考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Section ⅡReading Comprehension
Each of the three passages below is followed by some questions. For each
question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose
the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choices in the ANSWER
SHEET. (20 points)
Text 1
It doesn
t remember it. You just
a specific purpose or reason for reading. You remember better what you
read when you know why youre reading.
Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply to her
offer to help is,“No, thank you. Im just looking”? Both you and she
know that if you arent sure what you want, you are not likely to find
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
it. But suppose you say instead,“Yes, thank you. I want a pair of sun
glasses.”She says,“Right this way, please.”And you and she are off—
both eager to look for exactly what you want.
Its quite the same with your studying. If you choose a book at random,
“just looking”for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just
,“”. A good student has a
This is the way it works. Before you start to study, you say to yourself
something like this,“I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened
to write about America. Im reading this article to find out.”Or,“I
m going to skim this story to see what life was like in medieval
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
England.”Because you know why you are reading or studying, you relate
the information to your purpose and remember it better.
Reading is not one single activity. At least two important processes go
on at the same time. As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and
accurately. But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself
as you react to what you read. You have a kind of mental conversation
like this: “”or“Ummmm, I
d better check those
dates,”or “”You don
t just sit there taking in ideas—you do something else, and that
something else is very important.
This additional process of thinking about what you read includes
evaluating it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for
your own purposes. In other words, a good reader is a critical reader.
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is distinguishing
between facts and opinions. Facts can be checked by evidence. Opinions
are ones own personal reactions.
Another part of critical reading is judging sources. Still another part
is drawing accurate inferences.
16. If you cannot remember what you read or study, .
A. it is no surprise
18. A. only two simultaneous processes
B. primarily learning about ideas and evaluating them critically
C. merely distinguishing between facts and opinions
D. mainly drawing accurate inferences
19. A good reader is one who .
A. relates what he reads to his own knowledge about the subject matter
B. does lots of thinking in his reading
C. takes a critical attitude in his reading
D. is able to check the facts presented against what he has already
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Text 2
If you live in a large city, you are quite familiar with some of the
problems of noise, but because of some of its harmful effects, you may
not be aware of the extent of its influence on human behavior. Although
everyone more or less knows what noise is, i. e., it is sounds that one
been a great deal of interest in the effects of noise on human behavior,
and concepts such as “noise pollution” have arisen, together with
movements to reduce noise.
Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete
loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
composition of the noise. Many jobs present noise hazards, such as
working in factories and around jet aircraft, driving farm tractors, and
working (or sitting) in music halls where rock bands are playing. In
general, continuous exposure to sounds of over 80 decibels (a measure
of the loudness of sound) can be considered dangerous. Decibel values
exposure is for a sufficient produce significant hearing
kinds of tasks, for instance, if one is performing a watch keeping task
that requires vigilance, in which he is responsible for detecting weak
signals of some kind (e. g., watching a radar screen for the appearance
of aircraft).
Communicating with other people is unfavorably affected by noise. If you
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
have ridden in the rear of a jet transport, you may have noticed that it
was difficult to carry on a conversation at first, and that, eventually,
you adjusted the loudness of your speech to compensate for the effect.
The problem is noise.
20. Noise differs from sound in that .
A. it is sounds that interfere with the task being done
B. it is a special type of loud sound
A. it reduces one
22. The purpose of this passage is .
A. to define the effects of noise on human behavior
B. to warn people of the danger of noise pollution
C. to give advice as to how to prevent hearing loss
D. to tell the difference between noise and sound
Text 3
The traditional belief that a womans place is in the home and that a
woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be reasonably maintained in
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
present conditions. It is said that it is a womans task to care for
the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two
between children. Thus a womans whole period of childbearing may occur
within five years. Furthermore, with compulsory education from the age
of five or six her role as chief educator of her children soon ceases.
necessary for a woman to spend her whole life cooking, cleaning, mending
and sewing. Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry, the
latest models being entirely automatic and able to wash and dry a large
quantity of clothes in a few minutes. Refrigerators have made it
possible to store food for long periods and many precooked foods are
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
obtainable in tins. Shopping, instead of being a daily task, can be
completed in one day a week. The new manmade fibers are more
hardwiring than natural fibers and greatly reduce mending, while good
readymade clothes are cheap and plentiful.
