
厕所restroom 延误 delay

直饮水drinking water/fountain water 着陆 land

航站楼 terminal 中转 transfer

登机口 gate 行李领取处 luggage/baggage claim 问询处 information desk 托运行李 check-in luggage

国际到达 international arrival 随身行李 carry-on luggage

航空公司 airline 安检 security check

航班号 flight number 海关 customs

起飞时间 departure time 免税店 duty-free shop

登机 boarding 空服员 flight attendant

登机牌 boarding pass 遮阳板 window blinder


机上餐桌 tray

安全带 safe belt

请问…在哪里? Excuse me, where is …?

请问您会讲中文吗? Do you know Chinese?

您能帮我打一下这个号码吗? Could you please help me to call this number?

请问您见过一群中国学生吗? Have you seen a group of Chinese student?

您能帮我换一些零钱/硬币吗? Can you help me to change some money?

请问(某物)可以带上飞机吗? Can I carry this on the plane?

请问(某物)需要托运吗? Does it need to be checked in?

请问这里可以(做某事)吗?Can I (do something) here?

可以借用一下你的(某物)吗? Can I borrow your…?

请问现在的时间是? Can you please tell me the time?



酒店hotel 禁止 forbid

门卡 key card 表演 show

拍照 take a picture 失物招领处 lost and found

明信片 postcards 安静 silence

纪念品 souvenir 请问这个景点怎么走? Excuse me, how can

I go to (this attraction)? 门票 ticket

排队 line up 这个表演什么时候开始?什么时候结束?

When will the show start? When will the show 入口 entrance

finish? 出口 exit

园区图 map 汉堡 burger

路线 route 炸鸡 fried chicken

平面图 layout

薯条 french fries 果汁 juice

番茄酱ketchup 汽水 soda

胡椒 pepper 芝士 cheese

色拉 salad 黄油 butter

吸管 straw 坚果 nut

套餐 combo 甜点 desert

餐巾纸 napkin 意大利面 pasta/spaghetti

牛排 steak 三明治 sandwich

猪肉 pork 零食 snack

羊肉 lamb 酱料 sauce

排骨 rib 味道 flavor

蛋饼 pancake 香草 vanilla

炒饭 fried rice 草莓 strawberry

烧烤 barbecue


巧克力 chocolate 现金 cash

薄荷 mint 信用卡 credit card

糖浆 syrup 两毛五分 quarter

酸奶 yogurt 一毛 dime

奶油 cream 一分 cent

奶昔 milkshake 收据 receipt

布丁 pudding 小费 tip

海鲜 seafood 点餐 order

饭盒 lunch box 食物领取处 pick up

菜单 menu 用餐账单 check


Can I have some more。。。,please ?


Yes ,please./ No, thank you.


How much are these? Do you take credit card?


教学白板 whiteboard 校长 principal 加法 addition

马克笔 marker 医务室 school clinic 剪法 subtraction 铅笔盒/铅笔/铅笔刨 教务处 school office 乘法 multiplication Pencil box/pencil/sharpener 集合 assembly 除法 division

书包 back bag 餐厅 cafeteria 教课书 textbook 垃圾桶 trash can 签到 sign in 笔记本 notebook 课间休息 break/recess 清理 clean up

班主任 room teacher 储物柜/更衣室 locker

课文 text 段落 paragraph 艺术课/数学课 arts/math 页 page 语法 grammar 操场 field

题目 title 体育课 P.E./physical

education 词汇 vocabulary

能请您讲慢一点/重复一遍吗? Can you slow down please? / Can you repeat it again please? 我应该/可以做什么? What can I do? / What shall I do?

我能和你一起看课本吗? Can you share the book with me?

我们有多长时间休息/吃饭/上课? How long do we have for rest/eating/class?

我们几点钟(做某事)? What time do we do (something)?

这个词/这句话/这段话是什么意思? What does this word/sentence/paragraph mean? (做某事)需要准备什么? What do we need to do (something)?

我觉得不太舒服。我可以休息一下吗? I don’t feel very well. Can I take a rest?

我想找我的中国老师。 I want to find my Chinese teacher.


礼物 gift/present 烘干机 drying machine

客厅 living room 烤箱 oven 牙刷 toothbrush

走廊 corridor 炉灶 stove 牙膏 toothpaste 楼上 upstairs 毯子 blanket 无线网络 wifi

楼下 downstairs 枕头 pillow 洗澡 take shower 车库 garage 床单 sheet 浴巾 towel

冰箱 refrigerator 洗脸池 sink

洗衣机 washing machine 衣橱 closet


早饭/中饭/晚饭 breakfast/lunch/dinner


游戏 game

下棋 play chess

打牌 play cards

计算机 computer


This is a gift I brought from China. Hope you like it.

我应该怎么称呼您呢? How should I call you?

需要我帮忙(做某事)吗? Do you need my help (doing something)?

我应该/可以做什么? What can I do? / What shall I do?

我还想要一点这个。/不好意思,我吃不惯这个。/ 我对这个过敏,谢谢。

I want more of this. / Sorry, I don’t get used to it. / I’m allergic to it. Thank you.

请帮忙递一下(某物)给我好吗? Can you pass me (something) please?


Can I watch TV/ use the computer/read/take a shower/go to sleep?

我需要买(某物),请问你们方便带我去买吗?I may need to buy…, can you take me to buy it? 我能和你们合一张影吗? Can I take a photo with you?

