


1.---How is the weather in Chongqing?


2.Do you like _____(wind)days?

3.What _____the people_____(do)in the picture?

4.Tom often______(stay)at home on the weekends.

5._____it often____(rain) here in summer?

6.Please give______some fruit.(they)

7.Mr Wu teaches _____(we)math.

8.She is ______(wear)a new skirt today. 9.Usually my father_____(not go)to work on Sundays.

10.Thank you for_____(join)our show..


It’s a fine Sunday morning. There 1 many children in the park. They are 2 happily. Some are playing 3 under a big tree. Some girls are singing and 4 . Some boys are running 5 the hill. LiLei’s 6 by the lake. He’s reading a story. 7 is Wang lin? He’s standing over there. 8 is he doing ? He’s looking 9 a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He 10 to catch it.

1. A. is B. are C. am

2. A. playing B. sing C. dance

3. A. yo-yos B. the football C. games

4. A. dancing B. to dance C. dance

5. A. on B. up C. about

6. A. siting B. sit C. sitting

7. A. What B. Who C. Where

8. A. Where B. What C. Who

9. A. at B. after C. for

10. A. want B. is wanting C. Wants


Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer. He grew up on a farm in Michigan. Like

most farmers at that time, his father William hoped his eldest son would help him on the farm, but Henry was not interested in farm work at all. He did everything he could to avoid it. Once he wrote:“ What a waste it is for a man to spend hours behind a slowly moving horse.”

However, Henry was not a lazy boy. He liked to do mechanical(机械方面的) work very much. When he was twelve, he became quite interested in clocks and watches. He mended clocks and watches for his friends in his bedroom. Later he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit. He began to show great interest in steam engines (蒸汽发动机) at his time. In 1892, he built his first car. In 1908, he built the famous “Model T”. This car was so popular at that time that it was unchanged for twenty years. Five years after that he stared the Ford Motor Company.

( ) 1. Henry grew up in _________.

A. Detroit B. Michigan C. Canada

( ) 2. His father wanted him to be ____________.

A. a worker B. a mechanic C.a farmer

( ) 3. Henry was interested in ________________.

A. farm B. horse C. clocks and watches

( ) 4. He started mending clocks and watches for his friends ______.

A. in 1908 B. when he was twelve C. in 1892

( ) 5. He built his first car in __________.

A. 1892 B. 1908 C. 1928



海藻肥 http://www.wanna88.com TWfZZvj8Y33n



1.---How is the weather in Chongqing?


2.Do you like _____(wind)days?

3.What _____the people_____(do)in the picture?

4.Tom often______(stay)at home on the weekends.

5._____it often____(rain) here in summer?

6.Please give______some fruit.(they)

7.Mr Wu teaches _____(we)math.

8.She is ______(wear)a new skirt today. 9.Usually my father_____(not go)to work on Sundays.

10.Thank you for_____(join)our show..


It’s a fine Sunday morning. There 1 many children in the park. They are 2 happily. Some are playing 3 under a big tree. Some girls are singing and 4 . Some boys are running 5 the hill. LiLei’s 6 by the lake. He’s reading a story. 7 is Wang lin? He’s standing over there. 8 is he doing ? He’s looking 9 a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He 10 to catch it.

1. A. is B. are C. am

2. A. playing B. sing C. dance

3. A. yo-yos B. the football C. games

4. A. dancing B. to dance C. dance

5. A. on B. up C. about

6. A. siting B. sit C. sitting

7. A. What B. Who C. Where

8. A. Where B. What C. Who

9. A. at B. after C. for

10. A. want B. is wanting C. Wants


Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer. He grew up on a farm in Michigan. Like

most farmers at that time, his father William hoped his eldest son would help him on the farm, but Henry was not interested in farm work at all. He did everything he could to avoid it. Once he wrote:“ What a waste it is for a man to spend hours behind a slowly moving horse.”

However, Henry was not a lazy boy. He liked to do mechanical(机械方面的) work very much. When he was twelve, he became quite interested in clocks and watches. He mended clocks and watches for his friends in his bedroom. Later he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit. He began to show great interest in steam engines (蒸汽发动机) at his time. In 1892, he built his first car. In 1908, he built the famous “Model T”. This car was so popular at that time that it was unchanged for twenty years. Five years after that he stared the Ford Motor Company.

( ) 1. Henry grew up in _________.

A. Detroit B. Michigan C. Canada

( ) 2. His father wanted him to be ____________.

A. a worker B. a mechanic C.a farmer

( ) 3. Henry was interested in ________________.

A. farm B. horse C. clocks and watches

( ) 4. He started mending clocks and watches for his friends ______.

A. in 1908 B. when he was twelve C. in 1892

( ) 5. He built his first car in __________.

A. 1892 B. 1908 C. 1928



海藻肥 http://www.wanna88.com TWfZZvj8Y33n


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