
Analysis of Five Famous Symbols of

American Culture


Abstract: American culture is unique, Statue of Liberty, American Gothic,

Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam and Barbie dolls are five famous symbols of it. Statue of Liberty represents democracy and freedom of American culture.

American Gothic represents the pursuit of diligence of American culture.

Buffalo Nickel represents the pursuit of pioneering spirit of American

culture. Uncle Sam represents the pursuit of patriotism of American

culture. Barbie dolls represent the pursuit of women's liberation of

American culture. Analysis of five famous symbols of American culture

is important for us to know American culture comprehensively.

Key words: Culture Symbol, Cultural Connotation, American Culture

摘要: 美国文化独具特色,具体的表现在其五大文化象征上,即自


化象征分别从对民主自由的追求, 对勤劳耕作、勇于开拓精神的嘉




关键词: 文化象征 文化内涵 美国文化


World-famous "Statue of Liberty", American style "American Gothic,"

"Buffalo Nickels," the kind and lovely "Uncle Sam" and the popular in

the world "Barbie Dolls" composed of five major cultural symbol of

American culture. They represent American culture from different aspects

and angles and enrich the connotation of American culture. By analysis of

five famous symbols of American culture, we can know the American

culture more comprehensively.

I. Statue of Liberty——the symbol of America

Statue of Liberty is also called”Liberty Enlightening the World”,

dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay (now is called Liberty


Statue of Liberty is a gift given to the United States by France in honored

of 100 anniversary of American independence in 1876. It was designed

by French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. It is said that he had used his

wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.

He needed someone whose face represented suffering yet strength,

someone more severe than beautiful. He chose his mother. Statue of

Liberty wears ancient Greek costumes and wears shining crown that has

seven spikes symbolizing seven seas and four continents.

Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters.

The left hand holds "The Declaration of Independence". Under her feet

were broken handcuffs, leg irons and chained. Statue of Liberty

symbolizes freedom, break the constraints of tyranny. Statue of Liberty

is the symbol of America, represents freedom and democracy. Millions

of Americans and people who want to become Americans regarded it as

a halidom,inspire themselves to achieve democracy and pursuit freedom.

So the Statue of Liberty symbolizes the pursuit of the spirit of

democracy and freedom in American culture.

II. American Gothic and Buffalo Nickels——the

pioneering spirit of the United States.

2.1American Gothic

"American Gothic" is a painting that was designed by Grant Wood in

1930.Wood saw a gothic-style house in a small town in the south, which

has made a very deep impression on him. So he imagined a farmer and

his daughter standing in front of the house, then took photos of the house

and took it back to his studio. He asked his 62-year-old dentist and his

30-year-old sister as models to put on the clothes of Victorian era in 19th

century, and spent two months to finalize the pair of work. In the painting, the man holds a pitchfork covered with mud. The man and the woman

look very serious. Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the

only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings. The

major reason is that the peasant man and wife’ expression strongly reflect

the American national spirits ----dare to explore and stand buffer!

2.2Buffalo Nickels

Buffalo nickels is designed by American famous artist James Fraser in

1911, which became a kind of coin between 1913 and 1938.The paintings

on American traditional coin is mainly all previous president. But Buffalo

Nickel didn’t follow, it print two images (American Buffalo and Native

Americans) which was close to extinguish in American westward

movement to commemorate westward movement. If the "American

Gothic" vividly depicts the image of the ordinary farmer at the beginning

of America , and two pictures on buffalo nickels exhibit national

character in the famous American westward movement. They both

represent that the American people farming industriously and dare to

explore in the development process of American.

III. Uncle Sam——the Nickname of America

"Uncle Sam" is just as famous as the Britain's "John Bull ". In

newspapers, magazines, literature and comics of America, we can see his

vivid image. "Uncle Sam" is often portrayed as an old man who is tall,

has a thin face, wears a top hat decorated with stars and wears a tailcoat

and striped trousers. He is white-haired, but hale and hearty.

The image is well-loved by American people. The nickname was

produced in the War of 1812. In Roy of state of New York, there was a

meat packing businessman who was honest, capable, and enthusiastic

about enterprise. The local people affectionately called him "Uncle Sam."

During the war, he served as military inspector in New York and New

Jersey and was responsible for prodding on the beef bucket and barrel. In

January 1812, the governor of New York, visited the factory and saw all

the beef bucket with E.A.-US, then asked what it meant. In a coincidence,

"Uncle Sam" was the abbreviation of US, so a worker jokingly said the

US was "Uncle Sam". From then on, "Uncle Sam" rose to fame. Since

that time the nickname spread far and widely.

There has been a widespread soldier poster that "Uncle Sam" called for

Young Americans in the First World War. It was officially admitted by

American congress as American national symbol in1961.Americans also

regarded Uncle Sam's honesty, hardy virtue and patriotism spirit as their

national pride and common quality.

IV. Barbie Dolls——America Full of Unlimited Energy

Barbie dolls are the most famous and best-selling doll in 20th century,

which is first on display at American International Toy Fair in 1959. And

now Barbie dolls has been sold to more than 150 countries in the word,

whose total sales is up to one billion dollars .The product is made a series

of movies and also adapted to a collection of small games.