Apart from womens own happiness, the needs of the community must be
occupations wasteful to give years of
marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession. The
training, it is true, will help her in duties as a mother, but if she
continued to work, her service would be more widely useful. Many
factories and shops, too, are largely staffed by women, many of them
married. While here the question of training is not so important,
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
industry and trade would be seriously short of staff if married women
did not work.
23. The author holds that .
A. the right place for all women, married or otherwise, is the home, not
B. all married women should have some occupation outside the home
care of the family
24. A house
in her duties as a housewife
D. would take full advantage of modern household appliances
25. According to the author, modern society .
A. can operate just as well even without women participation
B. has been greatly hampered in its development by the shortage of women
nurses and women teachers
C. cannot operate properly without the contribution of women
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
D. will be seriously affected by the continuing shortage of working
women in heavy industries and international trade
Section ⅢCloze Test
For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices
labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and put your choices in the
ANSWER SHEET. Read the whole passage before making your choices. (10
winds and severe storms, the Mayflower lost its 27. The brave group of
colonists finally had to land at Plymouth on the rocky coast of
Massachusetts in December 1620.It was the middle of the stern northern
winter. 28 months of starvation, disease, and death were ahead of them.
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Only the strongest of the pilgrims 29 that winter. Many women gave their
own pitiful rations to their children and died for lack of food for
themselves. Living 30 began to improve in the spring of 1621.There were
wild vegetables. There were berries and fruit. Fish and game were
plentiful. Therefore, they were able to get enough fresh meat despite
them. They were ready for the second winter with confidence. They had
eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter. Seven were
for families, and four were for communal use. 34, they had established a
treaty of friendship with their Indian neighbors under Chief Massasoit
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
in the summer.
The woods and forests became safe. When the Mayflower returned to
England that summer, there were no colonists 35. At the end of their
first year in their new home, the Pilgrims wanted to celebrate with a
real holiday. It was their first Thanksgiving Day.
their own
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. A. Best of allB. For the bestC. To their bestD. All in all
35. A. ashoreB. aroundC. aboutD. aboard
Section ⅦEnglishChinese Translation
Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined
sentences are to be translated. (20 points)
Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Stylishly dressed, the firms newest employee had a pleasant telephone
voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was
pleased: (61) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride
in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but
by no means unique. (62)
workers are no longer necessarily all receptionists
are no longer men in womendominated
fields is still t attracted the attention that has
often followed into maledominated fields, but men are
moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been held by
Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several
decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social
work and elementary education. But today no job seems offlimits. Men
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (63) These changes
are helping to influence some of the longstanding traditions about the
types of work men and women can do—but they also produce some
undeniable problems for the men who are entering those fields formerly
dominated by women.
What kinds of men venture into these socalled “womens fields”? All
kinds. (64) “I dond be
comfortable with,”
Sam Ormont, for old nurse at a Boston hospital,
(65) “I found that work was very interesting.”he recalled,“and
when I got out of the service it just seemed natural for me to go into
something medical. I wasnt really interested in becoming a
doctor.”Thirtyfiveyearold David King, an outofwork actor,
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing
roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.
(66) In other words, men enter “female” jobs out of the same
consideration for personal interest and economic necessity that
motivates anyone looking for work. But similarities often end there. Men
in femaledominated jobs are conspicuous. As a group, their work
histories differ in most respects from colleagues,
and they are frequently by the people with whom they
The question there still approximately ninety
serious issue. Most men dont want to be receptionists, nurses,
secretaries or sewing workers. Put simply, these are not generally
considered very masculine jobs. (67) To choose such a line of work is
to invite ridicule.
“There was kidding in the beginning,”recalls Ormont.“Kids coming from
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
school ask what I am, and when I say ‘A nurse,’ they laugh at me. I
just smile and say, ‘You know, there are female doctors, too.’” Still, there are encouraging signs. Years ago, male grade school
teachers were as rare as male nurses. Today more than one elementary
school teacher in six is male.
