

1、冠词:a an the 系(be )动词:am is are 指示代词:this that these those

2、人称代词:(主格)I we you he she it they (宾格)me us you him her it them(24)

3、形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their

名词性物主代词: mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs(16)

4、与家庭有关的词:family boy girl grandparent grandfather grandpa grandmother grandma parent father dad woman women mother mom mum aunt uncle son daughter brother sister cousin (23)

5、情态动词:can must 连词:and but because so

感叹词:bye goodbye hello hey hi oh OK please thanks yeah (16)

6、一天:day A.M=a.m. P.M.=p.m. Morning afternoon evening time hour

7、水果:apple banana fruit orange pear strawberry 蔬菜:vegetable carrot tomato(17)

8、月份:month January February March April May June July August September October November December(13)

9、介词:at after about for from in of on to under with (11)

10、动词:ask buy call come do eat e-mail excuse find found finish get go have has help know let like look lost love meet need play say see sell sound spell take thank think want(34)

11、形容词:all big boring busy cool dear difficult easy fat favorite fine free fun good great happy healthy interesting last late long middle much next nice no old relaxing right same short small some tidy useful welcome (36)

12、副词:always everywhere here there not now only really sure then there too very well (14)

13、科目:subject act Chinese English geography history math maths music P.E. science(11)


1、冠词:a an the 系(be )动词:am is are 指示代词:this that these those

2、人称代词:(主格)I we you he she it they (宾格)me us you him her it them(24)

3、形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their

名词性物主代词: mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs(16)

4、与家庭有关的词:family boy girl grandparent grandfather grandpa grandmother grandma parent father dad woman women mother mom mum aunt uncle son daughter brother sister cousin (23)

5、情态动词:can must 连词:and but because so

感叹词:bye goodbye hello hey hi oh OK please thanks yeah (16)

6、一天:day A.M=a.m. P.M.=p.m. Morning afternoon evening time hour

7、水果:apple banana fruit orange pear strawberry 蔬菜:vegetable carrot tomato(17)

8、月份:month January February March April May June July August September October November December(13)

9、介词:at after about for from in of on to under with (11)

10、动词:ask buy call come do eat e-mail excuse find found finish get go have has help know let like look lost love meet need play say see sell sound spell take thank think want(34)

11、形容词:all big boring busy cool dear difficult easy fat favorite fine free fun good great happy healthy interesting last late long middle much next nice no old relaxing right same short small some tidy useful welcome (36)

12、副词:always everywhere here there not now only really sure then there too very well (14)

13、科目:subject act Chinese English geography history math maths music P.E. science(11)


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