





1.—How did you know_____ news about Greenpeace, Lisa?

—Well, I got it from_____ China Daily.

A. a; the B. the;/ C. the; the D. an; a

2. Sally considers Wuhan to be her second _______ because she has lived here for

13 years.

A. family B. house C. home D. room

3.—Is Richard still living here?

—No,he____ to Paris already.

A. had moved B. moved C. will move D. has moved

4. Jeff and I are going to Shanghai this weekend. My brother will drive _____


A. it B. you C. us D. them

5. One of the places of interest ______ are often visited is the Niagara.

A. that B. what C. who d. where

6. So far the exchange program has brought many foreigners to China ______Chinese.

A.study B. to study C. studying D. Studied

7.—Philip has gone to New Zealand.

—Oh, can you tell me________? A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C.when he left D. when is he


8. After hours of discussion, we finally_____ a new way to solve the problem.

A. came up with B. caught up with C. kept up with D. put up with

9. —Rosa,can I wear jeans and T-shirt to the evening party?

——OK. But a dress might be ______.

A. good B. worse C. bad D. better

10.—Could you tell me a good place to eat?

—______.There's one nearby. A. Thanks a lot B. Me neither C. Sorry,I'm new here

D. Of course

11. —Hello, Betty!What are you doing now?

—I _______ on the Great Wall of China. I'll send them to you later.

A. will take pictures B. am taking pictures

C. was taking pictures D. take pictures

12. —Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?

—Sure,I'll give it to her____ she comes back.

A. before B. until C. because D. as soon as

13. —May I have a look at your plan for the robot competition,Smith?

—Sorry,Mrs. Brown. I've____it at home.

A. missed B. forgotten C. left D. lost

14. —Must I come at 6: 30 tomorrow morning?

—No, you needn't. You____ come one hour later.

A. can B. need C. should D. must

15. A popular sport,Ping-pong, ______by many around China, for fun and exercise.

A. are enjoyed B. was enjoyed C. were enjoyed D. is enjoyed

16. —Alex,did you find our old school last week?

—Yes, but with much difficulty, for it has_____ changed over these years.

A. completely B. never C. hardly D. partly

17-______ do you write an English article for our school newspaper?


A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How far

18. —How long have you stayed in this hotel?

—Not long,just____ this Monday.

A. from B. since C. for D. on

19. —Which singer do you think ____ the Voice of China?

—I'm not sure. There are still 3 rounds to come.

A. won B. has won C. will win D. Wins

20. —Ellen,how about going to Hong Kong Ocean Park together?


A. Enjoy yourself B. Good luck C. Have a good trip D. Sounds fantastic



A The other day I invited my mother to go out for dinner. We went to a 21 . It was not big,but very nice and quiet. My 80-year-old mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down,I had to read the menu. She could not see very well. Her eyes could only read 22 letters. Half way through the names of food and drinks on the menu,I 23 my eyes and saw Mom sitting there looking at me. A proud smile was on her face.“It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were 24 ,”she said. “Then it’s time that you 25 and let me return what you have done for me,”I replied.

21.A. theatre B. cinema C. shop D. restaurant

22. A. bright B. large C. simple D. short

23. A. lifted B. lowered C. closed D. opened

24. A. small B. big C. busy D. away

25. A. order B. relax C. read D. do


In 1972,I returned to Miami Beach High School to give speech to a dance class. After the 26 I asked the dance teacher if any of my English teachers was still there. He told me that Irene Roberts was in the class just down the hall.

I was no one 27 in Miss Roberts' class—just another sport fan who didn't do very well in

English. Yet I can't forget her respect for ideas and for her students. I realize now,many 28 later, that she is one of the best 29 I have ever had. I told the dance teacher that I'd like to say something to her, but I was afraid to 30 her right now. The dance teacher told me that Miss Roberts would be 31 to see me.

The dance teacher brought Miss Roberts into the hallway where stood this 32-year-old man she last 32 at the age of 18.“I'm Mark Medoff,”I told her.“You were my 12th grade 33 teacher in 1958.”She looked at me carefully for some time 34 didn't seem to remember who I was. At that moment I got so many things to say to her, but what I 35 said was:“Miss Roberts,I want you to know you were so important to me.”Hearing this,Miss Roberts began to weep and held me in her arms.

