
2010年华盛顿核安全峰会公报全文(中英对照) 2010年4月13日,首届核安全峰会在华盛顿发表公报。全文如下:

Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit

April 13, 2010



Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.


In addition to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear

nonproliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, we also all share the objective of nuclear security. Therefore those gathered here in Washington, D.C. on April 13, 2010, commit to strengthen nuclear security and reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism. Success will require

responsible national actions and sustained and effective international cooperation.


We welcome and join President Obama’s call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years, as we work together to enhance nuclear security.


Therefore, we:


1. Reaffirm the fundamental responsibility of States, consistent with their respective international obligations, to maintain effective

security of all nuclear materials, which includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control; to prevent non-state actors from obtaining the information or technology required to use such material for malicious purposes; and emphasize the importance of robust national legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security;


2. Call on States to work cooperatively as an international community to advance nuclear security, requesting and providing assistance as necessary;


3. Recognize that highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium require special precautions and agree to promote measures to secure, account for, and consolidate these materials, as appropriate; and encourage the conversion of reactors from highly enriched to low enriched uranium fuel

and minimization of use of highly enriched uranium, where technically and economically feasible;


4. Endeavor to fully implement all existing nuclear security commitments and work toward acceding to those not yet joined, consistent with national laws, policies and procedures;


5. Support the objectives of international nuclear security instruments, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, as amended, and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as essential elements of the global nuclear security architecture;


6. Reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the international nuclear security framework and will work to ensure that it continues to have the appropriate structure, resources and expertise needed to carry out its mandated nuclear security activities in accordance with its Statute, relevant General Conference resolutions and its Nuclear Security Plans;


7. Recognize the role and contributions of the United Nations as well as the contributions of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G-8-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction within their respective mandates and memberships;


8. Acknowledge the need for capacity building for nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels for the promotion of nuclear security culture through technology development, human resource development, education, and training; and stress the importance of optimizing international cooperation and coordination of assistance;


9. Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking; and agree to share, subject to respective national laws and procedures, information and expertise through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms in relevant areas such as nuclear detection, forensics, law enforcement, and the development of new technologies;


10. Recognize the continuing role of nuclear industry, including the private sector, in nuclear security and will work with industry to ensure the necessary priority of physical protection, material accountancy, and security culture;


11. Support the implementation of strong nuclear security practices that will not infringe upon the rights of States to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and technology and will facilitate international cooperation in the field of nuclear security; and


12. Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well.



Maintaining effective nuclear security will require continuous national efforts facilitated by international cooperation and undertaken on a voluntary basis by States. We will promote the strengthening of global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states. 为保持有效的核安全,各国必须在自愿基础上通过国际合作采取持续的国家行动。我们将与所有国家进行对话与合作,推动加强全球核安全。

Thus, we issue the Work Plan as guidance for national and international action including through cooperation within the context of relevant international fora and organizations. We will hold the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in 2012.

鉴此,我们发表《峰会工作计划》以指导各国和国际行动,包括在相关国际论坛和组织框架下的合作。我们将于2012年在韩国举行下一届核安全峰会。 胡锦涛主席在华盛顿核安全峰会上的讲话(中英对照)


携手应对核安全挑战 共同促进和平与发展



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Join Hands to Meet Nuclear Security Challenge and Promote Peace and


——Statement by H.E. Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of


At the Nuclear Security Summit

Washington D.C., 13 April 2010



President Obama,

Dear Colleagues,


Nuclear security concerns the sustainable development of nuclear energy and the wider economy. It bears on social stability and public safety, and affects international peace and tranquility.


The development and utilization of nuclear energy was one of the greatest scientific and technological achievements of the 20th century. It brought benefits to the people and spurred human progress. With the advent of the 21st century, the demand for nuclear energy has grown significantly to meet the need of tackling climate change and ensuring energy security. The nuclear industry has shown a strong momentum of growth, and nuclear energy has played a greater role in economic and social development. 同时,国际安全形势复杂多变,核安全问题日益引起国际社会关注,主要是非传统安全问题凸显、核恐怖主义潜在威胁不容忽视、核材料流失和非法贩运风险上升。妥善应对核安全挑战,保障核能持续健康发展,维护国际安全稳定,成为各国共同面临的重要课题。

On the other hand, the complex and fluid global security situation has highlighted nuclear security as a growing concern to the international community. With non-traditional security issues becoming more prominent, the potential threat of nuclear terrorism cannot be neglected, and the risk of nuclear material diversion and illicit trafficking is on the rise. It is incumbent upon all countries to properly address the nuclear security challenge, ensure sustained and sound development of nuclear energy, and uphold international security and stability.


