


1.be known as/be famous as作为„„而闻名 be known for因„„而出名 be known to为„„所知 be known by凭„„而知 2.be married to与„„结婚 3.be tired of/with对„„厌烦

He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被„„吓一跳 5.be burdened with负重 6.be crowded with挤满 7.be dressed in穿着

8.be experienced in对„„有经验 9.be equipped with装备 10.be furnished with提供,布置 二、动词break构成的短语 1.break out爆发 2.break in打断;闯入 3.break into闯入;破门而入 4.break away from脱离 三、动词carry构成的短语 1.carry on进行 2.carry out执行;进行 四、动词call构成的短语 1.call on拜访某人,号召 2.call at拜访某地

3.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物) 五、动词catch,hold构成的短语

1.Catch/take/get hold of sth.抓住某物 2.catch up with赶上 3.catch fire着火;烧着 4.catch sight of发现;看到 六、动词come构成的短语 1.come into„进入„„状态 2.come along过来;快点 3.come out出来;出版 4.come true实现

5.come back to life苏醒过来

6.come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质

11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) 12.be engaged to与„„订婚 13.be about to do sth.正要做„„ 14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于 15.be worth doing值得做„„ 16.be proud of以„„而自影骄傲

17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于„„ 18.be content to do sth./with„甘愿于干„„;满足 于„„

19.be content with对„„感到满意 20.be up to应由„„,轮到„„

21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作 22.be connected with与„„有联系 23.be crazy about对„„狂热

5.break down(机器等)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解 6.break through突破 7.break off折断;中断;断绝 8.break up驱散,拆散

3.carry away拿走 4.carry off夺走,抢走

4.call in 请来;收回

5.call up打电话;征召;回想起 5.hold up举起;阻滞(交通等);耽搁 6.hold back阻止;控制

7.hold one’s breath憋住气,屏息 8 hold out坚持;拿出7.come about发生,造成 8.come across碰见

同义词组:run across 9.come to all end结束 10.come to light为人所知,显露 11.come up with提出,想出

七、动词do构成的短语 1.do well in在某方面做得好 2.do good to对„„有好处 3.do harm to对„„有害处 4.do with处理 八、动词get构成的短语

1.get in touch with同„„取得联系 2.get up起床 3.get back回来;取回 4.get on上车 5.get over克服;度过 6.get off下车 7.Get together相聚

8.get on/along well with与„„相处融洽 9.get into进人;陷入 九、动词give构成的短语 1.give up放弃 2.give in屈服;投降 3.give out用完;耗尽

4.get out of从„„出来,摆脱, 十、动词go构成的短语 1.go ahead继续;干吧

2.go by(时间)过去;经过(地点) 3.go out(灯、火)熄灭 4.go on(doing)继续做某事

5.go on to do sth.接着做另外的事 6.go over检查;复习

7.go through完成;通过;经历;仔细检察 8.go all out(=try/do one’s best)竭尽全力 9.go about开始着手,到处走动,传开 十一、动词have构成的短语

1.have a word with sb.和某人说句话 2.have words with争吵

3.have(deep)effects on对„„有(深远)影响 十二、动词keep构成的短语

1.keep on doing sth.继续或反复做某事 2.keep up坚持 3.keep up with跟上

4.keep back保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留 5.keep away from远离 6.keep out of使„„不进入 十三、动词knock构成的短语

5.do sb. a favour帮某人的忙 6.do up系纽扣;梳理 do up one’s hair梳理头发

10.get into trouble陷入麻烦 11.get in a word插话 12.get rid of除掉

13.get through通过;接通;完成;经历 14.get to到达

15.get about/around/round传开,传出去 16.get across使理解 17.get away离开

18.get down to(doing)sth.安心做,开始认真干5.give away分发;捐赠;泄露 6.give off放出 7.give back归还;恢复 10.go against违背 11.go back回家,追溯 12.go for运用于,应用于’ 13.go in for参加,爱好 14.go with相配

