
Angel Fell on earth





想要苗条的身材,请与饥饿的人分享你的食物; 想要美丽的秀发,请让孩子的手指每天抚摸它; 想要优美的姿态,请记住走路的不是你一个人。” Good morning!Classmates!Today I want to introduce you a beautiful angel. Before I tell you her name. Let’s first listen to some words she advices us at the last moment of her life.

If you want to charming lips, please speak with kind tougue;

If you want lovely eyes eyes, please be good at finding outs others virtue;

If you want slender body ,please share your food with those who are starving;

If you want beautiful hair ,please let kids touch it everyday;

If you want elegant gesture ,please remember it isn’t only you who is walking on the road.



This elegant ,beautiful ,kind lady is Audrey Hepburn ,people call her as “angel fell on earth ”.

Audrey Hepburn had worked as a film star for decays ,but she only took part in about 20 films ,it is really rare among American-European film stars ,but nearly each of her work is

classic ,and unforgettable ,including Roman

Holiday ,Sabrina ,Mermaid ,War and Peace ,Funny face ,Love in the

afternoon ,The Nun’ story , Green Mansions ,The Unforgiven ,Breakfast at Tiffany’s ,the children’s hour ,charade ,My Fair Lady ,how to steal a million ,two for the road , Wait Until Dark ,robin and Marian .Today with the selection I have made ,and which I think is the most

representative pieces of Audrey Hepburn ‘s life ,I’d like to intive you all with me to recall and re-appreciate the star journey and outstanding life of Audrey Hepburn .

① 罗马假日

Roman Holiday


To understand Audrey Hepburn and her career ,Roman Holiday is a film you shall know first before all others ,it is the masterpiece of her works ,and it truly deserves to be one. With this film ,Hepburn won the 26th Oscar’s Best Actress Award .


Roman holiday is about such a story .

The princess in roman holiday insisted to cut off her beautiful hair ,this small change in reality affected the whole word, now let’s find out how to cut a Hepburn’s hair .

② 龙凤配





Sabrina related such a story ,“a poor girl ,just because she went to pairs once ,she became a beautiful swan instead of ugly ducking style ,which had led world dressing fashion for decays .”

Actually ,Sabrina is not a first-rate work. If without Hepburn’s beauty ,it only with great interest upon three Sabrina’s beautiful clothes ,and the short-term love-fare between Hepburn and Holden.

③ 美人鱼



Ondine is a stage paly from Hepburn ,I’m introducing this stage play here ,because it gave Hepburn not only a tony praise ,but also let her

find the true love ,this play made Hepburn and Mel progressed their love rapidly ,and they got marry in 1 954.

④ 战争与和平

War and Peace



Based on Russian famous author Leo Tolstoy ‘s work ,“war and peace ”was a difficult film for acting ,Hepburn acted the different stage of Natasha ,from a naïve girl to a mature countess .

To make this film ,Hepburn worked along with her husband. However ,despite her hard effort ,both box-office and comment was disappoint .

⑤ 甜姐儿

Funny face




Funny Face is about such a story ,a bookshop clerk Jo met a photographer unique perspective ,he invited her to be a model ,and brought her to pairs ,where her picture became the cover girl at fashion magazine .

The most charming part of this film is that, Audrey exhibited her dexterous dancing skill in it ,as well as various beautiful dresses. Let’s have an appreciated glance at Audrey’s enchanting dance .

After the shoot of funny face, the name Audrey became into an adjective word ,an equal term as various courteous ,mature ,and elegant .If you meet a well-dressed young lady ,and told her “you are so Audrey ”,that is a great compliment to her .

⑥ 修女传

The Nun’ Story



Audrey played the played the part nun very adroitly ,with outstanding acting skill she built up a warm and touching figure of nun .

This film received eight nomination from Oscar award ,and Hepburn received her third best actress nomination ,as well as best comment from New York Time of the year 1959,and best actress award from British film academy .

⑦ 绿厦

Green Mansions


Green Mansions was directed by Hepburn’s husband Mel ,but this film ended up with failure ,many people was attracted by this couple’s name ,came to see the film ,but some of them even left when show was still on-going .

⑧ 恩怨情天

The Unforgiven


The Unforgiven is the only western film Hepburn ever made ,she tried a different character ,played an Indian girl in it .

⑨ 蒂凡尼的早餐

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

在影片《蒂凡尼的早餐》中,赫本再次希望通过饰演不同性格的银幕形象来证明自己的演技,这次她扮演的是一个下层的妓女,获得了出人意料的成功。 片中还有一首很好听的插曲《月亮河》,赫本亲自演唱这首歌,后来它成了一支很受欢迎的经典的流行歌曲。如果你到了美国纽约第五大道的蒂凡尼珠宝店去,随时都能听到赫本迷人的歌声。不过现在你不用到美国,就能听到这首经典歌曲,让我们来欣赏下赫本的《月亮河》。

In the film of breakfast at Tiffany’s , Hepburn once again played a different character ,hoping to prove her acting skill through it ,this time she played a prostitute ,and unexpected success .

