

试题:It is reported that two persons were injured in a car accident yesterday(写同义句) 初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 1)


例句:If you stick a pin into a balloon, it bursts.(L2, P7)


试题1:If it tomorrow, we’ll go for a picnic. (2009 邵阳)

A. won’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. will rain

试题2:Fish will die without water.(同义句) Fish will die if there is no water.

*试题3:----David, turn off the TV _____ no one is watching it. (2009 深圳)

----But it _____ off already! The music is from the radio.

A. so that, has been turned

B. when, has turned C. if, has been turned

D. because, has turned


Unless you keep ice cream in a fridge, it melts.(L3,P9) 除非你将冰激凌放在冰箱里,否则它就会融化了。

试题1:I’m going to look for another job the company offers me more money.

A. after B. unless C. when D. for (2009 南通)

试题2:----I’m always thinking about my future.

----But your dream won’t come true you know what your dream is. A. after B. while C. unless D. since

试题3:We will hold a sports meeting if it isn’t rainy. (同义句)

We will hold a sports meeting unless it is rainy.

考点3:go wrong

例句:When you get old , three things start to go wrong. (L15, P2) 当你年纪大一点的时候,就会在三个方面出现问题。 试题:The fridge has gone wrong again.(写同义句)

The fridge has broken down again./ The fridge doesn’t work again.


例句:I saw a prrogramme on television about a man with an injured brain.. (L20, P2)





It is reported that two persons were hurt in a car accident yesterday

考点5:for example ( for instance, such as )

例句:For example, I am trying to remember the word “smiles”(L6, P3) 例如,我正努力记住“微笑”这个词。

试题:A lot of people here, , Mr. John, would rather have coffee. A. likes B. for example C. such D. likes

考点6:hear about (hear of)

例句:…when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963.. (L12,P3) …在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。 试题:I never heard about this man.(写同义句) I never heard of this man.

考点7:death (die, dead, dying)

例句:…when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963.. (L12, P3) …在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。

试题:After hearing the news of his grandfather’s , all of them were sad. A. dead B. die C. has dead D. death

考点8:cost 花费(L9, P6)

试题:I bought some CDs for my friend and they _______ me ¥30. (2008天津) A. spend B. paid C. cost D. used

考点9:break down (not work, be dead)

例句:…,but the bus broke down, and there were no taxis. (L6,P10) 但是公交车坏了,而且没有出租车。

试题:My computer yesterday, so I had to borrow Mr. Wang’s.

A. breaks down B. broke down C. has broken down D. is broken down

考点10:amazed (amazing)

例句:He was amazed! (L18, P12)



(C) (B)


试题:---He a lot since last year.

---Yes, indeed. Because he wants to let his friends A. has changed; amazed B. has changed; amazing C. is changing; amazing D. changed; amazed


考点11:pay attention to

例句:Pay attention to the tense of your verbs (L24, P12) 注意你所使用的动词时态。

试题:---Why did your teacher get angry you this morning? ---Because I talked and didn’t his class. A. in; break off B. against; go wrong C. for; play trick on D. with; pay attention to


初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 2)


1. be / feel / sound / look / taste / smell / seem + adj.

例句:Her voice sounds sweet。(表语) 她的声音听起来很甜美。 试题1:The cake looks________ but tastes ________.

A. good, badly

B. well, bad C. good, bad

D. well, badly


*试题2:----Your coffee smells __________. (2006 深圳)

-----It’s from Hainan. Would you like ______?

A. well, it

B. nice, this C. good, some D. wonderful, little


*试题3:----This dish tastes ______. (2007 深圳) ----Thank you. It ____ by Mr. Smith.

A. good, was cooked

B. well, cooks

C. bad, is cooked

D. terrible, cooked


*试题4:----The teacher looked at her students ____ when they were saved. (2008 深圳)

----We also felt ______ for them.

A. happily, happy

B. happy, happily

C. happy, happy D. Happily, happily (A)

*试题5:----The cakes looks ______________. (2009 深圳) -----Yes, and it tastes even _________.

A. well, good

B. nice, better

C. good, worse

D. better, best


2. make / keep / think + sth.+adj. ; find it adj. to do sth.

