
(2013-11-04 23:07:08)


标签: 张启发






分类: 批判转基因技术



-- 必须禁绝转基因Bt稻米而且必须追究张启发刑事责任的21条理由之(3)

陈一文(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/mailto:[email protected]




黄大昉(中国农业科学院生物技术所研究员、“国家农业转基因生物安全委员会”委员) 2010年6月25日全国人大常委会《农业转基因技术和安全管理专题》讲座强调:









Far from being 'magic seeds', GM pest-proof 'breeds' of cotton have been devastated by bollworms, a voracious parasite.


Nor were the farmers told that these seeds require double the amount of water. This has proved a matter of life and death.



The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops







Indian Wormen’s Memorandum demanding a total ban on the cultivation of Bt cotton in Medak District





Dr Kranthi wrote :“Bt-cotton hybrids utilize more nutrients and water for higher yields and profits, therefore the soils are getting progressively depleted and need more nutrient recharging.” In other words what he was saying was, unless you use more fertilisers and water, Bt cotton will not yield more than the conventional cotton hybrids.


【注:柯蓝瑟博士系印度棉花中央研究所主任(Dr. Kehsav Kranthi is the director of India's Central Institute for Cotton)。】




原文链接:http://www.ddsindia.com/www/pdf/PR April 9, 2012.pdf


http://sap.einaudi.cornell.edu/system/files/Bitter Seeds footnotes.pdf

C1: To produce higher yields, Bt cotton requires more water and fertilizer, applied

according to precise timetables.

? Dr. Keshav Kranthi is the acting director of India’s Central Inst. for Cotton Research,

who presents his studies in international conferences. His studies have shown without any doubt that Bt cotton requires more water, and more fertilizers, than other seeds. His e-mails to the filmmaker confirmed this:

Impact of Bt-cotton on Agriculture in India by B. M. Khadi, K. R. Kranthi and *K.

C.Jain from the Central Institute for Cotton Research:

Farmers need to be educated that water, nutrient and soil management are extremely critical to get the best performance from Bt-cotton. Poor soils and rainfed conditions are not ideal for the performance of Bt-cotton. It needs optimum water and nutrients at a time when it holds maximum fruiting bodies including green bolls. Bt cotton does not withstand moisture and nutrient stress, especially because the boll retention capacity is much higher as compared to non-Bt varieties. Problems of wilt are generally reported commonly with Bt-cotton. It is true that wilt can be more in Bt-cotton as compared to non-Bt cotton. This is because of the high boll load in Bt-cotton crop.

“Fertilizer use was the highest in the case of Bt cotton, followed by hybrid cotton and was the least in the non-hybrid cotton varieties. The nitrogenous fertilizer use in Bt cotton was higher by 23 and 31 per cent when compared to the other hybrid and non-hybrid varieties, respectively. The respective phosphatic fertilizer use was higher by 17 and 50 per cent and the potashic fertilizer use was higher by 104 and 413 per cent.”

Source: Peshin R, Dhawa, A K, Vatta, K, Singh K. Attributes and Socio-economic

Dynamics of Adopting Bt Cotton. Economic & Political Weekly. December 29, 2007

http://www.fbae.org/2009/FBAE/website/images/PDF files/Socio-Economincs of Bt cotton in India.pdf

“Generating high yields with Bt cottonseeds also requires much higher amounts of water than other cotton cultivars. For farmers who lack access to proper irrigation and whose farms are primarily rain-fed, the crop often fails.”

Source: Sahai, Suman. Bt cotton: What’s all the fuss about?


About US: http://infochangeindia.org/about-us.html

About the Author (according to Princeton University)


And her own blog: http://sumansahai-blog.blogspot.com/

“Dr. Suman Sahai, who has had a distinguished scientific career in the field of genetics, was honored with the 2004 Borlaug Award for her outstanding contribution to agriculture and the environment. Dr. Sahai has served as a faculty member at the Universities of Alberta and Chicago as also the University of Heidelberg. She returned to India and organized Gene Campaign, an organization dedicated to protecting farmers’ rights and food and livelihood security. Dr Sahai chaired the Planning Commission Task Force on ‘ Agro biodiversity and Genetically Engineered Organisms’, for the Eleventh Plan. She has received s everal national awards and was appointed Knight of the Golden Ark (Netherlands) in 2001.”

And an article about her in India Today:


“In addition farmers were of the opinion that Monsanto’s hybrids were more sensitive to the drought situation, and wilted severely under prolonged rainfed situations. This is in conformity with the observations made in earlier studies.”

Source: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer

Suicides, Human Rights, and the Agrarian Crisis in India (New York: NYU School of Law,2011).


