

1. Jim likes __________(dry) fish very much.

2. There are some boys __________(draw) on the wall. Let’s stop them.

3. The soup was _________(most) salt and water.

4. You can’t imagine how ____________(angry) he looked at me.

5. If it ___________(not rain) tomorrow, we ___________(help) the farmers pick


6. ____________(twenty) lesson is the most difficult of all.

7. They are looking forward to __________(enjoy) day in their life.

8. What’s she worrying about? Her ___________(weigh).

9. ___________(take) turns to feed the goldfish is a good idea.

10. It’s bad manners to throw little ___________(care)

11. Don’t keep the machine ___________(run) for so long.

12. They had nothing ___________(leave) after the flood.

13. _________(luck) she lost her hearing in an accident.

14. Why didn’t he try his best ___________(save) the child out of danger.

15. __________they still ____________(cut) the big tree when you walked past?

16. We want to buy some presents for the __________(win) parents.

17. Look! Hobo is __________(dress) up as a ghost.

18. The soup tastes a little __________(salt)

19. Jack __________(prefer) to read stories in the past.

20. They are the __________(act)__________(wife)

21. --what do you study for? --______________(study) for the people.

22. What a _________(please) trip they had t o Hong Kong!

23. He left the classroom __________(say) nothing.

24. The police _________(catch) the robber tomorrow, aren’t they?

25. Children, ___________(not be) late next time.

26. My grandfather can even read newspapers and magazines in his _________(nine)

27. The man ____________(call) himself Tom is waiting for you.

28. Tom __________(lose) his key, so he can’t get into his house.

29. Thanks for your advice. It’s ____________(value) of all.

30. I need to buy some ____________(mango) and some ___________(knife)

31. That big blouse is ___________(I). It belongs to ___________(I) where is


32. The singer and dancer ___________(come) from France.

33. If he ____________(give) another five minutes, he __________(finish) the exam.

34. I don’t know when the manager ___________(return), but when he

_________(come) back I ___________(let) you know.

35. He __________(do) his homework. You’d better _________(not) turn on the


36. Some boys were talking _________(noise) when the teacher __________(come)in.

When __________(see) the teacher , they stopped ________(talk) at once.

37. Little Tom is much ____________than he was two years ago.How ________ he is

talking with his friends.(happy)

38. She is very ___________(self). She always thinks more of _________(she) than


39. Grandma is ill. Either you or your brother ____________(have) to stay at home.

40. There ___________a computer and two tapes on the desk. Whose


41. –Would you like __________(go) to the fashion show with me? There are many

beautiful clothes on ________(show) today. –Sorry, I don’t feel like __________(go) out with to ____________(tiring) body.

42. Which film is ___________(mean) of the two?—Neither.

43. December _________month of the year. Five _________ of the students in our

class are girls. (twelve)

44. The exam is coming. He is busy __________(prepare) for it. After he finishes

________(do) his homework, he will practise ___________(read) English.

45. I got a letter from my cousin yesterday. I _________(not hear) from him for many


46. The horse _________(tie) to the tree is my neighbour’s.

47. My father sat on the sofa _________(read) a newspaper.

48. She spends as much time as possible __________(speak) English every day. The

first ten people __________(finish) the walk will get a present each.

49. Eddie was sleeping while Millie ____________(watch) TV.

50. Audrey __________(put) all her effort into ballet training before she entered the

film industry.

51. Amy was seen _________(clap) her hands when I walked past.

52. How many English words ____________you ___________(learn) so far?

53. Great changes ___________(take) place in my hometown in the last few years.

54. I prefer ___________(swim) in the pool to ___________(have) a picnic outside.

55. The pair of white shoes __________(be) Daniel’s.

56. My grandma is used to ____________(live) in the countryside.

57. The Greens __________(have) supper when the telephone __________(ring).

58. ___________(run)and ___________(canoe)______________(be) good for you.

59. In 1989, Audrey made her final ____________in films.(appear)

60. The cartoon film ____________by Jim Green is very interesting.(direct)

61. __________your worries to yourself can make them worse.(keep)

62. The number of the students in our school ___________larger last year than this


63. Can you tell me how colour affects your __________life?(day)

64. David is our monitor. He spends as much time as he can _____________extra


65. They ____________a trip to Shanghai at this time yesterday.(plan)

66. Seven _____________of the students in our school would like to join the charity


67. Mum told my friends to help _____________to some apples(they)

68. On September 10 th, all the students wish their teachers a happy


69. The children ____________into teams of eleven to play football


70. Without any help, the work seems even __________(tough)

71. I was invited ____________My friend’s fortieth birthday last Sunday.(celebrate)

72. Don’t lie to me speak _________, please.(true)

73.All the CD-ROMs ___________out when I got to the shop.(sell)

74.He had one of his ___________(tooth)___________(pull) yesterday because of his __________(ill)


1. Jim likes __________(dry) fish very much.

2. There are some boys __________(draw) on the wall. Let’s stop them.

3. The soup was _________(most) salt and water.

4. You can’t imagine how ____________(angry) he looked at me.

5. If it ___________(not rain) tomorrow, we ___________(help) the farmers pick


6. ____________(twenty) lesson is the most difficult of all.