The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as

the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll

called Bild Lili. World-famous Barbie dolls can stay forever young and

have changing images. The creators can continue to give her life story

and professional history. Barbie has been feted by the fashion world and

an indispensable element of American culture. The creators and toy

companies consider that Barbie is not just a beautiful modern girl. They

have been trying to shape her into a smart, independent and aggressive

time lady. They hope that Barbie can reflect the social development

and feminine progress.

To encourage women to work in the 1960s, Barbie put on administrative

suit and picked up the briefcase that have business cards, credit cards, a

newspaper and a calculator; When the first man landed on the moon,

Barbie became an astronaut; With the entry into the E era, Barbie began

to e-mail her friends; In order to facilitate national unity, toy companies

had launched "Black Barbie", "Latin Barbie", "Japanese Barbie" "China

Barbie", Barbie Dolls are spokesperson of 45 nationalities. Barbie is not

an ordinary girl's toy doll. She taught the women to be independent, to do

their own masters. M.G. Lord, a cultural critic, in "Forever Barbie" ever

said: "As long as she just changes clothes, she can change herself: she

was doing the solo in the spotlight before a minute, the next minute she

became an astronaut."

Barbie is the incarnation of late capitalism femininity; she symbolizes the

American pop culture. Her image, career and life are the desirable goal

for American girls. Therefore, the "Business Week" in the "2001 Best

Global Brands" list commented on the Barbie brand: "She is not only a

doll but also is a symbol of American social culture."


Five cultural symbols explained American culture in some ways. Statue

of Liberty represents democracy and freedom of American culture.

American Gothic represents the pursuit of diligence of American culture.

Buffalo Nickel represents the pursuit of pioneering spirit of American

culture. Uncle Sam represents the pursuit of patriotism of American

culture. Barbie dolls represent the pursuit of women's liberation of

American culture. American culture is unique and quite attractive. It left a

valuable historical and cultural heritage for the world.

Works Cited

[1]Althen,G.American Ways[M]. Intercultural Press,1988.


[3]Moreno.B, The Statue of Liberty[M].Arcadia Publishing, 2004.

[4]Sexton P T, Our" Uncle Samuel" and His IOU’S [J]. The North American Review, 1896: 249-252.

[5]Susan J.Dickey, We girls can do anything-right Barbie! [J]. Survey of Barbie Doll Fashions, 2001,(1).














Analysis of Five Famous Symbols of

American Culture


Abstract: American culture is unique, Statue of Liberty, American Gothic,

Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam and Barbie dolls are five famous symbols of it. Statue of Liberty represents democracy and freedom of American culture.

American Gothic represents the pursuit of diligence of American culture.

Buffalo Nickel represents the pursuit of pioneering spirit of American

culture. Uncle Sam represents the pursuit of patriotism of American

culture. Barbie dolls represent the pursuit of women's liberation of

American culture. Analysis of five famous symbols of American culture

is important for us to know American culture comprehensively.

Key words: Culture Symbol, Cultural Connotation, American Culture

摘要: 美国文化独具特色,具体的表现在其五大文化象征上,即自


化象征分别从对民主自由的追求, 对勤劳耕作、勇于开拓精神的嘉




关键词: 文化象征 文化内涵 美国文化


World-famous "Statue of Liberty", American style "American Gothic,"

"Buffalo Nickels," the kind and lovely "Uncle Sam" and the popular in

the world "Barbie Dolls" composed of five major cultural symbol of

American culture. They represent American culture from different aspects

and angles and enrich the connotation of American culture. By analysis of

five famous symbols of American culture, we can know the American

culture more comprehensively.

I. Statue of Liberty——the symbol of America

Statue of Liberty is also called”Liberty Enlightening the World”,

dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay (now is called Liberty


Statue of Liberty is a gift given to the United States by France in honored

of 100 anniversary of American independence in 1876. It was designed

by French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. It is said that he had used his

wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.

He needed someone whose face represented suffering yet strength,

someone more severe than beautiful. He chose his mother. Statue of

Liberty wears ancient Greek costumes and wears shining crown that has

seven spikes symbolizing seven seas and four continents.

Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters.

The left hand holds "The Declaration of Independence". Under her feet

were broken handcuffs, leg irons and chained. Statue of Liberty

symbolizes freedom, break the constraints of tyranny. Statue of Liberty

is the symbol of America, represents freedom and democracy. Millions

of Americans and people who want to become Americans regarded it as

a halidom,inspire themselves to achieve democracy and pursuit freedom.

So the Statue of Liberty symbolizes the pursuit of the spirit of

democracy and freedom in American culture.

II. American Gothic and Buffalo Nickels——the

pioneering spirit of the United States.