(68) Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of
men and women—
eyebrows? Its probably coming—
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Section ⅡReading Comprehension
Each of the three passages below is followed by some questions. For each
question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose
the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choices in the ANSWER
SHEET. (20 points)
Text 1
It doesn
t remember it. You just
a specific purpose or reason for reading. You remember better what you
read when you know why youre reading.
Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply to her
offer to help is,“No, thank you. Im just looking”? Both you and she
know that if you arent sure what you want, you are not likely to find
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
it. But suppose you say instead,“Yes, thank you. I want a pair of sun
glasses.”She says,“Right this way, please.”And you and she are off—
both eager to look for exactly what you want.
Its quite the same with your studying. If you choose a book at random,
“just looking”for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just
,“”. A good student has a
This is the way it works. Before you start to study, you say to yourself
something like this,“I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened
to write about America. Im reading this article to find out.”Or,“I
m going to skim this story to see what life was like in medieval
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
England.”Because you know why you are reading or studying, you relate
the information to your purpose and remember it better.
Reading is not one single activity. At least two important processes go
on at the same time. As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and
accurately. But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself
as you react to what you read. You have a kind of mental conversation
like this: “”or“Ummmm, I
d better check those
dates,”or “”You don
t just sit there taking in ideas—you do something else, and that
something else is very important.
This additional process of thinking about what you read includes
evaluating it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for
your own purposes. In other words, a good reader is a critical reader.
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is distinguishing
between facts and opinions. Facts can be checked by evidence. Opinions
are ones own personal reactions.
Another part of critical reading is judging sources. Still another part
is drawing accurate inferences.
16. If you cannot remember what you read or study, .
A. it is no surprise
18. A. only two simultaneous processes
B. primarily learning about ideas and evaluating them critically
C. merely distinguishing between facts and opinions
D. mainly drawing accurate inferences
19. A good reader is one who .
A. relates what he reads to his own knowledge about the subject matter
B. does lots of thinking in his reading
C. takes a critical attitude in his reading
D. is able to check the facts presented against what he has already
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Text 2
If you live in a large city, you are quite familiar with some of the
problems of noise, but because of some of its harmful effects, you may
not be aware of the extent of its influence on human behavior. Although
everyone more or less knows what noise is, i. e., it is sounds that one
been a great deal of interest in the effects of noise on human behavior,
and concepts such as “noise pollution” have arisen, together with
movements to reduce noise.
Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete
loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
composition of the noise. Many jobs present noise hazards, such as
working in factories and around jet aircraft, driving farm tractors, and
working (or sitting) in music halls where rock bands are playing. In
general, continuous exposure to sounds of over 80 decibels (a measure
of the loudness of sound) can be considered dangerous. Decibel values
exposure is for a sufficient produce significant hearing
kinds of tasks, for instance, if one is performing a watch keeping task
that requires vigilance, in which he is responsible for detecting weak
signals of some kind (e. g., watching a radar screen for the appearance
of aircraft).
Communicating with other people is unfavorably affected by noise. If you
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
have ridden in the rear of a jet transport, you may have noticed that it
was difficult to carry on a conversation at first, and that, eventually,
you adjusted the loudness of your speech to compensate for the effect.
The problem is noise.
20. Noise differs from sound in that .
A. it is sounds that interfere with the task being done
B. it is a special type of loud sound
A. it reduces one
22. The purpose of this passage is .
A. to define the effects of noise on human behavior
B. to warn people of the danger of noise pollution
C. to give advice as to how to prevent hearing loss
D. to tell the difference between noise and sound
Text 3
The traditional belief that a womans place is in the home and that a
woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be reasonably maintained in
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
present conditions. It is said that it is a womans task to care for
the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two
between children. Thus a womans whole period of childbearing may occur
within five years. Furthermore, with compulsory education from the age
of five or six her role as chief educator of her children soon ceases.
necessary for a woman to spend her whole life cooking, cleaning, mending
and sewing. Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry, the
latest models being entirely automatic and able to wash and dry a large
quantity of clothes in a few minutes. Refrigerators have made it
possible to store food for long periods and many precooked foods are
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
obtainable in tins. Shopping, instead of being a daily task, can be
completed in one day a week. The new manmade fibers are more
hardwiring than natural fibers and greatly reduce mending, while good
readymade clothes are cheap and plentiful.