A fair song “moon river ”was an interlude of this film ,Hepburn sang the song herself ,and it became into a popular song thereafter ,if you go to US, New York city ,the 5th avenue ,and enter into tiffany’s jewel shop there ,you will hear the charming voice of Hepburn. But now ,you don’t go to US to hear it , let’s hear it now , the moon river from Audrey Hepburn .

⑩ 双姝怨



影片获得了五项奥斯卡提名,但票房不佳,《时代》杂志甚至开始抨击赫本。 After the success of performing a prostitute at breakfast at

tiffany’s ,Hepburn accepted a role even more challenging in the film .

⑾ 窈窕淑女

My Fair Lady



At first Julie – Andrews was supposed to play the leading lady at My Fair Lady ,but with the concern of box-office ,final decision was to let Hepburn to play a part this role. Although Hepburn had done her best , her role didn’t receive any nomination from Oscar Award ,to the

contrast ,the main actor received the best actor reward. Meantime ,the declined actress Julie – Andrews attained another role at the film 《the sound of music》,in which her outstanding performance received the best actress reward of this year .

By this time ,Hepburn’s marriage with Mel went to a brink ,paint from both family and career pressed upon her shoulder at the same time ,but she hided them, and smiled elegant still .



Two for the road is considered to be the most natural show ever performed by Hepburn ,she was more mature than ever by then . At the same year ,Audrey divorced her husband Mel .


Wait Until Dark




Hepburn exhibited excellent acting skill at this film , the blind girl she acted is hard to tell fake or real. After the shoot of this

film ,Hepburn unannounced herself to quit film career ,hoping to be a good wife and a good mother for the days to come.

After the grown up of her sons ,Hepburn decided to help the starving children of the third World , dragging her weak body ,rushing around and appealing donation for those children ,till the end of her life .

Actually ,Audrey Hepburn’s self-character wasn’t suit for acting career ,she was so shy and introversive ,the characters she can build up was fairly limited. But what attracted fans was not those screen

characters , but Audrey Hepburn herself unveiled through those characters. Whether Princess anny ,Sabrina ,or funny face ,nun ,even prostitute and lesbian. Every character was tinted with her unique pure temperature ,and branded with her mark. Audrey Hepburn is more charming than her film ,and it’s herself which can withstand the test of time more than any films .


Angel Fell on earth





想要苗条的身材,请与饥饿的人分享你的食物; 想要美丽的秀发,请让孩子的手指每天抚摸它; 想要优美的姿态,请记住走路的不是你一个人。” Good morning!Classmates!Today I want to introduce you a beautiful angel. Before I tell you her name. Let’s first listen to some words she advices us at the last moment of her life.

If you want to charming lips, please speak with kind tougue;

If you want lovely eyes eyes, please be good at finding outs others virtue;

If you want slender body ,please share your food with those who are starving;

If you want beautiful hair ,please let kids touch it everyday;

If you want elegant gesture ,please remember it isn’t only you who is walking on the road.



This elegant ,beautiful ,kind lady is Audrey Hepburn ,people call her as “angel fell on earth ”.

Audrey Hepburn had worked as a film star for decays ,but she only took part in about 20 films ,it is really rare among American-European film stars ,but nearly each of her work is

classic ,and unforgettable ,including Roman

Holiday ,Sabrina ,Mermaid ,War and Peace ,Funny face ,Love in the

afternoon ,The Nun’ story , Green Mansions ,The Unforgiven ,Breakfast at Tiffany’s ,the children’s hour ,charade ,My Fair Lady ,how to steal a million ,two for the road , Wait Until Dark ,robin and Marian .Today with the selection I have made ,and which I think is the most

representative pieces of Audrey Hepburn ‘s life ,I’d like to intive you all with me to recall and re-appreciate the star journey and outstanding life of Audrey Hepburn .

① 罗马假日

Roman Holiday


To understand Audrey Hepburn and her career ,Roman Holiday is a film you shall know first before all others ,it is the masterpiece of her works ,and it truly deserves to be one. With this film ,Hepburn won the 26th Oscar’s Best Actress Award .


Roman holiday is about such a story .

The princess in roman holiday insisted to cut off her beautiful hair ,this small change in reality affected the whole word, now let’s find out how to cut a Hepburn’s hair .

② 龙凤配





Sabrina related such a story ,“a poor girl ,just because she went to pairs once ,she became a beautiful swan instead of ugly ducking style ,which had led world dressing fashion for decays .”

Actually ,Sabrina is not a first-rate work. If without Hepburn’s beauty ,it only with great interest upon three Sabrina’s beautiful clothes ,and the short-term love-fare between Hepburn and Holden.