例句:They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever. (宾语补足语) 他们认为使老鼠聪明会更滑稽。

试题1:Put on the coat and it can keep you _______.

A. warm B. warmly C. to warm D. warming


试题2:---Jim finds ______ easy to remember all the English words.

(2006 深圳)

----_________ a smart child he is!

A. it, What B. that, How

C. this, What

D. it, How


3. It is + adj. (of sb./ for sb.) to do sth.

例句:It is easy to understand the cartoons. (L13, P17) 理解这些卡通片是简单的。 试题1:_______ is helpful_______ more exercises.

A. That, to do B. It, to do C. It, doing D. It, doing (B)

试题2:It is ________ to pass the exam if you work hard.

A. possible B. hard C. easily D. useless

(A) *试题3:It is ____ important for us to learn English well. (2001 深圳)

A. much

B. too

C. very

D. enough

(C) *试题4:It’s nice ____ you _____ me with my maths.

A. for, to help

B. for, helping

C. of, to help

D. of, helping


4. 只能用作表语的形容词:ill; alone; alive; asleep; awake; afraid ; well等 例句:Although the old man was alone,he never felt lonely.


试题: Please keep yourself _______ ,or we will fail.

A. wake B. waking C. to wake D. awake



例句:Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. (L1, P17) Tom 和Jerry是世界上最

受欢迎的卡通角色中的其中两个。 试题1:Kelly is_________ of the twins.

A. the more beautiful B. the most beautiful

C. more beautiful D. beautiful

( A )

*试题2:----2008 is drawing near. Any changes in Beijing? (2005 深圳) ----Yes, more stadiums are being built, and ____ people are learning English.

A. more and more

B. the more and the more

C. the more and more

D. more and the more

( A )

*试题3:----Germany will be ______ popular with the visitors this year. (2006 深圳)


-----Because the 2006 World Cup soccer ______ there.

A. more, is hold B. much, is held

C. more, is held

D. much, is hold

( C )

*试题4:----_____plastic bags we, ______it will be to the environment. (2008 深圳) ----I agree _____ you. A. The less, the better, with B. The fewer, the better, with

C. The less, the worse, to

D. The fewer, the worse, to

( B )

考点3:be full of = be filled with = be crowded with

例句:The short cartoons are full of fun. (L2,P17)这些短短的动画片充满了快乐。 = The short cartoons are filled with fun. 试题:The hall _______ people in the morning.

A. is fulled of B. filled with C. is filled of D. is full of ( D )

考点4:get into trouble ; be in trouble

例句:The mouse always get the cat into trouble. (L7,P17)这只老鼠总是使那只猫陷入困境中。 试题:We should help others when they are in trouble. (同义句) We should help others when they get into trouble.

考点5:使役动词(make / let)

1. 主动语态:A make / let B do sth.; 被动语态:B is made / let to do sth. by A.

例句:They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever and always get the cat into trouble. (L7,P17)试题1:My mother made me ______ the piano on Sunday. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played

*试题2:Colors can change our moods and make us _______happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A. to feel

B. feeling

C. felt


D. feel (2006 南京市)

( D ) 考点6:over = more than

例句:Over the next seventeen years = more than the next seventeen years ( L10, P17) 试题:Over 200 hundred people are watching the football match. (同义句)

More than 200 hundred people are watching the football match.

考点7:a number of 大量的 / the number of „的总数

例句: Hanna and Barbera made a huge number of Tom and Jerry cartoons. ( L10, P17)

Hanna 和 Barbera 制作出大量的Tom 和Jerry 的动画片。

试题1: The library has ________ of books.

A. a great number of B. the number of

C. a number D. the number (C)

*试题2:_______ of the teachers in our school is 118, _________ of them are women teachers.

A. The number, third fourth

B. The number, one third

C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters

( B )

*试题4:The number of the students in our school ___over 4500, a number of them ___from Hainan. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are

( D )

考点8:数字+ 单位 + adj.

例题:Most of the cartoons are about seven minutes long. ( L11, P17)


试题: The tree is about 80 meters tall. (同义句) The tree is about 80 meters in height.

