
1 普惠金融的内涵


2 发展农村普惠金融的意义


3 我国农村普惠金融的发展现状


4 我国农村普惠金融发展中存在的问题

首先,农村居民将自己拥有的资金存入农村金融机构,这些金融机构却因为自己本身盈利第一的商业特性和农业生产的特性,不愿意将资金贷给农民,这使得农村和城市的贫富差距越来越大。其次,作为农村金融需求主体的农民,缺乏相关的金融知识教育,金融意识和信用意识比较淡薄,这就加大了农村地区金融服务的难度。再次, 普惠金融由于其目标客户是农村中的低收入者甚至是贫困群体,他们一般没有抵押贷款的能力,也无人替他们担保,这就使农村普惠金融业务的不良贷款率较高,导致了农村普惠金融机构贷款风险的大大提升。 最后,我国涉及农村普惠金融的法律法规还不够健全,现有的金融法规都是针对城市出台的,农村金融还没有专门的法律规范和保护。

5 完善我国农村普惠性金融体系的对策

首先, 要建立多层次的农村普惠金融体系。主要应采取以下几点措施:找准自身发展

定位,适当调低市场准入标准;加大宣传力度,拓宽融资渠道;加大培训力度,规范内部管理;政府要加大对农村资金互助社的培训力度。其次,要增强农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展能力,农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展能力主要取决于它们的风险管理水平,因此,如果要提高它们的可持续发展能力,就要提高他们的风险管理水平。第一,逐步推行小组联保机制以降低贷款风险,一方面可以起到代替抵押的作用;另一方面可以使贫困农户之间相互担保,让他们之间互相监督、互相帮助,提高还款率,降低贷款风险。第二,农村普惠金融发展中的信息不对称问题给金融机构带来了巨大的风险。我们可以利用先进的信息技术使农村金融机构建立信息化、网络化的业务管理系统,获取相关信息,降低网络风险。第三,农村普惠金融机构只有采取商业化的运作,遵循利率市场化的原则,才能逐渐摆脱对政府补贴的依赖,使自己的经营收入足以负担自己的经营成本,这样才能实现农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展。 最后,要充分发挥政府在农村普惠金融发展过程中的作用,主要应做到以下两方面:一是加大农村地区微型金融的立法力度;二是规范和引导民间金融,加快制定民间借贷的法律法规;三是,利用财政税收政策和货币信贷政策引导金融资源流向农村地区。一方面,政府可以对农村新型的金融机构给予财政补贴和税收上的优惠,使他们迅速发展起来;另一方面,政府还可以进一步放开对农村普惠金融机构贷款利率的控制。

6 结语


1 inclusive financial connotation

Inclusive Finance is a concept proposed by the United Nations in 2005, when the United Nations and the world bank to promote the concept of. The basic implication is that the financial system can be effectively and fully capable of providing services to all social classes and groups. In fact, all of the people are able to enjoy more financial services, to better support the development of the real economy. Its connotation mainly includes the following aspects: first, inclusive finance is a concept. Only let everyone have the right to enjoy financial services, have the opportunity to participate in economic development, in order to achieve common prosperity, to build a harmonious society. Secondly, in terms of services, poor and low-income customers is the core of the financial system, their demand for financial services determines the actions of all aspects of the financial system. Finally, inclusive finance is to provide financial services at a lower price rather than free. Essentially, financial inclusion is to lower the threshold of the excluded outside the traditional financial services included in the financial service system, it is not a purely financial transfer, but to let everyone enjoy the affordable and sustainable financial services.

2 the significance of developing Inclusive Finance in rural areas

Rural finance is the core of the modern rural economy, which has great influence on the development of rural economy. Therefore, the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas, improve www.yulematou.com www.14se.net www.gpsdvd.cn the rural inclusive financial system, to promote the development of the rural economy has a very important role. Poor people in rural areas lack of funds to support the development of production, and the traditional financial

system and put them out, so that they can not get rid of poverty. It is the basic way to help them get rid of poverty by developing Inclusive Finance, providing them with rural financial services and enabling the poor to make productive investments. The basic purpose of the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas is to enable the poor population in rural areas to obtain equal access to adequate financial services. In addition, the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas can also promote educational equity, health care and so on, so as to promote the whole society to be fair, conducive to the construction of a harmonious society in china.

3 the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas of China

After years of development, China's rural financial institutions have formed a rural financial system, which is the core of the rural credit cooperatives. And formal financial institutions formed a complete system compared to in China's rural financial market still widely exists to lend freely and so on as the main form of informal finance, non formal financial institutions has been developing rapidly, which makes our country's financial service area achieved wide coverage. However, our country in the end of 2012 there are 1696 villages and towns have no financial institutions, in fact, in our country to achieve each region has the goal of financial institutions, but also there is a considerable difficulty.