15.go without不吃/喝/用 16.go beyond超过 17.go up上升,上涨 18.go down下降,降沉,下沉4.have difficulty in/find difficulty in/have trouble in 做„„有困难 7.keep one’s word遵守诺言 8.keep in touch with与„„保持联系 9.keep silent保持沉默

10.keep/prevent/stop...from doing sth.制止(防止)„„做某事 11.keep off使„„远离

1.knock at敲(门、窗等) 2.knock down撞倒 十四、动词look构成的短语 1.1ook up抬头;查阅 2.1ook out小心 3.1ook into调查 4.1ook forward to盼望 5.1ook through仔细看;浏览 6.1ook up to尊敬 十五、动词make构成的 1.make a dive for向„„猛冲 2.make an apology to向„„道歉 3.be made up of组成

4.make up组成;化妆;打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造

5.make room for给„„腾地方 6.make up one’s mind下决心 7.make up for弥补 8.make use of利用 十六、动词put构成的短语 1.put away放好;收起来 2.put down记下;平息 . 3.put out扑灭;出版

4.put up举起;建造;张贴;公布,投宿 5.put up with(=stand/bear)忍受 十七、动词take构成的短语 1.take up占用(时间;空间);从事 2.take„out拿出去 3.take sides站在„„一边 4.take place发生 5.take the place of代替

6.take one’s place就座;代替某人职位 7.take it easy别着急 十八、动词turn构成的短语

1.turn up出现;开大(音量);到达,发生 2.turn against背叛 3.turn on旋开(电灯等) 4.turn off关上(电灯等) 5.turn down开小(音量)

十九、动词help, hand, lead,die构成的短语 1.help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 2.help oneself to sth.尽管请便;请随便吃

3.knock off撞掉下来

4.knock about连续打击/碰撞,漂泊,闲逛

7.1ook down upon瞧不起 8.1ook like看起来

9.1ook on„as(=treat/consider/take/think of„as) 把„„看作„„ 10.1ook after照顾 11.1ook for寻找

9.make one’s way排除困难前进 10.make progress进步 11.make repairs修理 12.make a promise许诺言 13.make a living谋生 14.make the best of尽量利用 15.make for走向,前往 16.make out认出,理解 17.make it成功,及时达到

6.put on穿上;上演;增加 7.put off延期;拖延

8.put through完成;(打电话)把„„接通 9.put forward提出建议,拨快(钟等)

8.take off脱掉;起飞;成功 9.take part in参加

10.take pride in以„„而自豪

11.take away(from)拿走;使停留,使离开 12.take in欺骗,摄取

13 take on雇用,接受(工作),呈现(品质、面貌) 14 take over接管

6.turn over翻转 7.turn in交出;交

8.turn to找某人寻求帮助;翻到;转向 9.turn into变成

10.turn out结果是/关掉/查明/生产

3.hand in交上来 4.hand out分发

5.1ead to sth./doing sth.导致 6.1ead a„1ife过„„的生活 7.die of死于„„(内因)

die from死于„„(外因) 8.die out灭绝

二十、动词tell, talk, speak,hear,ask, answer构成的短语 1.talk to/with sb.和某人谈话

2.speak of/speak about大胆讲话;大声说出来 3.hear of听说

hear from接到某人的书信 二十一、动词set,send构成的短语 1.send for派人去请 2.send out发出(光亮等) 3.send up发射

4.send off寄出,派遣;给„„送行 send in寄送某处进行处理

5.set about doing sth.(=set to do sth./set out to do sth./get down to doing sth.)开始„„;着二十二、动词show,point,agree,pay构成的短语 1.show sb.in领某人进来

2.show sb.out领某人出去Please show the lady out. 3.show sb.around领某人参观 4.point out指出 5.point at指指点点

6.agree to do sth. 同意做某事 二十三、动词try,wait构成的短语 1.try on试穿 2.try out试用

3.try one’s best to do尽力去做„„ 4.wait for等待 5.wait on服侍;伺候

4.ask for要;请求

5.ask sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事 6.answer for对„„负责


6.set out/off出发;开始 7.set up建立;树立;设立 8.set sb.free释放

set fire to/set„on fire放火烧„„ 9.set an example to树立榜样7.agree with同意某人的意见;适合于 8.agree on意见一致 9.pay for付钱 10.pay off还清债务 11.pay back把钱还回给某人


