
来源:网络 2009-10-21 21:29:01

[标签:五年级 听力 试题] [当前13612家长在线讨论]


一 听音选词 (5分)

1 ()Aliving Breading C paper

2()Aletter Bwether C paper

3()Afinishi Bwatch C wash

4()Ainvent Bprint C hurt

5()Awent Blearnt C hurt

二 选择听到的句子。(5分)

1 ()A It was my birthday on Saturday.

B Here is a photo of me on my birthday.

2()A She played with me

B She played the flute.

3()A She usually walks to school

B She didn‘t walk to school.

4()A Chinese pepole invented printing.

B Chinese pepole invented paper

5()A We went to the Great Wall.

B We went on a school trip.

三 听音完成短文,用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

(do didn’t clean wash help)

On Sundays, Daming usually _____ his homework, but yesterday he ______ do it.

He _____his room, he ______his trousers,then he _____his Mum.



( ) 1.Where does she live? She _____ in Anshan.

A.lives B.living C.live

( ) 2.The boys to skate last week.

A.learnt B.learn C.learning

( ) 3.She‘s _____ black hair.

A. get B. getting C.got

( ) 4.We _____ at Buckingham Palace last Saturday.

A.is B.are C.were

( ) 5.I will _____ eight in April. A.still B.being C.be

( ) 6.Yesterday I ______ to the top.

A.cleaned B.climbed C. cooked

( ) 7.She usually____to school. A.walk B.walks C.walking

( ) 8.He didn’t ______ English. A.learn B.learns C.learning

( ) 9.Lingling watched TV and _______ _______ her toys.

A. played for B. played about C.played with

( ) 10.I ______ ride my bike yesterday.

A.doesn‘t B.didn’t C.don‘t

( ) 11.Look at the man _______ the bicycle. A.on B.in C.over

( ) 12.Lucy went a school trip . A.in B.on C.to

( ) 13.We went the Great Wall. A.on B.in C.to

( ) 14.He invented this bicycle ___1839 .

A.in B.on C.at

( ) 15.This is a picture ____ Buckingham Palace.

A.of B.on C.to


finished washed cleaned helped painted

cooked saw bought went ate

1.I _______ my room. 2. I _________ my homework.

3. She ___________ her trousers. 4. We ______you a present.

5. I _________ my father. 6.Amy _________ noodles.

7.Sam __________ a picture. 8. We _____lots of mountains. 9 We ____ to the Great Wall. 10. We _____apples.



) 2.get (第三人称单数) 3.学习(过去式) 4.has,have(过去式)

5.did(否定形式) 6.thing(复数形式)

7.is (过去式) 8.toy(复数形式)

四 给你的朋友写一封信,在30个词左右,注意书信格式。(14分)



来源:网络 2009-10-21 21:21:18

[标签:五年级 试题] [当前13588家长在线讨论]



1. There is a bed in my bedroom.

2. Please look at the board.

3. Queue a line please.

4. Go to kitchen, have a snack.

5. Tall, tall, tall make yourself tall.

6. Sorry, I‘m late.

7. Where’s your classroom?

8. I have 32 erasers in my bag.

9. In my home, I have 2 bathrooms.

10. Look at the ant, it is cute.

( 答案: B、C、B、C、C、C、C、B、A、C )


1. Put up the picture.

2. Make friends.

3. Listen to music.

4. At like a driver.

5. Turn on the light.

6. What‘s in your classroom?

7. She has small eyes, long hair and a big nose.

8. I’d like some chicken and vegetables.

9. I have 30 pencils and 4 books in my school bag.

10. My mother is a farmer.

( 答案: √×√×××√√×× )


1. Can I have some chicken?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your father?

4. What would you like for lunch?

5. What can you see in the room?

( 答案: B、B、C、B、C )


1. My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse .

2. What would you like for lunch? I‘d like some rice and beef .

3. Welcome to my home , this is my room .

4. Amy is my friend . She’s a girl .

5. My schoolbag is heavy. There are many books and pencils in it. (答案: 1.doctor, nurse 2.rice, beef 3.home, room 4. friend, girl

5. book, pencil )


I have a new friend. His name is Mike. This is his photo. He is strong. He has short brown hair. He likes sports. Look, this is his new schoolbag. There are many books in it. Two story-books, three picture books, four English books, and one Chinese book. It‘s very heavy.

( 答案: √×√×× )


六、选择合适的句子,把对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。 ( 答案:D, B, E, C, A )


Ⅰ.阅读并判断下列句子,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。 ( 答案:F, T, F, T, F )

Ⅱ. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。 ( 答案:A, A, B, B, A )


( 答案: family, teacher, nurse, singer, player )


1. Where is the key?

2. Is this a living room?

3. What’s her name?

4. What is it?

5. What‘s your brother?


( 答案: A, B, D, F, G )

来源:网络 2009-10-21 21:29:01

[标签:五年级 听力 试题] [当前13612家长在线讨论]


一 听音选词 (5分)

1 ()Aliving Breading C paper

2()Aletter Bwether C paper

3()Afinishi Bwatch C wash

4()Ainvent Bprint C hurt

5()Awent Blearnt C hurt

二 选择听到的句子。(5分)

1 ()A It was my birthday on Saturday.