2.1American Gothic

"American Gothic" is a painting that was designed by Grant Wood in

1930.Wood saw a gothic-style house in a small town in the south, which

has made a very deep impression on him. So he imagined a farmer and

his daughter standing in front of the house, then took photos of the house

and took it back to his studio. He asked his 62-year-old dentist and his

30-year-old sister as models to put on the clothes of Victorian era in 19th

century, and spent two months to finalize the pair of work. In the painting, the man holds a pitchfork covered with mud. The man and the woman

look very serious. Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the

only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings. The

major reason is that the peasant man and wife’ expression strongly reflect

the American national spirits ----dare to explore and stand buffer!

2.2Buffalo Nickels

Buffalo nickels is designed by American famous artist James Fraser in

1911, which became a kind of coin between 1913 and 1938.The paintings

on American traditional coin is mainly all previous president. But Buffalo

Nickel didn’t follow, it print two images (American Buffalo and Native

Americans) which was close to extinguish in American westward

movement to commemorate westward movement. If the "American

Gothic" vividly depicts the image of the ordinary farmer at the beginning

of America , and two pictures on buffalo nickels exhibit national

character in the famous American westward movement. They both

represent that the American people farming industriously and dare to

explore in the development process of American.

III. Uncle Sam——the Nickname of America

"Uncle Sam" is just as famous as the Britain's "John Bull ". In

newspapers, magazines, literature and comics of America, we can see his

vivid image. "Uncle Sam" is often portrayed as an old man who is tall,

has a thin face, wears a top hat decorated with stars and wears a tailcoat

and striped trousers. He is white-haired, but hale and hearty.

The image is well-loved by American people. The nickname was

produced in the War of 1812. In Roy of state of New York, there was a

meat packing businessman who was honest, capable, and enthusiastic

about enterprise. The local people affectionately called him "Uncle Sam."

During the war, he served as military inspector in New York and New

Jersey and was responsible for prodding on the beef bucket and barrel. In

January 1812, the governor of New York, visited the factory and saw all

the beef bucket with E.A.-US, then asked what it meant. In a coincidence,

"Uncle Sam" was the abbreviation of US, so a worker jokingly said the

US was "Uncle Sam". From then on, "Uncle Sam" rose to fame. Since

that time the nickname spread far and widely.

There has been a widespread soldier poster that "Uncle Sam" called for

Young Americans in the First World War. It was officially admitted by

American congress as American national symbol in1961.Americans also

regarded Uncle Sam's honesty, hardy virtue and patriotism spirit as their

national pride and common quality.

IV. Barbie Dolls——America Full of Unlimited Energy

Barbie dolls are the most famous and best-selling doll in 20th century,

which is first on display at American International Toy Fair in 1959. And

now Barbie dolls has been sold to more than 150 countries in the word,

whose total sales is up to one billion dollars .The product is made a series

of movies and also adapted to a collection of small games.

The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as

the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll

called Bild Lili. World-famous Barbie dolls can stay forever young and

have changing images. The creators can continue to give her life story

and professional history. Barbie has been feted by the fashion world and

an indispensable element of American culture. The creators and toy

companies consider that Barbie is not just a beautiful modern girl. They

have been trying to shape her into a smart, independent and aggressive

time lady. They hope that Barbie can reflect the social development

and feminine progress.

To encourage women to work in the 1960s, Barbie put on administrative

suit and picked up the briefcase that have business cards, credit cards, a

newspaper and a calculator; When the first man landed on the moon,

Barbie became an astronaut; With the entry into the E era, Barbie began

to e-mail her friends; In order to facilitate national unity, toy companies

had launched "Black Barbie", "Latin Barbie", "Japanese Barbie" "China

Barbie", Barbie Dolls are spokesperson of 45 nationalities. Barbie is not

an ordinary girl's toy doll. She taught the women to be independent, to do

their own masters. M.G. Lord, a cultural critic, in "Forever Barbie" ever

said: "As long as she just changes clothes, she can change herself: she

was doing the solo in the spotlight before a minute, the next minute she

became an astronaut."

Barbie is the incarnation of late capitalism femininity; she symbolizes the

American pop culture. Her image, career and life are the desirable goal

for American girls. Therefore, the "Business Week" in the "2001 Best

Global Brands" list commented on the Barbie brand: "She is not only a

doll but also is a symbol of American social culture."


Five cultural symbols explained American culture in some ways. Statue

of Liberty represents democracy and freedom of American culture.

American Gothic represents the pursuit of diligence of American culture.

Buffalo Nickel represents the pursuit of pioneering spirit of American

culture. Uncle Sam represents the pursuit of patriotism of American

culture. Barbie dolls represent the pursuit of women's liberation of

American culture. American culture is unique and quite attractive. It left a

valuable historical and cultural heritage for the world.

Works Cited

[1]Althen,G.American Ways[M]. Intercultural Press,1988.


[3]Moreno.B, The Statue of Liberty[M].Arcadia Publishing, 2004.

[4]Sexton P T, Our" Uncle Samuel" and His IOU’S [J]. The North American Review, 1896: 249-252.

[5]Susan J.Dickey, We girls can do anything-right Barbie! [J]. Survey of Barbie Doll Fashions, 2001,(1).















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