Enhanced nuclear security serves the interest of all countries and

requires concerted action. I wish to propose, in this connection, that we take earnest steps in the following five areas:


First, honor national commitments and responsibilities. All countries should pay more attention to the issue of nuclear security, fulfill relevant international obligations, and reinforce domestic legislation and regulatory control. We should adopt effective measures to secure nuclear materials and facilities within our respective jurisdictions, promote nuclear security culture, improve export control, and enhance nuclear security capacity.


Second, consolidate the existing international legal framework. We should work for the early entry into force of the Amendment to the

Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, and promote universality of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. We should fully implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, effectively fight illicit trafficking of nuclear material, and prevent non-state actors from obtaining such material. 第三,切实加强核安全国际合作。各国应该充分利用现有多边和双边合作机制和渠道,分享核安全经验,加强信息交流和执法合作。应该支持国际原子能机构在核安全领域发挥主导作用,充分利用机构平台,支持各国核安全努力。各国还可以探讨合作开发有助于降低安全风险的核技术。

Third, strengthen international cooperation. Countries should make good use of existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms and channels to share experience in nuclear security and intensify

information exchange and law enforcement cooperation. We should support the leading role of the IAEA in the field of nuclear security, and take full advantage of the platform provided by the IAEA to support national nuclear security efforts. We may also explore ways to jointly develop nuclear technologies that can help bring down security risks.


Fourth, help developing countries enhance nuclear security capacity. The IAEA and developed countries should offer greater economic, technical and human resources assistance to developing countries in order to achieve nuclear security for all. And in doing so, they should respect the wishes of developing countries and act in the light of their real needs and existing conditions.


Fifth, handle properly the relationship between nuclear security and peaceful use of nuclear energy. Nuclear security measures should help foster an enabling environment for peaceful use of nuclear energy by all countries and facilitate related international cooperation.


2010年4月15日,国家主席胡锦涛在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”领导人第二次正式会晤时发表题为《合作 开放 互利 共赢》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:

合作 开放 互利 共赢



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Cooperation and Openness for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Progress

——Remarks by H.E. Hu Jintao

President of the People’s Republic of China

At the BRIC Summit

Brasilia, 16 April 2010



President Lula da Silva,

Dear Colleagues,


It gives me great pleasure to join you again in the beautiful city of Brasilia. Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to President Lula and the Brazilian government for the thoughtful arrangements they have made for this meeting.


When we met in Yekaterinburg last June, the world economy was in the quagmire of the international financial crisis. Major economies ran into recession, and the work and life of people around the world were seriously affected. In the face of a gloomy economic picture, the four BRIC countries came together and sent a strong message that we would work for the early recovery of the world economy. Through hard efforts, we became the first to achieve an economic turnaround. And thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, the world economy has shown signs of recovery and is expected to gradually emerge from the financial crisis. 同时,我们必须看到,当前世界经济复苏的基础并不牢固,复苏并不均衡,还存在很多不确定因素。近期一些国家主权债务风险上升,国际金融市场出现波动,各种形式的保护主义抬头,一些国家就业形势严峻,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性问题相互交织,世界经济治理结构深层次问题仍未解决。实现世界经济可持续增长还有很长的路要走。

At the same time, we must realize that the world economic recovery is not yet firmly established or balanced, and there are still many uncertainties down the road. We have seen recently the rise of sovereign debt risks in some countries, fluctuations in international financial markets, surging protectionism of various forms and grave employment situation in some parts of the world. Global challenges such as climate change, food

security, energy and resource security, public health security and major natural disasters are intertwined, and the deep-seated problems in world economic governance structure are yet to be addressed. In short, there is still a long way to go before the world economy can achieve sustainable growth.


