

In recent years many Chinese people like to celebrate western festivals. Even some yongsters are paying (1①)as great attention to Christmas (1②)as our Spring Festival. (2①) In addition, other western festivals, like April Fool ’s day and Valentine ’s Day, are very popular among Chinese people.

(3)Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. Among them, relaxing and comfortable atmosphere from western festivals plays a critical role.(2②) Moreover, more and more Chinese people begin to learn English,(4) which provides them with more chances(5) to be exposed to western culture and festivals. (2③)Besides, many businessmen desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals to attract more customers.

(6)As far as I am concerned, our paying too much attention to western festibals will(7) bring some side effects. The popularity of western festivals(8) to some extent has influence our traditions. (2④)Therefore, I suggest that people should (9①) not(10) be immersed too much in the western festivals (9②)but ignore Chinese traditional festivals. 点评

(1) 意为“或... 一样”,同级比较

(2) 衔接词语使文章条例清晰、意思连贯。

(3) 益处原因重用句式

(4) Which引导非限制性定于从句。

(5) 意为“暴露于”。

(6) 用于引出个人观点。

7) 意为“带来负面影响”

(8) 意为“在某种程度上

(9) 意为“不是...... 而是..... ”,连接并列结构。

(10) 意为“过分沉浸在... 中”。

3. 对策方法类作文结构

对策方法类作文一般需要考生描述提纲中所反映的问题,说明问题的危害和解决问题的必要性,然后针对该问题提出应对策略或解决方法。 例:Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Getting to Know the World outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 大学生了解社会的必要性。

2. 了解社会的途径(大众传媒、社会服务等).

3. 你打算怎么做。


第一段 提出问题

1. 提出问题。2. 问题的重要性或危害性。3.Besides/additionally,进一步阐述问题的重要性或危害。

4.Therefor/No doubt, it is very important/necessary/urgent for问题涉及的对象to learn how to解决该问题 第一段 提出问题

1. 主题句:概括提出问题。

2. 扩展句一:指出问题的严重性或危害性。

3. 扩展句二:进一步阐述问题的重要性或危害性。

4. 结尾句:承上启下,表达解决问题的必要性,引出解决方法。

第二段 说明方法

5.The following ways are effective in解决问题。/There are many ways which can be adopted to 解决问题。/The following factors play an important role in解决问题。6.Firstly, 第一点方法。7.Secondly, 第二点方法。8. Finally,第三点方法。 第二段 说明方法

5. 主题句:引出问题的解决方法或决定因素。

6. 扩展句一:说明第一点解决方法。

7. 扩展句二:说明第二点解决方法。

8. 扩展句三:说明第三点解决方法。

第三段 总结评述

9.As far as I am concerned/As for me,本人的观点或选择10. 具体观点或选择依据。11.To conclude/Therefore,总结或建议。 第三段 总结评述

9. 主题句:引出本人对该问题或解决方法的观点或选择。

10. 扩展句:具体阐述观点或选择依据。

11. 结尾句:作出总结或提出建议。

参考范文 Getting to Know th World outside the Campus

It (1) is of great significance for a college student to know the world outside the campus. In this

(2)fast-developing “Information Age”, college students must(3) keep pace with the progress of the world.(4①) Additionally, by contacting the off-campus world, college students can have chance to more practical skills.(4 ②)Therefore,(5) how to know the world outside the campus (6)is worth our attention.

Many ways can be adopted by our college students to increase our knowledge of the world.(4③) Firstly, mass media, such as radios, televisions, newspapers and the Internet, are a good choice,(7)by which we can (8)be well informed about what is happening. (4④)Secondly, providing volunteer services is an efficiently way to contact and know the society.(4⑤)Thirdly, we can take part-time jobs to increase our practical experience.

(4⑥)As for me, I wll try jto create and grasp more chances to contact the society. In my opinion, getting to know the off-campus world is (9①)as important(9②) as improving academic performance.(4⑦) Therefore, I suggest every college student should(10①) not(11) confine himself to the campus(10②) but often go outside. 点评

(1)“be of+n.”相当于”be+adj.”。





(6)be worth sth./doing sth.意为“值得...... ”。

7.Which 在定语从句中充当介词宾语。

(8)inform 是及物动词,一味“通知,告知”,经常用作被动结构“be informed about/of”.