1.connect with 把„„联接起来

2.deal with 对付;处理;论述;和„„做生意 3.depend on依靠 4.divide into把„„分成

5.persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 6.drive off把车开走

7.drop in (on sb./at a place)顺便拜访„„ 8.refer to指;谈到;参照

9.spend„on sth./in doing sth.在„„花(钱,时间等) 10.stick to sth./doing sth.坚持 11.stick with和„„在一起,保持联系 12.wear out(使)筋疲力尽 13.work out算出;计算出 14.struggle against与„„作斗争

15.quarrel with sb.about sth.为„„争吵 16.devote„to sth./sb.献身于;致力于 17.used to do sth.过去常常 18.settle down定居 19.stand for代表 stand by支持

stand by = support/take part with/take the side of/be in favour(support)of 20.begin at/start with/begin with以„„开始 to begin with首先

21.end up最后落得„„的结局/下场 end(up)with以„„结束 22.act on照„„行事 .

23.answer for/be responsible for对„„负责 24.believe in信仰、信奉(真理、宗教等);信任 believe相信某人所说的话

trust相信某人的品德、为人、能力等 have trust in相信

believe it or not信不信由你 25.belong to属于

26.burst into突然„„起来

27.put an end to sth结束(不好的事);制止 28.compare„to„把„„比作„„ compare„with„把„„和„„比较

compared to/with和„„比起来(常在句中作状语)

29.care for喜欢;照料;关心 care about关心;计较;在乎 30.change„for„用„„换取„„ change„with sb.和某人交换„„ change„into„把„„变成„„ 31.share(in)sth.with sb.与某人共同使用 32.base„on根据


34.consist of/be made up of由„„组成 35.clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决

副词up与某些动词连用,表示“完全„„彻底”或“动作难度等的增加” 36.up和动词组成的其它短语还有:

look up查找;tie up绑好;fasten up固定好; speak up大声说; blow up吹起来; save up; 储存; add up加起来; tidy up收拾干净; break up打碎; speed up加速; lock up锁好; bring up 抚养; set up成立 37.cure„of治愈;痊愈 38.treat„for治疗;医治 treat„to„以„„款待 treat„as把„„当作„„

39.owe„to„因„„而感激(某人);把„„归功于 owe„for„欠„„的钱(债,人情) 40.operate on为„„手术 41.quarrel over为„„争吵 quarrel with同„„争吵 42.reply to答复 43.recover from恢复 44.head for朝„„去

45.inspire„with„以„„激发 46.insist on/persist in坚持 47.join in参加(活动)

join sb.in.加入某人做事 48.1ong for渴望 49.1earn„by heart背会 50.1eave for动身去 51.fix one’s eyes on凝视

52.form the habit of/fall into the habit of/get into the habit of养成„„的习惯

be in the habit of有„„的习惯 get out of the habit of改掉„„的习惯 53.present„with赠送

54.1ive on靠„„生活,以„„为主食 1ive through活动,经历过 1ive up to不辜负 1ive with忍受,容忍 55.mix„with同„„混合 56.wipe out消灭 57.result in导致

result from由„„引起 58.Rob„of„抢走

remind„of„使(某人)想起一„„ warn„of以„„警告(某人) „„ inform„of„„通知(某人) „„ 59.watch out for提防 同义词组:look out for be on one’s guard be on the watch for watch over照顾;看守 keep watch看守;值班 be on watch在值班 be off watch不在值班 60.face up to面对;承担 61.fit in with适合;符合 62.pay attention to注意 63.pass a judgment on判决 64.add up to总计为 65.accuse„of控告某人 66.aim at瞄准,目标是 67.allow for顾及,考虑到 68.apply for申请 apply to应用