考点9:though / although / but

例题:Though Tom always thinks he can catch Jerry, he never has any success. ( L14, P17) 虽然Tom总是认为他能抓到Jerry,但是他从未成功过。

= Tom always thinks he can catch Jerry, but he never has any success. 试题1:Although he ran quickly, he missed the first bus. (同义句) He ran quickly, but he missed the first bus. *试题2:---Did you call Sarah back? (2009 安徽)

---I didn’t need to, _______ we’ll have a meeting together tonight.

A. though

B. unless

C. because

D. if

( C )

*试题3:_______he isn’t rich enough, he often gives away money to some poor children. ( 2006 大连)

A. Though

B. When

C. Because

D. If

( A )

考点10:prefer sth. 更喜欢某物;

prefer A to B = like A better than B 喜欢A 胜过B; prefer to do sth.

例题:Which would you prefer? ( L2, P38) = Which would you like better?

试题1: He prefers staying at home to going shopping. (同义句) He likes staying at home better than going out. He would rather stay at home than go shopping. *试题2:---Which would you like, tea or coffee?

(2009 深圳)

---Either _____ OK, but I prefer coffee ______milk.

A. is, has

B. are, with

C. is, with

D. are, has

( C )

初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 3)

考点1:why = what…for? 和because

例句:----Why do we use a lot of chemicals? 为什么我们要用大量的化学药品呢? ----Because they are useful. 因为它们有用。 (图片对话, P35) 试题:----Why was he late for class this morning? ----________ he got up late.

A. Because B. As C. Since D. For


考点2:as + adj. / adv. as 和…一样,not as / so + adj. / adv. + as 前者不如后者…

例句:Without the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon. 没有大气层,地球就会

像月球的表面一样冷和毫无生命迹象。 (图片,P36)

试题1:This question is as_________ as that one and I can settle it by myself. A. hardly B. hard C. difficult D. easy


试题2:He is as old as Kelly. (同义句) He is the same age as Kelly.

试题3:Anna isn’t as tall as Tom. (同义句)

Anna is shorter than Tom. 或 Tom is taller than Anna.

考点3:like(would like to do, feel like doing, like to do, like doing, look like, be like) 例句:The atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse.

大气层表现的就像温室里的青草一样。 (P37)

试题1:The little boy looks________ his father.

A. as B. like C. likes D. from


*试题2:----Would you like _____ some coffee?

----No, thanks. I _____ some. (2007 深圳)

A. have, already have

B. had, just had

C. having, have yet had

D. to have, have already had


考点4:the same as 和…一样,be different from 和…不同,be similar to 和…相似 例句1:This rubbish bin is the same as that one.

这个垃圾桶和那个垃圾桶是一样的。 (P37)

例句2:Carbon dioxide is different from oxygen. 二氧化碳和氧气是不同的。(P37) 试题1:My dress isn’t the same as yours. (同义句) My dress is different from yours.

考点5:be in danger 陷入危险中 (be dangerous) be in trouble,get into trouble 例句:Our world is in danger. 我们的世界陷入危险中了。 ( L2,P30 ) 试题1:We must help the people who is________ danger.

A. in B. into C. for D. with


考点6:keep sb. from doing sth. (stop sb. (from) doing sth. ,prevent sb. (from) doing sth. ) keep sb. doing sth.

使某人继续做某事; keep sb + adj. 保持某人某种状态

例句: The atmosphere keeps much of the warmth from getting out.

大气层防止了大部分温度释放出去。 ( L12,P30 ) 试题1:The heavy rain kept them from going out. (同义句)

The heavy rain stopped them going out. /The heavy rain prevented them going out.

考点7:without (with)

例句: Without the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon. 没有大气层,地球就会

像月球的表面一样冷和毫无生命迹象。 (图片,P36)

试题1:We will die without water or air. (同义句) We will die if there is no water or air.

考点8:too much, much too

例句:It is keeping in too much heat. 它保留了太多的热量。( L21,P30 )

试题1:Don’t eat _________, or you will become fatter.

A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too


考点9:rise, raise (put up, keep, get, collect)

例句:This will cause the level of seas rise. 这将会导致海拔升高。( L23,P30 ) 试题1:Look! The flag is_________.

A. raising B rising C. raised D. rose


*We have raised a lot of bottled water for the people in southwest China. (同义句) We have got (collected) a lot of bottled water for the people in southwest China.