(9) 同级比较结构。

(10)连接并列结构,意为“不是...... 而是“。


4. 对比分析类作文结构


例:Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有人做好事期望得到回报。

2. 有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报。

3. 你的观点。


1. 观点或选择A

1.简述要讨论的主题,引出对其的的不同观点或选择/When it comes to 谈论主题,there is no complete agreement among people.2. Some people think/prefer to/choose观点或选择A 。3. 观点或选择的第一点理由。4. 观点或选择的第二点理由。 第一段 观点或选择A

1. 主题句:提出要讨论的主题,引出两种不同的观点或选择。

2. 扩展句一:指出一种观点或选择。

3. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第一点理由。

4. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第二点理由。

2. 观点或选择B

5.However, there are many others who观点或选择B 。6.In their opinions/They maintain/they point out观点或选择B 的第一点理由。7.Besides ,观点或选择的第二点理由。 第二段 观点或选择B

5. 主题句:转折出另一种观点或选择。

6. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第一点理由。

7. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第二点理由。


8. As for me, I agree “我”的观点或选择。/Weighing up these two arguments/choices, “我”的观点或选择。

9. “我”的第一点理由。10. “我”的第二点理由。11.Therefore/To conclude,作出选择 第三段“我”的观点或选择

8. 主题句:综合两种观点或选择,表明“我”的观点或选择。

9. 扩展句一:阐述“我”的第一点理由。

10. 扩展句二:阐述“我”的第二点理由。

11. 结尾句:经常是提出建议或作出展望。


This chart shows the number of people using blog services from January to October in 2007. From it we can see that the number of users increased monthly from January to August, except February. After two peak months, July and August, the number dropped slightly in September, while in October it picked up again.

Possible reasons for these changes are first, in February Chinese people celebrated the most important festival ——Chinese New Year. This means more people spent more time with their families and friends, and therefore they didn ’t have as much time for surfing online. Secondly, college students are the main users of blog services. While in July and August,

they had summer holidays, which enabled them to have more spare time reading and writing blogs. Thirdly, with improvements of blog services and the influence of some “star bloggers ”, most of whom are celebrities, blogs are becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. So more and more people are starting to use these services, which help explain the overall increase shown here.


In recent years many Chinese people like to celebrate western festivals. Even some yongsters are paying (1①)as great attention to Christmas (1②)as our Spring Festival. (2①) In addition, other western festivals, like April Fool ’s day and Valentine ’s Day, are very popular among Chinese people.

(3)Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. Among them, relaxing and comfortable atmosphere from western festivals plays a critical role.(2②) Moreover, more and more Chinese people begin to learn English,(4) which provides them with more chances(5) to be exposed to western culture and festivals. (2③)Besides, many businessmen desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals to attract more customers.

(6)As far as I am concerned, our paying too much attention to western festibals will(7) bring some side effects. The popularity of western festivals(8) to some extent has influence our traditions. (2④)Therefore, I suggest that people should (9①) not(10) be immersed too much in the western festivals (9②)but ignore Chinese traditional festivals. 点评

(1) 意为“或... 一样”,同级比较

(2) 衔接词语使文章条例清晰、意思连贯。

(3) 益处原因重用句式

(4) Which引导非限制性定于从句。

(5) 意为“暴露于”。

(6) 用于引出个人观点。

7) 意为“带来负面影响”

(8) 意为“在某种程度上

(9) 意为“不是...... 而是..... ”,连接并列结构。

(10) 意为“过分沉浸在... 中”。

3. 对策方法类作文结构

对策方法类作文一般需要考生描述提纲中所反映的问题,说明问题的危害和解决问题的必要性,然后针对该问题提出应对策略或解决方法。 例:Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Getting to Know the World outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 大学生了解社会的必要性。

2. 了解社会的途径(大众传媒、社会服务等).