69.be(just)around the comer即将到来=be on the way 70.be attached to附属于;依恋 71.be aware of知道,意识到 72.become of发生 73.beg for乞求 74.benefit from得益于 75.be buried in埋头于 76.Centre„on集中„„于 77.charge„for索价 ’ charge„with控告 78.cheat„of骗取某人某物

79.cool off变凉,冷却,冷静

80.concentrate(„)on专心于,聚精会神于 81.take„into consideration考虑到 82.account for说明原因解释 83.clean up收拾;整理 84.dream of/about梦想;想到 85.drop out(of)辍学;中途退出 86.feed on以„„为主食 feed„on用„„喂养 87.fix up安装

88.focus on聚集于,集中于 89.set foot in/on踏上,走进 90.hang up挂上电话;挂起来 91.hunt for寻找 92.know about了解 know of听说,知道有 93.1ay down放下

94.1eave alone别动,别管,让„„单独呆着 1eave out遗漏;忽视,不理会 95.1et alone更不用说 let down使失望 96.1ight up照亮,点燃

throw light upon阐明,使„„清楚 97.be lost in埋头于,迷失在„„中 98.take notice of注意 99.object to反对

100.be occupied with/in忙于,从事于 101.occur to被想到 102.operate on为„„动手术 103.pass away去世

pass by经过,流逝,忽视 pass on传递,传给,去世 104.reach for伸手去拿 reach out伸出 105.react to反应,反对 106.remember„to代向„„问好 107.rise up起立,起议 108.round up把„„聚拢

109.seek after/for追求,征求,寻求 110.serve as担任,充当 111.shut up闭嘴,关门,打烊

112.slow down减慢,减速,慢下来 113.spread out展开,铺开,延伸 114.stare at盯着,凝视

115.supply sth. to/for向„„提供 116.suspect sb. of怀疑某„„ 117.sweep away冲走,卷走,扫除 118.tear down拆除 tear up撕碎,连根拨起 119.tell apart区分,辨别 120.tidy up整理,收拾



1.be known as/be famous as作为„„而闻名 be known for因„„而出名 be known to为„„所知 be known by凭„„而知 2.be married to与„„结婚 3.be tired of/with对„„厌烦

He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被„„吓一跳 5.be burdened with负重 6.be crowded with挤满 7.be dressed in穿着

8.be experienced in对„„有经验 9.be equipped with装备 10.be furnished with提供,布置 二、动词break构成的短语 1.break out爆发 2.break in打断;闯入 3.break into闯入;破门而入 4.break away from脱离 三、动词carry构成的短语 1.carry on进行 2.carry out执行;进行 四、动词call构成的短语 1.call on拜访某人,号召 2.call at拜访某地

3.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物) 五、动词catch,hold构成的短语

1.Catch/take/get hold of sth.抓住某物 2.catch up with赶上 3.catch fire着火;烧着 4.catch sight of发现;看到 六、动词come构成的短语 1.come into„进入„„状态 2.come along过来;快点 3.come out出来;出版 4.come true实现

5.come back to life苏醒过来

6.come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质

11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) 12.be engaged to与„„订婚 13.be about to do sth.正要做„„ 14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于 15.be worth doing值得做„„ 16.be proud of以„„而自影骄傲

17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于„„ 18.be content to do sth./with„甘愿于干„„;满足 于„„

19.be content with对„„感到满意 20.be up to应由„„,轮到„„

21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作 22.be connected with与„„有联系 23.be crazy about对„„狂热

5.break down(机器等)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解 6.break through突破 7.break off折断;中断;断绝 8.break up驱散,拆散

3.carry away拿走 4.carry off夺走,抢走

4.call in 请来;收回

5.call up打电话;征召;回想起 5.hold up举起;阻滞(交通等);耽搁 6.hold back阻止;控制

7.hold one’s breath憋住气,屏息 8 hold out坚持;拿出7.come about发生,造成 8.come across碰见

同义词组:run across 9.come to all end结束 10.come to light为人所知,显露 11.come up with提出,想出

七、动词do构成的短语 1.do well in在某方面做得好 2.do good to对„„有好处 3.do harm to对„„有害处 4.do with处理 八、动词get构成的短语