Dear Colleagues,


Over the past year, we have broadened the scope and increased the levels of dialogue and cooperation among our four countries, and our efforts have produced fruitful results. Our four countries differ in political system, development model, religious belief and cultural tradition, but we have become good friends and partners. This shows that countries with different social systems can be inclusive toward each other and countries with different development models can engage in cooperation. It also shows that different civilizations can learn from each other and different cultures can have exchanges. Our endeavor is in keeping with the trend towards peace and development and answers the call of our time for cooperation and mutual benefit.


"BRIC" cooperation now faces both valuable opportunities and severe challenges. We should set clear objectives for cooperation among the four countries and advance the BRIC cooperation process from a strategic height. We should base our cooperation on political mutual trust, and treat each other with sincerity, mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support. We should focus on practical cooperation and make our cooperation more dynamic through concrete actions. We should strengthen institutional building to support increased cooperation in broader areas. We should aim for mutual benefit by combining our respective strengths and sharing the fruits of cooperation to the fullest extent. We should view openness and transparency as the prerequisite of our cooperation and strengthen communication and exchanges to make our cooperation an open process. 各位同事!

Dear Colleagues,


The international situation is now very complex, and the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment. No matter how the international situation may evolve and what changes the international system may experience, we should remain firmly committed to the goal of mutual benefit, the principle of democracy and equity, the approach of mutual respect and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation.


We should encourage all parties to firm up the foundation of the world economic recovery and strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination. The international community coordinated the "entry"{ strategy in response to the financial crisis, and we must also act in coordination with respect to the "exit" strategy and maintain the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policies.


We should encourage all parties to address imbalances in the global economic governance structure. It is important to achieve on schedule the quantified reform targets of international financial institutions set by the G20 Pittsburgh Summit and increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries.


We should encourage all parties to continue to promote trade

liberalization and facilitation, properly handle trade disputes and reject protectionism. The main parties to the Doha Round negotiations should demonstrate sincerity and flexibility to reach comprehensive and balanced outcomes at an early date and facilitate the establishment of an open and mutually-beneficial multilateral trade regime.


We should encourage all parties to improve the international financial supervisory and regulatory regime by expanding its scope, specifying responsibilities, adopting universally accepted standards and norms and

strengthening mechanisms. There should be supervision over the

macroeconomic policies of major reserve currency issuing economies and over sovereign credit rating agencies.


We should encourage all parties to embrace a stronger sense of

responsibility and morality and work for balanced global development. It is important to scale up input in development and ensure development resources and at the same time respect each other's development model chosen in the light of national conditions and policy space. In September, the United Nations will hold the High-level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals. We need to urge the international community,

particularly developed countries, to honor commitments in increased assistance, debt relief, market access and technology transfer and help developing countries promote economic growth, improve people's

well-being and meet the Millennium Development Goals.


To maintain and advance dialogue and cooperation among BRIC countries, China would like to host the third BRIC Summit.


Dear Colleagues,


China has scored notable achievements over the past 30-odd years since reform and opening-up. Now many people are interested to know what kind of a country China is likely to be in the future. What will it say and what will it do? How is it going to treat old friends and how is it going to treat new friends? Let me share with you, in this connection, the following observations.



First, China's development is a long and arduous task. China is the world's biggest developing country. A large population, a weak foundation and uneven development: these are the basic realities confronting us. China has 1.3 billion people. Our per capita GDP has just exceeded US$3,000, trailing behind more than 100 countries. According to UN standard, we still have over 100 million people living below the poverty line. It is truly a heavy task to grow the economy and improve people's livelihood in China. The scale and complexity of the challenges that we face in the course of development are unmatched anywhere else in the world and have been rarely seen in human history. To achieve modernization and ensure a prosperous life for all our people, we must make persistent efforts for a long time to come.

第二,中国的发展只能也必然是和平发展。中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就有和为贵、亲仁善邻的传统。中国谋求发展既不损害别人,更不威胁别人。我们始终倡导并信守“己所不欲,勿施于人”。近代中国人民频遭劫难,最珍惜和平、安宁、和谐、自由。中国将坚持走和平发展道路。一个繁荣发展的中国,一个和平合作的中国,愿意也能够随着自身发展为人类和平与发展作出新的更大的贡献。 Second, peaceful development is China's only and logical choice. The Chinese people love peace. It is our long-cherished tradition to foster harmony and build amicable ties with neighbors. China's development will not bring harm or pose a threat to anyone. We advocate and follow the principle of "do not do onto others what you do not want others to do onto you". The Chinese people suffered so much in modern history, and we therefore value peace, stability, harmony and freedom more than anything else. China is committed to the path of peaceful development. A prosperous and growing China dedicated to peace and cooperation is willing and able to make new and even greater contribution to mankind’s pursuit of peace and development.



