
The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity the women is like money and beauty ,because she want other people and friends to admire her, she want to other people think she is a rich women. but her husband isn't rich and just a normal worker in the local government. there was a dancing party she can take part in, but she didn't has good dress and necklace, so she borrowed a necklace from one of her friends, but she lost it, she and her husband borrowed money and bought another necklace that looks like just the one she borrowed. it's very expensive, for repaying the money she and her husband worked very hard for many years. and she looked older than before after these years. but she learned at last that the necklace she borrowed is a fame! From the story, we can learn something which is very important for us. In the first place, we can know that what we should emphasize is our great virtue, rather than money, beauty etc. what is more, as a student, what we should do is to spare no efforts to study and exercise the practice ability. Only in this way, can we become a successful and excellent people when we graduate.

The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity the women is like money and beauty ,because she want other people and friends to admire her, she want to other people think she is a rich women. but her husband isn't rich and just a normal worker in the local government. there was a dancing party she can take part in, but she didn't has good dress and necklace, so she borrowed a necklace from one of her friends, but she lost it, she and her husband borrowed money and bought another necklace that looks like just the one she borrowed. it's very expensive, for repaying the money she and her husband worked very hard for many years. and she looked older than before after these years. but she learned at last that the necklace she borrowed is a fame! From the story, we can learn something which is very important for us. In the first place, we can know that what we should emphasize is our great virtue, rather than money, beauty etc. what is more, as a student, what we should do is to spare no efforts to study and exercise the practice ability. Only in this way, can we become a successful and excellent people when we graduate.


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