



学校_________________________ 班级______________________姓名_________________________

( (



( ( (


( )1. You must stay from the building.

A. away A. of

B. out B. in

C. off

D. up D. to D. a lots of D. look D. a, the D. about D. pick up them D. must D. her, it, her D. are; is

( )2. The park keeper points a sign on the grass.

C. with C. a lot C. looks C. an,the C. nearby

( )3. I know about public signs.

A. lots of A. mean A. an, a A. nearly

B. many B. means B. a, an B. near

( )4. The sign “No parking”.

( )5. There’s American student in my class, she is girl. ( )6. There is a house .

( )7. Your book is under the chair. Please .

A. pick up it A. should A. she, it, her A. is; are

B. pick it up B. shouldn’t B. she’s, her, it B. is; is

C. pick them up C. can

( )8. Grandma is sleeping. We make noise.

( )9. This is ruler. You should give to .

C. her, it, she C. /; is

( )10. — What _______ on the plate? 三、翻译词组。(15分)

1.在墙上 3.散步5. 7. 9. 四、单词填空。(10分)

1. Look, the old man (water) the flowers in the garden. 2. The sign (mean) “Do not touch”.


— There _______ some bread.


3. Liu Tao likes (play) football very much. 4. These (watch) are from his parents. 5. This is not (I) bag. 6. Helen dances (beautiful). 7. — What does that sign mean?

— It means you shouldn’t ___________ (litter) there. 8. — Can you see that sign?

— Yes, I think it means “No _____________ (swim)”.

9. My grandfather ____________ (take) a walk with his dog after supper every day. 10. — Who ______________ (teach) you Chinese lessons? — Mr Li.


1. Li Ming can sing an English song. (改为一般疑问句) Li Ming an English song?

2. We should be quiet in the reading room. (改为同义句) We noise in the reading room. 3. It means “. (对画线部分提问) it mean?

4. The children are flying kites in the playground. (改为否定句) The children kites in the playground. 5. That’s an apple. (改为复数句) apples.

6. means, walk, on, shouldn’t, the, we, it, grass. (连词成句) . 六、完成对话。(5分)

B: Hi! Look, there are a lot of signs here. G: Yes, they are public signs. B: . What does it mean? G: .

B: Oh, I am thirsty. Can I drink some juice?

G: No, you can’t. Look at that sign. It says we shouldn’t eat and drink here. B: I see. Look, there’s a sign over there. It says “No parking”. What does it mean? G: It means B: All right. 七、翻译句子。(12分) 1.Mr Smith正在公园里散步。

Mr Smith in the park. 2.他们正在干什么?他们正在打扫教室。

What they ? They the classroom. 3.太晚了。我必须回家了。


It’s too _____________. I ___________ go home now. 4.你看见那个在草地上的标志了吗?它是什么意思?

Can you ___________ the _________ on the grass? What ________ it _________? 5.你不应该发出响声,孩子们在睡觉。

You _________ ____________ noise, the children _________ __________. 6.在我家附近有许多花。

There are a __________ __________ _____________ around our house. 7.一位警察朝他走了过来。

A policeman __________ __________ to him. 八、阅读理解。 (10分)


Sandy is my cousin. He is only four years old. He likes to touch everything. One day, Sandy and I are taking a walk in the park. Suddenly, Sandy sees some bees on the flowers. He is very happy. He walks on the grass and catches them. Then a park keeper comes up to us. He points to a sign on the grass and says, “Can’t you see the sign?”

Sandy says, “What does it mean?” “It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. Fine ten yuan.” “Oh, sorry, sir. I don’t know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one foot on the grass.” The park keeper laughs and says, “OK, I won’t fine you. Remember don’t do it again.” ( )1. How old is Sandy? A. Six.

B. Five.

C. Four.

D. Three. D. On the grass. D. No, there isn’t. D. No parking.

( )2. Where are they taking a walk? A. In the school. A. Yes, there are. A. Don’t touch.

B. In the park.

C. In the zoo. C. Yes, there is.

( )3. Are there any bees on the flowers?

B. No, there aren’t. B. No climbing.

( )4. What does the sign on the grass mean?

C. Keep off the grass.

( )5. Which sentence following is TRUE?

A. The park keeper fines Sandy ten yuan. C. The park keeper gives Sandy five yuan.


Nancy has got a fever. Ben and Yang Ling are going to the hospital to see her. They get some fruit for Nancy. In the hospital, Ben sees a lot of signs on the wall, “No parking”, “Be quiet”…. Yang Ling sees a special(特殊的) sign on the door. She doesn’t know the sign. She asks a nurse near the door about it. The nurse tells her that it means “No entry”. The sign means other people shouldn’t go inside(里面) the room except(除了) the doctors and nurses. At last(最后), Ben and Yang Ling find Nancy. They hope she will get better soon.

判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。 ( )6. Nancy is ill in hospital.

( )7. Ben and Yang Ling get some flowers for Nancy. ( )8. The sign “No entry” on the door means “闲人免进”.


B. The park keeper fines Sandy five yuan. D. The park keeper doesn’t fine Sandy.

( )9. A doctor tells them the answer. ( )10. There are many signs in the hospital.