考点10: enough的用法:修饰名词时可前可后; 修饰形容词,副词或者是不定代词时只能后置。常用句型:adj. + enough +to do sth.

例句:That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.

这足以达到从地球到月球这么远的距离。 ( L15,P31 ) 试题1:The question is easy enough _________ .

A. working out B. to work C. to work out D. working

(C) *试题2:----Mum, I think I’m _______ to get back to school. (2006 深圳) ----Not really, my dear. You’d better ______ at home for another day or two.

A. so well, stay

B. so good, to stay

C. well enough, stay

D. good enough, to stay


考点11:in order to do sth. = so as to do sth. = to do sth. 为了…. In order that + 从句 = so that + 从句

例句: In order to save Earth, the book is asking us to become green consumers.

为了挽救地球,这本书要求我们成为环保消费者。( L16,P31 ) *试题1:He gets up early in order that he can catch the first bus every day. (同义句)

He gets up early in order to catch the first bus every day.

He gets up early so as to catch the first bus every day.

初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 4)

考点1:目的状语从句 so that, in order that

例句1:I do morning exercise every day so that I can keep healthy. (P49)


Mary lent me this book in order that I could read about a new diet. (P49)


试题1:---Why do you like running?

---I like running _______ I can keep healthy. A.to

B. that

C.in order to

D.so that


试题2:We must speak louder_________ our students can hear us clearly.

A. so as to B. to C. in order that D. in order


考点2:结果状语从句 so...that..., such...that...

例句:Tom hurt his legs so badly that he was not able to walk for six month . (P 50) Tom的腿伤地很严重以至于他六个月不能走路。

It was such a funny film that I laughed until I cried. P50 它是如此有趣的一场电影以至于我笑出了眼泪。

试题1:The magazines are ________easy that the children can read them well. (2009河北)






试题2:Alice is __________young that she can’t dress herself.(2009山东省德城区)

A. such

B. very

C. so

D. quite



例句1: Linda still spares time to help people though she is always very busy. (P51)


Sam was unprepared but he did quite well in the exam. (P51) Sam虽然没为考试做好准备,但他还考地很好。

试题1: ______they may not succeed, they will try their best. (2009河北)

A. Though





试题2:----Shall we go on working? (2004江西省)

----Yes, _______ I prefer to have a rest. A.when B. if

C. because D.though



例句:I learn about a new culture, and I became more confident.

我了解了一种新的文化,我变得更加自信了。 (P45) 试题1:Tom always looks________.

A. confidently B. confident C. to be confident D. confidence


考点5:improve (make...better)

例句:The Thai government is working hard to improve the situation. (P45)


试题1:Most of us are trying our best to improve our environment. (写同义句)

Most of us are trying our best to make our environment better.

考点6:keep in touch with与……保持联系;get in touch with 与……取得联系 例句:I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mails. (P45)


试题1:Not knowing her address, we couldn't________ in touch with her. A.keep B. be C. get D.catch


考点7: in case 万一;如果 例句:P48

试题1:My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house______there is a power out. 庆)

A. if

B. unless

C. in case D. so that


试题2: ______fire, all exits must be kept clear. (2007天津) A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of


考点 8 climate, weather

例句:Could you tell me about the climate there? (P53)


试题1:--- What’s the _______ like today? --- It’s sunny. (07 北京四中中考模拟)

A. climate B. weather C. sky D. space


*试题2:-----_______ weather it is! Let’s go _______. (2007 深圳)

----Good idea!

A. How fine, to camp

B. How fine a; camping C. What a fine, to camp

D. What fine, camping


考点9:look forward to doing (expect to do...) 例句:I look forward to hearing from you. (P54) 我正盼望收到你的来信。


We are looking forward to seeing our foreigner friends soon. 我们期望能很快见到我们的国外友人。

*试题1:you soon. (2003年河北省中考题)

A.meet B. meeting C. meets D. is meeting


*试题2:The day we had looked forward to ______ at last.

A. coming

B. come

C. came

D. comes


*试题3:All of the children are looking forward to visiting the Shanghai Exposition.

All of the children are expecting to visit the Shanghai Exposition.