Third, China's development is an inclusive, win-win process. China pursues a win-win strategy of opening-up and seeks to promote common development of all countries through mutually-beneficial cooperation. Guided by the basic state policy of opening-up, we have been endeavoring to develop an open economy, increase import, actively use foreign

investment, implement the FTA strategy at a faster pace, push forward regional economic integration, and share with other countries the

benefits of expanding markets and deepening division of labor. China has taken an active part in the international cooperation to counter the global financial crisis ever since it broke out. We have sent many trade and investment promotion missions and large procurement missions abroad. China has made great efforts to support and help developing countries. We have cancelled the debts owed by 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries and offered zero-tariff treatment to

commodities from more than 40 least developed countries. Last November, we announced eight new measures in support of Africa’s sustainable development. These measures will help expand China’s trade with and investment in Africa, intensify practical cooperation between the two sides, build up Africa’s capacity to achieve self-development, and strengthen our joint endeavor to counter the global financial crisis. 第四,中国的发展是负责任的发展。2009年是新世纪以来中国经济发展最为困难的一年。受国际金融危机影响,中国出口大幅下降,失业人员大量增加,经济增速下滑。我们坚持把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务,全面实施并不断丰富完善应对国际金融危机冲击的一揽子计划和政策措施,实现国内生产总值增长8.7%,为推动世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。我们把加快经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整作为促进经济平稳较快发展的重要任务,着力推动消费、出口、投资协调增长,特别是着力扩大国内需求、增加居民消费。我们从不刻意追求贸易顺差,始终把促进国际收支平衡作为保持宏观经济稳定的重要任务。去年,中国贸易顺差比前年减少1020亿美元,货物进口价值10056亿美元,成为世界第二大进口国,为外国产品和服务提供了大量机遇。我们一直按照主动性、可控性、渐进性原则稳步实施有管理的浮动汇率制度。国际金融危机发生后,我们面临巨大困难,但保持了人民币汇率基本稳定,促进了国际经济金融体系稳定。

Fourth, China follows a responsible approach in pursuing development. The year 2009 was the most difficult year for the Chinese economy since the beginning of the new century. The global financial crisis led to a sharp decline in China’s export, a big increase in unemployment and a slowdown in economic growth. Confronted with such a situation, we gave top priority to maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth, and fully implemented and steadily improved our package plan and policy

measures in response to the financial crisis. Thanks to these efforts, we achieved an 8.7 percent GDP growth and made important contribution to the world economic recovery. To ensure steady and relatively fast growth, we have taken it as an important task to speed up the transformation of growth pattern and economic restructuring. We have worked hard to promote coordinated growth of consumption, export and investment, with a special emphasis on boosting domestic demand and increasing household consumption. We have no intention to seek trade surplus. Quite the contrary, we have always placed high importance on achieving equilibrium in the balance of international payments in an effort to maintain macroeconomic stability. Last year, China’s trade surplus dropped by US$102 billion over the previous year, yet our import in goods reached US$1.0056 trillion, making China the world’s second largest importing country and presenting great opportunities for foreign goods and services. We have been following a managed floating exchange rate regime in accordance with the principle of independent initiative, controllability and gradualism. Despite the tremendous difficulties caused by the global financial crisis, we have kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable and have thus made

contribution to the stability of the international economic and financial systems.


Dear Colleagues,


The Shanghai World Expo will open in two weeks. The World Expo is a great event for countries to increase economic and cultural exchanges and promote progress of human civilization. On behalf of the Chinese

government and people, I warmly welcome friends from Brazil, India, Russia and all countries of the world to go to the beautiful city of Shanghai and join us in this great event. Together, we will contribute to and witness a successful, splendid and memorable World Expo.


Thank you!