4 problems in the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas of China

First of all, rural residents will own the funds deposited in the rural financial institutions, these financial institutions, but because of the characteristics of their earnings for the first commercial properties and agricultural production, do not want to loan funds to farmers, which makes the urban and rural gap between rich and poor is getting bigger. Secondly, as the main body of rural financial demand, the lack of relevant financial knowledge education, financial awareness and credit awareness is relatively weak, which increased the difficulty of financial services in rural areas. Again, financial inclusion due to its target customers are in the rural areas of low-income and disadvantaged groups, they are generally not mortgage, also no one for their security, which makes rural Inclusive Finance Business non-performing loan rate is higher, resulting in the inclusive rural financial machine structure greatly increased the risk of loans. Finally, the laws and regulations related to rural Inclusive Finance is still not perfect, the existing financial laws and regulations are aimed at the city, rural finance has no special legal norms and protection.

5 perfect the Countermeasures of China's rural inclusive financial system

First of all, to establish a multi-level rural inclusive financial system. Should take the following measures: identify their own development orientation, appropriate to reduce market access standards; increase publicity efforts to broaden the financing channels, increased training efforts to regulate the internal management; government should increase of rural fund mutual cooperatives training efforts. Secondly, to enhancing the ability of sustainable development of inclusive www.jich.net www.boxuelun.com www.huayueting1.com rural financial institutions, inclusive financial institutions in rural sustainable development capacity is mainly determined in their risk management level. Therefore, if you want to improve their capacity for sustainable development, improve their risk management. First, the gradual implementation of group lending mechanism to reduce the risk of loans, can have to mortgage instead of the effect; on the other hand can make poor farmers mutual guarantee, so that their mutual supervision, help each other, improve the repayment rate, reduce the risk of the loan. Second, the problem of information asymmetry in the development of rural inclusive finance brings great risks to

financial institutions. We can make use of advanced information technology to make rural financial institutions to establish information, network management system, access to relevant information, reduce network risk. Third, inclusive rural financial institutions only take commercial operation, follow the interest rate market principles, in order to gradually get rid of dependence on government subsidies, make their own operating income to the burden of their operating costs, so as to achieve sustainable development of inclusive rural financial institutions. Finally, to give full play to the government in rural areas.

1 普惠金融的内涵


2 发展农村普惠金融的意义


3 我国农村普惠金融的发展现状


4 我国农村普惠金融发展中存在的问题

首先,农村居民将自己拥有的资金存入农村金融机构,这些金融机构却因为自己本身盈利第一的商业特性和农业生产的特性,不愿意将资金贷给农民,这使得农村和城市的贫富差距越来越大。其次,作为农村金融需求主体的农民,缺乏相关的金融知识教育,金融意识和信用意识比较淡薄,这就加大了农村地区金融服务的难度。再次, 普惠金融由于其目标客户是农村中的低收入者甚至是贫困群体,他们一般没有抵押贷款的能力,也无人替他们担保,这就使农村普惠金融业务的不良贷款率较高,导致了农村普惠金融机构贷款风险的大大提升。 最后,我国涉及农村普惠金融的法律法规还不够健全,现有的金融法规都是针对城市出台的,农村金融还没有专门的法律规范和保护。

5 完善我国农村普惠性金融体系的对策

首先, 要建立多层次的农村普惠金融体系。主要应采取以下几点措施:找准自身发展

定位,适当调低市场准入标准;加大宣传力度,拓宽融资渠道;加大培训力度,规范内部管理;政府要加大对农村资金互助社的培训力度。其次,要增强农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展能力,农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展能力主要取决于它们的风险管理水平,因此,如果要提高它们的可持续发展能力,就要提高他们的风险管理水平。第一,逐步推行小组联保机制以降低贷款风险,一方面可以起到代替抵押的作用;另一方面可以使贫困农户之间相互担保,让他们之间互相监督、互相帮助,提高还款率,降低贷款风险。第二,农村普惠金融发展中的信息不对称问题给金融机构带来了巨大的风险。我们可以利用先进的信息技术使农村金融机构建立信息化、网络化的业务管理系统,获取相关信息,降低网络风险。第三,农村普惠金融机构只有采取商业化的运作,遵循利率市场化的原则,才能逐渐摆脱对政府补贴的依赖,使自己的经营收入足以负担自己的经营成本,这样才能实现农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展。 最后,要充分发挥政府在农村普惠金融发展过程中的作用,主要应做到以下两方面:一是加大农村地区微型金融的立法力度;二是规范和引导民间金融,加快制定民间借贷的法律法规;三是,利用财政税收政策和货币信贷政策引导金融资源流向农村地区。一方面,政府可以对农村新型的金融机构给予财政补贴和税收上的优惠,使他们迅速发展起来;另一方面,政府还可以进一步放开对农村普惠金融机构贷款利率的控制。

