




~ 功率因数低,增加电网损耗,加大电能生产成本,降低生产效率。

~ 无功冲击引起电网电压降低、波动及闪变,严重时导致传动装置及保护装


~ 产生高次谐波电流,导致电网电压畸变。~ 导致保护及安全自动装置误动作。

~ 电容器组谐波电流放大,使电容器过负荷或过电压,甚至烧毁。~ 增加变压器损耗,引起变压器发热。

~ 导致电力设备发热,电机力矩不稳甚至损坏。~ 加速电力设备绝缘老化,绝缘易击穿。~ 干扰通讯信号。

~ 导致电网三相不平衡,产生负序电流使电机转子发生振动。

 Now Power Grid Facing threat

The power support quality is mainly judged by supply voltage variation, voltage wave and flickering, grid harmonic, 3 phases voltage unbalance, system frequency variation and other parameters etc.. As the more and more non-linear electrical equipments are used in the grid, the grid’s power support quality is affected seriously. Various electrical and electronic switch units and the frequent wave of load are two main factors which cause below drawbacks:

~ Low power factors, increase grid exhaustion, increase power generation cost, decrease

production efficiency.

~ Grid voltage decrease, wave and flicker, causes faults on drive device and protection

device, even production ceased.


~ 调节系统电压~ 保持电压稳定~ 控制无功潮流~ 增加输送能力

~ 为AC-DC换流器提供无功功率~ 提高系统的静态和暂态稳定性~ 加强对低频振荡的阻尼

 SVC 在用户侧可发挥的作用

~ 提高功率因数~ 减少无功潮流~ 降低电能损耗

~ 抑制电压波动和闪变

~ 减少非线性负荷引起的电压影响和谐波干扰~ 三相负荷平衡化

~ High order harmonic current, causes grid voltage distortion.~ Protection and safe auto device error operation.

~ Capacitors harmonic charging current increases, cause fusers overloaded or overvoltage,

even burned.

~ Increase transformers wear down, cause transformers heating up.

~ Cause equipment heating up, motor torque unstablized and even broken.~ Increase equipment’s aging, easy to make insulation broken.~ Disturb telecommunication signal.

~ Cause grid three phases unbalanced, generate negative order current to make rotors


The Functions of SVC in Power Grid SVC

~ Adjust system voltage.~ Keep voltage stable.~ Control wattless wave.

~ Increase transmission ability.

~ Provide compensation for AC-DC converter.~ Improve system static stable.


Strengthen low frequency tremble damp.

 The Functions of SVC for Users SVC

~ Increase power factors.~ Decrease wattless wave.~ Decrease power loss.

~ Restrain voltage fluctuate and flicker.

~ Decrease harmonic disturb from non-linear load.~ Make three phases balanced.


 TCR 型SVC 补偿原理

SVC 的主要功能是改善电压调整率,还可以补偿功率因数。系统、负载和补偿器的单相等效电路原理图如下图右上。其中U、R、X分别为系统的线电压、电阻、电抗。当电压变化⊿U<<U,并且R<<X时,反应系统电压与无功功率动态补偿关系的特性曲线如下图右下。系统的特性曲线可以用下式近似:

U =U 0⋅(1−

Q ∆U ∆Q =−或者0S C

式中,U 0-无功功率为零时的系统电压;S SC -系统短路容量。

可见,无功功率的变化引起系统电压成比例的变化。投入补偿器之后,系统供给的无功功率为负载和补偿无功功率之和,即 Q=QL +Qr 因此,当负载无功功率QL 变化时,如果补偿器的无功功率Q r 总能够弥补Q L 变化,从而使Q 维持不变,即⊿Q=0,则⊿U=0,供电电压保持恒定,这就是对无功功率进行动态补偿的原理。图中示出了进行动态无功功率补偿,并使系统工作点保持在Q=QA =常数的情形。当Q=0时,即图中C 点时,实现了功率因数的完全补偿。

 SVC Working Theory SVC

The main function of SVC is to improve voltage adjust rate, and compensate power factor. The single phase equal effect electrical circuit theoretical drawing of system, load and compensator is the picture at left. The U, R,X are repetitively the cable voltage, resistance, reactance. When △U<<U, R<<X, the characteristics curve of the relationship between reaction system voltage and wattless static compensation is the picture at right. The characteristic curve of system can be described as below:

U =U 0⋅(1−

Q Q U =U 0⋅(1− or




system voltage U


r Q L

U 0-system voltage when wattless power rate is zero;S SC -system short circuit capacity.