试题:It is reported that two persons were injured in a car accident yesterday(写同义句) 初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 1)


例句:If you stick a pin into a balloon, it bursts.(L2, P7)


试题1:If it tomorrow, we’ll go for a picnic. (2009 邵阳)

A. won’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. will rain

试题2:Fish will die without water.(同义句) Fish will die if there is no water.

*试题3:----David, turn off the TV _____ no one is watching it. (2009 深圳)

----But it _____ off already! The music is from the radio.

A. so that, has been turned

B. when, has turned C. if, has been turned

D. because, has turned


Unless you keep ice cream in a fridge, it melts.(L3,P9) 除非你将冰激凌放在冰箱里,否则它就会融化了。

试题1:I’m going to look for another job the company offers me more money.

A. after B. unless C. when D. for (2009 南通)

试题2:----I’m always thinking about my future.

----But your dream won’t come true you know what your dream is. A. after B. while C. unless D. since

试题3:We will hold a sports meeting if it isn’t rainy. (同义句)

We will hold a sports meeting unless it is rainy.

考点3:go wrong

例句:When you get old , three things start to go wrong. (L15, P2) 当你年纪大一点的时候,就会在三个方面出现问题。 试题:The fridge has gone wrong again.(写同义句)

The fridge has broken down again./ The fridge doesn’t work again.


例句:I saw a prrogramme on television about a man with an injured brain.. (L20, P2)





It is reported that two persons were hurt in a car accident yesterday

考点5:for example ( for instance, such as )

例句:For example, I am trying to remember the word “smiles”(L6, P3) 例如,我正努力记住“微笑”这个词。

试题:A lot of people here, , Mr. John, would rather have coffee. A. likes B. for example C. such D. likes

考点6:hear about (hear of)

例句:…when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963.. (L12,P3) …在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。 试题:I never heard about this man.(写同义句) I never heard of this man.

考点7:death (die, dead, dying)

例句:…when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963.. (L12, P3) …在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。

试题:After hearing the news of his grandfather’s , all of them were sad. A. dead B. die C. has dead D. death

考点8:cost 花费(L9, P6)

试题:I bought some CDs for my friend and they _______ me ¥30. (2008天津) A. spend B. paid C. cost D. used

考点9:break down (not work, be dead)

例句:…,but the bus broke down, and there were no taxis. (L6,P10) 但是公交车坏了,而且没有出租车。

试题:My computer yesterday, so I had to borrow Mr. Wang’s.

A. breaks down B. broke down C. has broken down D. is broken down

考点10:amazed (amazing)

例句:He was amazed! (L18, P12)



(C) (B)


试题:---He a lot since last year.

---Yes, indeed. Because he wants to let his friends A. has changed; amazed B. has changed; amazing C. is changing; amazing D. changed; amazed


考点11:pay attention to

例句:Pay attention to the tense of your verbs (L24, P12) 注意你所使用的动词时态。

试题:---Why did your teacher get angry you this morning? ---Because I talked and didn’t his class. A. in; break off B. against; go wrong C. for; play trick on D. with; pay attention to


初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 2)


1. be / feel / sound / look / taste / smell / seem + adj.

例句:Her voice sounds sweet。(表语) 她的声音听起来很甜美。 试题1:The cake looks________ but tastes ________.

A. good, badly

B. well, bad C. good, bad

D. well, badly


*试题2:----Your coffee smells __________. (2006 深圳)

-----It’s from Hainan. Would you like ______?

A. well, it

B. nice, this C. good, some D. wonderful, little


*试题3:----This dish tastes ______. (2007 深圳) ----Thank you. It ____ by Mr. Smith.

A. good, was cooked

B. well, cooks

C. bad, is cooked

D. terrible, cooked


*试题4:----The teacher looked at her students ____ when they were saved. (2008 深圳)

----We also felt ______ for them.

A. happily, happy

B. happy, happily

C. happy, happy D. Happily, happily (A)

*试题5:----The cakes looks ______________. (2009 深圳) -----Yes, and it tastes even _________.

A. well, good

B. nice, better

C. good, worse

D. better, best


2. make / keep / think + sth.+adj. ; find it adj. to do sth.