“Bt cottonseed is the cottonseed input that dominates the cotton industry now. And what the genetic modification promises to do is to produce a toxin within the seed that kills a very common pest that affects the cotton crop in India. The Bt cottonseed, which is —- has been marketed by Monsanto, among other multinationals, requires two resources that are already scarce for most Indian smallholder farmers. That’s money and water. Bt cottonseeds cost anywhere from two times to 10 times as much as regular cottonseed, and they also require a great deal more water in order to yield successful crops.”

Source: Smita Narula, faculty director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University Law School, co-author of the report, "Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer Suicides, Human Rights and the Agrarian Crisis in India."

On Democracy Now, speaking with Amy Goodman- May 11, 2011


“At 110 DAS (days after sowing), significantly higher stomatal conductance and photosynthesis was observed in Bt plants, which were mainly driven by the high boll load. This led to significantly higher biomass accumulation in Bt plants over their NBt counterparts, as reported earlier7. However, this period also coincides with the end of rainy season (September end) and beyond this period plant growth is limited by moisture and nutrients. Thus, in Bt higher boll load coupled with the limitation of moisture and nutrients led to stiff interorganal competition for photosynthates which resulted in senescence, early cessation of growth, reduced the new flushes of leaves and squares and increased the shedding of young fruiting forms. This was evident from the fact that at this stage the leaf area of Bt plants was significantly lower than NBt plants (Table 1). Earlier workers also reported similar findings under rainfed condition.”

Source: Synchronized boll development of Bt cotton hybrids and their physiological consequences K. B. Hebbar*, M. R. K. Rao and B. M. Khadi Central Institute for Cotton Research, P.B. No. 2, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur 440 010, India


? According to Vyavsaya Panchangam, a farmers' almanac published by the Acharya N G Ranga Agriculture University in Hyderabad: Bt cotton used more fertiliser than non-Bt cotton. If adequate amounts of fertiliser were not applied, the subsequent crop received fewer nutrients. Furthermore, the Bt toxin also expresses itself in the root zone of the plant and can affect soil biodiversity and ecosystem function, as reported in a study by the Australian government. These factors might account for the lower yields of subsequent crops; although there had been little attention paid to the matter (see [2] Farmer Suicides & Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India, SiS 45).








(2013-11-04 23:07:08)


标签: 张启发






分类: 批判转基因技术



-- 必须禁绝转基因Bt稻米而且必须追究张启发刑事责任的21条理由之(3)

陈一文(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/mailto:[email protected]




黄大昉(中国农业科学院生物技术所研究员、“国家农业转基因生物安全委员会”委员) 2010年6月25日全国人大常委会《农业转基因技术和安全管理专题》讲座强调:









Far from being 'magic seeds', GM pest-proof 'breeds' of cotton have been devastated by bollworms, a voracious parasite.


Nor were the farmers told that these seeds require double the amount of water. This has proved a matter of life and death.



The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops







Indian Wormen’s Memorandum demanding a total ban on the cultivation of Bt cotton in Medak District





Dr Kranthi wrote :“Bt-cotton hybrids utilize more nutrients and water for higher yields and profits, therefore the soils are getting progressively depleted and need more nutrient recharging.” In other words what he was saying was, unless you use more fertilisers and water, Bt cotton will not yield more than the conventional cotton hybrids.


【注:柯蓝瑟博士系印度棉花中央研究所主任(Dr. Kehsav Kranthi is the director of India's Central Institute for Cotton)。】




原文链接:http://www.ddsindia.com/www/pdf/PR April 9, 2012.pdf


http://sap.einaudi.cornell.edu/system/files/Bitter Seeds footnotes.pdf

C1: To produce higher yields, Bt cotton requires more water and fertilizer, applied

according to precise timetables.

? Dr. Keshav Kranthi is the acting director of India’s Central Inst. for Cotton Research,

who presents his studies in international conferences. His studies have shown without any doubt that Bt cotton requires more water, and more fertilizers, than other seeds. His e-mails to the filmmaker confirmed this:

Impact of Bt-cotton on Agriculture in India by B. M. Khadi, K. R. Kranthi and *K.

C.Jain from the Central Institute for Cotton Research:

Farmers need to be educated that water, nutrient and soil management are extremely critical to get the best performance from Bt-cotton. Poor soils and rainfed conditions are not ideal for the performance of Bt-cotton. It needs optimum water and nutrients at a time when it holds maximum fruiting bodies including green bolls. Bt cotton does not withstand moisture and nutrient stress, especially because the boll retention capacity is much higher as compared to non-Bt varieties. Problems of wilt are generally reported commonly with Bt-cotton. It is true that wilt can be more in Bt-cotton as compared to non-Bt cotton. This is because of the high boll load in Bt-cotton crop.