3. 你打算怎么做。


第一段 提出问题

1. 提出问题。2. 问题的重要性或危害性。3.Besides/additionally,进一步阐述问题的重要性或危害。

4.Therefor/No doubt, it is very important/necessary/urgent for问题涉及的对象to learn how to解决该问题 第一段 提出问题

1. 主题句:概括提出问题。

2. 扩展句一:指出问题的严重性或危害性。

3. 扩展句二:进一步阐述问题的重要性或危害性。

4. 结尾句:承上启下,表达解决问题的必要性,引出解决方法。

第二段 说明方法

5.The following ways are effective in解决问题。/There are many ways which can be adopted to 解决问题。/The following factors play an important role in解决问题。6.Firstly, 第一点方法。7.Secondly, 第二点方法。8. Finally,第三点方法。 第二段 说明方法

5. 主题句:引出问题的解决方法或决定因素。

6. 扩展句一:说明第一点解决方法。

7. 扩展句二:说明第二点解决方法。

8. 扩展句三:说明第三点解决方法。

第三段 总结评述

9.As far as I am concerned/As for me,本人的观点或选择10. 具体观点或选择依据。11.To conclude/Therefore,总结或建议。 第三段 总结评述

9. 主题句:引出本人对该问题或解决方法的观点或选择。

10. 扩展句:具体阐述观点或选择依据。

11. 结尾句:作出总结或提出建议。

参考范文 Getting to Know th World outside the Campus

It (1) is of great significance for a college student to know the world outside the campus. In this

(2)fast-developing “Information Age”, college students must(3) keep pace with the progress of the world.(4①) Additionally, by contacting the off-campus world, college students can have chance to more practical skills.(4 ②)Therefore,(5) how to know the world outside the campus (6)is worth our attention.

Many ways can be adopted by our college students to increase our knowledge of the world.(4③) Firstly, mass media, such as radios, televisions, newspapers and the Internet, are a good choice,(7)by which we can (8)be well informed about what is happening. (4④)Secondly, providing volunteer services is an efficiently way to contact and know the society.(4⑤)Thirdly, we can take part-time jobs to increase our practical experience.

(4⑥)As for me, I wll try jto create and grasp more chances to contact the society. In my opinion, getting to know the off-campus world is (9①)as important(9②) as improving academic performance.(4⑦) Therefore, I suggest every college student should(10①) not(11) confine himself to the campus(10②) but often go outside. 点评

(1)“be of+n.”相当于”be+adj.”。





(6)be worth sth./doing sth.意为“值得...... ”。

7.Which 在定语从句中充当介词宾语。

(8)inform 是及物动词,一味“通知,告知”,经常用作被动结构“be informed about/of”.

(9) 同级比较结构。

(10)连接并列结构,意为“不是...... 而是“。


4. 对比分析类作文结构


例:Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有人做好事期望得到回报。

2. 有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报。

3. 你的观点。


1. 观点或选择A

1.简述要讨论的主题,引出对其的的不同观点或选择/When it comes to 谈论主题,there is no complete agreement among people.2. Some people think/prefer to/choose观点或选择A 。3. 观点或选择的第一点理由。4. 观点或选择的第二点理由。 第一段 观点或选择A

1. 主题句:提出要讨论的主题,引出两种不同的观点或选择。

2. 扩展句一:指出一种观点或选择。

3. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第一点理由。

4. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第二点理由。

2. 观点或选择B

5.However, there are many others who观点或选择B 。6.In their opinions/They maintain/they point out观点或选择B 的第一点理由。7.Besides ,观点或选择的第二点理由。 第二段 观点或选择B

5. 主题句:转折出另一种观点或选择。

6. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第一点理由。

7. 扩展句二:阐述该种观点或选择的第二点理由。


8. As for me, I agree “我”的观点或选择。/Weighing up these two arguments/choices, “我”的观点或选择。

9. “我”的第一点理由。10. “我”的第二点理由。11.Therefore/To conclude,作出选择 第三段“我”的观点或选择

8. 主题句:综合两种观点或选择,表明“我”的观点或选择。

9. 扩展句一:阐述“我”的第一点理由。

10. 扩展句二:阐述“我”的第二点理由。

11. 结尾句:经常是提出建议或作出展望。


This chart shows the number of people using blog services from January to October in 2007. From it we can see that the number of users increased monthly from January to August, except February. After two peak months, July and August, the number dropped slightly in September, while in October it picked up again.

Possible reasons for these changes are first, in February Chinese people celebrated the most important festival ——Chinese New Year. This means more people spent more time with their families and friends, and therefore they didn ’t have as much time for surfing online. Secondly, college students are the main users of blog services. While in July and August,

they had summer holidays, which enabled them to have more spare time reading and writing blogs. Thirdly, with improvements of blog services and the influence of some “star bloggers ”, most of whom are celebrities, blogs are becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. So more and more people are starting to use these services, which help explain the overall increase shown here.


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