③ 美人鱼



Ondine is a stage paly from Hepburn ,I’m introducing this stage play here ,because it gave Hepburn not only a tony praise ,but also let her

find the true love ,this play made Hepburn and Mel progressed their love rapidly ,and they got marry in 1 954.

④ 战争与和平

War and Peace



Based on Russian famous author Leo Tolstoy ‘s work ,“war and peace ”was a difficult film for acting ,Hepburn acted the different stage of Natasha ,from a naïve girl to a mature countess .

To make this film ,Hepburn worked along with her husband. However ,despite her hard effort ,both box-office and comment was disappoint .

⑤ 甜姐儿

Funny face




Funny Face is about such a story ,a bookshop clerk Jo met a photographer unique perspective ,he invited her to be a model ,and brought her to pairs ,where her picture became the cover girl at fashion magazine .

The most charming part of this film is that, Audrey exhibited her dexterous dancing skill in it ,as well as various beautiful dresses. Let’s have an appreciated glance at Audrey’s enchanting dance .

After the shoot of funny face, the name Audrey became into an adjective word ,an equal term as various courteous ,mature ,and elegant .If you meet a well-dressed young lady ,and told her “you are so Audrey ”,that is a great compliment to her .

⑥ 修女传

The Nun’ Story



Audrey played the played the part nun very adroitly ,with outstanding acting skill she built up a warm and touching figure of nun .

This film received eight nomination from Oscar award ,and Hepburn received her third best actress nomination ,as well as best comment from New York Time of the year 1959,and best actress award from British film academy .

⑦ 绿厦

Green Mansions


Green Mansions was directed by Hepburn’s husband Mel ,but this film ended up with failure ,many people was attracted by this couple’s name ,came to see the film ,but some of them even left when show was still on-going .

⑧ 恩怨情天

The Unforgiven


The Unforgiven is the only western film Hepburn ever made ,she tried a different character ,played an Indian girl in it .

⑨ 蒂凡尼的早餐

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

在影片《蒂凡尼的早餐》中,赫本再次希望通过饰演不同性格的银幕形象来证明自己的演技,这次她扮演的是一个下层的妓女,获得了出人意料的成功。 片中还有一首很好听的插曲《月亮河》,赫本亲自演唱这首歌,后来它成了一支很受欢迎的经典的流行歌曲。如果你到了美国纽约第五大道的蒂凡尼珠宝店去,随时都能听到赫本迷人的歌声。不过现在你不用到美国,就能听到这首经典歌曲,让我们来欣赏下赫本的《月亮河》。

In the film of breakfast at Tiffany’s , Hepburn once again played a different character ,hoping to prove her acting skill through it ,this time she played a prostitute ,and unexpected success .

A fair song “moon river ”was an interlude of this film ,Hepburn sang the song herself ,and it became into a popular song thereafter ,if you go to US, New York city ,the 5th avenue ,and enter into tiffany’s jewel shop there ,you will hear the charming voice of Hepburn. But now ,you don’t go to US to hear it , let’s hear it now , the moon river from Audrey Hepburn .

⑩ 双姝怨



影片获得了五项奥斯卡提名,但票房不佳,《时代》杂志甚至开始抨击赫本。 After the success of performing a prostitute at breakfast at

tiffany’s ,Hepburn accepted a role even more challenging in the film .

⑾ 窈窕淑女

My Fair Lady



At first Julie – Andrews was supposed to play the leading lady at My Fair Lady ,but with the concern of box-office ,final decision was to let Hepburn to play a part this role. Although Hepburn had done her best , her role didn’t receive any nomination from Oscar Award ,to the

contrast ,the main actor received the best actor reward. Meantime ,the declined actress Julie – Andrews attained another role at the film 《the sound of music》,in which her outstanding performance received the best actress reward of this year .

By this time ,Hepburn’s marriage with Mel went to a brink ,paint from both family and career pressed upon her shoulder at the same time ,but she hided them, and smiled elegant still .



Two for the road is considered to be the most natural show ever performed by Hepburn ,she was more mature than ever by then . At the same year ,Audrey divorced her husband Mel .


Wait Until Dark




Hepburn exhibited excellent acting skill at this film , the blind girl she acted is hard to tell fake or real. After the shoot of this

film ,Hepburn unannounced herself to quit film career ,hoping to be a good wife and a good mother for the days to come.

After the grown up of her sons ,Hepburn decided to help the starving children of the third World , dragging her weak body ,rushing around and appealing donation for those children ,till the end of her life .

Actually ,Audrey Hepburn’s self-character wasn’t suit for acting career ,she was so shy and introversive ,the characters she can build up was fairly limited. But what attracted fans was not those screen

characters , but Audrey Hepburn herself unveiled through those characters. Whether Princess anny ,Sabrina ,or funny face ,nun ,even prostitute and lesbian. Every character was tinted with her unique pure temperature ,and branded with her mark. Audrey Hepburn is more charming than her film ,and it’s herself which can withstand the test of time more than any films .



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  • 影评 论文
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