high-strength bolted connection高强度螺栓连接
high-strength bolted friction-type connection摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 high-strength bolted friction-type joint摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 hinged connection铰接
dowel action销栓作用
dowelled joint销连接
linen tape皮尺
dial gauge百分表
documents 文档
telescope 望远镜
jack 千斤顶
grip 夹具
hoisting ring吊环
truck crane 吊车
Compensate a machine补偿器
crack 裂缝
crack width裂缝宽度
cutting 切割
deflection 挠度
deformation joint变形缝
settlement joint沉降缝
expansion joint伸缩缝
self weight自重
construction weight结构自重
cavitations 孔洞
chimney 烟囱
net height净高
clear height 净高
relative elevation相对高程
winter construction冬期施工
safety factor安全系数
local stability局部稳定
local instability局部失稳
high level water-supply tank高位给水箱
her -resistance rating耐火等级
acceptable quality 合格质量
compliance control合格控制
1ive 1oad on roof屋面活荷载
Action 作用
ageing of structure 结构老化
general progress schedule of construction project建设项目总进度计划 invite tenders of project construction建筑工程施工招标
preparation for construction建设准备
annual schedule of construction project 建设项目年度计划 architectural design 建筑设计
building 建筑物
building area 建筑面积
building height 建筑高度
building construction design 建筑构造设计
building construction standard 建筑标准
building construction survey 建筑施工测量
building density 建筑密度
building installation engineering contract 建筑安装工程合同 building main axis 建筑主轴线
building waterproofing 建筑防水
fire prevention for building建筑防火
fire protection design of structure结构防火设计
building ground elevation 地坪标高
construction basis建设依据
construction condition建设条件
construction joint施工缝
construction period建设工期
construction standard建设标准
construction project建设项目
design of building structures建筑结构设计
design strength设计强度
construction 构造
detailing requirements构造要求
ductile failure延性破坏
ductility 延性
dotty factor延性系数
durability 耐久性
durability of structure结构耐久性
earthquake 地震
earthquake action地震作用
earthquake resistant behavior of structure结构抗震性能
earthquake resistant capacity of structure结构抗震能力
earthquake resistant design of structure结构抗震设计
earthquake-resistant detailing requirements抗震构造要求 effective height计算高度
elevation 标高
elongation rate伸长率
engineering survey工程测量
inclined section斜截面
load 荷载
loading 加载
pressure 压力
pressure venting泄压
residual stress残余应力
stress 应力
stress concentration应力集中
yield point屈服点
yield strength屈服强度
fatigue strength疲劳强度
inspection and turning-over of completed project竣工验收 general plan of completed project竣工总平面图
completed drawing竣工图
completed project竣工项目
final account for completed project竣工决算
cement 水泥
Sand 沙子
Pebble 石子
Concrete 混凝土
Reinforcing bar钢筋
Template 模板
Shear a dint wall剪力墙
Scaffold 脚手架
Mix blend搅拌
fired common brick烧结普通砖
flow construction流水施工
foundation 基础
frame 框架
frame structure框架结构
碳钢管 carbon steel tube
公称直径 nominal diameter
预埋件 embedded part
轴测图 axonometric drawing 布置图 arrangement diagram
氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管 low alloy steel 型钢 profile steel
钢板 steel plate
熔渣 slag
飞溅 welding spatter
定位焊 tacking
引弧 generating of arc
high-strength bolted connection高强度螺栓连接
high-strength bolted friction-type connection摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 high-strength bolted friction-type joint摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 hinged connection铰接
dowel action销栓作用
dowelled joint销连接
linen tape皮尺
dial gauge百分表
documents 文档
telescope 望远镜
jack 千斤顶
grip 夹具
hoisting ring吊环
truck crane 吊车
Compensate a machine补偿器
crack 裂缝
crack width裂缝宽度
cutting 切割
deflection 挠度
deformation joint变形缝
settlement joint沉降缝
expansion joint伸缩缝
self weight自重
construction weight结构自重
cavitations 孔洞
chimney 烟囱
net height净高
clear height 净高
relative elevation相对高程
winter construction冬期施工
safety factor安全系数
local stability局部稳定
local instability局部失稳
high level water-supply tank高位给水箱
her -resistance rating耐火等级
acceptable quality 合格质量
compliance control合格控制
1ive 1oad on roof屋面活荷载
Action 作用
ageing of structure 结构老化
general progress schedule of construction project建设项目总进度计划 invite tenders of project construction建筑工程施工招标
preparation for construction建设准备
annual schedule of construction project 建设项目年度计划 architectural design 建筑设计
building 建筑物
building area 建筑面积
building height 建筑高度
building construction design 建筑构造设计
building construction standard 建筑标准
building construction survey 建筑施工测量
building density 建筑密度
building installation engineering contract 建筑安装工程合同 building main axis 建筑主轴线
building waterproofing 建筑防水
fire prevention for building建筑防火
fire protection design of structure结构防火设计
building ground elevation 地坪标高
construction basis建设依据
construction condition建设条件
construction joint施工缝
construction period建设工期
construction standard建设标准
construction project建设项目
design of building structures建筑结构设计
design strength设计强度
construction 构造
detailing requirements构造要求
ductile failure延性破坏
ductility 延性
dotty factor延性系数
durability 耐久性
durability of structure结构耐久性
earthquake 地震
earthquake action地震作用
earthquake resistant behavior of structure结构抗震性能
earthquake resistant capacity of structure结构抗震能力
earthquake resistant design of structure结构抗震设计
earthquake-resistant detailing requirements抗震构造要求 effective height计算高度
elevation 标高
elongation rate伸长率
engineering survey工程测量
inclined section斜截面
load 荷载
loading 加载
pressure 压力
pressure venting泄压
residual stress残余应力
stress 应力
stress concentration应力集中
yield point屈服点
yield strength屈服强度
fatigue strength疲劳强度
inspection and turning-over of completed project竣工验收 general plan of completed project竣工总平面图
completed drawing竣工图
completed project竣工项目
final account for completed project竣工决算
cement 水泥
Sand 沙子
Pebble 石子
Concrete 混凝土
Reinforcing bar钢筋
Template 模板
Shear a dint wall剪力墙
Scaffold 脚手架
Mix blend搅拌
fired common brick烧结普通砖
flow construction流水施工
foundation 基础
frame 框架
frame structure框架结构
碳钢管 carbon steel tube
公称直径 nominal diameter
预埋件 embedded part
轴测图 axonometric drawing 布置图 arrangement diagram
氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管 low alloy steel 型钢 profile steel
钢板 steel plate
熔渣 slag
飞溅 welding spatter
定位焊 tacking
引弧 generating of arc