Apart from womens own happiness, the needs of the community must be
occupations wasteful to give years of
marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession. The
training, it is true, will help her in duties as a mother, but if she
continued to work, her service would be more widely useful. Many
factories and shops, too, are largely staffed by women, many of them
married. While here the question of training is not so important,
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
industry and trade would be seriously short of staff if married women
did not work.
23. The author holds that .
A. the right place for all women, married or otherwise, is the home, not
B. all married women should have some occupation outside the home
care of the family
24. A house
in her duties as a housewife
D. would take full advantage of modern household appliances
25. According to the author, modern society .
A. can operate just as well even without women participation
B. has been greatly hampered in its development by the shortage of women
nurses and women teachers
C. cannot operate properly without the contribution of women
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
D. will be seriously affected by the continuing shortage of working
women in heavy industries and international trade
Section ⅢCloze Test
For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices
labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and put your choices in the
ANSWER SHEET. Read the whole passage before making your choices. (10
winds and severe storms, the Mayflower lost its 27. The brave group of
colonists finally had to land at Plymouth on the rocky coast of
Massachusetts in December 1620.It was the middle of the stern northern
winter. 28 months of starvation, disease, and death were ahead of them.
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Only the strongest of the pilgrims 29 that winter. Many women gave their
own pitiful rations to their children and died for lack of food for
themselves. Living 30 began to improve in the spring of 1621.There were
wild vegetables. There were berries and fruit. Fish and game were
plentiful. Therefore, they were able to get enough fresh meat despite
them. They were ready for the second winter with confidence. They had
eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter. Seven were
for families, and four were for communal use. 34, they had established a
treaty of friendship with their Indian neighbors under Chief Massasoit
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
in the summer.
The woods and forests became safe. When the Mayflower returned to
England that summer, there were no colonists 35. At the end of their
first year in their new home, the Pilgrims wanted to celebrate with a
real holiday. It was their first Thanksgiving Day.
their own
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. A. Best of allB. For the bestC. To their bestD. All in all
35. A. ashoreB. aroundC. aboutD. aboard
Section ⅦEnglishChinese Translation
Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined
sentences are to be translated. (20 points)
Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
Stylishly dressed, the firms newest employee had a pleasant telephone
voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was
pleased: (61) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride
in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but
by no means unique. (62)
workers are no longer necessarily all receptionists
are no longer men in womendominated
fields is still t attracted the attention that has
often followed into maledominated fields, but men are
moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been held by
Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several
decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social
work and elementary education. But today no job seems offlimits. Men
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (63) These changes
are helping to influence some of the longstanding traditions about the
types of work men and women can do—but they also produce some
undeniable problems for the men who are entering those fields formerly
dominated by women.
What kinds of men venture into these socalled “womens fields”? All
kinds. (64) “I dond be
comfortable with,”
Sam Ormont, for old nurse at a Boston hospital,
(65) “I found that work was very interesting.”he recalled,“and
when I got out of the service it just seemed natural for me to go into
something medical. I wasnt really interested in becoming a
doctor.”Thirtyfiveyearold David King, an outofwork actor,
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing
roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.
(66) In other words, men enter “female” jobs out of the same
consideration for personal interest and economic necessity that
motivates anyone looking for work. But similarities often end there. Men
in femaledominated jobs are conspicuous. As a group, their work
histories differ in most respects from colleagues,
and they are frequently by the people with whom they
The question there still approximately ninety
serious issue. Most men dont want to be receptionists, nurses,
secretaries or sewing workers. Put simply, these are not generally
considered very masculine jobs. (67) To choose such a line of work is
to invite ridicule.
“There was kidding in the beginning,”recalls Ormont.“Kids coming from
考研1号英语 基础薄弱者专用
school ask what I am, and when I say ‘A nurse,’ they laugh at me. I
just smile and say, ‘You know, there are female doctors, too.’” Still, there are encouraging signs. Years ago, male grade school
teachers were as rare as male nurses. Today more than one elementary
school teacher in six is male.
(68) Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of
men and women—
eyebrows? Its probably coming—