
英语作文模板小结图表漫画类文章描述图表漫画句From the cartoon we can see that_____。

We can see from the cartoon that_____。As is indicated in the cartoon, _____。

引出暗含主题句We can deduce from these two vivid drawings that_____。

What has been describe in the cartoon carries great implications for our life, esp. how to_____。What it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today's society, and it conveys the symbolic meaning of_____。

引出漫画人画图目的句What is the purpose of the drawer of this cartoon? In the first place,_____. In the second place,_____。

引出原因句There are quite a few possible reasons suggested here. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____。

There are some possible reasons for this tendency. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____。What caused the effect? There are at least two possible reasons. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____。

  引出对策句It is, therefore, necessary that efforts should be made to cope with the problem as early as possible。

We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues as before, serious outcome will come up。As far as I am concerned, my suggestions as to ___are as follows。

过渡句It is clear that ___plays a important role in our life and work。There may be some other reasons responsible for ___, but I think what has been mentioned above is generally acceptable。This is my point of view as to how to___, and I am sure that my ideas are both sound and reasonable。

举例子A case in point is my neighbor, who_____。I'd like to quote a further example here。According to a recent survey made by professor Wang, head of social department in Peking University, 90% of the people across the country are suffering from the problem。Another survey also shows that the trend is turning from bad to worse。

结论句Only in this way can we_____。

列举意义的短语In the first place, ___. In the second place, ___. Last but not the least, ___。To begin with, ___. Furthermore, ___. The most important of all, ___。On the one hand, ___.On the other hand, ___.In addition, ___。For one thing, ___. For another, ___. What's more, ___。First of all, ___. In the second place, ___. Conversely, ____。

高浩峰系列携同学姐系列正式出炉: “都是傲娇的产品,只卖呆萌的价格”。具体观看时间:等国庆假期归来,我们不见不散!











英语作文模板小结图表漫画类文章描述图表漫画句From the cartoon we can see that_____。

We can see from the cartoon that_____。As is indicated in the cartoon, _____。

引出暗含主题句We can deduce from these two vivid drawings that_____。

What has been describe in the cartoon carries great implications for our life, esp. how to_____。What it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today's society, and it conveys the symbolic meaning of_____。

引出漫画人画图目的句What is the purpose of the drawer of this cartoon? In the first place,_____. In the second place,_____。

引出原因句There are quite a few possible reasons suggested here. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____。

There are some possible reasons for this tendency. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____。What caused the effect? There are at least two possible reasons. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____。

  引出对策句It is, therefore, necessary that efforts should be made to cope with the problem as early as possible。

We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues as before, serious outcome will come up。As far as I am concerned, my suggestions as to ___are as follows。

过渡句It is clear that ___plays a important role in our life and work。There may be some other reasons responsible for ___, but I think what has been mentioned above is generally acceptable。This is my point of view as to how to___, and I am sure that my ideas are both sound and reasonable。

举例子A case in point is my neighbor, who_____。I'd like to quote a further example here。According to a recent survey made by professor Wang, head of social department in Peking University, 90% of the people across the country are suffering from the problem。Another survey also shows that the trend is turning from bad to worse。

结论句Only in this way can we_____。

列举意义的短语In the first place, ___. In the second place, ___. Last but not the least, ___。To begin with, ___. Furthermore, ___. The most important of all, ___。On the one hand, ___.On the other hand, ___.In addition, ___。For one thing, ___. For another, ___. What's more, ___。First of all, ___. In the second place, ___. Conversely, ____。

高浩峰系列携同学姐系列正式出炉: “都是傲娇的产品,只卖呆萌的价格”。具体观看时间:等国庆假期归来,我们不见不散!












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