6 结语


1 inclusive financial connotation

Inclusive Finance is a concept proposed by the United Nations in 2005, when the United Nations and the world bank to promote the concept of. The basic implication is that the financial system can be effectively and fully capable of providing services to all social classes and groups. In fact, all of the people are able to enjoy more financial services, to better support the development of the real economy. Its connotation mainly includes the following aspects: first, inclusive finance is a concept. Only let everyone have the right to enjoy financial services, have the opportunity to participate in economic development, in order to achieve common prosperity, to build a harmonious society. Secondly, in terms of services, poor and low-income customers is the core of the financial system, their demand for financial services determines the actions of all aspects of the financial system. Finally, inclusive finance is to provide financial services at a lower price rather than free. Essentially, financial inclusion is to lower the threshold of the excluded outside the traditional financial services included in the financial service system, it is not a purely financial transfer, but to let everyone enjoy the affordable and sustainable financial services.

2 the significance of developing Inclusive Finance in rural areas

Rural finance is the core of the modern rural economy, which has great influence on the development of rural economy. Therefore, the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas, improve www.yulematou.com www.14se.net www.gpsdvd.cn the rural inclusive financial system, to promote the development of the rural economy has a very important role. Poor people in rural areas lack of funds to support the development of production, and the traditional financial

system and put them out, so that they can not get rid of poverty. It is the basic way to help them get rid of poverty by developing Inclusive Finance, providing them with rural financial services and enabling the poor to make productive investments. The basic purpose of the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas is to enable the poor population in rural areas to obtain equal access to adequate financial services. In addition, the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas can also promote educational equity, health care and so on, so as to promote the whole society to be fair, conducive to the construction of a harmonious society in china.

3 the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas of China

After years of development, China's rural financial institutions have formed a rural financial system, which is the core of the rural credit cooperatives. And formal financial institutions formed a complete system compared to in China's rural financial market still widely exists to lend freely and so on as the main form of informal finance, non formal financial institutions has been developing rapidly, which makes our country's financial service area achieved wide coverage. However, our country in the end of 2012 there are 1696 villages and towns have no financial institutions, in fact, in our country to achieve each region has the goal of financial institutions, but also there is a considerable difficulty.

4 problems in the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas of China

First of all, rural residents will own the funds deposited in the rural financial institutions, these financial institutions, but because of the characteristics of their earnings for the first commercial properties and agricultural production, do not want to loan funds to farmers, which makes the urban and rural gap between rich and poor is getting bigger. Secondly, as the main body of rural financial demand, the lack of relevant financial knowledge education, financial awareness and credit awareness is relatively weak, which increased the difficulty of financial services in rural areas. Again, financial inclusion due to its target customers are in the rural areas of low-income and disadvantaged groups, they are generally not mortgage, also no one for their security, which makes rural Inclusive Finance Business non-performing loan rate is higher, resulting in the inclusive rural financial machine structure greatly increased the risk of loans. Finally, the laws and regulations related to rural Inclusive Finance is still not perfect, the existing financial laws and regulations are aimed at the city, rural finance has no special legal norms and protection.

5 perfect the Countermeasures of China's rural inclusive financial system

First of all, to establish a multi-level rural inclusive financial system. Should take the following measures: identify their own development orientation, appropriate to reduce market access standards; increase publicity efforts to broaden the financing channels, increased training efforts to regulate the internal management; government should increase of rural fund mutual cooperatives training efforts. Secondly, to enhancing the ability of sustainable development of inclusive www.jich.net www.boxuelun.com www.huayueting1.com rural financial institutions, inclusive financial institutions in rural sustainable development capacity is mainly determined in their risk management level. Therefore, if you want to improve their capacity for sustainable development, improve their risk management. First, the gradual implementation of group lending mechanism to reduce the risk of loans, can have to mortgage instead of the effect; on the other hand can make poor farmers mutual guarantee, so that their mutual supervision, help each other, improve the repayment rate, reduce the risk of the loan. Second, the problem of information asymmetry in the development of rural inclusive finance brings great risks to

financial institutions. We can make use of advanced information technology to make rural financial institutions to establish information, network management system, access to relevant information, reduce network risk. Third, inclusive rural financial institutions only take commercial operation, follow the interest rate market principles, in order to gradually get rid of dependence on government subsidies, make their own operating income to the burden of their operating costs, so as to achieve sustainable development of inclusive rural financial institutions. Finally, to give full play to the government in rural areas.


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