


1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the subject ................................................................. 1

1.2 The research situation at home and abroad ....................................... 2

1.3 Research contents and methods ........................................................ 3

1.4 The key difficulties and solutions ..................................................... 3

2 Jane Eyre‟s character .................................................................................. 3

2. 1 Jane Eyre‟s background .................................................................... 4

2.2 Strongly self-esteem of Jane Eyre ..................................................... 4

2.3 Independent personality .................................................................... 5

2.4 Awareness of liberty and equality ..................................................... 6

2.5 Summary ........................................................................................... 6

3. Character analysis and comparison ........................................................... 7

3.1 Jane Eyre ........................................................................................... 7

3.2 Elizabeth ............................................................................................ 7

3.3 Scarlett ............................................................................................... 8

4. Feminism in England ................................................................................ 8

4.1 Background of feminism in England ................................................ 8

4.2 Jane Eyre and feminism .................................................................. 10

4.3 Bertha and feminism ....................................................................... 11

4.4 The feminist literature and women' rights. ...................................... 12

5. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 13

References ................................................................................................... 14 Acknowledgments ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the subject

Nowadays, the issue of feminism is attracting more and more attention. As Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the USA and Park Ki-hui, the President of South Korea have 1

stepped into the political arena and played an increasingly important role, women's role has been magnified. After reading carefully Jane Eyre, knowing the historical environment and social background of the novel, being familiar with the growth and struggle of the protagonist Jane Eyre, grasping the main characteristics of Jane Eyre, and focusing on several important turning points, Jane Eyre‟s characters are highlighted, such as self-esteem,independence, kindness, courage, rebellion, the pursuit of spiritual freedom and equality, the pursuit of true sense of complete love, and so on. This topic allows people to rethink women‟s role in the society and help them to be more confident and independent. My thesis tends to tell more people the influence the role of Jane Eyre‟s characters have in our next generations.

1.2 The research situation at home and abroad

In the mid-nineteenth century, Charlotte Bronte, the great British writer created his masterpiece Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre eventually won by describing a character of “Cinderella” with her struggles in her life. This novel not only created a great stir throughout the literary world at that time, but also affected the general readers after a century and a half. While it changed to a movie according to the novel, which won the Oscar. For a long time, writers and critics have continuous enthusiasm for it.

Thackeray, the well-known novelist in literary, written in a letter to the editor of the company that published this book: Jane Eyre makes me very touched. Please take my best regards and thanks to the author, her novel is the first English novel that I can take many days to read.

It is said that in the Westminster Review: it must be the best novels in this quarter... which worth thoughtfully read the second time.

Jane Eyre is also known as “more valuable than 50 department Trope‟s, 50 Dickens‟s and other novels” by the critics , which is also a must-read book for women. Marx compared the author of Jane Eyre with Dickens and Thackeray, and he speak highly of them. He also thought that they “ explain the truth of the political and social to the world”.In the book of Xinping Zhuo, Jane Eyre is also called “the model of the literature in the 19th century that have close relationship with the Christian Bible”.

Carnegie made a commenting on Jane Eyre, he said: how can a manor with deep pockets, temperament quirks fall in love with the family poverty, ugly and low status teacher Jane? Because Jane Eyre is self-confident and self-esteem, who full of the charm of personality. This artistic image, Jane Eyre, infected the hearts of generation after generation of readers from all over the world. Because Jane Eyre used self-confidence and self-esteem as the pillar of life and kind-hearted and brave as the base point, which made her own personality charm to reveal adequately.

But there are some commentary attack this novel, such as Quarterly Review who said it was “poor taste”. And it points out that it is driven by the thought of nourishing the Chartism Movement to write the novel Jane Eyre.

Now, researchers analyze the rebel side in the character of Jane Eyre and its forming reason from all aspects. People saw today‟s new woman image: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance 2

and self-improvement from Jane Eyre. It still has a profound effect on this society. In addition, the researchers also compare Jane Eyre with the other female images in world literature, for example, Tess, Carrie, Anna Karenina.

1.3 Research contents and methods

In my paper, three chapters will be divided to tell my analysis and show my topic. In the first part, the characters of Jane Eyre from different perspectives as well as the reasons why these features were formed will be analyzed. From her story, the new image of modern female such as self-esteem, independence will be found. Also, the spirits advocated in the novel will also have great impact on our society. Then, other great women figures such as Hillary and Park will be taken as examples to help me analysis the characters of the hero in Jane Eyre. These examples‟ positive impact on our society will be seen. In the last chapter, the main characters‟ influences on my character formation will be mentioned, which I believe, is the most important meaning for me.

Research steps:

First, the thesis direction as the direction of literature, through the school library, journals and Chinese knowledge network channels to get a lot of information.

Second, sorting and classifying the information collected, and made the appropriate notes sorting and classifying information.

Third, determining the paper topics, according to the problems to explore and formulate the outline.

Fourth, writing the report, literature review, etc.

Fifth, writing paper draft.

Sixth, modifying the draft.

Seventh, making the last changes to your paper, finalized after polishing.

1.4 The key difficulties and solutions

It is hard to connect the characters of Jane who born on hundreds of years ago to that of the current ladies as the social background and people‟s general ideology are entirely different. Also, it is not easy to find the existed materials comparing or analyzing the features from two different generations.

My solutions is reading current political and economic magazines describing Hillary and Park‟s positions, activities, autobiography and so on to know more about these two great ladies, so that it is available to analyze their characters and compare them with that of Jane Eyre. Referring to some literature and thesis about the character analysis of these kind of women, so that a complete analysis and comprehensive structures will be shown.

2 Jane Eyre’s character


2. 1 Jane Eyre’s background

Since Jane Eyre was very young, she lived in her uncle‟s family because her nature parents had dead. It was uncomfortable that her aunt thought she is a drag to herself. Thus, Jane Eyre suffered from cruelties as a child. After several years she was sent to the Orphanage Lowood School owing to the death of her uncle.

The orphanage brought the students up too strictly and the master of the Orphanage Lowood School was hypocritical. In the school she continued to suffer years of physical and spirit abuse. Her best friend Helen Pence was also persecuted, however she believed in “love your enemies”, well, she was hampered by religion and she only bore bad things. Jane said “If she uses the note hit me, I will take it from her hand, and to break it”. These words shows that she will never succumb to force and unfair. Afterwards Pence had tuberculosis and Jane kept her company in the last evening disregard for the contagion. Jane is merciful and kindhearted to people.

Then Jane left school and became a family teacher taught Rochester‟s daughter. The host loved Jane as she loved him deeply. They didn‟t care about worldly eyes. Jane was happy to marry love. It was unfortunate but this thing had happened that Rochester had married and he had a nutty wife. Jane was extremely painful. Although she still really loved him, she didn‟t want to be a mistress. She left.

Its ending is good that Thornfield lied in ruins, Rochester‟s wife died and Jane finally found blind Rochester and they got married.

2.2 Strongly self-esteem of Jane Eyre

Jane was treated with great cruelty from her aunt and cousin frequently so far as to the

servants also discriminated against her. She lived a life without dignity, which hadn’t knock her down. Jane railed against her cousin “You are like a murderer-you are like a slave-driver-you are like the Roman emperors!” Under such environment, Jane made rebel character. In her opinions, mutual respect is necessary to men. We can know from she said to Helen. She longed to equality thought she lived in an unequal society.