学校_________________________ 班级______________________姓名_________________________

( (



( ( (


( )1. You must stay from the building.

A. away A. of

B. out B. in

C. off

D. up D. to D. a lots of D. look D. a, the D. about D. pick up them D. must D. her, it, her D. are; is

( )2. The park keeper points a sign on the grass.

C. with C. a lot C. looks C. an,the C. nearby

( )3. I know about public signs.

A. lots of A. mean A. an, a A. nearly

B. many B. means B. a, an B. near

( )4. The sign “No parking”.

( )5. There’s American student in my class, she is girl. ( )6. There is a house .

( )7. Your book is under the chair. Please .

A. pick up it A. should A. she, it, her A. is; are

B. pick it up B. shouldn’t B. she’s, her, it B. is; is

C. pick them up C. can

( )8. Grandma is sleeping. We make noise.

( )9. This is ruler. You should give to .

C. her, it, she C. /; is

( )10. — What _______ on the plate? 三、翻译词组。(15分)

1.在墙上 3.散步5. 7. 9. 四、单词填空。(10分)

1. Look, the old man (water) the flowers in the garden. 2. The sign (mean) “Do not touch”.


— There _______ some bread.


3. Liu Tao likes (play) football very much. 4. These (watch) are from his parents. 5. This is not (I) bag. 6. Helen dances (beautiful). 7. — What does that sign mean?

— It means you shouldn’t ___________ (litter) there. 8. — Can you see that sign?

— Yes, I think it means “No _____________ (swim)”.

9. My grandfather ____________ (take) a walk with his dog after supper every day. 10. — Who ______________ (teach) you Chinese lessons? — Mr Li.


1. Li Ming can sing an English song. (改为一般疑问句) Li Ming an English song?

2. We should be quiet in the reading room. (改为同义句) We noise in the reading room. 3. It means “. (对画线部分提问) it mean?

4. The children are flying kites in the playground. (改为否定句) The children kites in the playground. 5. That’s an apple. (改为复数句) apples.

6. means, walk, on, shouldn’t, the, we, it, grass. (连词成句) . 六、完成对话。(5分)

B: Hi! Look, there are a lot of signs here. G: Yes, they are public signs. B: . What does it mean? G: .

B: Oh, I am thirsty. Can I drink some juice?

G: No, you can’t. Look at that sign. It says we shouldn’t eat and drink here. B: I see. Look, there’s a sign over there. It says “No parking”. What does it mean? G: It means B: All right. 七、翻译句子。(12分) 1.Mr Smith正在公园里散步。

Mr Smith in the park. 2.他们正在干什么?他们正在打扫教室。

What they ? They the classroom. 3.太晚了。我必须回家了。


It’s too _____________. I ___________ go home now. 4.你看见那个在草地上的标志了吗?它是什么意思?

Can you ___________ the _________ on the grass? What ________ it _________? 5.你不应该发出响声,孩子们在睡觉。

You _________ ____________ noise, the children _________ __________. 6.在我家附近有许多花。

There are a __________ __________ _____________ around our house. 7.一位警察朝他走了过来。

A policeman __________ __________ to him. 八、阅读理解。 (10分)


Sandy is my cousin. He is only four years old. He likes to touch everything. One day, Sandy and I are taking a walk in the park. Suddenly, Sandy sees some bees on the flowers. He is very happy. He walks on the grass and catches them. Then a park keeper comes up to us. He points to a sign on the grass and says, “Can’t you see the sign?”

Sandy says, “What does it mean?” “It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. Fine ten yuan.” “Oh, sorry, sir. I don’t know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one foot on the grass.” The park keeper laughs and says, “OK, I won’t fine you. Remember don’t do it again.” ( )1. How old is Sandy? A. Six.

B. Five.

C. Four.

D. Three. D. On the grass. D. No, there isn’t. D. No parking.

( )2. Where are they taking a walk? A. In the school. A. Yes, there are. A. Don’t touch.

B. In the park.

C. In the zoo. C. Yes, there is.

( )3. Are there any bees on the flowers?

B. No, there aren’t. B. No climbing.

( )4. What does the sign on the grass mean?

C. Keep off the grass.

( )5. Which sentence following is TRUE?

A. The park keeper fines Sandy ten yuan. C. The park keeper gives Sandy five yuan.


Nancy has got a fever. Ben and Yang Ling are going to the hospital to see her. They get some fruit for Nancy. In the hospital, Ben sees a lot of signs on the wall, “No parking”, “Be quiet”…. Yang Ling sees a special(特殊的) sign on the door. She doesn’t know the sign. She asks a nurse near the door about it. The nurse tells her that it means “No entry”. The sign means other people shouldn’t go inside(里面) the room except(除了) the doctors and nurses. At last(最后), Ben and Yang Ling find Nancy. They hope she will get better soon.

判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。 ( )6. Nancy is ill in hospital.

( )7. Ben and Yang Ling get some flowers for Nancy. ( )8. The sign “No entry” on the door means “闲人免进”.


B. The park keeper fines Sandy five yuan. D. The park keeper doesn’t fine Sandy.

( )9. A doctor tells them the answer. ( )10. There are many signs in the hospital.



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