26. A. meeting B. speech C. conversation D. discussion

27. A. happy B. silly C. lazy D. special

28. A. years B. months C. weeks D. days

29. A. friends B. neighbors C. teachers D. classmates

30. A. change B. hurt C. push D. trouble

31 .A. patient B. afraid C. pleased D. angry

32. A. saw B. found C. visited D. missed

33. A. math B. English C. chemistry D. music

34. A. and B. or C. but D. so

35. A. nearly B. probably C. hardly D. finally





Many years ago,

Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the center of the road?

Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be very dark at night. Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

The young man then began to move the stone. He pulled with all his strength to move it to one side. But imagine his surprise when he found a bag full of money and this message under the stone: “This money is for the thoughtful person who takes this stone away from the road. Thank you.”

36.What did the rich man aim to do?

A.To offer help to the people of his town.

B. To show his people how rich he was.

C. To give money to anybody in need.

D. To find out how good his people are.

37. Why did the rich man put a large stone on the road?

A. To make life harder for the people of his town.

B. To find out the strongest man in his town.

C. To stop people from getting into his town.

D. To find the right person to receive his help. 38.The first old man found the stone and walked around it because _____.

A. he was too old to take the stone away all by himself

B. he thought it was good to have a stone on the road C. he didn't want to move the stone away for others

D. he didn't want the money from the rich man

39. How many people complained but didn't try to move the stone?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

40. Why did the young man decide to move the stone?

A. Because he was strong enough to do the job.

B. Because he had others' safety on his mind.

C. Because he knew there was money under it.

D. Because he wanted to make it safe for himself.


41.What is this piece of writing?

A. A postcard. B. A poem. C. A diary. D.An advertisement.

42. What do we know about Share and Read from this piece of writing?

A. It buys and sells books like other bookstores.

B. It collects old books and uses them to help others.

C. It buys books and gives them to schools in the countryside.

D.It invites parents to read books together with their children.

43. What does Share and Read want us to do?

A. To buy new books for them.

B. To give our used books to them.

C. To sell our old books to them.

D. choose good books for them.

44. Which of the following will be accepted by Share and Read?

A. Textbooks. B. Magazines. C. Dictionaries. D. Storybooks.

45. If you don't have used books but still want to help,you can ____.

A. buy books from them B. get in touch with them online

C. visit them on weekdays D. collect broken books for them


A high school in England has found a new solution to allow students to sleep longer in the morning. The $25, 000-a-year Hampton Court House School is starting a 1:30 to 7 :00 pm timetable in September. It will become the only school in Britain that starts lessons in the afternoon. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the changed hours should help students get higher grades. He said research on human brains shows students can do better if they can sleep longer in the morning. Mr. Holloway said:

The aftermoon start is supported by research by Oxford University. Researcher

Dr. Paul Kelley said:“You can’t train yourselves to get up at a practical time.”He said we are not in control of choosing the best time to work because it's biological(生物钟)—our nature, just like we have no control over our heartbeat or how our ears do their work. Dr. Kelley added:“Anything you do to change the timing of your body means different parts of your body will not be able to work together at the same time to keep you going and this is where people get ill„. It is no fixing it by giving someone an alarm clock.”A student at the school,Gabriel Purcell-Davis, 15,is in support of the idea. He said students are tired all day now,“„as soon as 10 o'clock hits,that's when we ...do all our work”.

46. In what way will the school be different from other schools in Britain?

A. It will have more students than any other school.

B. It will ask for more money from the students.

C. It will begin a school day in the afternoon.

D. It will have fewer lessons in September.

47. The school takes this new move to______.

A. let the students sleep longer in the morning

B. encourage the students to have lessons at home

C. help parents spend more time with their children

D. give the students more chance to work after school

48. Mr. Holloway believes that the students can do better by_______.

A. spending less time at school B. working together with parents

C. having a good rest in the morning D. going home earlier in the afternoon

49. Dr. Kelley is trying to tell us that_____.

A. we’d better follow our nature to decide when to work

B. people can get ill by getting up early in the morning

C. mornings are the worst time for students to have lessons

D. the alarm clock is a good invention to keep students at work

50. In the end,Cabriel Purcell-Davis is mentioned to show that______.

A. this new plan is welcomed by the students

B. most students don't like the new timetable C. students can get higher grades by getting up late

D. students are tired of going to school in the afternoon


Almost two-thirds of children want their parents to spend more time reading to them before bed. Most of theses kids like Mum's storytelling more than Dad's,researchers said.

