
吉林财经大学 毕业论文


院 别 国际经济贸易学院 专 业 年 级 国际经济与贸易0652班 学 生 姓 名 刘丽丽 学 号 0601065225 指 导 教 师 刘丽娟 职 称 教授

二 ○ 一 〇年 三 月



论文作者签名: 2010年 3月 10 日

摘 要


【关键词】全球一体化 技术贸易壁垒 环境贸易壁垒 公平竞争 措施


With trade liberalization, deepening global integration, Tariff barriers and traditional non-tariff barriers are reduced continuously in international trade. New trade barriers in developed countries are becoming a new means to protect domestic products. As the largest developing countries, international trade has been a huge impact. Because trade protectionism around the world on the strengthening of the relative inferiority of our products, our understanding and management are not on the TBT and long-term alienation from China and other factors outside of the multilateral trading system, so since 1979 our country's European exports to China saccharin, salts and the alarm clock the first case initiated anti-dumping investigations, the Chinese trade remedies cases being increased. So we must understand and familiar with trade barriers, and learn the advanced experience of developed countries, by adjusting the industrial structure and ensuring the quality of our product can be fully ready to cope with the psychological development and changes of trade barriers in the international market, this is the needs of speeding up development and building a system of Chinese trade barriers.

Keywords: Global integration Technical Barriers to Trade Environmental Trade Barriers fair competition measure

目 录

一、我国出口贸易的基本情况 ····················································· (01)

(一)我国出口的现状 ····················································· (01)

(二)我国出口贸易结构 ················································· (01)

(三)我国出口贸易方式 ················································· (02)

二、我国出口所面临的主要壁垒 ········································ (03)

(一)新贸易壁垒 ····························································· (03)

(二)我国遭受贸易救济的基本情况 ······························ (04)

三、中国遭受新贸易壁垒的原因 ············································ (06)

(一)中国遭受技术贸易壁垒的原因 ······························ (06)

(二)中国遭受环境贸易壁垒的原因 ······························ (07)

四、我国应对新贸易壁垒的措施 ············································ (08)

(一)中国应对技术贸易壁垒的措施 ······························ (08)

(二)中国应对环境贸易壁垒的措施 ······························ (09) 参考文献 ············································································ (11)

吉林财经大学 毕业论文


院 别 国际经济贸易学院 专 业 年 级 国际经济与贸易0652班 学 生 姓 名 刘丽丽 学 号 0601065225 指 导 教 师 刘丽娟 职 称 教授

二 ○ 一 〇年 三 月



论文作者签名: 2010年 3月 10 日

摘 要


【关键词】全球一体化 技术贸易壁垒 环境贸易壁垒 公平竞争 措施


With trade liberalization, deepening global integration, Tariff barriers and traditional non-tariff barriers are reduced continuously in international trade. New trade barriers in developed countries are becoming a new means to protect domestic products. As the largest developing countries, international trade has been a huge impact. Because trade protectionism around the world on the strengthening of the relative inferiority of our products, our understanding and management are not on the TBT and long-term alienation from China and other factors outside of the multilateral trading system, so since 1979 our country's European exports to China saccharin, salts and the alarm clock the first case initiated anti-dumping investigations, the Chinese trade remedies cases being increased. So we must understand and familiar with trade barriers, and learn the advanced experience of developed countries, by adjusting the industrial structure and ensuring the quality of our product can be fully ready to cope with the psychological development and changes of trade barriers in the international market, this is the needs of speeding up development and building a system of Chinese trade barriers.

Keywords: Global integration Technical Barriers to Trade Environmental Trade Barriers fair competition measure

目 录

一、我国出口贸易的基本情况 ····················································· (01)

(一)我国出口的现状 ····················································· (01)

(二)我国出口贸易结构 ················································· (01)

(三)我国出口贸易方式 ················································· (02)

二、我国出口所面临的主要壁垒 ········································ (03)

(一)新贸易壁垒 ····························································· (03)

(二)我国遭受贸易救济的基本情况 ······························ (04)

三、中国遭受新贸易壁垒的原因 ············································ (06)

(一)中国遭受技术贸易壁垒的原因 ······························ (06)

(二)中国遭受环境贸易壁垒的原因 ······························ (07)

四、我国应对新贸易壁垒的措施 ············································ (08)

(一)中国应对技术贸易壁垒的措施 ······························ (08)

(二)中国应对环境贸易壁垒的措施 ······························ (09) 参考文献 ············································································ (11)


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