Faced to her beloved Mr.Rochester’s advances, she accepted and they felled in love. When Jane knew he had married, she experienced the struggle and contradiction in her inner world and she had no idea where she would go. However, she is a sensible and dignified girl. Then she chose to leave and she refused to be a mistress on account of which violated the traditional morality.

Several years later Jane went back to Thornfield, everything changed. Rochester’s blindness was the result of a fire and his wife was dead at the same time. He was as poor as a church mouse, well, he wasn’t rich but Jane had the wealth on account of she got the inheritance from her uncle. However, Jane didn’t escaped, she stay behind and accepted Rochester who stilled a pariah status around this time. It would come from her behavior that she is a proud, well, 4

she also listens her gut feelings.

The heroine Jane Eyre looks ordinary and small, no money, no status but she has a special temperament and the rich emotional world. Through the rigors of the life, she abandoned weak and effeminacy and gradually developed a strong and independent personality. She won't lower her head when she faced shame of her brutal cousin she argued with him although the result was unsatisfactory, but she never lowered her head. When she tortured by cold Mr. Brock , she didn't show any fear and she was always quiet down, independent strong to survive. When I read the novel Jane Eyre, I feel grief for her childhood abuse and realize the Jane’young sensitive heart being damaged. Jane take me by storm. She showed no sorrow no resistance when she faced people who higher than her social status, and her self-esteem self-improvement in facing of love. This let me can not help but sigh, time progressed over two hundred years, how many women will for her own dignity to refuse a beloved and rich man? But Jane can, because she has has strongly self-esteem.

2.3 Independent personality

In the mid-1800s, the British women were deprived of basic rights. Once they married, they had nothing of their personal property. The fact that the woman was regarded as the man’s dependent, they lived on their husbands.However, the writer shows a woman who is courageous to pursue economic independence through describing her image.

The opening for novel tells readers that Jane was the same as alone in the world and didn’t have parents’ asylum even without a crash in her pocket. As a girl, Jane wasn’t having the capacity to fend for herself but she wanted to escape from her present situation for the time. The thoughts of economic independence had taken root. She later was sent to Rowood School, Jane came into connect with worldly and knowledgeable students. She also started to learn knowledge culture and she slowly became strong not only in spirit but also on the economy. Jane was left as a teacher by her school because of her high academic achievement. Although her income was not much, she earned her living.

In a few years, Jane found her own means of livelihood. She looked for work by advertising and had been a tutor. Despite less pay and discrimination from other people, she won dignity due to economic independence in her mind. Then during the illness of Jane, Sankt Johann’s family wanted to take in Jane out of kindness, but she didn’t want to accept help for free so she asked about jobs to provide for herself. It has shown her dependence again.

Lastly, Jane got the unexpected inheritance and became a rich people. When she heard that dying Rede wanted to see her, Jane just went back the place left bad memorize. That’s her kind give her surprise gains. Her aunt said to her that her uncle’s will he left her a legacy. Jane was not economically viable. She had became an independent woman at that time. She didn’t give up her job even she together with Rochester as she felt living her value.

Jane Eyre and Rochester’s emotional experience was the new prince and Cinderella's love 5

story. Rochester, handsome and wealthy and sophisticated, is the social women dreaming their ideal prince charming. Compared with Rochester, Jane Eyre is a typical Cinderella. Jane Eyre is just a tutor at Rochester's home. In Britain at that time, the status of the governess was extremely low and birth was also very low. It seems to be that two people are in a different walk of life. But Jane Eyre' personality charm and her later life experiences make two people's status have changed. In the face of the pursuit of Rochester, Jane Eyre in principle should accept and

appreciate the gift of god to her. However, Jane Eyre’ independent personality decided to her even if she was gentle and tough. Despite the gracious to Jane Eyre, Rochester also agreed with her equality thoughts, to maintain independent personality, Jane Eyre stilled claim to teach for a living before marriage and do self-reliance. The reactions are fully showing her conscious self-awareness.

2.4 Awareness of liberty and equality

Jane was with plain appearance, but she crossed over a line from secular eyes. Jane

expressed her love to Rochester who belonged to upper class. It’s seemed to her a good marriage is based on true love. It’s nothing to do with status, wealth or appearance, which breaks away from traditional marriage custom in Britain. Faced to her cousin St John proposed to her, Jane chose to refuse. St John is a selfish missionary who thinks Jane might benefits from his

missionary work as Jane is educated. However, it’s nothing to true love and against her credo of equal marriage, well, Jane can’t certainly stand it.

In her view, marriage must be based on equality. Because she grow up in specific environment, she suffered miserable life. This just makes her have desire for freedom and equality. Jane expressed bravely her love to Rochester when she discovered she had fallen in love with him. Although their status weren’t staying at the same level, Jane still expressed her feeling because she thought all human beings are equal in spirit. Jane loved Rochester not for wealth, contrarily, due to his strong families of equal social rank and money was all in that time. So a tutor and a nobility, their love didn’t accord with feudal code of ethics about marriage.

Her awareness of freedom and equity was awakened when she had wrongly believed

Rochester not only to marry Miss Ingram but also to leave her. She burst out “Do you think, because I’m small and poor and plain, that I have no soul and no heart? Well, you are wrong! I have as such soul and heart as you. It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit! We are equal in the sight of God!”

2.5 Summary

“Do you think, because I am poor, humble, not beautiful, I have no heart, no soul? I have as much soul as you, and a heart as well. And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.” 6

Every time I read the novel of Jane Eyre and I will be shocked by this passage. As Edward said “Jane like a crazy bird tries very hard to tear her feathers”, which is a strong sense of self release, the power of a kind of sadness and love, the power can dominate everything, overcome everything. She used her own words and actions show that she has the power to pursue her own love. She is not beautiful but attracted all the people for her unique temperament all the time. The sexes are equality, women must have independent personality, self-esteem, self-love and not attach to others so they can win others' self-esteem and get real happiness. Love must be based on the independence and equality, whoever should not only rely on other people. If Jane Eyre chose to leave and content to be a mistress, would Rochester love her like the original? He loved Jane who is self esteem and is not only accepting love. Jane is the idol for generation after generation, following the example of her, every woman can find their own happiness.

3. Character analysis and comparison

From the female side, these feeling that vulnerable、helpless、lack of confidence and Competitiveness does not enable women to obtain the true meaning liberation in the traditional sense,but some paranormal women also have an independent、confidence、rational, consistent ,shun as Jane Eyre、Elizabeth、Scarlett.

3.1 Jane Eyre

Jane's childhood was unfortunate.She is the daughter of a poor clergyman who died shortly after the birth of her parents.She is a orphans in cruel, rich aunt's home .Jane's life is miserable, she has totally taste the taste of this world merciless and cruel. Status of Jane Eyre is humble. Jane Eyre is a misfortune, but successfully resist the fate of the female image for the first time.Her childhood experience is unfortunately, but did not make Jane stone or

sophistication.Her heart was still filled with love.Just like Saint John evaluation of Jane Eyre, "docile, diligent and selfless, faithful, strong, courageous, very elegant and very brave".Jane Eyre is docile, but not attached to anyone.She never follow the crowd and has her own unique views about everything, and has courage to speak to her own views.When she first looked at Rochester, although he is her master, she also showed no flattery and honestly answers to his

questions.When Rochester asked her: "You think I'm pretty? "She did not hesitate to answer but blurted out, "no, Sir.” This answer is practical and real , not lose a sense of propriety but after frank and pure.So after talking to Jane Eyre,Rochester becomes attracted and trust to Jane .Not only is she a trustworthy person, and is a woman who can see the soul of enlightening.