They carried out a study that showed younger children aged 3-4 were most hungry for more stories. Over three-quarters of them said they wished their

parents to read to them more often.

More than half of all children aged 3-8 said story time was their favorite pastime with their parents.

“The results of our research reveal the traditional activity of storytelling continues to be a powerful learning and emotional resource(资源)in children's lives,”said child psychologist Richard Woolfson.

Storytelling ranked before television or video games among pastimes for kids. 82 percent of them said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep better. This finding came from a survey of 500 children aged 3-4 in Britain. According to the research, there are two ways for mothers to become best storytellers. They can use funny voices to show different characters in a story. They can also make their own special sounds to keep the story interesting and attractive. When mum and dad are not at hand, celebrities will do: over 30 percent of children said they would like to hear a bedtime story from famous people like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Other movie stars like Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson also welcomed by children.

“It can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children. But these moments can help build close relationship between parents and children, and also can play an important part in their child's development,

51. What do the children want most according to the study?

A. Stories from Daniel Radcliffe. B. Stories from Dad.

C. Stories from Mum. D. Stories from Zac Efron.

52. The study shows that as children get older, they_____.

A. depend more on stories from parents

B. become less thirsty for bedtime stories

C. show more interest in playing outdoors

D. become better storytellers to other children

53. If a mother wants to be a better storyteller, she'd better______.

A. use different sounds to make the story sound more real

B. invite other family members to read stories together

C. ask children to play different roles in the stories

D. make a lot of noises to keep the children awake

54. The word

A. who love children very much B. who are known about by many people

C. who write stories for children D. who can tell stories very well

55. With the last paragraph,the passage wants to tell us that ____.

A. few parents can afford the time to tell stories

B. with love Dads can also become good storytellers

C. it really pays to spend time reading with our children

D. it doesn't take much time to enjoy stories with our children

第II卷 (非选择题,共50分)

第三部分:写 (共三节,满分50分)



Rosalia Mera,the world’s richest self-made woman has died at the age of 69 in August,2013. She started as a poor Spanish seamstress(a woman clothes maker), and later founded the well-known fashion retailer(零售商)Zara. Mera was the richest woman in Spain with a worth of S 6,100,000,000. Mera was seriously ill while on holiday and died in a hospital in the town where she was born,La Coruna in northern Spain.

Having left school at 11 years old,Mera worked as a seamstress as a teenager before setting up a company, which would grow into one of the biggest clothes retailers in the world. Today the brand (品牌) name sits above 1,763 Zara stores around the world.

The Zara model grew up from the idea that first sent Mera into business: producing speedy and cheap imitations(仿制品). Mera was one of the first players in the field of so-called “fast fashion”. Though she was extremely rich, Mera stayed close to home and was often seen talking with friends and neighbors in Galicia's bars.

The world’s richest self-made woman



Why is it important for Lee to study English? After Chinese,the language that is most 66 in the world is English. It is said that 300,000,000 people speak English as a first language and another 500,000,000 people speak it as a 67 language. English is used by almost a 1 ,000,000,000 people in the world and 83% of the world’s 68 are written in English. But people think that

there will be 69 emails in Chinese than in English. Lee is studying English because he wants to be a 70 , and he knows most scientists write in English. Lee's father, a scientist, is going to an important science meeting in Shanghai. All the 71 will be in English. Lee's cousin Wei wants to work for an airport 72 she leaves school. Wei is going on an English course this summer to improve 73 English.

Michael lived in the USA. His family came back to live in China last year, and he is 74 Lee's school now. Michael speaks English perfectly, but his Chinese isn’t very good. In the summer holidays,Michael and Lee are planning to spend time 75 speaking English on Monday,Chinese on Tuesday,and so on.


你的英国朋友Steve未经允许在他爸爸的电脑上玩游戏导致电脑中毒,Steve心里害怕,不敢向爸爸说,因此写信向你求助。请你以Diana的名义根据内容提示给Steve写一封回信。 提示:1. 指出Steve的两点错误;

2. 最好立即向爸爸说出实情;

3. 建议Steve帮爸爸做些事,以弥补过错。

要求:1. 词数80词左右;

2. 短文中不得提及真实的人名和校名等信息;

3. 开头与结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

Dear Steve,

Thanks for thinking of me at this time. I think you have made two mistakes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Oh, and next time, play basketball with your Dad!

