

1. 朗读的评分标准(5分)


以九年级第二学期教材Unit 4 Reading A第二段为例:

This is my overcoat. Doesn’t it look lovely? It’s one of my favourite pieces of clothing. It is very comfortable as it’s made of cotton. It is

elegant and simple in design. It will not go out of style for a long time. It was a little expensive, but I think it was worth it. High price and better quality often go together. The most important reason why I bought this overcoat is that it suits me and makes me look good.


另外提醒一下老师们注意指导学生对the的读音,如:The introduction of school uniforms has helped to reduce school violence.

2. 情景对话评分标准(5分)

如:A: It’s already 10 a.m. What time do you usually get up?

很多学生本能地反应时6 o’clock. 这个时候我们老师肯定要说明为什么只能给0.5分的理由了,因为此题询问的是时间状语,回答应该在时刻点前面加介词at才行。


目出来之后不可能再出现用“Yes/No”或者“Sorry, I don’t know”来回答的情况,所以以下技巧必须掌握:

1)直接用“Me too”来回答的情况;(非常小的几率)

We are planning to Wuhan by the high-speed railway this summer. What about you?

2) 前面怎么说,回答时照着说;

I like playing basketball. What’s your favourite sports?

I watch movies every week. How often do you watch movies?

Some people enjoy watching Local News Report on TV. What programs do you like to watch?

3)说“Thank you(very much)”的情况;

You look your best when smiling!

4)说“I’m sorry to hear that”的情况;

His father knocked into a car and was badly hurt.

Li Lei has got a high fever.


--- Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Yuexiu Park?

--- Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing.


Oh, I got the first prize in the English Oral competition at school.

7)向别人说“It’s my pleasure”的情况;

Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a great time.

8)电话对话中回答“Speaking./ Hold on./ I’m sorry, he isn’t in at the moment. Can I take a message?”的情况;

May I speak to Jack, please?


One ticket costs 5 yuan. How much should you pay for three tickets?


Is Guangzhou a big city or a small town?

Does the sun set in the east or the west?

When it is Christmas, can you have a white Christmas or a warm Christmas in Australia?


I’m going to celebrate my 15th birthday this weekend. When is your


If you want to post some letters and presents to your friends, where can you go?

How long does it usually take you to do your homework in the evening? Summer comes after spring. What comes after summer?

What time do you usually have supper?

Which sport do you think is the most popular in the world?

How many PE classes do you have in a week?

What will you do if you have some personal problems?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

3. 简短说话(5分)


想一下能否用上一些高层次句型(感叹句、条件句、宾语从句、状语从句),等待开口说就行了。中途出现了卡壳的情况可以适当使用“I mean/ You know”等词带过,切忌冒出汉语。



提示:(standing on one’s hands on the bed,too angry to say a word)


• 我昨天下班回家发现家里一片凌乱;

• 我的儿子Jack和他的朋友在家里玩;

• 我的儿子在床上倒立,他的一个朋友坐在书桌上,另一个躺在地上喝饮料,还有一个站在床边笑,地上很多东西;

• 我很生气。


Yesterday afternoon when I got home, I found it was in a mess. My son Jack was standing on his hands on the bed, one of his friends was sitting on the desk, another was lying on the floor drinking something, the other was standing beside the bed laughing. There were many things on the floor, like the schoolbags, the basketball, the shoes and so on. When they saw me, they stopped to say hello to me, but I was too angry to say a word.



50秒钟时间准备, 80秒钟内朗读短文一遍。








1. 朗读的评分标准(5分)


以九年级第二学期教材Unit 4 Reading A第二段为例:

This is my overcoat. Doesn’t it look lovely? It’s one of my favourite pieces of clothing. It is very comfortable as it’s made of cotton. It is

elegant and simple in design. It will not go out of style for a long time. It was a little expensive, but I think it was worth it. High price and better quality often go together. The most important reason why I bought this overcoat is that it suits me and makes me look good.


另外提醒一下老师们注意指导学生对the的读音,如:The introduction of school uniforms has helped to reduce school violence.

2. 情景对话评分标准(5分)

如:A: It’s already 10 a.m. What time do you usually get up?

很多学生本能地反应时6 o’clock. 这个时候我们老师肯定要说明为什么只能给0.5分的理由了,因为此题询问的是时间状语,回答应该在时刻点前面加介词at才行。


目出来之后不可能再出现用“Yes/No”或者“Sorry, I don’t know”来回答的情况,所以以下技巧必须掌握:

1)直接用“Me too”来回答的情况;(非常小的几率)

We are planning to Wuhan by the high-speed railway this summer. What about you?

2) 前面怎么说,回答时照着说;

I like playing basketball. What’s your favourite sports?

I watch movies every week. How often do you watch movies?

Some people enjoy watching Local News Report on TV. What programs do you like to watch?

3)说“Thank you(very much)”的情况;

You look your best when smiling!

4)说“I’m sorry to hear that”的情况;

His father knocked into a car and was badly hurt.

Li Lei has got a high fever.


--- Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Yuexiu Park?

--- Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing.


Oh, I got the first prize in the English Oral competition at school.

7)向别人说“It’s my pleasure”的情况;

Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a great time.

8)电话对话中回答“Speaking./ Hold on./ I’m sorry, he isn’t in at the moment. Can I take a message?”的情况;

May I speak to Jack, please?


One ticket costs 5 yuan. How much should you pay for three tickets?


Is Guangzhou a big city or a small town?

Does the sun set in the east or the west?

When it is Christmas, can you have a white Christmas or a warm Christmas in Australia?


I’m going to celebrate my 15th birthday this weekend. When is your


If you want to post some letters and presents to your friends, where can you go?

How long does it usually take you to do your homework in the evening? Summer comes after spring. What comes after summer?

What time do you usually have supper?

Which sport do you think is the most popular in the world?

How many PE classes do you have in a week?

What will you do if you have some personal problems?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

3. 简短说话(5分)


想一下能否用上一些高层次句型(感叹句、条件句、宾语从句、状语从句),等待开口说就行了。中途出现了卡壳的情况可以适当使用“I mean/ You know”等词带过,切忌冒出汉语。



提示:(standing on one’s hands on the bed,too angry to say a word)


• 我昨天下班回家发现家里一片凌乱;

• 我的儿子Jack和他的朋友在家里玩;

• 我的儿子在床上倒立,他的一个朋友坐在书桌上,另一个躺在地上喝饮料,还有一个站在床边笑,地上很多东西;

• 我很生气。


Yesterday afternoon when I got home, I found it was in a mess. My son Jack was standing on his hands on the bed, one of his friends was sitting on the desk, another was lying on the floor drinking something, the other was standing beside the bed laughing. There were many things on the floor, like the schoolbags, the basketball, the shoes and so on. When they saw me, they stopped to say hello to me, but I was too angry to say a word.



50秒钟时间准备, 80秒钟内朗读短文一遍。








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