3.2 Elizabeth

Elizabeth's family background is not very noble.Lady Catherine accused that Elizabeth is a left hand low, ungrateful poor Miss that want to get out of its own to reach rich.Elizabeth confidently retorts that Darcy was a gentleman, I am a gentleman's daughter.So me and him are 7

equal.From here you can see Elizabeth, family environment, social status is better than Jane Eyre.

Pride And Prejudice described stories Bennett married women .Elizabeth and Darcy at the ball for the first time met, she impressed on Darcy's pride and he gave her cold heart.She's not like other married girl, as Darcy's rich and noble and his flock.On the contrary, she always thinks that Darcy's character problem so she always reject to contact with Darcy.Elizabeth manners are not very Lady: sister Jane are known being sick in Mr Bingley's House , she tread the muddy road in the early morning to catch the three miles to visit her sister.Novel describes her: "her legs, hurried through the numerous fields and across numerous bars as well as numerous ditches......, when she arrived, the sock is full of mud, her face glowed, panting."You know, in the world of traditional feminine society, Elizabeth's behavior makes all people were shocked and even Darcy who has been less concerned about etiquette also think Elizabeth don not need to walk the three miles to catch.But then more and more obsessed with Elizabeth, Darcy,think she is unusual in traditional women society.and Elizabeth is smart and funny, talent and taste and sincerity .

3.3 Scarlett

Scarlett is the best of the in three family origins.She is of Irish descent and the daughter of a plantation owner in the South of the United States.She lived a childhood paradise in Tara that she can sleep like a baby peacefully at his father's House.

Scarlett denote all his life to the pursuit of love, and the pursuit of happiness, also pursued their own value.She refused to passively accept the men's selection, nor does it accept the father choice of marriage, but actively to chase after Aisley.Her behavior beyond the society's position on women and sense of self publicity.Experienced war and rebuild house, Scarlett is a brave fighter in the middle of 19th century southern society.She broke the women's heavy chains, showing dazzling ladies.She is no longer in terms of traditional women, because she seek their own values, the rights of independent that shows woman's courage and determination in the process.

4. Feminism in England

4.1 Background of feminism in England

Women were controlled and oppressed by men for thousands of years to the human civilization. Feminism appeared when women realized they should enjoy basic human rights--freedom and quality, and they started to resist power structure, law even custom to struggle for their rights. The UK is one of the first countries to feminism‟s generation and development.

In the early 17th century, Mary from Britain proposed that “women don‟t admit their


husbands were above themselves, single women don‟t obey male, educated women don‟t be enslaved by family, woman‟s goal of life isn‟t just marriage, women should build their own community and disengage from dependence on men, men and women should have the equal education rights and so on”. By the end of the 18th century, an English woman writer influenced by enlightenment and French Revolution, she first used the enlightenment on woman. She wrote a book called A Vindication of the Rights Women in 1792 and appeared for equality. She

proposed three viewpoints. First of all, men and women differ not at all and woman were less apt than men was due to environment and education. Secondly, inequality between women and men prevent social progress. Thirdly, the homogenize educational systems for male and females,

advance women‟ quality to improve the whole development level of the human society. The book is widely seen as “the first novel of feminism”, the most important literature of feminism. In the 1800‟s, Muller, famous British politician, philosopher and discussed “releasing women not only making women receive benefits but also making humans happy”. Muller proposed the equal rights of women and men should be assured in law. He made an appeal on women‟ property rights, employment rights and suffrage. As a result, this work regarded as “19th-century Bible of feminism”.

Feminism blooming concerned the development of capitalism nearly in Britain. Britain is the first nation to be industrialized. In the process of English industrialization, the agricultural and handicraft prostrated, British lower-classes women removed work from their homes and entered the labor market for live. “The number of woman workers are numerous at the very earliest factory”, which broken „depending on men‟ change situation in thought circle. “The woman stayed at home and the man earned the money” began to disintegrate. However, laboring women had to work over ten hours a day, they received much lower wages than male workers in practice and had to take on the burdens of the home. The relationship between women and men became more unequal than it used to be, so women rose a sense of rebel.

On the other hand, upper middle class women‟ fates in the entirely different direction. They were barred from the all economic endeavor because their father or husband were becoming very wealthy, very quickly in the developing process of the present capitalism and they can afford their wives and children who didn‟t engage in economic production. The upper middle class men produced the insecurity and crisis feeling of loss of traditional features in non-family,

competitive and material society. Family is a relax and peaceful refuge for them. They did their best to protect patriarchal to avoid be affected, for example, they were strict with their wives and required women to be fine wives and mothers, women should be also committed to their husbands and so on. Finally, upper middle class women lived high off the hog but they were firmly imprisoned in family. However, “The tree may crave clam, but the wind will not drop”, with their higher culture attainments, upper middle class women increasingly desired

independence and admired independent laboring women. Since the middle of the 19th century, a number of them broke through blocks and joined the group of labor.


4.2 Jane Eyre and feminism

Literature comes from life than life. Literary works reflect ideas or thoughts from the age. Under the patriarchal mind, women become the accessories of men in the history. In the nineteenth Century, women' subordination to society and family was challenged by women' rights. Feminists believe that women should have their own independent personality, and should not be attached to the man. In the novel of Jane Eyre clearly reflected the feminism. Feminists believe that women should also have the right to the pursuit equality and have the right to decide their own marriage and career. Feminism is women’ desire for equality for many centuries. Feminist pursuits equality between men and women, women hope to change everything be mastered by men.

The background of the novel is during the capitalist system established in the UK, but it is far from the idea of equality of men and women. Men in the social and family both occupy the absolute dominance. First of all, in the work, men have more opportunities of employment, and under the condition of equal work and labor, higher probability of men have the job and get more pay. In the same condition, the male working conditions are better than women. In family

relationship, only men have the ownership of family property and power. These combined that women are generally discriminated against, are considered to be men' accessories and naturally don’t have the ability of independent thinking. The British, having not bring up the question of equality between men and women, women are affected by a male. As Jane Eyre said to

Rochester in the novel “If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal — as we are!” This sentence can be seen as the image of the women' status. Jane thinks she also has the freedom to pursue equality and the freedom of deciding marriage. Jane eyre proved to be a successful feminist with her own action.

In the era of traditional roles, the women in both the business, family ,marriage are male’s accessory. In the novel, Jane broke through the tradition and made the success of the pursuit of happiness, which is the result of her unyielding and personal struggle. When she was in and

Gateshead School, the young Jane Eyre suffered abuse and discrimination because of the identity of the orphans. Jane Eyre as an adult, she came to Thornfield manor as a governess and fell in love with Mr. Rochester owner. However, Jane Eyre and Rochester’s relationship is not smooth. Rochester's ex-wife Bertha and rich miss Ingram discouraging the relationship between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester. However, Jane didn't yield and determine to defend her dignity.