Best wishes,







1.—How did you know_____ news about Greenpeace, Lisa?

—Well, I got it from_____ China Daily.

A. a; the B. the;/ C. the; the D. an; a

2. Sally considers Wuhan to be her second _______ because she has lived here for

13 years.

A. family B. house C. home D. room

3.—Is Richard still living here?

—No,he____ to Paris already.

A. had moved B. moved C. will move D. has moved

4. Jeff and I are going to Shanghai this weekend. My brother will drive _____


A. it B. you C. us D. them

5. One of the places of interest ______ are often visited is the Niagara.

A. that B. what C. who d. where

6. So far the exchange program has brought many foreigners to China ______Chinese.

A.study B. to study C. studying D. Studied

7.—Philip has gone to New Zealand.

—Oh, can you tell me________? A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C.when he left D. when is he


8. After hours of discussion, we finally_____ a new way to solve the problem.

A. came up with B. caught up with C. kept up with D. put up with

9. —Rosa,can I wear jeans and T-shirt to the evening party?

——OK. But a dress might be ______.

A. good B. worse C. bad D. better

10.—Could you tell me a good place to eat?

—______.There's one nearby. A. Thanks a lot B. Me neither C. Sorry,I'm new here

D. Of course

11. —Hello, Betty!What are you doing now?

—I _______ on the Great Wall of China. I'll send them to you later.

A. will take pictures B. am taking pictures

C. was taking pictures D. take pictures

12. —Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?

—Sure,I'll give it to her____ she comes back.

A. before B. until C. because D. as soon as

13. —May I have a look at your plan for the robot competition,Smith?

—Sorry,Mrs. Brown. I've____it at home.

A. missed B. forgotten C. left D. lost

14. —Must I come at 6: 30 tomorrow morning?

—No, you needn't. You____ come one hour later.

A. can B. need C. should D. must

15. A popular sport,Ping-pong, ______by many around China, for fun and exercise.

A. are enjoyed B. was enjoyed C. were enjoyed D. is enjoyed

16. —Alex,did you find our old school last week?

—Yes, but with much difficulty, for it has_____ changed over these years.

A. completely B. never C. hardly D. partly

17-______ do you write an English article for our school newspaper?


A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How far

18. —How long have you stayed in this hotel?

—Not long,just____ this Monday.

A. from B. since C. for D. on

19. —Which singer do you think ____ the Voice of China?

—I'm not sure. There are still 3 rounds to come.

A. won B. has won C. will win D. Wins

20. —Ellen,how about going to Hong Kong Ocean Park together?


A. Enjoy yourself B. Good luck C. Have a good trip D. Sounds fantastic



A The other day I invited my mother to go out for dinner. We went to a 21 . It was not big,but very nice and quiet. My 80-year-old mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down,I had to read the menu. She could not see very well. Her eyes could only read 22 letters. Half way through the names of food and drinks on the menu,I 23 my eyes and saw Mom sitting there looking at me. A proud smile was on her face.“It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were 24 ,”she said. “Then it’s time that you 25 and let me return what you have done for me,”I replied.

21.A. theatre B. cinema C. shop D. restaurant

22. A. bright B. large C. simple D. short

23. A. lifted B. lowered C. closed D. opened

24. A. small B. big C. busy D. away

25. A. order B. relax C. read D. do


In 1972,I returned to Miami Beach High School to give speech to a dance class. After the 26 I asked the dance teacher if any of my English teachers was still there. He told me that Irene Roberts was in the class just down the hall.

I was no one 27 in Miss Roberts' class—just another sport fan who didn't do very well in

English. Yet I can't forget her respect for ideas and for her students. I realize now,many 28 later, that she is one of the best 29 I have ever had. I told the dance teacher that I'd like to say something to her, but I was afraid to 30 her right now. The dance teacher told me that Miss Roberts would be 31 to see me.

The dance teacher brought Miss Roberts into the hallway where stood this 32-year-old man she last 32 at the age of 18.“I'm Mark Medoff,”I told her.“You were my 12th grade 33 teacher in 1958.”She looked at me carefully for some time 34 didn't seem to remember who I was. At that moment I got so many things to say to her, but what I 35 said was:“Miss Roberts,I want you to know you were so important to me.”Hearing this,Miss Roberts began to weep and held me in her arms.