厕所restroom 延误 delay

直饮水drinking water/fountain water 着陆 land

航站楼 terminal 中转 transfer

登机口 gate 行李领取处 luggage/baggage claim 问询处 information desk 托运行李 check-in luggage

国际到达 international arrival 随身行李 carry-on luggage

航空公司 airline 安检 security check

航班号 flight number 海关 customs

起飞时间 departure time 免税店 duty-free shop

登机 boarding 空服员 flight attendant

登机牌 boarding pass 遮阳板 window blinder


机上餐桌 tray

安全带 safe belt

请问…在哪里? Excuse me, where is …?

请问您会讲中文吗? Do you know Chinese?

您能帮我打一下这个号码吗? Could you please help me to call this number?

请问您见过一群中国学生吗? Have you seen a group of Chinese student?

您能帮我换一些零钱/硬币吗? Can you help me to change some money?

请问(某物)可以带上飞机吗? Can I carry this on the plane?

请问(某物)需要托运吗? Does it need to be checked in?

请问这里可以(做某事)吗?Can I (do something) here?

可以借用一下你的(某物)吗? Can I borrow your…?

请问现在的时间是? Can you please tell me the time?



酒店hotel 禁止 forbid

门卡 key card 表演 show

拍照 take a picture 失物招领处 lost and found

明信片 postcards 安静 silence

纪念品 souvenir 请问这个景点怎么走? Excuse me, how can

I go to (this attraction)? 门票 ticket

排队 line up 这个表演什么时候开始?什么时候结束?

When will the show start? When will the show 入口 entrance

finish? 出口 exit

园区图 map 汉堡 burger

路线 route 炸鸡 fried chicken

平面图 layout

薯条 french fries 果汁 juice

番茄酱ketchup 汽水 soda

胡椒 pepper 芝士 cheese

色拉 salad 黄油 butter

吸管 straw 坚果 nut

套餐 combo 甜点 desert

餐巾纸 napkin 意大利面 pasta/spaghetti

牛排 steak 三明治 sandwich

猪肉 pork 零食 snack

羊肉 lamb 酱料 sauce

排骨 rib 味道 flavor

蛋饼 pancake 香草 vanilla

炒饭 fried rice 草莓 strawberry

烧烤 barbecue


巧克力 chocolate 现金 cash

薄荷 mint 信用卡 credit card

糖浆 syrup 两毛五分 quarter

酸奶 yogurt 一毛 dime

奶油 cream 一分 cent

奶昔 milkshake 收据 receipt

布丁 pudding 小费 tip

海鲜 seafood 点餐 order

饭盒 lunch box 食物领取处 pick up

菜单 menu 用餐账单 check


Can I have some more。。。,please ?


Yes ,please./ No, thank you.


How much are these? Do you take credit card?


教学白板 whiteboard 校长 principal 加法 addition

马克笔 marker 医务室 school clinic 剪法 subtraction 铅笔盒/铅笔/铅笔刨 教务处 school office 乘法 multiplication Pencil box/pencil/sharpener 集合 assembly 除法 division

书包 back bag 餐厅 cafeteria 教课书 textbook 垃圾桶 trash can 签到 sign in 笔记本 notebook 课间休息 break/recess 清理 clean up

班主任 room teacher 储物柜/更衣室 locker

课文 text 段落 paragraph 艺术课/数学课 arts/math 页 page 语法 grammar 操场 field

题目 title 体育课 P.E./physical

education 词汇 vocabulary

能请您讲慢一点/重复一遍吗? Can you slow down please? / Can you repeat it again please? 我应该/可以做什么? What can I do? / What shall I do?

我能和你一起看课本吗? Can you share the book with me?

我们有多长时间休息/吃饭/上课? How long do we have for rest/eating/class?

我们几点钟(做某事)? What time do we do (something)?

这个词/这句话/这段话是什么意思? What does this word/sentence/paragraph mean? (做某事)需要准备什么? What do we need to do (something)?

我觉得不太舒服。我可以休息一下吗? I don’t feel very well. Can I take a rest?

我想找我的中国老师。 I want to find my Chinese teacher.


礼物 gift/present 烘干机 drying machine

客厅 living room 烤箱 oven 牙刷 toothbrush

走廊 corridor 炉灶 stove 牙膏 toothpaste 楼上 upstairs 毯子 blanket 无线网络 wifi

楼下 downstairs 枕头 pillow 洗澡 take shower 车库 garage 床单 sheet 浴巾 towel

冰箱 refrigerator 洗脸池 sink

洗衣机 washing machine 衣橱 closet


早饭/中饭/晚饭 breakfast/lunch/dinner


游戏 game

下棋 play chess

打牌 play cards

计算机 computer


This is a gift I brought from China. Hope you like it.

我应该怎么称呼您呢? How should I call you?

需要我帮忙(做某事)吗? Do you need my help (doing something)?

我应该/可以做什么? What can I do? / What shall I do?

我还想要一点这个。/不好意思,我吃不惯这个。/ 我对这个过敏,谢谢。

I want more of this. / Sorry, I don’t get used to it. / I’m allergic to it. Thank you.

请帮忙递一下(某物)给我好吗? Can you pass me (something) please?


Can I watch TV/ use the computer/read/take a shower/go to sleep?

我需要买(某物),请问你们方便带我去买吗?I may need to buy…, can you take me to buy it? 我能和你们合一张影吗? Can I take a photo with you?


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