Although Jane Eyre was born poor, but she believed in dignity are equal. Although Jane Eyre deeply loved Rochester, but she did not forget the equality between men and women. Only in spirit equal treatment of Rochester and accepting her, she would agree to do his wife. When Jane Eyre and Rochester were wedding, Jane Eyre knew Rochester was not a single man in a law. 10

Jane Eyre was facing a big choice in life, being Rochester's mistress or maintaining her own dignity? But the rational tells her, if she chose the former, sooner or later she would become the end of Bertha. So, Jane Eyre chose to leave Rochester and went to a poor and remote mountain village as a tutor. Jane thought whether men or women, only having equal status in the human dignity, they would have true love, otherwise all the other are empty.

At the end of the novel, Jane Eyre' unexpected circumstances changed her life and social status between the Rochester and Jane. Jane Eyre accidentally received a large inheritance from a relative. Rochester's mad wife Bertha burned Thornfield manor and died as wreckage blazed. Rochester overnight lost all of the property,he also badly injured in the fire and blind. Political economics argues that economic is the foundation and politics is the superstructure. Economic determines the superstructure. When Charlotte created the novel of Jane Eyre, Britain's economic was developing rapid, economical development improved the position of women, and the

Chartism movement liberated women' thoughts. Jane' mind and behavior, to a certain extent, was the women’ original pursuit of women' rights at that time. Although Jane Eyre relied on a fortune to change her economic status, her independent and action make her win the ideal marriage and also won the dignity for herself. Dignity is the foundation of a personal survival. Jane was born to be a people with spine, she grew up in dangerous environment and suffered humiliation and torture. As the described at the first chapter in book “There is a huge volume of the Arctic vortex around the world at the end of the bare desolate island roar”. Dispossessed Jane as an island, no companion, only the surf of the waves. However, life didn’t make her be a weak woman, her spirit because of the misery life became more strong and brave. Jane set an good example for women' rights.

4.3 Bertha and feminism

The story of Jane Eyre has two women, one is Rochester’s wife Bertha, the other Jane. They have a different life, different characters and different fates. Bertha, as a contrast to Jane, she promotes the development of the story. She is described by her husband Rochester.

Bertha was a well-known regular beauty in Spanish Town before marriage, having many pursuers include Rochester. He committed he loved her at the time. Bertha was beautiful, rich, attractive and talented so Rochester decided to marry her. However, she had hereditary illness and her father married quickly her off, the dowry is 30000 pound. By the law a married woman has no right to dominate dowry and it is controlled by her husband. Rochester knew better for it as a poor university student before marriage. He avoided the support to Bertha’s poverty when he got inheritance from his brother. Rochester claimed his wife was a nutter to fight to establish his innocence. A madwoman Bertha was a revenge-seeker, we know it from what Rochester said to Jane. Bertha’s father thought her daughter finally found her good home, but later Bertha was shut Thornfiled without windows for more than ten years by her husband who lived with her for four years. The novel features the crazy woman’s four acts of violence.


The first time was she set fire to Rochester’s house in the dead of night. The second time was she stabbed her brother who came to see her. The third time is Rochester and Jane’s wedding was stopped and he broke into crazy woman’s room taking people, crazy woman fought for Rochester then she were bound. The fourth time is she set fire to Thornfiled and made Rochester incapacitate. Closely analyzing of the four operations, a mad woman’s target is a man of the novel, and what she did never directly hurt any woman.

Bertha was stemmed from the autocratic father and became a victim of marriage, after the marriage her husband imprisoned her in the attic owing to a family history of mental illness. Her situation is the expression of patriarchy’s transformation. Although Bertha didn't realize that she is the victim of the social system at that time, she also failed to ideological awakening. But in fact, the fiction of her revenge for men is a sign of protesting against the patriarchy and struggle, although in the novel she is on behalf of a failure women of that time.

4.4 The feminist literature and women' rights.

Jane lived in British in 19th century. Women had no legal status at that stage. “Jane Eyre” author Charlotte was just born in this century. So her life experiences roots the historical age.That is enough to affect Charlotte Bront, she wrote Jane Eyre which caused quite a stir in the 19th century literary world after publication in Britain. Art comes from life, while higher than life. The plot of the novel of Jane Eyre originates from Charlotte‟s experience and she lives in the age.

In the history of human society development, the overthrow of matriarchy was women' historic failure. Husband mastered the authority in the home, his wife was diminished, enslaved, even became a slave to her husband’s lust and the simple tools of childbirth. For thousands of years, regardless of Chinese or western, in terms of both sexes, had been tradition of female subordination. Powerful dominant status of women' oppression of patriarchy society was very grave, which was taken for granted. With the progress of the society, the awakening of women, the appearance of the feminist movement is inevitable. Jane Eyre is one of the western feminism novels. Feminist criticizes a social and political tendency. Feminism attacks the traditional thoughts , firstly taking aim at the patriarchal social structure.Feminist thought the existing social structural was based on the patriarchal system, women were placed in supporting social status. Women get the true liberation must overturn patriarchal social structure and expose hidden discourse of all gender discrimination. To some extent to create the history of men, and the same is true in literary works. Female shaping is a history of women used by men, the history of exploitation. The domination of men' and women' subordinate status this concept through the description of the writers and the reader's reading, handed down from generation to generation. Feminist criticism’s one of the important aspects is from the perspective of the gender, reading and judging the text, criticizing the traditional literature, especially male writers work about women, and this text reading as a primary means to improve the female consciousness of readers 12

and critics. Bertha's personality seem to be shown from all in the words of Rochester. First of all, Mr Rochester said Bertha is a psychopath and sex, sex of the woman is not being sympathetic. So Bertha became a complete failure, and although she fought by means of revenge.

5. Conclusion

The novel of Jane Eyre is unique not for its appeal,and it also create an independent positive images of heroine. In the novel Jane and Rochester's love story, vividly shows a warm and sincere heart, revealing her love at the same time. She despised dignitary shows her own personality. She pursuit love, but when she found the people who she loved had a wife she

resolutely left the people and the place. The novel is to express women were not willing to accept their social status at that time, and required to independent on work and marriage. At the end of the novel Jane received a heritage and returned to stay with the lonely and helpless


Rochester. Although readers don’t accept this plot but it reflects the author's ideal-- women’ quality of economic, social status and family and the loyalty of love. For readers, in the process of reading the novel of Jane Eyre , knowing social style and features of the era and revealing to feel the heroine Jane Eyre is not ordinary. She was a received a good education but had a low status woman. Through Jane

Eyre’ rich emotional experience expressed her pursuit of equality, independence and confidence. She thought the sexes are equality, love should be based on equality and independence. The woman must have independent personality, self-respect and don't rely on others so they will win the respect of others and will be truly happy. The novel of Jane Eyre published in one and a half century, many female readers around the world found their own shadows from Jane. It has become the world's women’ required classic. Thousands of women found the courage to pursue equality and independence from Jane. The author in the novel not only praised pure love, and had made a new explanation to class idea, equality consciousness, and expressed her views about religion at that time. Marx gave the author of Jane Eyre and Dickens Thackeray a high degree of evaluation together and called them "reveals the truth of political and social to the world". This is also why Jane Eyre has “a fair death honors the whole life”.

In the history of literature, there are a lot of classic, but the novel of Jane Eyre is deeply rooted in the people’ heart and she has an irresistible beauty attracts

thousands of readers. She also affects people's spiritual world, even for some people, affected his life. That's why I like this book and like Jane very much.


