

First dates are always nerve-wracking--that's a given. So many questions! Where will we go? What if I'm gassy? Should I let him pay or should I offer to split the tab? What will we talk about? Will he like me? More importantly, will I like him?


What you shouldn't wear on a date--especially a first date 约会尤其是第一次约会不能穿什么

Underwear 内衣

Bad underwear isn't necessarily ugly or old. It's the bra that pushes your boobies up beautifully, but pinches your underarm chub. It's the boyshorts you paid for, but ride up your butt crack every time you climb a stair.


And yes, sexy Underoos can make a girl feel sassy, but that effect is lost when you're constantly digging elastic out of your behind. 是的,性感型的能让一姑娘觉得自己挺时髦的,不过你总得去拽后边的松紧带的话,就什么效果都没了。

Battle of "The Bulge" 和“赘肉”的战斗

While it's true that support garments count as underwear, I thought the scourge of the Spanx deserved its own entry. I once wore one of these Instruments of Torture on a TV audition and I'm sure the pained look on my face went a long way towards ensuring you'll never see me on prime time. 塑型美体的也算内衣,我承认,我以为Spanx 牌子带来的折磨是值得的。我曾经穿了这种残忍的刑具去参加一个电视试镜,我确定我调整了好久才没让你们在电视上看见我疼得龇牙咧嘴的样子。

I get that we all want to look thinner than we actually are, but believe me, most guys would rather see a little belly bulge than deal with a cranky, cramping girl all night.


Romper stomper 背带裤连体服

The romper/jumpsuit craze is one trend I will be happy to see end. Whether or not you're planning on getting naked with your date, wearing a one-piece tells your boy that he's going to have to work hard to get there. Too hard. No matter how deluded he might be, a guy always wants to imagine he has a chance of enticing you into a dark corner for a little hooking up.


A jumpsuit says that ain't going to happen. Not to mention that unless you're a race car driver or a 3-year-old, the all-in-one outfit makes you look like a moron.


Torture by toe nail 被脚趾折磨

My boyfriend still reminds me of the time I wore a pair of sassy heels out to see his favorite band and made him leave before they even went onstage because my feet had turned into bleeding stumps. (I offered to leave on my own, but being a gentleman, he helped me hobble home and promptly never let me forget it.)


I know many women can wear sky-high heels with ease, but unless you're one of them, don't. I'm not saying you should wear sneaks, or worse, Uggs, but try to find some sort of manageable middle ground.

我知道有些女生就算踩着高跷也能很轻松的走路,除非你也是这样的,否则不要穿太高跟的鞋子。我不是说你要穿运动鞋,或者Ugg 啥的,不过找找那些你穿得来的中等高度的鞋子吧。


First dates are always nerve-wracking--that's a given. So many questions! Where will we go? What if I'm gassy? Should I let him pay or should I offer to split the tab? What will we talk about? Will he like me? More importantly, will I like him?


What you shouldn't wear on a date--especially a first date 约会尤其是第一次约会不能穿什么

Underwear 内衣

Bad underwear isn't necessarily ugly or old. It's the bra that pushes your boobies up beautifully, but pinches your underarm chub. It's the boyshorts you paid for, but ride up your butt crack every time you climb a stair.


And yes, sexy Underoos can make a girl feel sassy, but that effect is lost when you're constantly digging elastic out of your behind. 是的,性感型的能让一姑娘觉得自己挺时髦的,不过你总得去拽后边的松紧带的话,就什么效果都没了。

Battle of "The Bulge" 和“赘肉”的战斗

While it's true that support garments count as underwear, I thought the scourge of the Spanx deserved its own entry. I once wore one of these Instruments of Torture on a TV audition and I'm sure the pained look on my face went a long way towards ensuring you'll never see me on prime time. 塑型美体的也算内衣,我承认,我以为Spanx 牌子带来的折磨是值得的。我曾经穿了这种残忍的刑具去参加一个电视试镜,我确定我调整了好久才没让你们在电视上看见我疼得龇牙咧嘴的样子。

I get that we all want to look thinner than we actually are, but believe me, most guys would rather see a little belly bulge than deal with a cranky, cramping girl all night.


Romper stomper 背带裤连体服

The romper/jumpsuit craze is one trend I will be happy to see end. Whether or not you're planning on getting naked with your date, wearing a one-piece tells your boy that he's going to have to work hard to get there. Too hard. No matter how deluded he might be, a guy always wants to imagine he has a chance of enticing you into a dark corner for a little hooking up.


A jumpsuit says that ain't going to happen. Not to mention that unless you're a race car driver or a 3-year-old, the all-in-one outfit makes you look like a moron.


Torture by toe nail 被脚趾折磨

My boyfriend still reminds me of the time I wore a pair of sassy heels out to see his favorite band and made him leave before they even went onstage because my feet had turned into bleeding stumps. (I offered to leave on my own, but being a gentleman, he helped me hobble home and promptly never let me forget it.)


I know many women can wear sky-high heels with ease, but unless you're one of them, don't. I'm not saying you should wear sneaks, or worse, Uggs, but try to find some sort of manageable middle ground.

我知道有些女生就算踩着高跷也能很轻松的走路,除非你也是这样的,否则不要穿太高跟的鞋子。我不是说你要穿运动鞋,或者Ugg 啥的,不过找找那些你穿得来的中等高度的鞋子吧。


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