7. They are looking forward to __________(enjoy) day in their life.

8. What’s she worrying about? Her ___________(weigh).

9. ___________(take) turns to feed the goldfish is a good idea.

10. It’s bad manners to throw little ___________(care)

11. Don’t keep the machine ___________(run) for so long.

12. They had nothing ___________(leave) after the flood.

13. _________(luck) she lost her hearing in an accident.

14. Why didn’t he try his best ___________(save) the child out of danger.

15. __________they still ____________(cut) the big tree when you walked past?

16. We want to buy some presents for the __________(win) parents.

17. Look! Hobo is __________(dress) up as a ghost.

18. The soup tastes a little __________(salt)

19. Jack __________(prefer) to read stories in the past.

20. They are the __________(act)__________(wife)

21. --what do you study for? --______________(study) for the people.

22. What a _________(please) trip they had t o Hong Kong!

23. He left the classroom __________(say) nothing.

24. The police _________(catch) the robber tomorrow, aren’t they?

25. Children, ___________(not be) late next time.

26. My grandfather can even read newspapers and magazines in his _________(nine)

27. The man ____________(call) himself Tom is waiting for you.

28. Tom __________(lose) his key, so he can’t get into his house.

29. Thanks for your advice. It’s ____________(value) of all.

30. I need to buy some ____________(mango) and some ___________(knife)

31. That big blouse is ___________(I). It belongs to ___________(I) where is


32. The singer and dancer ___________(come) from France.

33. If he ____________(give) another five minutes, he __________(finish) the exam.

34. I don’t know when the manager ___________(return), but when he

_________(come) back I ___________(let) you know.

35. He __________(do) his homework. You’d better _________(not) turn on the


36. Some boys were talking _________(noise) when the teacher __________(come)in.

When __________(see) the teacher , they stopped ________(talk) at once.

37. Little Tom is much ____________than he was two years ago.How ________ he is

talking with his friends.(happy)

38. She is very ___________(self). She always thinks more of _________(she) than


39. Grandma is ill. Either you or your brother ____________(have) to stay at home.

40. There ___________a computer and two tapes on the desk. Whose


41. –Would you like __________(go) to the fashion show with me? There are many

beautiful clothes on ________(show) today. –Sorry, I don’t feel like __________(go) out with to ____________(tiring) body.

42. Which film is ___________(mean) of the two?—Neither.

43. December _________month of the year. Five _________ of the students in our

class are girls. (twelve)

44. The exam is coming. He is busy __________(prepare) for it. After he finishes

________(do) his homework, he will practise ___________(read) English.

45. I got a letter from my cousin yesterday. I _________(not hear) from him for many


46. The horse _________(tie) to the tree is my neighbour’s.

47. My father sat on the sofa _________(read) a newspaper.

48. She spends as much time as possible __________(speak) English every day. The

first ten people __________(finish) the walk will get a present each.

49. Eddie was sleeping while Millie ____________(watch) TV.

50. Audrey __________(put) all her effort into ballet training before she entered the

film industry.

51. Amy was seen _________(clap) her hands when I walked past.

52. How many English words ____________you ___________(learn) so far?

53. Great changes ___________(take) place in my hometown in the last few years.

54. I prefer ___________(swim) in the pool to ___________(have) a picnic outside.

55. The pair of white shoes __________(be) Daniel’s.

56. My grandma is used to ____________(live) in the countryside.

57. The Greens __________(have) supper when the telephone __________(ring).

58. ___________(run)and ___________(canoe)______________(be) good for you.

59. In 1989, Audrey made her final ____________in films.(appear)

60. The cartoon film ____________by Jim Green is very interesting.(direct)

61. __________your worries to yourself can make them worse.(keep)

62. The number of the students in our school ___________larger last year than this


63. Can you tell me how colour affects your __________life?(day)

64. David is our monitor. He spends as much time as he can _____________extra


65. They ____________a trip to Shanghai at this time yesterday.(plan)

66. Seven _____________of the students in our school would like to join the charity


67. Mum told my friends to help _____________to some apples(they)

68. On September 10 th, all the students wish their teachers a happy


69. The children ____________into teams of eleven to play football


70. Without any help, the work seems even __________(tough)

71. I was invited ____________My friend’s fortieth birthday last Sunday.(celebrate)

72. Don’t lie to me speak _________, please.(true)

73.All the CD-ROMs ___________out when I got to the shop.(sell)

74.He had one of his ___________(tooth)___________(pull) yesterday because of his __________(ill)


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