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1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the subject ................................................................. 1

1.2 The research situation at home and abroad ....................................... 2

1.3 Research contents and methods ........................................................ 3

1.4 The key difficulties and solutions ..................................................... 3

2 Jane Eyre‟s character .................................................................................. 3

2. 1 Jane Eyre‟s background .................................................................... 4

2.2 Strongly self-esteem of Jane Eyre ..................................................... 4

2.3 Independent personality .................................................................... 5

2.4 Awareness of liberty and equality ..................................................... 6

2.5 Summary ........................................................................................... 6

3. Character analysis and comparison ........................................................... 7

3.1 Jane Eyre ........................................................................................... 7

3.2 Elizabeth ............................................................................................ 7

3.3 Scarlett ............................................................................................... 8

4. Feminism in England ................................................................................ 8

4.1 Background of feminism in England ................................................ 8

4.2 Jane Eyre and feminism .................................................................. 10

4.3 Bertha and feminism ....................................................................... 11

4.4 The feminist literature and women' rights. ...................................... 12

5. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 13

References ................................................................................................... 14 Acknowledgments ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the subject

Nowadays, the issue of feminism is attracting more and more attention. As Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the USA and Park Ki-hui, the President of South Korea have 1

stepped into the political arena and played an increasingly important role, women's role has been magnified. After reading carefully Jane Eyre, knowing the historical environment and social background of the novel, being familiar with the growth and struggle of the protagonist Jane Eyre, grasping the main characteristics of Jane Eyre, and focusing on several important turning points, Jane Eyre‟s characters are highlighted, such as self-esteem,independence, kindness, courage, rebellion, the pursuit of spiritual freedom and equality, the pursuit of true sense of complete love, and so on. This topic allows people to rethink women‟s role in the society and help them to be more confident and independent. My thesis tends to tell more people the influence the role of Jane Eyre‟s characters have in our next generations.

1.2 The research situation at home and abroad

In the mid-nineteenth century, Charlotte Bronte, the great British writer created his masterpiece Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre eventually won by describing a character of “Cinderella” with her struggles in her life. This novel not only created a great stir throughout the literary world at that time, but also affected the general readers after a century and a half. While it changed to a movie according to the novel, which won the Oscar. For a long time, writers and critics have continuous enthusiasm for it.

Thackeray, the well-known novelist in literary, written in a letter to the editor of the company that published this book: Jane Eyre makes me very touched. Please take my best regards and thanks to the author, her novel is the first English novel that I can take many days to read.

It is said that in the Westminster Review: it must be the best novels in this quarter... which worth thoughtfully read the second time.

Jane Eyre is also known as “more valuable than 50 department Trope‟s, 50 Dickens‟s and other novels” by the critics , which is also a must-read book for women. Marx compared the author of Jane Eyre with Dickens and Thackeray, and he speak highly of them. He also thought that they “ explain the truth of the political and social to the world”.In the book of Xinping Zhuo, Jane Eyre is also called “the model of the literature in the 19th century that have close relationship with the Christian Bible”.

Carnegie made a commenting on Jane Eyre, he said: how can a manor with deep pockets, temperament quirks fall in love with the family poverty, ugly and low status teacher Jane? Because Jane Eyre is self-confident and self-esteem, who full of the charm of personality. This artistic image, Jane Eyre, infected the hearts of generation after generation of readers from all over the world. Because Jane Eyre used self-confidence and self-esteem as the pillar of life and kind-hearted and brave as the base point, which made her own personality charm to reveal adequately.

But there are some commentary attack this novel, such as Quarterly Review who said it was “poor taste”. And it points out that it is driven by the thought of nourishing the Chartism Movement to write the novel Jane Eyre.

Now, researchers analyze the rebel side in the character of Jane Eyre and its forming reason from all aspects. People saw today‟s new woman image: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance 2

and self-improvement from Jane Eyre. It still has a profound effect on this society. In addition, the researchers also compare Jane Eyre with the other female images in world literature, for example, Tess, Carrie, Anna Karenina.

1.3 Research contents and methods

In my paper, three chapters will be divided to tell my analysis and show my topic. In the first part, the characters of Jane Eyre from different perspectives as well as the reasons why these features were formed will be analyzed. From her story, the new image of modern female such as self-esteem, independence will be found. Also, the spirits advocated in the novel will also have great impact on our society. Then, other great women figures such as Hillary and Park will be taken as examples to help me analysis the characters of the hero in Jane Eyre. These examples‟ positive impact on our society will be seen. In the last chapter, the main characters‟ influences on my character formation will be mentioned, which I believe, is the most important meaning for me.

Research steps:

First, the thesis direction as the direction of literature, through the school library, journals and Chinese knowledge network channels to get a lot of information.

Second, sorting and classifying the information collected, and made the appropriate notes sorting and classifying information.

Third, determining the paper topics, according to the problems to explore and formulate the outline.

Fourth, writing the report, literature review, etc.

Fifth, writing paper draft.

Sixth, modifying the draft.

Seventh, making the last changes to your paper, finalized after polishing.

1.4 The key difficulties and solutions

It is hard to connect the characters of Jane who born on hundreds of years ago to that of the current ladies as the social background and people‟s general ideology are entirely different. Also, it is not easy to find the existed materials comparing or analyzing the features from two different generations.

My solutions is reading current political and economic magazines describing Hillary and Park‟s positions, activities, autobiography and so on to know more about these two great ladies, so that it is available to analyze their characters and compare them with that of Jane Eyre. Referring to some literature and thesis about the character analysis of these kind of women, so that a complete analysis and comprehensive structures will be shown.

2 Jane Eyre’s character


2. 1 Jane Eyre’s background

Since Jane Eyre was very young, she lived in her uncle‟s family because her nature parents had dead. It was uncomfortable that her aunt thought she is a drag to herself. Thus, Jane Eyre suffered from cruelties as a child. After several years she was sent to the Orphanage Lowood School owing to the death of her uncle.

The orphanage brought the students up too strictly and the master of the Orphanage Lowood School was hypocritical. In the school she continued to suffer years of physical and spirit abuse. Her best friend Helen Pence was also persecuted, however she believed in “love your enemies”, well, she was hampered by religion and she only bore bad things. Jane said “If she uses the note hit me, I will take it from her hand, and to break it”. These words shows that she will never succumb to force and unfair. Afterwards Pence had tuberculosis and Jane kept her company in the last evening disregard for the contagion. Jane is merciful and kindhearted to people.

Then Jane left school and became a family teacher taught Rochester‟s daughter. The host loved Jane as she loved him deeply. They didn‟t care about worldly eyes. Jane was happy to marry love. It was unfortunate but this thing had happened that Rochester had married and he had a nutty wife. Jane was extremely painful. Although she still really loved him, she didn‟t want to be a mistress. She left.

Its ending is good that Thornfield lied in ruins, Rochester‟s wife died and Jane finally found blind Rochester and they got married.

2.2 Strongly self-esteem of Jane Eyre

Jane was treated with great cruelty from her aunt and cousin frequently so far as to the

servants also discriminated against her. She lived a life without dignity, which hadn’t knock her down. Jane railed against her cousin “You are like a murderer-you are like a slave-driver-you are like the Roman emperors!” Under such environment, Jane made rebel character. In her opinions, mutual respect is necessary to men. We can know from she said to Helen. She longed to equality thought she lived in an unequal society.

