Organize data and done complex entries on word, access and spreadsheets. Manipulate data and formulate the information given on PC. Responsible for equipments and track records. Responds to the phone and inquiries regarding policies, procedures and services. Assist supervisor and schedule appointments. Compile and evaluate data according to the instructions. Done other assigned work.

Assistant Word Processor

Oasis College, Clayton, Georgia


• Responsible for the processing of the words and data entry. Manipulate, evaluate and formulate the data according to the given instructions. Type records, documents, forms and schedule. Type dictations and input the data in the word, excel spreadsheets and access. Done other related work.


• Experience of 4 years as a word processor. Great keyboard skills with 40 words per minute. Sound knowledge of the vocabulary and fast in calculations. Able to work individual and under pressure also. Profound ability to work in a fast paced environment. Proficient PC skills in word, excel, access, power point. Excellent communication skills along with the interpersonal skills. Bi-lingual can speak, read and write Latin.


Greenland College, Georgia

High School Diploma


Mr. Michael Smith

Managing Director

Hugen Grant University, Clayton, Georgia


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