2010年华盛顿核安全峰会公报全文(中英对照) 2010年4月13日,首届核安全峰会在华盛顿发表公报。全文如下:

Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit

April 13, 2010



Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.


In addition to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear

nonproliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, we also all share the objective of nuclear security. Therefore those gathered here in Washington, D.C. on April 13, 2010, commit to strengthen nuclear security and reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism. Success will require

responsible national actions and sustained and effective international cooperation.


We welcome and join President Obama’s call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years, as we work together to enhance nuclear security.


Therefore, we:


1. Reaffirm the fundamental responsibility of States, consistent with their respective international obligations, to maintain effective

security of all nuclear materials, which includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control; to prevent non-state actors from obtaining the information or technology required to use such material for malicious purposes; and emphasize the importance of robust national legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security;


2. Call on States to work cooperatively as an international community to advance nuclear security, requesting and providing assistance as necessary;


3. Recognize that highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium require special precautions and agree to promote measures to secure, account for, and consolidate these materials, as appropriate; and encourage the conversion of reactors from highly enriched to low enriched uranium fuel

and minimization of use of highly enriched uranium, where technically and economically feasible;


4. Endeavor to fully implement all existing nuclear security commitments and work toward acceding to those not yet joined, consistent with national laws, policies and procedures;


5. Support the objectives of international nuclear security instruments, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, as amended, and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as essential elements of the global nuclear security architecture;


6. Reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the international nuclear security framework and will work to ensure that it continues to have the appropriate structure, resources and expertise needed to carry out its mandated nuclear security activities in accordance with its Statute, relevant General Conference resolutions and its Nuclear Security Plans;


7. Recognize the role and contributions of the United Nations as well as the contributions of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G-8-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction within their respective mandates and memberships;


8. Acknowledge the need for capacity building for nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels for the promotion of nuclear security culture through technology development, human resource development, education, and training; and stress the importance of optimizing international cooperation and coordination of assistance;


9. Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking; and agree to share, subject to respective national laws and procedures, information and expertise through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms in relevant areas such as nuclear detection, forensics, law enforcement, and the development of new technologies;


10. Recognize the continuing role of nuclear industry, including the private sector, in nuclear security and will work with industry to ensure the necessary priority of physical protection, material accountancy, and security culture;


11. Support the implementation of strong nuclear security practices that will not infringe upon the rights of States to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and technology and will facilitate international cooperation in the field of nuclear security; and


12. Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well.



Maintaining effective nuclear security will require continuous national efforts facilitated by international cooperation and undertaken on a voluntary basis by States. We will promote the strengthening of global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states. 为保持有效的核安全,各国必须在自愿基础上通过国际合作采取持续的国家行动。我们将与所有国家进行对话与合作,推动加强全球核安全。

Thus, we issue the Work Plan as guidance for national and international action including through cooperation within the context of relevant international fora and organizations. We will hold the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in 2012.

鉴此,我们发表《峰会工作计划》以指导各国和国际行动,包括在相关国际论坛和组织框架下的合作。我们将于2012年在韩国举行下一届核安全峰会。 胡锦涛主席在华盛顿核安全峰会上的讲话(中英对照)


携手应对核安全挑战 共同促进和平与发展



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Join Hands to Meet Nuclear Security Challenge and Promote Peace and


——Statement by H.E. Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of


At the Nuclear Security Summit

Washington D.C., 13 April 2010



President Obama,

Dear Colleagues,


Nuclear security concerns the sustainable development of nuclear energy and the wider economy. It bears on social stability and public safety, and affects international peace and tranquility.


The development and utilization of nuclear energy was one of the greatest scientific and technological achievements of the 20th century. It brought benefits to the people and spurred human progress. With the advent of the 21st century, the demand for nuclear energy has grown significantly to meet the need of tackling climate change and ensuring energy security. The nuclear industry has shown a strong momentum of growth, and nuclear energy has played a greater role in economic and social development. 同时,国际安全形势复杂多变,核安全问题日益引起国际社会关注,主要是非传统安全问题凸显、核恐怖主义潜在威胁不容忽视、核材料流失和非法贩运风险上升。妥善应对核安全挑战,保障核能持续健康发展,维护国际安全稳定,成为各国共同面临的重要课题。

On the other hand, the complex and fluid global security situation has highlighted nuclear security as a growing concern to the international community. With non-traditional security issues becoming more prominent, the potential threat of nuclear terrorism cannot be neglected, and the risk of nuclear material diversion and illicit trafficking is on the rise. It is incumbent upon all countries to properly address the nuclear security challenge, ensure sustained and sound development of nuclear energy, and uphold international security and stability.