So we can see the change of wattles power causes change of system voltage. The system wattles power is the sum of load and compensation power Q=QL =Qr Therefore, when QL changes, if the Qr can compensate the change of QL , which means △Q=0, and then △U=0, the power source keeps invariable. The picture shows the static wattless compensation which based on Q=QA .. When Q=0, which is the C point, the complete compensation has been realized.














准确地进行无功补偿,稳定母线电压,提高功率因数,彻底解决无功倒送问安装SVC可以很好的消除或削弱上述影响,保持母线电压平稳,消除谐波干题。安装新的SVC 系统时,可以充分利用原有的固定电容器组,只需增加晶扰,提高功率因数。

闸管相控电抗器(TCR)部分即可,投资节省,效果极佳,成为改善区域电Rolling Mill


The huge three phases type motor like rolling mill, frequently change symmetrical load to District Substation

cause wattless impact, can cause below harms.

In the district substation, it is usually apply classified cut type capacitors method to Cause grid voltage decrease and wave, when it is serious, equipment can’t work.compensate system and improve power factor, this method only can provide capacitor Generate harmful harmonic, mainly about add harmonic at 5, 7,11, 13, and other high wattless, and the adjustment is not accurate. When assure the power factor, at the same frequency harmonic, causes grid serious distortion.

time, cause reversed wattless power, increase bus voltage, influence equipment and To be equipped with SVC, can properly reduce above effects, keep bus voltage stable, system’s stabilization.

eliminate harmonic disturb, increase power factor.

The JZE’s SVC can properly solve above mentioned problems, can provide wattless compensation rapidly, stabilize bus voltage, improve power factor, completely solve the problem of reversed wattless power. When install the new SVC equipment, can sufficiently use original capacitor, just need to add TCR part, this method save cost, and effective.





产生谐波,普遍存在如2、4次偶次谐波与3、5、7次等奇次谐波共存情况,~ 稳定弱系统电压电压畸变加剧。~ 提高稳态输送容量存在严重的电压闪变。

~ 提高系统暂态稳定性功率因数低,生产效率低、损耗变大。

~ 增强电力系统阻尼解决上述问题的最有效方法是安装动态无功补偿装置(SVC)。九洲公司的~ 缓解次同步谐振SVC 系统响应时间小于10ms,完全可以快速补偿电弧炉的无功功率,稳定~ 预防电压不稳定

母线电压,抑制闪变。SVC 的分相补偿方式可以实现母线三相电压的平衡,~ 改善直流输电系统性能

同时滤波装置可以将有害高次谐波滤除。SVC 系统可以将功率因数提高到安装SVC系统成为我国目前电网安全高效稳定运行的重要技术保障。


Long Distance Power Transmission

Arc Furnace

The trend of power industry is turning to huge power grid, long distance transmission, Arc Furnace is important equipment in metallurgy industry, it is typical non-linear irregular and also requires higher safety and reliability. SVC can apparently improve the system’load. To connect it into grid, will cause a series of harmful effects.s ability of transmission, which has been proved world wide. To install SVC at one or more Cause grid’s three phases unbalanced, generate negative order current.sites in the grid, and fulfill below purpose:

Generate harmonic. The distortion of voltage gets worse.~ Stabilize week system voltage.

Serious voltage flicker.

~ Increase stable transmission capacity.Low power factor, production efficiency gets low, and waste gets more.

~ Increase transient stability.