B Here is a photo of me on my birthday.

2()A She played with me

B She played the flute.

3()A She usually walks to school

B She didn‘t walk to school.

4()A Chinese pepole invented printing.

B Chinese pepole invented paper

5()A We went to the Great Wall.

B We went on a school trip.

三 听音完成短文,用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

(do didn’t clean wash help)

On Sundays, Daming usually _____ his homework, but yesterday he ______ do it.

He _____his room, he ______his trousers,then he _____his Mum.



( ) 1.Where does she live? She _____ in Anshan.

A.lives B.living C.live

( ) 2.The boys to skate last week.

A.learnt B.learn C.learning

( ) 3.She‘s _____ black hair.

A. get B. getting C.got

( ) 4.We _____ at Buckingham Palace last Saturday.

A.is B.are C.were

( ) 5.I will _____ eight in April. A.still B.being C.be

( ) 6.Yesterday I ______ to the top.

A.cleaned B.climbed C. cooked

( ) 7.She usually____to school. A.walk B.walks C.walking

( ) 8.He didn’t ______ English. A.learn B.learns C.learning

( ) 9.Lingling watched TV and _______ _______ her toys.

A. played for B. played about C.played with

( ) 10.I ______ ride my bike yesterday.

A.doesn‘t B.didn’t C.don‘t

( ) 11.Look at the man _______ the bicycle. A.on B.in C.over

( ) 12.Lucy went a school trip . A.in B.on C.to

( ) 13.We went the Great Wall. A.on B.in C.to

( ) 14.He invented this bicycle ___1839 .

A.in B.on C.at

( ) 15.This is a picture ____ Buckingham Palace.

A.of B.on C.to


finished washed cleaned helped painted

cooked saw bought went ate

1.I _______ my room. 2. I _________ my homework.

3. She ___________ her trousers. 4. We ______you a present.

5. I _________ my father. 6.Amy _________ noodles.

7.Sam __________ a picture. 8. We _____lots of mountains. 9 We ____ to the Great Wall. 10. We _____apples.



) 2.get (第三人称单数) 3.学习(过去式) 4.has,have(过去式)

5.did(否定形式) 6.thing(复数形式)

7.is (过去式) 8.toy(复数形式)

四 给你的朋友写一封信,在30个词左右,注意书信格式。(14分)



来源:网络 2009-10-21 21:21:18

[标签:五年级 试题] [当前13588家长在线讨论]



1. There is a bed in my bedroom.

2. Please look at the board.

3. Queue a line please.

4. Go to kitchen, have a snack.

5. Tall, tall, tall make yourself tall.

6. Sorry, I‘m late.

7. Where’s your classroom?

8. I have 32 erasers in my bag.

9. In my home, I have 2 bathrooms.

10. Look at the ant, it is cute.

( 答案: B、C、B、C、C、C、C、B、A、C )


1. Put up the picture.

2. Make friends.

3. Listen to music.

4. At like a driver.

5. Turn on the light.

6. What‘s in your classroom?

7. She has small eyes, long hair and a big nose.

8. I’d like some chicken and vegetables.

9. I have 30 pencils and 4 books in my school bag.

10. My mother is a farmer.

( 答案: √×√×××√√×× )


1. Can I have some chicken?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your father?

4. What would you like for lunch?

5. What can you see in the room?

( 答案: B、B、C、B、C )


1. My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse .

2. What would you like for lunch? I‘d like some rice and beef .

3. Welcome to my home , this is my room .

4. Amy is my friend . She’s a girl .

5. My schoolbag is heavy. There are many books and pencils in it. (答案: 1.doctor, nurse 2.rice, beef 3.home, room 4. friend, girl

5. book, pencil )


I have a new friend. His name is Mike. This is his photo. He is strong. He has short brown hair. He likes sports. Look, this is his new schoolbag. There are many books in it. Two story-books, three picture books, four English books, and one Chinese book. It‘s very heavy.

( 答案: √×√×× )


六、选择合适的句子,把对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。 ( 答案:D, B, E, C, A )


Ⅰ.阅读并判断下列句子,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。 ( 答案:F, T, F, T, F )

Ⅱ. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。 ( 答案:A, A, B, B, A )


( 答案: family, teacher, nurse, singer, player )


1. Where is the key?

2. Is this a living room?

3. What’s her name?

4. What is it?

5. What‘s your brother?


( 答案: A, B, D, F, G )


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