1.get in touch with同„„取得联系 2.get up起床 3.get back回来;取回 4.get on上车 5.get over克服;度过 6.get off下车 7.Get together相聚

8.get on/along well with与„„相处融洽 9.get into进人;陷入 九、动词give构成的短语 1.give up放弃 2.give in屈服;投降 3.give out用完;耗尽

4.get out of从„„出来,摆脱, 十、动词go构成的短语 1.go ahead继续;干吧

2.go by(时间)过去;经过(地点) 3.go out(灯、火)熄灭 4.go on(doing)继续做某事

5.go on to do sth.接着做另外的事 6.go over检查;复习

7.go through完成;通过;经历;仔细检察 8.go all out(=try/do one’s best)竭尽全力 9.go about开始着手,到处走动,传开 十一、动词have构成的短语

1.have a word with sb.和某人说句话 2.have words with争吵

3.have(deep)effects on对„„有(深远)影响 十二、动词keep构成的短语

1.keep on doing sth.继续或反复做某事 2.keep up坚持 3.keep up with跟上

4.keep back保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留 5.keep away from远离 6.keep out of使„„不进入 十三、动词knock构成的短语

5.do sb. a favour帮某人的忙 6.do up系纽扣;梳理 do up one’s hair梳理头发

10.get into trouble陷入麻烦 11.get in a word插话 12.get rid of除掉

13.get through通过;接通;完成;经历 14.get to到达

15.get about/around/round传开,传出去 16.get across使理解 17.get away离开

18.get down to(doing)sth.安心做,开始认真干5.give away分发;捐赠;泄露 6.give off放出 7.give back归还;恢复 10.go against违背 11.go back回家,追溯 12.go for运用于,应用于’ 13.go in for参加,爱好 14.go with相配

15.go without不吃/喝/用 16.go beyond超过 17.go up上升,上涨 18.go down下降,降沉,下沉4.have difficulty in/find difficulty in/have trouble in 做„„有困难 7.keep one’s word遵守诺言 8.keep in touch with与„„保持联系 9.keep silent保持沉默

10.keep/prevent/stop...from doing sth.制止(防止)„„做某事 11.keep off使„„远离

1.knock at敲(门、窗等) 2.knock down撞倒 十四、动词look构成的短语 1.1ook up抬头;查阅 2.1ook out小心 3.1ook into调查 4.1ook forward to盼望 5.1ook through仔细看;浏览 6.1ook up to尊敬 十五、动词make构成的 1.make a dive for向„„猛冲 2.make an apology to向„„道歉 3.be made up of组成

4.make up组成;化妆;打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造

5.make room for给„„腾地方 6.make up one’s mind下决心 7.make up for弥补 8.make use of利用 十六、动词put构成的短语 1.put away放好;收起来 2.put down记下;平息 . 3.put out扑灭;出版

4.put up举起;建造;张贴;公布,投宿 5.put up with(=stand/bear)忍受 十七、动词take构成的短语 1.take up占用(时间;空间);从事 2.take„out拿出去 3.take sides站在„„一边 4.take place发生 5.take the place of代替

6.take one’s place就座;代替某人职位 7.take it easy别着急 十八、动词turn构成的短语

1.turn up出现;开大(音量);到达,发生 2.turn against背叛 3.turn on旋开(电灯等) 4.turn off关上(电灯等) 5.turn down开小(音量)

十九、动词help, hand, lead,die构成的短语 1.help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 2.help oneself to sth.尽管请便;请随便吃

3.knock off撞掉下来

4.knock about连续打击/碰撞,漂泊,闲逛

7.1ook down upon瞧不起 8.1ook like看起来

9.1ook on„as(=treat/consider/take/think of„as) 把„„看作„„ 10.1ook after照顾 11.1ook for寻找