Faced to her beloved Mr.Rochester’s advances, she accepted and they felled in love. When Jane knew he had married, she experienced the struggle and contradiction in her inner world and she had no idea where she would go. However, she is a sensible and dignified girl. Then she chose to leave and she refused to be a mistress on account of which violated the traditional morality.

Several years later Jane went back to Thornfield, everything changed. Rochester’s blindness was the result of a fire and his wife was dead at the same time. He was as poor as a church mouse, well, he wasn’t rich but Jane had the wealth on account of she got the inheritance from her uncle. However, Jane didn’t escaped, she stay behind and accepted Rochester who stilled a pariah status around this time. It would come from her behavior that she is a proud, well, 4

she also listens her gut feelings.

The heroine Jane Eyre looks ordinary and small, no money, no status but she has a special temperament and the rich emotional world. Through the rigors of the life, she abandoned weak and effeminacy and gradually developed a strong and independent personality. She won't lower her head when she faced shame of her brutal cousin she argued with him although the result was unsatisfactory, but she never lowered her head. When she tortured by cold Mr. Brock , she didn't show any fear and she was always quiet down, independent strong to survive. When I read the novel Jane Eyre, I feel grief for her childhood abuse and realize the Jane’young sensitive heart being damaged. Jane take me by storm. She showed no sorrow no resistance when she faced people who higher than her social status, and her self-esteem self-improvement in facing of love. This let me can not help but sigh, time progressed over two hundred years, how many women will for her own dignity to refuse a beloved and rich man? But Jane can, because she has has strongly self-esteem.

2.3 Independent personality

In the mid-1800s, the British women were deprived of basic rights. Once they married, they had nothing of their personal property. The fact that the woman was regarded as the man’s dependent, they lived on their husbands.However, the writer shows a woman who is courageous to pursue economic independence through describing her image.

The opening for novel tells readers that Jane was the same as alone in the world and didn’t have parents’ asylum even without a crash in her pocket. As a girl, Jane wasn’t having the capacity to fend for herself but she wanted to escape from her present situation for the time. The thoughts of economic independence had taken root. She later was sent to Rowood School, Jane came into connect with worldly and knowledgeable students. She also started to learn knowledge culture and she slowly became strong not only in spirit but also on the economy. Jane was left as a teacher by her school because of her high academic achievement. Although her income was not much, she earned her living.

In a few years, Jane found her own means of livelihood. She looked for work by advertising and had been a tutor. Despite less pay and discrimination from other people, she won dignity due to economic independence in her mind. Then during the illness of Jane, Sankt Johann’s family wanted to take in Jane out of kindness, but she didn’t want to accept help for free so she asked about jobs to provide for herself. It has shown her dependence again.

Lastly, Jane got the unexpected inheritance and became a rich people. When she heard that dying Rede wanted to see her, Jane just went back the place left bad memorize. That’s her kind give her surprise gains. Her aunt said to her that her uncle’s will he left her a legacy. Jane was not economically viable. She had became an independent woman at that time. She didn’t give up her job even she together with Rochester as she felt living her value.

Jane Eyre and Rochester’s emotional experience was the new prince and Cinderella's love 5

story. Rochester, handsome and wealthy and sophisticated, is the social women dreaming their ideal prince charming. Compared with Rochester, Jane Eyre is a typical Cinderella. Jane Eyre is just a tutor at Rochester's home. In Britain at that time, the status of the governess was extremely low and birth was also very low. It seems to be that two people are in a different walk of life. But Jane Eyre' personality charm and her later life experiences make two people's status have changed. In the face of the pursuit of Rochester, Jane Eyre in principle should accept and

appreciate the gift of god to her. However, Jane Eyre’ independent personality decided to her even if she was gentle and tough. Despite the gracious to Jane Eyre, Rochester also agreed with her equality thoughts, to maintain independent personality, Jane Eyre stilled claim to teach for a living before marriage and do self-reliance. The reactions are fully showing her conscious self-awareness.

2.4 Awareness of liberty and equality

Jane was with plain appearance, but she crossed over a line from secular eyes. Jane

expressed her love to Rochester who belonged to upper class. It’s seemed to her a good marriage is based on true love. It’s nothing to do with status, wealth or appearance, which breaks away from traditional marriage custom in Britain. Faced to her cousin St John proposed to her, Jane chose to refuse. St John is a selfish missionary who thinks Jane might benefits from his

missionary work as Jane is educated. However, it’s nothing to true love and against her credo of equal marriage, well, Jane can’t certainly stand it.

In her view, marriage must be based on equality. Because she grow up in specific environment, she suffered miserable life. This just makes her have desire for freedom and equality. Jane expressed bravely her love to Rochester when she discovered she had fallen in love with him. Although their status weren’t staying at the same level, Jane still expressed her feeling because she thought all human beings are equal in spirit. Jane loved Rochester not for wealth, contrarily, due to his strong families of equal social rank and money was all in that time. So a tutor and a nobility, their love didn’t accord with feudal code of ethics about marriage.

Her awareness of freedom and equity was awakened when she had wrongly believed

Rochester not only to marry Miss Ingram but also to leave her. She burst out “Do you think, because I’m small and poor and plain, that I have no soul and no heart? Well, you are wrong! I have as such soul and heart as you. It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit! We are equal in the sight of God!”

2.5 Summary

“Do you think, because I am poor, humble, not beautiful, I have no heart, no soul? I have as much soul as you, and a heart as well. And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.” 6

Every time I read the novel of Jane Eyre and I will be shocked by this passage. As Edward said “Jane like a crazy bird tries very hard to tear her feathers”, which is a strong sense of self release, the power of a kind of sadness and love, the power can dominate everything, overcome everything. She used her own words and actions show that she has the power to pursue her own love. She is not beautiful but attracted all the people for her unique temperament all the time. The sexes are equality, women must have independent personality, self-esteem, self-love and not attach to others so they can win others' self-esteem and get real happiness. Love must be based on the independence and equality, whoever should not only rely on other people. If Jane Eyre chose to leave and content to be a mistress, would Rochester love her like the original? He loved Jane who is self esteem and is not only accepting love. Jane is the idol for generation after generation, following the example of her, every woman can find their own happiness.

3. Character analysis and comparison

From the female side, these feeling that vulnerable、helpless、lack of confidence and Competitiveness does not enable women to obtain the true meaning liberation in the traditional sense,but some paranormal women also have an independent、confidence、rational, consistent ,shun as Jane Eyre、Elizabeth、Scarlett.

3.1 Jane Eyre

Jane's childhood was unfortunate.She is the daughter of a poor clergyman who died shortly after the birth of her parents.She is a orphans in cruel, rich aunt's home .Jane's life is miserable, she has totally taste the taste of this world merciless and cruel. Status of Jane Eyre is humble. Jane Eyre is a misfortune, but successfully resist the fate of the female image for the first time.Her childhood experience is unfortunately, but did not make Jane stone or

sophistication.Her heart was still filled with love.Just like Saint John evaluation of Jane Eyre, "docile, diligent and selfless, faithful, strong, courageous, very elegant and very brave".Jane Eyre is docile, but not attached to anyone.She never follow the crowd and has her own unique views about everything, and has courage to speak to her own views.When she first looked at Rochester, although he is her master, she also showed no flattery and honestly answers to his

questions.When Rochester asked her: "You think I'm pretty? "She did not hesitate to answer but blurted out, "no, Sir.” This answer is practical and real , not lose a sense of propriety but after frank and pure.So after talking to Jane Eyre,Rochester becomes attracted and trust to Jane .Not only is she a trustworthy person, and is a woman who can see the soul of enlightening.

