

which that, that which, the thing that= what

not any = no

not ever = never

which is that=that

the only thing that=all (the only thing that has to be done  all one has to do)

at the time after=after

while being=as (as表过程,随着…)

A is what is the B 中what is可以省略, A is the B

wanting to do=to do

what the effects=the effects


that of his own=his own (前者双重所有格)

something of whom=whose sth.

but instead=but (windmaple: but后面接名词是不能有instead的,因为but是介


没问题。例老prep SC1 73:Evolutionary psychology holds that

the human mind is not a

specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve

specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.)

with the exception of = except

up until=until (until已经包括了up的含义。

until: conj.(=up to the time when)到...时为止;

prep.(介词)Up to the time of;Before (a specified time):用在


with none of = without

but still=but

wanting to do=to do

different from that which=different than (不同于different from(用different from正确))

His way of living is different than ours.他的生活方式跟我们的不同。

German cars are different than ours.德国造的汽车


You look different than before.你看上去跟从前不同


date at which = when

in the event that = if


which that, that which, the thing that= what

not any = no

not ever = never

which is that=that

the only thing that=all (the only thing that has to be done  all one has to do)

at the time after=after

while being=as (as表过程,随着…)

A is what is the B 中what is可以省略, A is the B

wanting to do=to do

what the effects=the effects


that of his own=his own (前者双重所有格)

something of whom=whose sth.

but instead=but (windmaple: but后面接名词是不能有instead的,因为but是介


没问题。例老prep SC1 73:Evolutionary psychology holds that

the human mind is not a

specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve

specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.)

with the exception of = except

up until=until (until已经包括了up的含义。

until: conj.(=up to the time when)到...时为止;

prep.(介词)Up to the time of;Before (a specified time):用在


with none of = without

but still=but

wanting to do=to do

different from that which=different than (不同于different from(用different from正确))

His way of living is different than ours.他的生活方式跟我们的不同。

German cars are different than ours.德国造的汽车


You look different than before.你看上去跟从前不同


date at which = when

in the event that = if


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