

1. Individualism

Everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family.

In the United States, individualism can be seen in the workplace. People are evaluated according to their performances. In this case, the IKEA initiated an American style performance review procedure, which requires documenting employees’ individual performance strengths and weaknesses. This is what IKEA can do to make there company adapted to America. However, a lot of people have left IKEA because they feel that their individual achievements are not always rewarded. This goes against the individualism in America and makes troubles for IKEA.

2. Achieved status vs. ascribed status

In this case, there are conflicts of interest. The local Americans’ benefits

should be given according to their performances, while the Swedish managers feel uncomfortable with the formality of the system and the need to provide negative feedback. Anyway, since they hold the more senior positions and had higher status, their decision was respected.

3. Power distance

This dimension is similar to the former one. Power is distributed in

institutions and organizations. In this case, the Swedish managers are more powerful than the American workers in this company, so they have the power to make the final decision.


1. Uncertainty avoidance

Australia is a country that accepts uncertainty. The foreign government offers investment incentives to the company which will encourage the industry

“leader” to enter the country and invest. Both the risks and the rewards are high. In order to get the benefit, the company risks investing. What’s more, it invested more money and doubled the size of a fermentation plant after three years. It is very clear that the company is relatively comfortable with

ambiguity. They have great ambitions and faith paying less attention to the uncertainty.

2. Long-term and short-term orientation

Long-term orientation looks into the future. Burns Philip’s first venture into China started after learning some very hard lessons and Burns Philip’s plants are located in Guangdong, Shanghai, Harbin, and in the west gradually. It focuses on the long-term benefit and its future interest in China.

3. Power distance

Power is distributed in institutions and organizations. Mr. Aroney says the

percentage of equity that Burns Philip holds in joint ventures varied according to the requirement of the Chinese government at the time when the joint

venture was founded. In this way, the Chinese government has the power. No matter how successful the company is, it should obey the rules given by the local government to develop it.

4. Universalism vs. particularism

Burns Philip’s first venture into China, after learning some very hard lessons, was so successful that after three years. Actually, it had learned some valuable culture in China, which is the universalism. However, in each of its joint

ventures burns Philip has encountered different conditions, due to differences in language and culture, which is the particularism. Thus, we should learn culture reasoningly rather than treat different things as the same.

5. Communitarianism

As we all know, China is a country that is focused on communitarianism. The percentage of equity that Burns Philip holds in joint ventures varied according to the capability of the joint venture partner to contribute resources. The company itself cannot achieve success alone. Cooperation between you can your partner plays a very important role in the business, which is called Communitarianism


1. Individualism

Everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family.

In the United States, individualism can be seen in the workplace. People are evaluated according to their performances. In this case, the IKEA initiated an American style performance review procedure, which requires documenting employees’ individual performance strengths and weaknesses. This is what IKEA can do to make there company adapted to America. However, a lot of people have left IKEA because they feel that their individual achievements are not always rewarded. This goes against the individualism in America and makes troubles for IKEA.

2. Achieved status vs. ascribed status

In this case, there are conflicts of interest. The local Americans’ benefits

should be given according to their performances, while the Swedish managers feel uncomfortable with the formality of the system and the need to provide negative feedback. Anyway, since they hold the more senior positions and had higher status, their decision was respected.

3. Power distance

This dimension is similar to the former one. Power is distributed in

institutions and organizations. In this case, the Swedish managers are more powerful than the American workers in this company, so they have the power to make the final decision.


1. Uncertainty avoidance

Australia is a country that accepts uncertainty. The foreign government offers investment incentives to the company which will encourage the industry

“leader” to enter the country and invest. Both the risks and the rewards are high. In order to get the benefit, the company risks investing. What’s more, it invested more money and doubled the size of a fermentation plant after three years. It is very clear that the company is relatively comfortable with

ambiguity. They have great ambitions and faith paying less attention to the uncertainty.

2. Long-term and short-term orientation

Long-term orientation looks into the future. Burns Philip’s first venture into China started after learning some very hard lessons and Burns Philip’s plants are located in Guangdong, Shanghai, Harbin, and in the west gradually. It focuses on the long-term benefit and its future interest in China.

3. Power distance

Power is distributed in institutions and organizations. Mr. Aroney says the

percentage of equity that Burns Philip holds in joint ventures varied according to the requirement of the Chinese government at the time when the joint

venture was founded. In this way, the Chinese government has the power. No matter how successful the company is, it should obey the rules given by the local government to develop it.

4. Universalism vs. particularism

Burns Philip’s first venture into China, after learning some very hard lessons, was so successful that after three years. Actually, it had learned some valuable culture in China, which is the universalism. However, in each of its joint

ventures burns Philip has encountered different conditions, due to differences in language and culture, which is the particularism. Thus, we should learn culture reasoningly rather than treat different things as the same.

5. Communitarianism

As we all know, China is a country that is focused on communitarianism. The percentage of equity that Burns Philip holds in joint ventures varied according to the capability of the joint venture partner to contribute resources. The company itself cannot achieve success alone. Cooperation between you can your partner plays a very important role in the business, which is called Communitarianism


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