3.2 Elizabeth

Elizabeth's family background is not very noble.Lady Catherine accused that Elizabeth is a left hand low, ungrateful poor Miss that want to get out of its own to reach rich.Elizabeth confidently retorts that Darcy was a gentleman, I am a gentleman's daughter.So me and him are 7

equal.From here you can see Elizabeth, family environment, social status is better than Jane Eyre.

Pride And Prejudice described stories Bennett married women .Elizabeth and Darcy at the ball for the first time met, she impressed on Darcy's pride and he gave her cold heart.She's not like other married girl, as Darcy's rich and noble and his flock.On the contrary, she always thinks that Darcy's character problem so she always reject to contact with Darcy.Elizabeth manners are not very Lady: sister Jane are known being sick in Mr Bingley's House , she tread the muddy road in the early morning to catch the three miles to visit her sister.Novel describes her: "her legs, hurried through the numerous fields and across numerous bars as well as numerous ditches......, when she arrived, the sock is full of mud, her face glowed, panting."You know, in the world of traditional feminine society, Elizabeth's behavior makes all people were shocked and even Darcy who has been less concerned about etiquette also think Elizabeth don not need to walk the three miles to catch.But then more and more obsessed with Elizabeth, Darcy,think she is unusual in traditional women society.and Elizabeth is smart and funny, talent and taste and sincerity .

3.3 Scarlett

Scarlett is the best of the in three family origins.She is of Irish descent and the daughter of a plantation owner in the South of the United States.She lived a childhood paradise in Tara that she can sleep like a baby peacefully at his father's House.

Scarlett denote all his life to the pursuit of love, and the pursuit of happiness, also pursued their own value.She refused to passively accept the men's selection, nor does it accept the father choice of marriage, but actively to chase after Aisley.Her behavior beyond the society's position on women and sense of self publicity.Experienced war and rebuild house, Scarlett is a brave fighter in the middle of 19th century southern society.She broke the women's heavy chains, showing dazzling ladies.She is no longer in terms of traditional women, because she seek their own values, the rights of independent that shows woman's courage and determination in the process.

4. Feminism in England

4.1 Background of feminism in England

Women were controlled and oppressed by men for thousands of years to the human civilization. Feminism appeared when women realized they should enjoy basic human rights--freedom and quality, and they started to resist power structure, law even custom to struggle for their rights. The UK is one of the first countries to feminism‟s generation and development.

In the early 17th century, Mary from Britain proposed that “women don‟t admit their


husbands were above themselves, single women don‟t obey male, educated women don‟t be enslaved by family, woman‟s goal of life isn‟t just marriage, women should build their own community and disengage from dependence on men, men and women should have the equal education rights and so on”. By the end of the 18th century, an English woman writer influenced by enlightenment and French Revolution, she first used the enlightenment on woman. She wrote a book called A Vindication of the Rights Women in 1792 and appeared for equality. She

proposed three viewpoints. First of all, men and women differ not at all and woman were less apt than men was due to environment and education. Secondly, inequality between women and men prevent social progress. Thirdly, the homogenize educational systems for male and females,

advance women‟ quality to improve the whole development level of the human society. The book is widely seen as “the first novel of feminism”, the most important literature of feminism. In the 1800‟s, Muller, famous British politician, philosopher and discussed “releasing women not only making women receive benefits but also making humans happy”. Muller proposed the equal rights of women and men should be assured in law. He made an appeal on women‟ property rights, employment rights and suffrage. As a result, this work regarded as “19th-century Bible of feminism”.

Feminism blooming concerned the development of capitalism nearly in Britain. Britain is the first nation to be industrialized. In the process of English industrialization, the agricultural and handicraft prostrated, British lower-classes women removed work from their homes and entered the labor market for live. “The number of woman workers are numerous at the very earliest factory”, which broken „depending on men‟ change situation in thought circle. “The woman stayed at home and the man earned the money” began to disintegrate. However, laboring women had to work over ten hours a day, they received much lower wages than male workers in practice and had to take on the burdens of the home. The relationship between women and men became more unequal than it used to be, so women rose a sense of rebel.

On the other hand, upper middle class women‟ fates in the entirely different direction. They were barred from the all economic endeavor because their father or husband were becoming very wealthy, very quickly in the developing process of the present capitalism and they can afford their wives and children who didn‟t engage in economic production. The upper middle class men produced the insecurity and crisis feeling of loss of traditional features in non-family,

competitive and material society. Family is a relax and peaceful refuge for them. They did their best to protect patriarchal to avoid be affected, for example, they were strict with their wives and required women to be fine wives and mothers, women should be also committed to their husbands and so on. Finally, upper middle class women lived high off the hog but they were firmly imprisoned in family. However, “The tree may crave clam, but the wind will not drop”, with their higher culture attainments, upper middle class women increasingly desired

independence and admired independent laboring women. Since the middle of the 19th century, a number of them broke through blocks and joined the group of labor.


4.2 Jane Eyre and feminism

Literature comes from life than life. Literary works reflect ideas or thoughts from the age. Under the patriarchal mind, women become the accessories of men in the history. In the nineteenth Century, women' subordination to society and family was challenged by women' rights. Feminists believe that women should have their own independent personality, and should not be attached to the man. In the novel of Jane Eyre clearly reflected the feminism. Feminists believe that women should also have the right to the pursuit equality and have the right to decide their own marriage and career. Feminism is women’ desire for equality for many centuries. Feminist pursuits equality between men and women, women hope to change everything be mastered by men.

The background of the novel is during the capitalist system established in the UK, but it is far from the idea of equality of men and women. Men in the social and family both occupy the absolute dominance. First of all, in the work, men have more opportunities of employment, and under the condition of equal work and labor, higher probability of men have the job and get more pay. In the same condition, the male working conditions are better than women. In family

relationship, only men have the ownership of family property and power. These combined that women are generally discriminated against, are considered to be men' accessories and naturally don’t have the ability of independent thinking. The British, having not bring up the question of equality between men and women, women are affected by a male. As Jane Eyre said to

Rochester in the novel “If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal — as we are!” This sentence can be seen as the image of the women' status. Jane thinks she also has the freedom to pursue equality and the freedom of deciding marriage. Jane eyre proved to be a successful feminist with her own action.

In the era of traditional roles, the women in both the business, family ,marriage are male’s accessory. In the novel, Jane broke through the tradition and made the success of the pursuit of happiness, which is the result of her unyielding and personal struggle. When she was in and

Gateshead School, the young Jane Eyre suffered abuse and discrimination because of the identity of the orphans. Jane Eyre as an adult, she came to Thornfield manor as a governess and fell in love with Mr. Rochester owner. However, Jane Eyre and Rochester’s relationship is not smooth. Rochester's ex-wife Bertha and rich miss Ingram discouraging the relationship between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester. However, Jane didn't yield and determine to defend her dignity.