26. A. meeting B. speech C. conversation D. discussion

27. A. happy B. silly C. lazy D. special

28. A. years B. months C. weeks D. days

29. A. friends B. neighbors C. teachers D. classmates

30. A. change B. hurt C. push D. trouble

31 .A. patient B. afraid C. pleased D. angry

32. A. saw B. found C. visited D. missed

33. A. math B. English C. chemistry D. music

34. A. and B. or C. but D. so

35. A. nearly B. probably C. hardly D. finally





Many years ago,

Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the center of the road?

Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be very dark at night. Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

The young man then began to move the stone. He pulled with all his strength to move it to one side. But imagine his surprise when he found a bag full of money and this message under the stone: “This money is for the thoughtful person who takes this stone away from the road. Thank you.”

36.What did the rich man aim to do?

A.To offer help to the people of his town.

B. To show his people how rich he was.

C. To give money to anybody in need.

D. To find out how good his people are.

37. Why did the rich man put a large stone on the road?

A. To make life harder for the people of his town.

B. To find out the strongest man in his town.

C. To stop people from getting into his town.

D. To find the right person to receive his help. 38.The first old man found the stone and walked around it because _____.

A. he was too old to take the stone away all by himself

B. he thought it was good to have a stone on the road C. he didn't want to move the stone away for others

D. he didn't want the money from the rich man

39. How many people complained but didn't try to move the stone?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

40. Why did the young man decide to move the stone?

A. Because he was strong enough to do the job.

B. Because he had others' safety on his mind.

C. Because he knew there was money under it.

D. Because he wanted to make it safe for himself.


41.What is this piece of writing?

A. A postcard. B. A poem. C. A diary. D.An advertisement.

42. What do we know about Share and Read from this piece of writing?

A. It buys and sells books like other bookstores.

B. It collects old books and uses them to help others.

C. It buys books and gives them to schools in the countryside.

D.It invites parents to read books together with their children.

43. What does Share and Read want us to do?

A. To buy new books for them.

B. To give our used books to them.

C. To sell our old books to them.

D. choose good books for them.

44. Which of the following will be accepted by Share and Read?

A. Textbooks. B. Magazines. C. Dictionaries. D. Storybooks.

45. If you don't have used books but still want to help,you can ____.

A. buy books from them B. get in touch with them online

C. visit them on weekdays D. collect broken books for them


A high school in England has found a new solution to allow students to sleep longer in the morning. The $25, 000-a-year Hampton Court House School is starting a 1:30 to 7 :00 pm timetable in September. It will become the only school in Britain that starts lessons in the afternoon. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the changed hours should help students get higher grades. He said research on human brains shows students can do better if they can sleep longer in the morning. Mr. Holloway said:

The aftermoon start is supported by research by Oxford University. Researcher

Dr. Paul Kelley said:“You can’t train yourselves to get up at a practical time.”He said we are not in control of choosing the best time to work because it's biological(生物钟)—our nature, just like we have no control over our heartbeat or how our ears do their work. Dr. Kelley added:“Anything you do to change the timing of your body means different parts of your body will not be able to work together at the same time to keep you going and this is where people get ill„. It is no fixing it by giving someone an alarm clock.”A student at the school,Gabriel Purcell-Davis, 15,is in support of the idea. He said students are tired all day now,“„as soon as 10 o'clock hits,that's when we ...do all our work”.

46. In what way will the school be different from other schools in Britain?

A. It will have more students than any other school.

B. It will ask for more money from the students.

C. It will begin a school day in the afternoon.

D. It will have fewer lessons in September.

47. The school takes this new move to______.

A. let the students sleep longer in the morning

B. encourage the students to have lessons at home

C. help parents spend more time with their children

D. give the students more chance to work after school

48. Mr. Holloway believes that the students can do better by_______.

A. spending less time at school B. working together with parents

C. having a good rest in the morning D. going home earlier in the afternoon

49. Dr. Kelley is trying to tell us that_____.

A. we’d better follow our nature to decide when to work

B. people can get ill by getting up early in the morning

C. mornings are the worst time for students to have lessons

D. the alarm clock is a good invention to keep students at work

50. In the end,Cabriel Purcell-Davis is mentioned to show that______.

A. this new plan is welcomed by the students

B. most students don't like the new timetable C. students can get higher grades by getting up late

D. students are tired of going to school in the afternoon


Almost two-thirds of children want their parents to spend more time reading to them before bed. Most of theses kids like Mum's storytelling more than Dad's,researchers said.