“Fertilizer use was the highest in the case of Bt cotton, followed by hybrid cotton and was the least in the non-hybrid cotton varieties. The nitrogenous fertilizer use in Bt cotton was higher by 23 and 31 per cent when compared to the other hybrid and non-hybrid varieties, respectively. The respective phosphatic fertilizer use was higher by 17 and 50 per cent and the potashic fertilizer use was higher by 104 and 413 per cent.”

Source: Peshin R, Dhawa, A K, Vatta, K, Singh K. Attributes and Socio-economic

Dynamics of Adopting Bt Cotton. Economic & Political Weekly. December 29, 2007

http://www.fbae.org/2009/FBAE/website/images/PDF files/Socio-Economincs of Bt cotton in India.pdf

“Generating high yields with Bt cottonseeds also requires much higher amounts of water than other cotton cultivars. For farmers who lack access to proper irrigation and whose farms are primarily rain-fed, the crop often fails.”

Source: Sahai, Suman. Bt cotton: What’s all the fuss about?


About US: http://infochangeindia.org/about-us.html

About the Author (according to Princeton University)


And her own blog: http://sumansahai-blog.blogspot.com/

“Dr. Suman Sahai, who has had a distinguished scientific career in the field of genetics, was honored with the 2004 Borlaug Award for her outstanding contribution to agriculture and the environment. Dr. Sahai has served as a faculty member at the Universities of Alberta and Chicago as also the University of Heidelberg. She returned to India and organized Gene Campaign, an organization dedicated to protecting farmers’ rights and food and livelihood security. Dr Sahai chaired the Planning Commission Task Force on ‘ Agro biodiversity and Genetically Engineered Organisms’, for the Eleventh Plan. She has received s everal national awards and was appointed Knight of the Golden Ark (Netherlands) in 2001.”

And an article about her in India Today:


“In addition farmers were of the opinion that Monsanto’s hybrids were more sensitive to the drought situation, and wilted severely under prolonged rainfed situations. This is in conformity with the observations made in earlier studies.”

Source: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer

Suicides, Human Rights, and the Agrarian Crisis in India (New York: NYU School of Law,2011).


“Bt cottonseed is the cottonseed input that dominates the cotton industry now. And what the genetic modification promises to do is to produce a toxin within the seed that kills a very common pest that affects the cotton crop in India. The Bt cottonseed, which is —- has been marketed by Monsanto, among other multinationals, requires two resources that are already scarce for most Indian smallholder farmers. That’s money and water. Bt cottonseeds cost anywhere from two times to 10 times as much as regular cottonseed, and they also require a great deal more water in order to yield successful crops.”

Source: Smita Narula, faculty director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University Law School, co-author of the report, "Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer Suicides, Human Rights and the Agrarian Crisis in India."

On Democracy Now, speaking with Amy Goodman- May 11, 2011


“At 110 DAS (days after sowing), significantly higher stomatal conductance and photosynthesis was observed in Bt plants, which were mainly driven by the high boll load. This led to significantly higher biomass accumulation in Bt plants over their NBt counterparts, as reported earlier7. However, this period also coincides with the end of rainy season (September end) and beyond this period plant growth is limited by moisture and nutrients. Thus, in Bt higher boll load coupled with the limitation of moisture and nutrients led to stiff interorganal competition for photosynthates which resulted in senescence, early cessation of growth, reduced the new flushes of leaves and squares and increased the shedding of young fruiting forms. This was evident from the fact that at this stage the leaf area of Bt plants was significantly lower than NBt plants (Table 1). Earlier workers also reported similar findings under rainfed condition.”

Source: Synchronized boll development of Bt cotton hybrids and their physiological consequences K. B. Hebbar*, M. R. K. Rao and B. M. Khadi Central Institute for Cotton Research, P.B. No. 2, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur 440 010, India


? According to Vyavsaya Panchangam, a farmers' almanac published by the Acharya N G Ranga Agriculture University in Hyderabad: Bt cotton used more fertiliser than non-Bt cotton. If adequate amounts of fertiliser were not applied, the subsequent crop received fewer nutrients. Furthermore, the Bt toxin also expresses itself in the root zone of the plant and can affect soil biodiversity and ecosystem function, as reported in a study by the Australian government. These factors might account for the lower yields of subsequent crops; although there had been little attention paid to the matter (see [2] Farmer Suicides & Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India, SiS 45).









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