例句:They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever. (宾语补足语) 他们认为使老鼠聪明会更滑稽。

试题1:Put on the coat and it can keep you _______.

A. warm B. warmly C. to warm D. warming


试题2:---Jim finds ______ easy to remember all the English words.

(2006 深圳)

----_________ a smart child he is!

A. it, What B. that, How

C. this, What

D. it, How


3. It is + adj. (of sb./ for sb.) to do sth.

例句:It is easy to understand the cartoons. (L13, P17) 理解这些卡通片是简单的。 试题1:_______ is helpful_______ more exercises.

A. That, to do B. It, to do C. It, doing D. It, doing (B)

试题2:It is ________ to pass the exam if you work hard.

A. possible B. hard C. easily D. useless

(A) *试题3:It is ____ important for us to learn English well. (2001 深圳)

A. much

B. too

C. very

D. enough

(C) *试题4:It’s nice ____ you _____ me with my maths.

A. for, to help

B. for, helping

C. of, to help

D. of, helping


4. 只能用作表语的形容词:ill; alone; alive; asleep; awake; afraid ; well等 例句:Although the old man was alone,he never felt lonely.


试题: Please keep yourself _______ ,or we will fail.

A. wake B. waking C. to wake D. awake



例句:Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. (L1, P17) Tom 和Jerry是世界上最

受欢迎的卡通角色中的其中两个。 试题1:Kelly is_________ of the twins.

A. the more beautiful B. the most beautiful

C. more beautiful D. beautiful

( A )

*试题2:----2008 is drawing near. Any changes in Beijing? (2005 深圳) ----Yes, more stadiums are being built, and ____ people are learning English.

A. more and more

B. the more and the more

C. the more and more

D. more and the more

( A )

*试题3:----Germany will be ______ popular with the visitors this year. (2006 深圳)


-----Because the 2006 World Cup soccer ______ there.

A. more, is hold B. much, is held

C. more, is held

D. much, is hold

( C )

*试题4:----_____plastic bags we, ______it will be to the environment. (2008 深圳) ----I agree _____ you. A. The less, the better, with B. The fewer, the better, with

C. The less, the worse, to

D. The fewer, the worse, to

( B )

考点3:be full of = be filled with = be crowded with

例句:The short cartoons are full of fun. (L2,P17)这些短短的动画片充满了快乐。 = The short cartoons are filled with fun. 试题:The hall _______ people in the morning.

A. is fulled of B. filled with C. is filled of D. is full of ( D )

考点4:get into trouble ; be in trouble

例句:The mouse always get the cat into trouble. (L7,P17)这只老鼠总是使那只猫陷入困境中。 试题:We should help others when they are in trouble. (同义句) We should help others when they get into trouble.

考点5:使役动词(make / let)

1. 主动语态:A make / let B do sth.; 被动语态:B is made / let to do sth. by A.

例句:They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever and always get the cat into trouble. (L7,P17)试题1:My mother made me ______ the piano on Sunday. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played

*试题2:Colors can change our moods and make us _______happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A. to feel

B. feeling

C. felt


D. feel (2006 南京市)

( D ) 考点6:over = more than

例句:Over the next seventeen years = more than the next seventeen years ( L10, P17) 试题:Over 200 hundred people are watching the football match. (同义句)

More than 200 hundred people are watching the football match.

考点7:a number of 大量的 / the number of „的总数

例句: Hanna and Barbera made a huge number of Tom and Jerry cartoons. ( L10, P17)

Hanna 和 Barbera 制作出大量的Tom 和Jerry 的动画片。

试题1: The library has ________ of books.

A. a great number of B. the number of

C. a number D. the number (C)

*试题2:_______ of the teachers in our school is 118, _________ of them are women teachers.

A. The number, third fourth

B. The number, one third

C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters

( B )

*试题4:The number of the students in our school ___over 4500, a number of them ___from Hainan. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are

( D )

考点8:数字+ 单位 + adj.

例题:Most of the cartoons are about seven minutes long. ( L11, P17)


试题: The tree is about 80 meters tall. (同义句) The tree is about 80 meters in height.

