

A.Mrs Bennet

A.1 Mrs Bennet's fool from her words and actions

A.2 Mrs Bennet's being in lack of propriety/decorum which influences the marriage of Jane and Elizabeth (从达西起初对其的印象及由此对伊丽莎白的看法来分析)

A.3 Mrs Bennet's focus on the necessity of her daughters' marriage(Contrast to Mr Bennet's irresponsible behaviors toward both his estate and his dependents)

B.Charlotte Lucas ( a practical view of marriage)

B.1 27,Charlotte's age, is a crucial one for women in Austen's fiction at the age of women' marriage.......P9(这是她终于放弃爱情幻想,面对现实,做出抉择的重要原因)

B.2 Her acceptance of Mr Collin's proposal to avoid the fate of spinsterhood(主动诱惑、接受求婚、再结婚)

B.3 婚后生活 Charlotte's attitude towards Mr Collins and her behaviors (客厅的布置、语言........) 从来不诟病他,但是同时缺乏激情,完美地扮演一位牧师之妻的角色.除了真正的爱情,她都能很好的驾驭与协调,八面玲珑。

C.Elizabeth Bennet :the most susceptible to prejudice

C.1 The production of prejudice

C.1.1Beginning: Darcy's not asking her to dance after her judgment of Darcy formed by the rest of the neighborhood people

C.1.2 Elizabeth accepts Wickham's version of the story of his mistreatment by Darcy

C.1.3Elizabeth finds that Darcy destroys the love between Wickham and Jane.

C.2The elimination of prejudice and Elizabeth's changes and growth.

C.2.1Darcy's letter P20

C.2.2Elizabeth's examining the facts of the matter to recognize her own shortcomings.and growth



A.Mrs Bennet

A.1 Mrs Bennet's fool from her words and actions

A.2 Mrs Bennet's being in lack of propriety/decorum which influences the marriage of Jane and Elizabeth (从达西起初对其的印象及由此对伊丽莎白的看法来分析)

A.3 Mrs Bennet's focus on the necessity of her daughters' marriage(Contrast to Mr Bennet's irresponsible behaviors toward both his estate and his dependents)

B.Charlotte Lucas ( a practical view of marriage)

B.1 27,Charlotte's age, is a crucial one for women in Austen's fiction at the age of women' marriage.......P9(这是她终于放弃爱情幻想,面对现实,做出抉择的重要原因)

B.2 Her acceptance of Mr Collin's proposal to avoid the fate of spinsterhood(主动诱惑、接受求婚、再结婚)

B.3 婚后生活 Charlotte's attitude towards Mr Collins and her behaviors (客厅的布置、语言........) 从来不诟病他,但是同时缺乏激情,完美地扮演一位牧师之妻的角色.除了真正的爱情,她都能很好的驾驭与协调,八面玲珑。

C.Elizabeth Bennet :the most susceptible to prejudice

C.1 The production of prejudice

C.1.1Beginning: Darcy's not asking her to dance after her judgment of Darcy formed by the rest of the neighborhood people

C.1.2 Elizabeth accepts Wickham's version of the story of his mistreatment by Darcy

C.1.3Elizabeth finds that Darcy destroys the love between Wickham and Jane.

C.2The elimination of prejudice and Elizabeth's changes and growth.

C.2.1Darcy's letter P20

C.2.2Elizabeth's examining the facts of the matter to recognize her own shortcomings.and growth



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