9.make one’s way排除困难前进 10.make progress进步 11.make repairs修理 12.make a promise许诺言 13.make a living谋生 14.make the best of尽量利用 15.make for走向,前往 16.make out认出,理解 17.make it成功,及时达到

6.put on穿上;上演;增加 7.put off延期;拖延

8.put through完成;(打电话)把„„接通 9.put forward提出建议,拨快(钟等)

8.take off脱掉;起飞;成功 9.take part in参加

10.take pride in以„„而自豪

11.take away(from)拿走;使停留,使离开 12.take in欺骗,摄取

13 take on雇用,接受(工作),呈现(品质、面貌) 14 take over接管

6.turn over翻转 7.turn in交出;交

8.turn to找某人寻求帮助;翻到;转向 9.turn into变成

10.turn out结果是/关掉/查明/生产

3.hand in交上来 4.hand out分发

5.1ead to sth./doing sth.导致 6.1ead a„1ife过„„的生活 7.die of死于„„(内因)

die from死于„„(外因) 8.die out灭绝

二十、动词tell, talk, speak,hear,ask, answer构成的短语 1.talk to/with sb.和某人谈话

2.speak of/speak about大胆讲话;大声说出来 3.hear of听说

hear from接到某人的书信 二十一、动词set,send构成的短语 1.send for派人去请 2.send out发出(光亮等) 3.send up发射

4.send off寄出,派遣;给„„送行 send in寄送某处进行处理

5.set about doing sth.(=set to do sth./set out to do sth./get down to doing sth.)开始„„;着二十二、动词show,point,agree,pay构成的短语 1.show sb.in领某人进来

2.show sb.out领某人出去Please show the lady out. 3.show sb.around领某人参观 4.point out指出 5.point at指指点点

6.agree to do sth. 同意做某事 二十三、动词try,wait构成的短语 1.try on试穿 2.try out试用

3.try one’s best to do尽力去做„„ 4.wait for等待 5.wait on服侍;伺候

4.ask for要;请求

5.ask sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事 6.answer for对„„负责


6.set out/off出发;开始 7.set up建立;树立;设立 8.set sb.free释放

set fire to/set„on fire放火烧„„ 9.set an example to树立榜样7.agree with同意某人的意见;适合于 8.agree on意见一致 9.pay for付钱 10.pay off还清债务 11.pay back把钱还回给某人


1.connect with 把„„联接起来

2.deal with 对付;处理;论述;和„„做生意 3.depend on依靠 4.divide into把„„分成

5.persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 6.drive off把车开走

7.drop in (on sb./at a place)顺便拜访„„ 8.refer to指;谈到;参照

9.spend„on sth./in doing sth.在„„花(钱,时间等) 10.stick to sth./doing sth.坚持 11.stick with和„„在一起,保持联系 12.wear out(使)筋疲力尽 13.work out算出;计算出 14.struggle against与„„作斗争

15.quarrel with sb.about sth.为„„争吵 16.devote„to sth./sb.献身于;致力于 17.used to do sth.过去常常 18.settle down定居 19.stand for代表 stand by支持

stand by = support/take part with/take the side of/be in favour(support)of 20.begin at/start with/begin with以„„开始 to begin with首先

21.end up最后落得„„的结局/下场 end(up)with以„„结束 22.act on照„„行事 .

23.answer for/be responsible for对„„负责 24.believe in信仰、信奉(真理、宗教等);信任 believe相信某人所说的话

trust相信某人的品德、为人、能力等 have trust in相信

believe it or not信不信由你 25.belong to属于

26.burst into突然„„起来

27.put an end to sth结束(不好的事);制止 28.compare„to„把„„比作„„ compare„with„把„„和„„比较

compared to/with和„„比起来(常在句中作状语)

29.care for喜欢;照料;关心 care about关心;计较;在乎 30.change„for„用„„换取„„ change„with sb.和某人交换„„ change„into„把„„变成„„ 31.share(in)sth.with sb.与某人共同使用 32.base„on根据


34.consist of/be made up of由„„组成 35.clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决

