


be able to (do) be about to (do) be absent from be abundant in be accustomed to be acquainted with be active in

be afraid of

be alive to

be angry at

be angry with be anxious about be anxious for

be anxious to (do) be ashamed of be aware of

be bad at

be badly off

be based on

be bent on

be beside oneself be better off

be born in

be born of

be bound to (do) be buried in

be burned out 解释 能(做),会(做) 即将,正要 缺勤,缺课 富于,富有 习惯于 与……相识,熟悉 积极于 恐怕,害怕,担忧 发觉,感觉,对……敏感 因某事生气 对……发怒 担心,为……担忧 急切盼望,渴望 渴望(做) 为……感到害臊 意识到 拙于,不善于 生活穷困 根据,以……为基础 热恋于,一心想 忘乎所以 处境较好,情况好转 出生于…… 出生于……(家庭) 一定会,不得不 沉思,陷入,专心于 住所被烧光

be busy (doing) be busy with

be busy about

be careful of

be careful to (do) be certain to (do) be capable of

be confident in

be characterized by be clever at

be combined with be composed of

be concerned about be connected with be coupled with be covered with be crowded with be curious to (do) 忙着(做某事) 忙于…… 忙于…… 爱惜,注意 务必注意(做) 一定(做),必然(做) 能够 对……有信心 以……为特征 擅长于 与……结合 由……组成 关心,挂念 与……有关 与……配合 被……覆盖 挤满,拥塞 很想(做)

取决于,依赖 be dependent on/upon

be derived from 由……得到 be determined to (do) 决心(做) be different from be divided by

be divided into be eager for

be eager to (do) be engaged in

be equal to

be famous for

be fed up 与……不同 被……除以 被分成 渴望 急于要(做) 忙于,从事于 等于 以……著名 因多而厌烦

be fit for

be fond of

be free from

be friendly to

be frightened at be glad to (do)

be good at (doing) be good for

be grateful to

be identified as be independent of be indispensable for be interested in be involved in

be involved with 适合,胜任 喜欢,爱好 没有……的,不受……影响的 对……友好 受……惊吓 乐于(做),对……感到高兴 善于,擅长 适于,在……期间有效 感谢,感激 被认为是 脱离……而独立,与……无关 对……必不可少的 对……感兴趣 包括……中,被卷入 涉及 be kind enough to (do) 承……好意,恳请 be known as

be known to

be late for

be likely to (do) be mad about

be made from

be made of

be made up of be mixed up

be obliged to (do) be obliged to ... for be well off

be pleased to (do) 被称作……,以……著称 为……所熟知 迟到 可能要,像是要 迷恋 由……制成(化学变化) 由……制成(物理变化) 由……组成 混杂,混在一起 被迫(做某事) ……因……而感激 生活富裕 乐于

be popular with be possessed of be prepared for be present at be proud of

be provided with be ready to (do) be ready for be regarded as be rich in

be rid of

get rid of

be satisfied with be second to be short for be short of

be sick for

be sick in bed be sick of

be sorry for be strict with be suited to

be supposed to (do) be sure of

be sure to (do) be surprised at be taken aback

be taken by surprise be terrified at 得人心的,受……欢迎的 具有,拥有 做……打算;对……做好准备 出席 以……自豪,因……感到满意 装备有 装备好(做);乐意(做) 为……准备好 被认为是,被当做是 富于 除去,摆脱 摆脱,除掉 对……满意,满足于 次于 是……的缩写(简称) 短缺 渴望 病在床上 对……感到厌倦 对……感到抱歉 对……要求严格 适合于 应该,非……不可 坚信,确信 一定,必定 对……感到惊奇 吃惊 被突袭 被吓一跳

be through with be tired from be tired of be tired out be torn open be true of

be unconscious of be unequal to be unfit for

be united as one be used as be used to get used to be useful to be well up in be wild with joy be willing to (do) be worried about be worse off

be worth (doing) be wrong with 结束 因……而疲乏 厌烦;对……厌倦 疲倦极了 被撕开 适用于 不知道…… 无法胜任……的 不适合,不胜任 团结一致 被……用作 习惯于 习惯于 对……有用 精通,熟悉 欣喜若狂 乐意…… 为……而担心 处境较坏,情况恶化 值得(做) 有点毛病,有些不舒服