考点9:though / although / but

例题:Though Tom always thinks he can catch Jerry, he never has any success. ( L14, P17) 虽然Tom总是认为他能抓到Jerry,但是他从未成功过。

= Tom always thinks he can catch Jerry, but he never has any success. 试题1:Although he ran quickly, he missed the first bus. (同义句) He ran quickly, but he missed the first bus. *试题2:---Did you call Sarah back? (2009 安徽)

---I didn’t need to, _______ we’ll have a meeting together tonight.

A. though

B. unless

C. because

D. if

( C )

*试题3:_______he isn’t rich enough, he often gives away money to some poor children. ( 2006 大连)

A. Though

B. When

C. Because

D. If

( A )

考点10:prefer sth. 更喜欢某物;

prefer A to B = like A better than B 喜欢A 胜过B; prefer to do sth.

例题:Which would you prefer? ( L2, P38) = Which would you like better?

试题1: He prefers staying at home to going shopping. (同义句) He likes staying at home better than going out. He would rather stay at home than go shopping. *试题2:---Which would you like, tea or coffee?

(2009 深圳)

---Either _____ OK, but I prefer coffee ______milk.

A. is, has

B. are, with

C. is, with

D. are, has

( C )

初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 3)

考点1:why = what…for? 和because

例句:----Why do we use a lot of chemicals? 为什么我们要用大量的化学药品呢? ----Because they are useful. 因为它们有用。 (图片对话, P35) 试题:----Why was he late for class this morning? ----________ he got up late.

A. Because B. As C. Since D. For


考点2:as + adj. / adv. as 和…一样,not as / so + adj. / adv. + as 前者不如后者…

例句:Without the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon. 没有大气层,地球就会

像月球的表面一样冷和毫无生命迹象。 (图片,P36)

试题1:This question is as_________ as that one and I can settle it by myself. A. hardly B. hard C. difficult D. easy


试题2:He is as old as Kelly. (同义句) He is the same age as Kelly.

试题3:Anna isn’t as tall as Tom. (同义句)

Anna is shorter than Tom. 或 Tom is taller than Anna.

考点3:like(would like to do, feel like doing, like to do, like doing, look like, be like) 例句:The atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse.

大气层表现的就像温室里的青草一样。 (P37)

试题1:The little boy looks________ his father.

A. as B. like C. likes D. from


*试题2:----Would you like _____ some coffee?

----No, thanks. I _____ some. (2007 深圳)

A. have, already have

B. had, just had

C. having, have yet had

D. to have, have already had


考点4:the same as 和…一样,be different from 和…不同,be similar to 和…相似 例句1:This rubbish bin is the same as that one.

这个垃圾桶和那个垃圾桶是一样的。 (P37)

例句2:Carbon dioxide is different from oxygen. 二氧化碳和氧气是不同的。(P37) 试题1:My dress isn’t the same as yours. (同义句) My dress is different from yours.

考点5:be in danger 陷入危险中 (be dangerous) be in trouble,get into trouble 例句:Our world is in danger. 我们的世界陷入危险中了。 ( L2,P30 ) 试题1:We must help the people who is________ danger.

A. in B. into C. for D. with


考点6:keep sb. from doing sth. (stop sb. (from) doing sth. ,prevent sb. (from) doing sth. ) keep sb. doing sth.

使某人继续做某事; keep sb + adj. 保持某人某种状态

例句: The atmosphere keeps much of the warmth from getting out.

大气层防止了大部分温度释放出去。 ( L12,P30 ) 试题1:The heavy rain kept them from going out. (同义句)

The heavy rain stopped them going out. /The heavy rain prevented them going out.

考点7:without (with)

例句: Without the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon. 没有大气层,地球就会

像月球的表面一样冷和毫无生命迹象。 (图片,P36)

试题1:We will die without water or air. (同义句) We will die if there is no water or air.

考点8:too much, much too

例句:It is keeping in too much heat. 它保留了太多的热量。( L21,P30 )

试题1:Don’t eat _________, or you will become fatter.

A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too


考点9:rise, raise (put up, keep, get, collect)

例句:This will cause the level of seas rise. 这将会导致海拔升高。( L23,P30 ) 试题1:Look! The flag is_________.

A. raising B rising C. raised D. rose


*We have raised a lot of bottled water for the people in southwest China. (同义句) We have got (collected) a lot of bottled water for the people in southwest China.

