
3. Why do you want to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers?

(1) the workers shall have the right to obtain the labor remuneration in accordance with the law.

(2) to implement and maintain the lawful rights and interests of workers is the basic requirement of the socialist system.

(3) guarantee basic rights of laborers, is the prerequisite to guarantee laborers host status is fully mobilize and exert the enthusiasm and creativity of laborers, make it become the main force of the reform and opening up and socialist construction.

2, how to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers?

(1) from the national perspective,

(1) countries should strengthen the construction of laws, regulations and rules related to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers, improve the labor contract system, perfect the social security system

(2) regulate and coordinate labor relations, protect rights and interests of workers, in accordance with the infringement must be punished in accordance with the law rights and interests of the laborer.

(3) strengthen the moral construction, to improve the operator's moral quality, strengthen the propaganda, improve consciousness of authoritarian workers

2 for enterprise and unit of choose and employ persons, should strengthen legal consciousness, improve the quality of the professional ethics, consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, sign labor contract with laborer consciously

(3) for workers to maintain their own rights and interests,

1) workers enjoy rights, based on the premise that laborer obligations. Conscientiously perform their duty of workers, which is the base of the rights and interests, maintaining rights;

(2) to sign labor contract with unit of choose and employ persons, in accordance with the law to safeguard their own rights and interests so as to provide basis;

(3) via: when their rights are violated, can apply for mediation, through the complaints, negotiation, apply for mediation, arbitration and Sue to the court to maintain, and can't take illegal means to revenge.

(4) as a laborer, must strengthen the consciousness of power and legal consciousness, when the rights and interests are harmed, such rights by legal means and legal procedures.

3. Why do you want to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers?

(1) the workers shall have the right to obtain the labor remuneration in accordance with the law.

(2) to implement and maintain the lawful rights and interests of workers is the basic requirement of the socialist system.

(3) guarantee basic rights of laborers, is the prerequisite to guarantee laborers host status is fully mobilize and exert the enthusiasm and creativity of laborers, make it become the main force of the reform and opening up and socialist construction.

2, how to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers?

(1) from the national perspective,

(1) countries should strengthen the construction of laws, regulations and rules related to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers, improve the labor contract system, perfect the social security system

(2) regulate and coordinate labor relations, protect rights and interests of workers, in accordance with the infringement must be punished in accordance with the law rights and interests of the laborer.

(3) strengthen the moral construction, to improve the operator's moral quality, strengthen the propaganda, improve consciousness of authoritarian workers

2 for enterprise and unit of choose and employ persons, should strengthen legal consciousness, improve the quality of the professional ethics, consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, sign labor contract with laborer consciously

(3) for workers to maintain their own rights and interests,

1) workers enjoy rights, based on the premise that laborer obligations. Conscientiously perform their duty of workers, which is the base of the rights and interests, maintaining rights;

(2) to sign labor contract with unit of choose and employ persons, in accordance with the law to safeguard their own rights and interests so as to provide basis;

(3) via: when their rights are violated, can apply for mediation, through the complaints, negotiation, apply for mediation, arbitration and Sue to the court to maintain, and can't take illegal means to revenge.

(4) as a laborer, must strengthen the consciousness of power and legal consciousness, when the rights and interests are harmed, such rights by legal means and legal procedures.


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