be able to (do) be about to (do) be absent from be abundant in be accustomed to be acquainted with be active in

be afraid of

be alive to

be angry at

be angry with be anxious about be anxious for

be anxious to (do) be ashamed of be aware of

be bad at

be badly off

be based on

be bent on

be beside oneself be better off

be born in

be born of

be bound to (do) be buried in

be burned out 解释 能(做),会(做) 即将,正要 缺勤,缺课 富于,富有 习惯于 与……相识,熟悉 积极于 恐怕,害怕,担忧 发觉,感觉,对……敏感 因某事生气 对……发怒 担心,为……担忧 急切盼望,渴望 渴望(做) 为……感到害臊 意识到 拙于,不善于 生活穷困 根据,以……为基础 热恋于,一心想 忘乎所以 处境较好,情况好转 出生于…… 出生于……(家庭) 一定会,不得不 沉思,陷入,专心于 住所被烧光

be busy (doing) be busy with

be busy about

be careful of

be careful to (do) be certain to (do) be capable of

be confident in

be characterized by be clever at

be combined with be composed of

be concerned about be connected with be coupled with be covered with be crowded with be curious to (do) 忙着(做某事) 忙于…… 忙于…… 爱惜,注意 务必注意(做) 一定(做),必然(做) 能够 对……有信心 以……为特征 擅长于 与……结合 由……组成 关心,挂念 与……有关 与……配合 被……覆盖 挤满,拥塞 很想(做)

取决于,依赖 be dependent on/upon

be derived from 由……得到 be determined to (do) 决心(做) be different from be divided by

be divided into be eager for

be eager to (do) be engaged in

be equal to

be famous for

be fed up 与……不同 被……除以 被分成 渴望 急于要(做) 忙于,从事于 等于 以……著名 因多而厌烦

be fit for

be fond of

be free from

be friendly to

be frightened at be glad to (do)

be good at (doing) be good for

be grateful to

be identified as be independent of be indispensable for be interested in be involved in

be involved with 适合,胜任 喜欢,爱好 没有……的,不受……影响的 对……友好 受……惊吓 乐于(做),对……感到高兴 善于,擅长 适于,在……期间有效 感谢,感激 被认为是 脱离……而独立,与……无关 对……必不可少的 对……感兴趣 包括……中,被卷入 涉及 be kind enough to (do) 承……好意,恳请 be known as

be known to

be late for

be likely to (do) be mad about

be made from

be made of

be made up of be mixed up

be obliged to (do) be obliged to ... for be well off

be pleased to (do) 被称作……,以……著称 为……所熟知 迟到 可能要,像是要 迷恋 由……制成(化学变化) 由……制成(物理变化) 由……组成 混杂,混在一起 被迫(做某事) ……因……而感激 生活富裕 乐于

be popular with be possessed of be prepared for be present at be proud of

be provided with be ready to (do) be ready for be regarded as be rich in

be rid of

get rid of

be satisfied with be second to be short for be short of

be sick for

be sick in bed be sick of

be sorry for be strict with be suited to

be supposed to (do) be sure of

be sure to (do) be surprised at be taken aback

be taken by surprise be terrified at 得人心的,受……欢迎的 具有,拥有 做……打算;对……做好准备 出席 以……自豪,因……感到满意 装备有 装备好(做);乐意(做) 为……准备好 被认为是,被当做是 富于 除去,摆脱 摆脱,除掉 对……满意,满足于 次于 是……的缩写(简称) 短缺 渴望 病在床上 对……感到厌倦 对……感到抱歉 对……要求严格 适合于 应该,非……不可 坚信,确信 一定,必定 对……感到惊奇 吃惊 被突袭 被吓一跳

be through with be tired from be tired of be tired out be torn open be true of

be unconscious of be unequal to be unfit for

be united as one be used as be used to get used to be useful to be well up in be wild with joy be willing to (do) be worried about be worse off

be worth (doing) be wrong with 结束 因……而疲乏 厌烦;对……厌倦 疲倦极了 被撕开 适用于 不知道…… 无法胜任……的 不适合,不胜任 团结一致 被……用作 习惯于 习惯于 对……有用 精通,熟悉 欣喜若狂 乐意…… 为……而担心 处境较坏,情况恶化 值得(做) 有点毛病,有些不舒服


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