1. Lifetime Calculation Formula 寿命计算公式
L : Life expectancy at the time of actual use. 实际使用平均寿命
Lb : Basic life at maximum operating temperature 最大工作温度下的基本寿命 Tmax : Maximum operating temperature 最大工作温度
Ta : Actual ambient temperature 实际环境温度
ΔTjo : Internal temperature rise when maximum rated ripple current is
applied.USR, USC, USG : 10℃VXP : 3.5℃Other type : 5℃ 加上最大额定波纹电流后,电容器的内部温升USR, USC, USG ::10℃VXP : 3.5℃其它类型:5℃
ΔTj : Internal temperature rise when actual ripple current is applied. 加入实际波纹电流后,电容内部的温升
F : Frequency coefficient 频率系数[这个不李理解]
Io : Rated ripple current at maximum operating temperature 最高工作温度时的额定波纹电流
I : Actual ripple current 实际波纹电流
2. Ambient Temperature Calculation Formula 环境温度计算公式
If measuring ambient temperature (Ta) is difficult, Ta can be calculated from surface temperature of the capacitor as follows. .Ta = Tc – ΔTj/α 如果测量环境温度Ta 有困难,Ta 可以根据电容器的表面温度按下式计算:Ta = Tc – ΔTj/α Ta : Calculated ambient Temperature 计算所使用的环境温度
Tc : Surface Temperature of capacitor 电容器的表面温度
α : Ratio of case top and core of capacitor element [此处不太理解] Case φD ≤ 8 10,12.5 16, 18 20, 22 25 30 35
α 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
3. Ripple Current Multiplier 额定电流系数
(1) Temperature coefficient 温度系数
Temperature coefficients are shown as below. 温度系数选取如下:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 85 ≤65
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.3
Other 85°C type:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 85 70 ≤50
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.6 2.0
105°C type:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 105 85 ≤65
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.7 2.1
Note: Where the temperature coefficient is used, life extension cannot be expected any more because the temperature coefficient is set up on condition of the same life time at maximum operating temperature. 注意:使用温度系数,不可指望寿命延长,因为温度系数是建立在最高工作温度下的相同寿命条件下的。
(2) Frequency Coefficient 频率系数
Frequency coefficients for each series are shown in the catalogue or specifications. 各个系列的频率系数已在产品目录或规格书中列出。
1. Lifetime Calculation Formula 寿命计算公式
L : Life expectancy at the time of actual use. 实际使用平均寿命
Lb : Basic life at maximum operating temperature 最大工作温度下的基本寿命 Tmax : Maximum operating temperature 最大工作温度
Ta : Actual ambient temperature 实际环境温度
ΔTjo : Internal temperature rise when maximum rated ripple current is
applied.USR, USC, USG : 10℃VXP : 3.5℃Other type : 5℃ 加上最大额定波纹电流后,电容器的内部温升USR, USC, USG ::10℃VXP : 3.5℃其它类型:5℃
ΔTj : Internal temperature rise when actual ripple current is applied. 加入实际波纹电流后,电容内部的温升
F : Frequency coefficient 频率系数[这个不李理解]
Io : Rated ripple current at maximum operating temperature 最高工作温度时的额定波纹电流
I : Actual ripple current 实际波纹电流
2. Ambient Temperature Calculation Formula 环境温度计算公式
If measuring ambient temperature (Ta) is difficult, Ta can be calculated from surface temperature of the capacitor as follows. .Ta = Tc – ΔTj/α 如果测量环境温度Ta 有困难,Ta 可以根据电容器的表面温度按下式计算:Ta = Tc – ΔTj/α Ta : Calculated ambient Temperature 计算所使用的环境温度
Tc : Surface Temperature of capacitor 电容器的表面温度
α : Ratio of case top and core of capacitor element [此处不太理解] Case φD ≤ 8 10,12.5 16, 18 20, 22 25 30 35
α 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
3. Ripple Current Multiplier 额定电流系数
(1) Temperature coefficient 温度系数
Temperature coefficients are shown as below. 温度系数选取如下:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 85 ≤65
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.3
Other 85°C type:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 85 70 ≤50
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.6 2.0
105°C type:
Ambient Temp.(℃)环境温度 105 85 ≤65
Coefficien 系数 1.0 1.7 2.1
Note: Where the temperature coefficient is used, life extension cannot be expected any more because the temperature coefficient is set up on condition of the same life time at maximum operating temperature. 注意:使用温度系数,不可指望寿命延长,因为温度系数是建立在最高工作温度下的相同寿命条件下的。
(2) Frequency Coefficient 频率系数
Frequency coefficients for each series are shown in the catalogue or specifications. 各个系列的频率系数已在产品目录或规格书中列出。