Enhanced nuclear security serves the interest of all countries and

requires concerted action. I wish to propose, in this connection, that we take earnest steps in the following five areas:


First, honor national commitments and responsibilities. All countries should pay more attention to the issue of nuclear security, fulfill relevant international obligations, and reinforce domestic legislation and regulatory control. We should adopt effective measures to secure nuclear materials and facilities within our respective jurisdictions, promote nuclear security culture, improve export control, and enhance nuclear security capacity.


Second, consolidate the existing international legal framework. We should work for the early entry into force of the Amendment to the

Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, and promote universality of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. We should fully implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, effectively fight illicit trafficking of nuclear material, and prevent non-state actors from obtaining such material. 第三,切实加强核安全国际合作。各国应该充分利用现有多边和双边合作机制和渠道,分享核安全经验,加强信息交流和执法合作。应该支持国际原子能机构在核安全领域发挥主导作用,充分利用机构平台,支持各国核安全努力。各国还可以探讨合作开发有助于降低安全风险的核技术。

Third, strengthen international cooperation. Countries should make good use of existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms and channels to share experience in nuclear security and intensify

information exchange and law enforcement cooperation. We should support the leading role of the IAEA in the field of nuclear security, and take full advantage of the platform provided by the IAEA to support national nuclear security efforts. We may also explore ways to jointly develop nuclear technologies that can help bring down security risks.


Fourth, help developing countries enhance nuclear security capacity. The IAEA and developed countries should offer greater economic, technical and human resources assistance to developing countries in order to achieve nuclear security for all. And in doing so, they should respect the wishes of developing countries and act in the light of their real needs and existing conditions.


Fifth, handle properly the relationship between nuclear security and peaceful use of nuclear energy. Nuclear security measures should help foster an enabling environment for peaceful use of nuclear energy by all countries and facilitate related international cooperation.


2010年4月15日,国家主席胡锦涛在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”领导人第二次正式会晤时发表题为《合作 开放 互利 共赢》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:

合作 开放 互利 共赢



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Cooperation and Openness for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Progress

——Remarks by H.E. Hu Jintao

President of the People’s Republic of China

At the BRIC Summit

Brasilia, 16 April 2010



President Lula da Silva,

Dear Colleagues,


It gives me great pleasure to join you again in the beautiful city of Brasilia. Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to President Lula and the Brazilian government for the thoughtful arrangements they have made for this meeting.


When we met in Yekaterinburg last June, the world economy was in the quagmire of the international financial crisis. Major economies ran into recession, and the work and life of people around the world were seriously affected. In the face of a gloomy economic picture, the four BRIC countries came together and sent a strong message that we would work for the early recovery of the world economy. Through hard efforts, we became the first to achieve an economic turnaround. And thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, the world economy has shown signs of recovery and is expected to gradually emerge from the financial crisis. 同时,我们必须看到,当前世界经济复苏的基础并不牢固,复苏并不均衡,还存在很多不确定因素。近期一些国家主权债务风险上升,国际金融市场出现波动,各种形式的保护主义抬头,一些国家就业形势严峻,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性问题相互交织,世界经济治理结构深层次问题仍未解决。实现世界经济可持续增长还有很长的路要走。

At the same time, we must realize that the world economic recovery is not yet firmly established or balanced, and there are still many uncertainties down the road. We have seen recently the rise of sovereign debt risks in some countries, fluctuations in international financial markets, surging protectionism of various forms and grave employment situation in some parts of the world. Global challenges such as climate change, food

security, energy and resource security, public health security and major natural disasters are intertwined, and the deep-seated problems in world economic governance structure are yet to be addressed. In short, there is still a long way to go before the world economy can achieve sustainable growth.


