
Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

It sounds very reasonable; no one could deny this great truth. Smile can solve many problems in daily life, even some rather tough issues. So does silence. For instance, when your communication object was in depression, or you were landed in an awful situation, smile or silence could be the first choice to help deal with these difficulties

There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us happy, but also please others. You’ll fall in love with a new country you visit, because people there greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere

You’ll feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you with a smile You’ll give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile.

When I was just a little kid, I loved cakes so much that I cannot stop eating them. My parents worried about my weight so that they decided not to keep any cakes at our home. This was a problem for me at first since I cannot get cakes. However, I hit upon a way very soon to solve this problem--I asked for candies from our neighbors, of course, with a broad smile and this worked every time. Later, I heard a saying that "you could get away with anything if you smile". I deem that is right!

And as time elapses, the problems that I will be confronted with will get bigger and bigger. I'm not sure that I will always have the perfect solution to every one of the problems,

however, I know one thing for sure, that is I can always smile to the problems, to myself, and to life.

In a word, let’s greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day.

After I stepped into society, my mum always told me to keep silent or spoke few words. I said yes. In practice,I discovered that it is the golden rule living in the society.

When it comes to silence, I always think of some famous sayings

Among Franklin’s thirteen virtues, silence is the foundation of another twelve virtues And that silence is the mental practice for the people who believe in truth by Gandhi

Silence should be gold, because it can make us more rational and modest. Silence let us have more opportunities to think about some matters. Then the decision will be made more carefully. As a result, we may deal with something more smoothly, and finally achieve the success. So in my opinion, I think silence is a kind of reflection. You know reflection is a symbol of wisdom. That's to be modest and silent, when thinking. It will be a valuable venture for all researchers and students. So it is necessary to study how to keep silent.

Someone may realize that silence is rather easier than speech. I think it is not exactly true. Speech only needs our courage and confidence. However, silence not only needs our courage,

but also need us to have clear mind and generous heart. Sometimes it's not easy to get this. For example, do you remember in the world cup final 2006, Zidan (the captain of French team) head-butt a player of Italy so that he was showed red card and sent off immediately. It is pity for French, because of losing the leader in the football field. Finally, French team lost the opportunity of achieving final success. So silence make person calm, and avoid impulsion.

Sometimes silence means endurance. Though I admit endurance isn't good for our psychology health, sometimes it is necessary. If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to endure something which may be produced by yourself or others. Then just keep silent to do it. You should believe that action speaks louder than words.

The power of the spoken word is mighty. The power of silence can be mightier still.

However, we should realize that any tools are not almighty. You cannot give smile if other people suffering misery, and of course you could not be silent any longer if someone were treated unjustly. So making use of these two powerful tools appropriately, and you may benefit a lot from them.

Silence is like a bar of gold, it can make you shine.

Smile is like the sun in winter, it can warm everyone’s heart.

Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

It sounds very reasonable; no one could deny this great truth. Smile can solve many problems in daily life, even some rather tough issues. So does silence. For instance, when your communication object was in depression, or you were landed in an awful situation, smile or silence could be the first choice to help deal with these difficulties

There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us happy, but also please others. You’ll fall in love with a new country you visit, because people there greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere

You’ll feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you with a smile You’ll give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile.

When I was just a little kid, I loved cakes so much that I cannot stop eating them. My parents worried about my weight so that they decided not to keep any cakes at our home. This was a problem for me at first since I cannot get cakes. However, I hit upon a way very soon to solve this problem--I asked for candies from our neighbors, of course, with a broad smile and this worked every time. Later, I heard a saying that "you could get away with anything if you smile". I deem that is right!

And as time elapses, the problems that I will be confronted with will get bigger and bigger. I'm not sure that I will always have the perfect solution to every one of the problems,

however, I know one thing for sure, that is I can always smile to the problems, to myself, and to life.

In a word, let’s greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day.

After I stepped into society, my mum always told me to keep silent or spoke few words. I said yes. In practice,I discovered that it is the golden rule living in the society.

When it comes to silence, I always think of some famous sayings

Among Franklin’s thirteen virtues, silence is the foundation of another twelve virtues And that silence is the mental practice for the people who believe in truth by Gandhi

Silence should be gold, because it can make us more rational and modest. Silence let us have more opportunities to think about some matters. Then the decision will be made more carefully. As a result, we may deal with something more smoothly, and finally achieve the success. So in my opinion, I think silence is a kind of reflection. You know reflection is a symbol of wisdom. That's to be modest and silent, when thinking. It will be a valuable venture for all researchers and students. So it is necessary to study how to keep silent.

Someone may realize that silence is rather easier than speech. I think it is not exactly true. Speech only needs our courage and confidence. However, silence not only needs our courage,

but also need us to have clear mind and generous heart. Sometimes it's not easy to get this. For example, do you remember in the world cup final 2006, Zidan (the captain of French team) head-butt a player of Italy so that he was showed red card and sent off immediately. It is pity for French, because of losing the leader in the football field. Finally, French team lost the opportunity of achieving final success. So silence make person calm, and avoid impulsion.

Sometimes silence means endurance. Though I admit endurance isn't good for our psychology health, sometimes it is necessary. If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to endure something which may be produced by yourself or others. Then just keep silent to do it. You should believe that action speaks louder than words.

The power of the spoken word is mighty. The power of silence can be mightier still.

However, we should realize that any tools are not almighty. You cannot give smile if other people suffering misery, and of course you could not be silent any longer if someone were treated unjustly. So making use of these two powerful tools appropriately, and you may benefit a lot from them.

Silence is like a bar of gold, it can make you shine.

Smile is like the sun in winter, it can warm everyone’s heart.


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