They carried out a study that showed younger children aged 3-4 were most hungry for more stories. Over three-quarters of them said they wished their

parents to read to them more often.

More than half of all children aged 3-8 said story time was their favorite pastime with their parents.

“The results of our research reveal the traditional activity of storytelling continues to be a powerful learning and emotional resource(资源)in children's lives,”said child psychologist Richard Woolfson.

Storytelling ranked before television or video games among pastimes for kids. 82 percent of them said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep better. This finding came from a survey of 500 children aged 3-4 in Britain. According to the research, there are two ways for mothers to become best storytellers. They can use funny voices to show different characters in a story. They can also make their own special sounds to keep the story interesting and attractive. When mum and dad are not at hand, celebrities will do: over 30 percent of children said they would like to hear a bedtime story from famous people like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Other movie stars like Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson also welcomed by children.

“It can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children. But these moments can help build close relationship between parents and children, and also can play an important part in their child's development,

51. What do the children want most according to the study?

A. Stories from Daniel Radcliffe. B. Stories from Dad.

C. Stories from Mum. D. Stories from Zac Efron.

52. The study shows that as children get older, they_____.

A. depend more on stories from parents

B. become less thirsty for bedtime stories

C. show more interest in playing outdoors

D. become better storytellers to other children

53. If a mother wants to be a better storyteller, she'd better______.

A. use different sounds to make the story sound more real

B. invite other family members to read stories together

C. ask children to play different roles in the stories

D. make a lot of noises to keep the children awake

54. The word

A. who love children very much B. who are known about by many people

C. who write stories for children D. who can tell stories very well

55. With the last paragraph,the passage wants to tell us that ____.

A. few parents can afford the time to tell stories

B. with love Dads can also become good storytellers

C. it really pays to spend time reading with our children

D. it doesn't take much time to enjoy stories with our children

第II卷 (非选择题,共50分)

第三部分:写 (共三节,满分50分)



Rosalia Mera,the world’s richest self-made woman has died at the age of 69 in August,2013. She started as a poor Spanish seamstress(a woman clothes maker), and later founded the well-known fashion retailer(零售商)Zara. Mera was the richest woman in Spain with a worth of S 6,100,000,000. Mera was seriously ill while on holiday and died in a hospital in the town where she was born,La Coruna in northern Spain.

Having left school at 11 years old,Mera worked as a seamstress as a teenager before setting up a company, which would grow into one of the biggest clothes retailers in the world. Today the brand (品牌) name sits above 1,763 Zara stores around the world.

The Zara model grew up from the idea that first sent Mera into business: producing speedy and cheap imitations(仿制品). Mera was one of the first players in the field of so-called “fast fashion”. Though she was extremely rich, Mera stayed close to home and was often seen talking with friends and neighbors in Galicia's bars.

The world’s richest self-made woman



Why is it important for Lee to study English? After Chinese,the language that is most 66 in the world is English. It is said that 300,000,000 people speak English as a first language and another 500,000,000 people speak it as a 67 language. English is used by almost a 1 ,000,000,000 people in the world and 83% of the world’s 68 are written in English. But people think that

there will be 69 emails in Chinese than in English. Lee is studying English because he wants to be a 70 , and he knows most scientists write in English. Lee's father, a scientist, is going to an important science meeting in Shanghai. All the 71 will be in English. Lee's cousin Wei wants to work for an airport 72 she leaves school. Wei is going on an English course this summer to improve 73 English.

Michael lived in the USA. His family came back to live in China last year, and he is 74 Lee's school now. Michael speaks English perfectly, but his Chinese isn’t very good. In the summer holidays,Michael and Lee are planning to spend time 75 speaking English on Monday,Chinese on Tuesday,and so on.


你的英国朋友Steve未经允许在他爸爸的电脑上玩游戏导致电脑中毒,Steve心里害怕,不敢向爸爸说,因此写信向你求助。请你以Diana的名义根据内容提示给Steve写一封回信。 提示:1. 指出Steve的两点错误;

2. 最好立即向爸爸说出实情;

3. 建议Steve帮爸爸做些事,以弥补过错。

要求:1. 词数80词左右;

2. 短文中不得提及真实的人名和校名等信息;

3. 开头与结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

Dear Steve,

Thanks for thinking of me at this time. I think you have made two mistakes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Oh, and next time, play basketball with your Dad!

Best wishes,



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