Dear Colleagues,


Over the past year, we have broadened the scope and increased the levels of dialogue and cooperation among our four countries, and our efforts have produced fruitful results. Our four countries differ in political system, development model, religious belief and cultural tradition, but we have become good friends and partners. This shows that countries with different social systems can be inclusive toward each other and countries with different development models can engage in cooperation. It also shows that different civilizations can learn from each other and different cultures can have exchanges. Our endeavor is in keeping with the trend towards peace and development and answers the call of our time for cooperation and mutual benefit.


"BRIC" cooperation now faces both valuable opportunities and severe challenges. We should set clear objectives for cooperation among the four countries and advance the BRIC cooperation process from a strategic height. We should base our cooperation on political mutual trust, and treat each other with sincerity, mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support. We should focus on practical cooperation and make our cooperation more dynamic through concrete actions. We should strengthen institutional building to support increased cooperation in broader areas. We should aim for mutual benefit by combining our respective strengths and sharing the fruits of cooperation to the fullest extent. We should view openness and transparency as the prerequisite of our cooperation and strengthen communication and exchanges to make our cooperation an open process. 各位同事!

Dear Colleagues,


The international situation is now very complex, and the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment. No matter how the international situation may evolve and what changes the international system may experience, we should remain firmly committed to the goal of mutual benefit, the principle of democracy and equity, the approach of mutual respect and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation.


We should encourage all parties to firm up the foundation of the world economic recovery and strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination. The international community coordinated the "entry"{ strategy in response to the financial crisis, and we must also act in coordination with respect to the "exit" strategy and maintain the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policies.


We should encourage all parties to address imbalances in the global economic governance structure. It is important to achieve on schedule the quantified reform targets of international financial institutions set by the G20 Pittsburgh Summit and increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries.


We should encourage all parties to continue to promote trade

liberalization and facilitation, properly handle trade disputes and reject protectionism. The main parties to the Doha Round negotiations should demonstrate sincerity and flexibility to reach comprehensive and balanced outcomes at an early date and facilitate the establishment of an open and mutually-beneficial multilateral trade regime.


We should encourage all parties to improve the international financial supervisory and regulatory regime by expanding its scope, specifying responsibilities, adopting universally accepted standards and norms and

strengthening mechanisms. There should be supervision over the

macroeconomic policies of major reserve currency issuing economies and over sovereign credit rating agencies.


We should encourage all parties to embrace a stronger sense of

responsibility and morality and work for balanced global development. It is important to scale up input in development and ensure development resources and at the same time respect each other's development model chosen in the light of national conditions and policy space. In September, the United Nations will hold the High-level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals. We need to urge the international community,

particularly developed countries, to honor commitments in increased assistance, debt relief, market access and technology transfer and help developing countries promote economic growth, improve people's

well-being and meet the Millennium Development Goals.


To maintain and advance dialogue and cooperation among BRIC countries, China would like to host the third BRIC Summit.


Dear Colleagues,


China has scored notable achievements over the past 30-odd years since reform and opening-up. Now many people are interested to know what kind of a country China is likely to be in the future. What will it say and what will it do? How is it going to treat old friends and how is it going to treat new friends? Let me share with you, in this connection, the following observations.



First, China's development is a long and arduous task. China is the world's biggest developing country. A large population, a weak foundation and uneven development: these are the basic realities confronting us. China has 1.3 billion people. Our per capita GDP has just exceeded US$3,000, trailing behind more than 100 countries. According to UN standard, we still have over 100 million people living below the poverty line. It is truly a heavy task to grow the economy and improve people's livelihood in China. The scale and complexity of the challenges that we face in the course of development are unmatched anywhere else in the world and have been rarely seen in human history. To achieve modernization and ensure a prosperous life for all our people, we must make persistent efforts for a long time to come.

第二,中国的发展只能也必然是和平发展。中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就有和为贵、亲仁善邻的传统。中国谋求发展既不损害别人,更不威胁别人。我们始终倡导并信守“己所不欲,勿施于人”。近代中国人民频遭劫难,最珍惜和平、安宁、和谐、自由。中国将坚持走和平发展道路。一个繁荣发展的中国,一个和平合作的中国,愿意也能够随着自身发展为人类和平与发展作出新的更大的贡献。 Second, peaceful development is China's only and logical choice. The Chinese people love peace. It is our long-cherished tradition to foster harmony and build amicable ties with neighbors. China's development will not bring harm or pose a threat to anyone. We advocate and follow the principle of "do not do onto others what you do not want others to do onto you". The Chinese people suffered so much in modern history, and we therefore value peace, stability, harmony and freedom more than anything else. China is committed to the path of peaceful development. A prosperous and growing China dedicated to peace and cooperation is willing and able to make new and even greater contribution to mankind’s pursuit of peace and development.