副词up与某些动词连用,表示“完全„„彻底”或“动作难度等的增加” 36.up和动词组成的其它短语还有:

look up查找;tie up绑好;fasten up固定好; speak up大声说; blow up吹起来; save up; 储存; add up加起来; tidy up收拾干净; break up打碎; speed up加速; lock up锁好; bring up 抚养; set up成立 37.cure„of治愈;痊愈 38.treat„for治疗;医治 treat„to„以„„款待 treat„as把„„当作„„

39.owe„to„因„„而感激(某人);把„„归功于 owe„for„欠„„的钱(债,人情) 40.operate on为„„手术 41.quarrel over为„„争吵 quarrel with同„„争吵 42.reply to答复 43.recover from恢复 44.head for朝„„去

45.inspire„with„以„„激发 46.insist on/persist in坚持 47.join in参加(活动)

join sb.in.加入某人做事 48.1ong for渴望 49.1earn„by heart背会 50.1eave for动身去 51.fix one’s eyes on凝视

52.form the habit of/fall into the habit of/get into the habit of养成„„的习惯

be in the habit of有„„的习惯 get out of the habit of改掉„„的习惯 53.present„with赠送

54.1ive on靠„„生活,以„„为主食 1ive through活动,经历过 1ive up to不辜负 1ive with忍受,容忍 55.mix„with同„„混合 56.wipe out消灭 57.result in导致

result from由„„引起 58.Rob„of„抢走

remind„of„使(某人)想起一„„ warn„of以„„警告(某人) „„ inform„of„„通知(某人) „„ 59.watch out for提防 同义词组:look out for be on one’s guard be on the watch for watch over照顾;看守 keep watch看守;值班 be on watch在值班 be off watch不在值班 60.face up to面对;承担 61.fit in with适合;符合 62.pay attention to注意 63.pass a judgment on判决 64.add up to总计为 65.accuse„of控告某人 66.aim at瞄准,目标是 67.allow for顾及,考虑到 68.apply for申请 apply to应用

69.be(just)around the comer即将到来=be on the way 70.be attached to附属于;依恋 71.be aware of知道,意识到 72.become of发生 73.beg for乞求 74.benefit from得益于 75.be buried in埋头于 76.Centre„on集中„„于 77.charge„for索价 ’ charge„with控告 78.cheat„of骗取某人某物

79.cool off变凉,冷却,冷静

80.concentrate(„)on专心于,聚精会神于 81.take„into consideration考虑到 82.account for说明原因解释 83.clean up收拾;整理 84.dream of/about梦想;想到 85.drop out(of)辍学;中途退出 86.feed on以„„为主食 feed„on用„„喂养 87.fix up安装

88.focus on聚集于,集中于 89.set foot in/on踏上,走进 90.hang up挂上电话;挂起来 91.hunt for寻找 92.know about了解 know of听说,知道有 93.1ay down放下

94.1eave alone别动,别管,让„„单独呆着 1eave out遗漏;忽视,不理会 95.1et alone更不用说 let down使失望 96.1ight up照亮,点燃

throw light upon阐明,使„„清楚 97.be lost in埋头于,迷失在„„中 98.take notice of注意 99.object to反对

100.be occupied with/in忙于,从事于 101.occur to被想到 102.operate on为„„动手术 103.pass away去世

pass by经过,流逝,忽视 pass on传递,传给,去世 104.reach for伸手去拿 reach out伸出 105.react to反应,反对 106.remember„to代向„„问好 107.rise up起立,起议 108.round up把„„聚拢

109.seek after/for追求,征求,寻求 110.serve as担任,充当 111.shut up闭嘴,关门,打烊

112.slow down减慢,减速,慢下来 113.spread out展开,铺开,延伸 114.stare at盯着,凝视

115.supply sth. to/for向„„提供 116.suspect sb. of怀疑某„„ 117.sweep away冲走,卷走,扫除 118.tear down拆除 tear up撕碎,连根拨起 119.tell apart区分,辨别 120.tidy up整理,收拾


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