Although Jane Eyre was born poor, but she believed in dignity are equal. Although Jane Eyre deeply loved Rochester, but she did not forget the equality between men and women. Only in spirit equal treatment of Rochester and accepting her, she would agree to do his wife. When Jane Eyre and Rochester were wedding, Jane Eyre knew Rochester was not a single man in a law. 10

Jane Eyre was facing a big choice in life, being Rochester's mistress or maintaining her own dignity? But the rational tells her, if she chose the former, sooner or later she would become the end of Bertha. So, Jane Eyre chose to leave Rochester and went to a poor and remote mountain village as a tutor. Jane thought whether men or women, only having equal status in the human dignity, they would have true love, otherwise all the other are empty.

At the end of the novel, Jane Eyre' unexpected circumstances changed her life and social status between the Rochester and Jane. Jane Eyre accidentally received a large inheritance from a relative. Rochester's mad wife Bertha burned Thornfield manor and died as wreckage blazed. Rochester overnight lost all of the property,he also badly injured in the fire and blind. Political economics argues that economic is the foundation and politics is the superstructure. Economic determines the superstructure. When Charlotte created the novel of Jane Eyre, Britain's economic was developing rapid, economical development improved the position of women, and the

Chartism movement liberated women' thoughts. Jane' mind and behavior, to a certain extent, was the women’ original pursuit of women' rights at that time. Although Jane Eyre relied on a fortune to change her economic status, her independent and action make her win the ideal marriage and also won the dignity for herself. Dignity is the foundation of a personal survival. Jane was born to be a people with spine, she grew up in dangerous environment and suffered humiliation and torture. As the described at the first chapter in book “There is a huge volume of the Arctic vortex around the world at the end of the bare desolate island roar”. Dispossessed Jane as an island, no companion, only the surf of the waves. However, life didn’t make her be a weak woman, her spirit because of the misery life became more strong and brave. Jane set an good example for women' rights.

4.3 Bertha and feminism

The story of Jane Eyre has two women, one is Rochester’s wife Bertha, the other Jane. They have a different life, different characters and different fates. Bertha, as a contrast to Jane, she promotes the development of the story. She is described by her husband Rochester.

Bertha was a well-known regular beauty in Spanish Town before marriage, having many pursuers include Rochester. He committed he loved her at the time. Bertha was beautiful, rich, attractive and talented so Rochester decided to marry her. However, she had hereditary illness and her father married quickly her off, the dowry is 30000 pound. By the law a married woman has no right to dominate dowry and it is controlled by her husband. Rochester knew better for it as a poor university student before marriage. He avoided the support to Bertha’s poverty when he got inheritance from his brother. Rochester claimed his wife was a nutter to fight to establish his innocence. A madwoman Bertha was a revenge-seeker, we know it from what Rochester said to Jane. Bertha’s father thought her daughter finally found her good home, but later Bertha was shut Thornfiled without windows for more than ten years by her husband who lived with her for four years. The novel features the crazy woman’s four acts of violence.


The first time was she set fire to Rochester’s house in the dead of night. The second time was she stabbed her brother who came to see her. The third time is Rochester and Jane’s wedding was stopped and he broke into crazy woman’s room taking people, crazy woman fought for Rochester then she were bound. The fourth time is she set fire to Thornfiled and made Rochester incapacitate. Closely analyzing of the four operations, a mad woman’s target is a man of the novel, and what she did never directly hurt any woman.

Bertha was stemmed from the autocratic father and became a victim of marriage, after the marriage her husband imprisoned her in the attic owing to a family history of mental illness. Her situation is the expression of patriarchy’s transformation. Although Bertha didn't realize that she is the victim of the social system at that time, she also failed to ideological awakening. But in fact, the fiction of her revenge for men is a sign of protesting against the patriarchy and struggle, although in the novel she is on behalf of a failure women of that time.

4.4 The feminist literature and women' rights.

Jane lived in British in 19th century. Women had no legal status at that stage. “Jane Eyre” author Charlotte was just born in this century. So her life experiences roots the historical age.That is enough to affect Charlotte Bront, she wrote Jane Eyre which caused quite a stir in the 19th century literary world after publication in Britain. Art comes from life, while higher than life. The plot of the novel of Jane Eyre originates from Charlotte‟s experience and she lives in the age.

In the history of human society development, the overthrow of matriarchy was women' historic failure. Husband mastered the authority in the home, his wife was diminished, enslaved, even became a slave to her husband’s lust and the simple tools of childbirth. For thousands of years, regardless of Chinese or western, in terms of both sexes, had been tradition of female subordination. Powerful dominant status of women' oppression of patriarchy society was very grave, which was taken for granted. With the progress of the society, the awakening of women, the appearance of the feminist movement is inevitable. Jane Eyre is one of the western feminism novels. Feminist criticizes a social and political tendency. Feminism attacks the traditional thoughts , firstly taking aim at the patriarchal social structure.Feminist thought the existing social structural was based on the patriarchal system, women were placed in supporting social status. Women get the true liberation must overturn patriarchal social structure and expose hidden discourse of all gender discrimination. To some extent to create the history of men, and the same is true in literary works. Female shaping is a history of women used by men, the history of exploitation. The domination of men' and women' subordinate status this concept through the description of the writers and the reader's reading, handed down from generation to generation. Feminist criticism’s one of the important aspects is from the perspective of the gender, reading and judging the text, criticizing the traditional literature, especially male writers work about women, and this text reading as a primary means to improve the female consciousness of readers 12

and critics. Bertha's personality seem to be shown from all in the words of Rochester. First of all, Mr Rochester said Bertha is a psychopath and sex, sex of the woman is not being sympathetic. So Bertha became a complete failure, and although she fought by means of revenge.

5. Conclusion

The novel of Jane Eyre is unique not for its appeal,and it also create an independent positive images of heroine. In the novel Jane and Rochester's love story, vividly shows a warm and sincere heart, revealing her love at the same time. She despised dignitary shows her own personality. She pursuit love, but when she found the people who she loved had a wife she

resolutely left the people and the place. The novel is to express women were not willing to accept their social status at that time, and required to independent on work and marriage. At the end of the novel Jane received a heritage and returned to stay with the lonely and helpless


Rochester. Although readers don’t accept this plot but it reflects the author's ideal-- women’ quality of economic, social status and family and the loyalty of love. For readers, in the process of reading the novel of Jane Eyre , knowing social style and features of the era and revealing to feel the heroine Jane Eyre is not ordinary. She was a received a good education but had a low status woman. Through Jane

Eyre’ rich emotional experience expressed her pursuit of equality, independence and confidence. She thought the sexes are equality, love should be based on equality and independence. The woman must have independent personality, self-respect and don't rely on others so they will win the respect of others and will be truly happy. The novel of Jane Eyre published in one and a half century, many female readers around the world found their own shadows from Jane. It has become the world's women’ required classic. Thousands of women found the courage to pursue equality and independence from Jane. The author in the novel not only praised pure love, and had made a new explanation to class idea, equality consciousness, and expressed her views about religion at that time. Marx gave the author of Jane Eyre and Dickens Thackeray a high degree of evaluation together and called them "reveals the truth of political and social to the world". This is also why Jane Eyre has “a fair death honors the whole life”.

In the history of literature, there are a lot of classic, but the novel of Jane Eyre is deeply rooted in the people’ heart and she has an irresistible beauty attracts

thousands of readers. She also affects people's spiritual world, even for some people, affected his life. That's why I like this book and like Jane very much.


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