Third, China's development is an inclusive, win-win process. China pursues a win-win strategy of opening-up and seeks to promote common development of all countries through mutually-beneficial cooperation. Guided by the basic state policy of opening-up, we have been endeavoring to develop an open economy, increase import, actively use foreign

investment, implement the FTA strategy at a faster pace, push forward regional economic integration, and share with other countries the

benefits of expanding markets and deepening division of labor. China has taken an active part in the international cooperation to counter the global financial crisis ever since it broke out. We have sent many trade and investment promotion missions and large procurement missions abroad. China has made great efforts to support and help developing countries. We have cancelled the debts owed by 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries and offered zero-tariff treatment to

commodities from more than 40 least developed countries. Last November, we announced eight new measures in support of Africa’s sustainable development. These measures will help expand China’s trade with and investment in Africa, intensify practical cooperation between the two sides, build up Africa’s capacity to achieve self-development, and strengthen our joint endeavor to counter the global financial crisis. 第四,中国的发展是负责任的发展。2009年是新世纪以来中国经济发展最为困难的一年。受国际金融危机影响,中国出口大幅下降,失业人员大量增加,经济增速下滑。我们坚持把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务,全面实施并不断丰富完善应对国际金融危机冲击的一揽子计划和政策措施,实现国内生产总值增长8.7%,为推动世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。我们把加快经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整作为促进经济平稳较快发展的重要任务,着力推动消费、出口、投资协调增长,特别是着力扩大国内需求、增加居民消费。我们从不刻意追求贸易顺差,始终把促进国际收支平衡作为保持宏观经济稳定的重要任务。去年,中国贸易顺差比前年减少1020亿美元,货物进口价值10056亿美元,成为世界第二大进口国,为外国产品和服务提供了大量机遇。我们一直按照主动性、可控性、渐进性原则稳步实施有管理的浮动汇率制度。国际金融危机发生后,我们面临巨大困难,但保持了人民币汇率基本稳定,促进了国际经济金融体系稳定。

Fourth, China follows a responsible approach in pursuing development. The year 2009 was the most difficult year for the Chinese economy since the beginning of the new century. The global financial crisis led to a sharp decline in China’s export, a big increase in unemployment and a slowdown in economic growth. Confronted with such a situation, we gave top priority to maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth, and fully implemented and steadily improved our package plan and policy

measures in response to the financial crisis. Thanks to these efforts, we achieved an 8.7 percent GDP growth and made important contribution to the world economic recovery. To ensure steady and relatively fast growth, we have taken it as an important task to speed up the transformation of growth pattern and economic restructuring. We have worked hard to promote coordinated growth of consumption, export and investment, with a special emphasis on boosting domestic demand and increasing household consumption. We have no intention to seek trade surplus. Quite the contrary, we have always placed high importance on achieving equilibrium in the balance of international payments in an effort to maintain macroeconomic stability. Last year, China’s trade surplus dropped by US$102 billion over the previous year, yet our import in goods reached US$1.0056 trillion, making China the world’s second largest importing country and presenting great opportunities for foreign goods and services. We have been following a managed floating exchange rate regime in accordance with the principle of independent initiative, controllability and gradualism. Despite the tremendous difficulties caused by the global financial crisis, we have kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable and have thus made

contribution to the stability of the international economic and financial systems.


Dear Colleagues,


The Shanghai World Expo will open in two weeks. The World Expo is a great event for countries to increase economic and cultural exchanges and promote progress of human civilization. On behalf of the Chinese

government and people, I warmly welcome friends from Brazil, India, Russia and all countries of the world to go to the beautiful city of Shanghai and join us in this great event. Together, we will contribute to and witness a successful, splendid and memorable World Expo.


Thank you!


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