考点10: enough的用法:修饰名词时可前可后; 修饰形容词,副词或者是不定代词时只能后置。常用句型:adj. + enough +to do sth.

例句:That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.

这足以达到从地球到月球这么远的距离。 ( L15,P31 ) 试题1:The question is easy enough _________ .

A. working out B. to work C. to work out D. working

(C) *试题2:----Mum, I think I’m _______ to get back to school. (2006 深圳) ----Not really, my dear. You’d better ______ at home for another day or two.

A. so well, stay

B. so good, to stay

C. well enough, stay

D. good enough, to stay


考点11:in order to do sth. = so as to do sth. = to do sth. 为了…. In order that + 从句 = so that + 从句

例句: In order to save Earth, the book is asking us to become green consumers.

为了挽救地球,这本书要求我们成为环保消费者。( L16,P31 ) *试题1:He gets up early in order that he can catch the first bus every day. (同义句)

He gets up early in order to catch the first bus every day.

He gets up early so as to catch the first bus every day.

初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 4)

考点1:目的状语从句 so that, in order that

例句1:I do morning exercise every day so that I can keep healthy. (P49)


Mary lent me this book in order that I could read about a new diet. (P49)


试题1:---Why do you like running?

---I like running _______ I can keep healthy. A.to

B. that

C.in order to

D.so that


试题2:We must speak louder_________ our students can hear us clearly.

A. so as to B. to C. in order that D. in order


考点2:结果状语从句 so...that..., such...that...

例句:Tom hurt his legs so badly that he was not able to walk for six month . (P 50) Tom的腿伤地很严重以至于他六个月不能走路。

It was such a funny film that I laughed until I cried. P50 它是如此有趣的一场电影以至于我笑出了眼泪。

试题1:The magazines are ________easy that the children can read them well. (2009河北)






试题2:Alice is __________young that she can’t dress herself.(2009山东省德城区)

A. such

B. very

C. so

D. quite



例句1: Linda still spares time to help people though she is always very busy. (P51)


Sam was unprepared but he did quite well in the exam. (P51) Sam虽然没为考试做好准备,但他还考地很好。

试题1: ______they may not succeed, they will try their best. (2009河北)

A. Though





试题2:----Shall we go on working? (2004江西省)

----Yes, _______ I prefer to have a rest. A.when B. if

C. because D.though



例句:I learn about a new culture, and I became more confident.

我了解了一种新的文化,我变得更加自信了。 (P45) 试题1:Tom always looks________.

A. confidently B. confident C. to be confident D. confidence


考点5:improve (make...better)

例句:The Thai government is working hard to improve the situation. (P45)


试题1:Most of us are trying our best to improve our environment. (写同义句)

Most of us are trying our best to make our environment better.

考点6:keep in touch with与……保持联系;get in touch with 与……取得联系 例句:I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mails. (P45)


试题1:Not knowing her address, we couldn't________ in touch with her. A.keep B. be C. get D.catch


考点7: in case 万一;如果 例句:P48

试题1:My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house______there is a power out. 庆)

A. if

B. unless

C. in case D. so that


试题2: ______fire, all exits must be kept clear. (2007天津) A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of


考点 8 climate, weather

例句:Could you tell me about the climate there? (P53)


试题1:--- What’s the _______ like today? --- It’s sunny. (07 北京四中中考模拟)

A. climate B. weather C. sky D. space


*试题2:-----_______ weather it is! Let’s go _______. (2007 深圳)

----Good idea!

A. How fine, to camp

B. How fine a; camping C. What a fine, to camp

D. What fine, camping


考点9:look forward to doing (expect to do...) 例句:I look forward to hearing from you. (P54) 我正盼望收到你的来信。


We are looking forward to seeing our foreigner friends soon. 我们期望能很快见到我们的国外友人。

*试题1:you soon. (2003年河北省中考题)

A.meet B. meeting C. meets D. is meeting


*试题2:The day we had looked forward to ______ at last.

A. coming

B. come

C. came

D. comes


*试题3:All of the children are looking forward to visiting the Shanghai Exposition.

All of the children are expecting to visit the Shanghai Exposition.


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