The best way to solve above mentioned problem is to equip with SVC. The reaction time of ~ Strengthen power system damp.

JZE’s SVC is less than 10ms, can completely compensate the wattless power, stabilize ~ Relieve secondary synchronic harmonic.bus voltage, restrain flicker. SVC’s compensation method can realize bus three phase ~ Prevent unstable voltage.

voltage balance, and at the same time filtrate harmful high frequency harmonic. The power ~ Improve DC transmission systematical performance

factor can improve to 0.92, the waste is reduced, the efficiency is improved.

To install SVC has become a efficient and safe solution for China’s grid.







~ 结构:柜式结构

~ 作用:用于实时计算电网无功,控制晶闸管触发角的大小,进而控制补偿


Digital Control

Electrical Power Vehicle

The electrical power vehicle uses single phase AC power to cause serious three phase unbalance. When the vehicle goes up slope, it consumes vast wattless power, and consumes very little when goes down, this causes power factor seriously decrease. To install SVC, and apply separate phases compensate method to balance there phase grid, with static compensation of wattless power to improve power factor.

~ structure:cubicle type

~ functions:applied in grid’s wattless calculation, control thyristor touch off angle, then

to control volume of wattless compensation.


自冷组架式结构,接受来自控制系统的信号,改变晶闸管触发角的大小,产生相应的无功补偿电流。高压晶闸管选用ABB 优质产品,性能良好。高位板集成自取能,触发监控,BOD 保护等多种功能。

High Voltage Thyristor Valves

Self cooling frame type, receiving signal from control system, change thyristor touch off angle, to create wattless compensating current. The thyristor valves are ABB products which have good quality and performance. And it has functions touch off monitoring, BOD protection etc.


~ 这类负载在起动工作过程中会对电网产生以下影响。~ 引起电网电压下降及波动。~ 功率因数降低。

~ 变频器整流器等传动装置会产生有害的高次谐波。

~ 安装SVC 可以很好地解决上述问题,通过快速无功补偿稳定网压,提高功


~ 结构:空芯干式,上下双线圈,自然冷却。

~ 作用:通过晶闸管的电流流经补偿电抗器时,产生系统所需的感性无功,


Compensation Hollow Reactor

Heavy Industry Load like Crane Machine,Wind Motor,Pump etc.

~ structure:Hollow dry type, up and down double loops, natural cooling.

~ functions:Generate required compensation, to keep bus voltage and power factor


~ These kinds of load can cause following effect to the grid.~ Grid voltage decreased and waving.~ Decrease power factor.

~ Harmful high order harmonics.

~ To install SVC can properly solve above problems. By fast wattless compensation, to

stabilize grid voltage, increase power factor, to filtrate system’s high order harmonics.



~ 结构:电抗器为空芯干式,自然冷却。电力电容器为组架式安装,自然冷却。~ 作用:消除流经系统的高次谐波,向系统提供容性无功,提高功率因数。

High Order Harmonic Filtrating Device

Composed by reactor, power capacitor and resistor, can compose many filtrating channel, in order to filtrate high order harmonic.

~ structure:the reactor is hollow dry type, up and down double loops, natural cooling.

Power capacitor is framed installation, natural cooling.

~ Functions:eliminate high order harmonic, provide compensation, improve power




TCR 型SVC 的性能指标

~ 电压:6kV、10kV、27.5kV及35kV~ 容量:1Mvar~100Mvar。


~ 控制器:控制柜+监控柜

~ 晶闸管阀组:晶闸管+高电位触发板+静态均压电阻+动态均压电阻、电


~ 相控电抗器(空心)~ 滤波电抗器(空心)~ 固定电容器组~ 隔离开关

 TCR type SVC

TCR type SVC performance index

~ Voltage:6kV、10kV、27.5kV and 35kV~ Capacity:1Mvar~100Mvar.

The composition of TCR+FC type SVC system

~ Controller:Control cabinet+monitoring cabinet


如下图所示,TCR+FC型SVC装置主要由三部分构成:FC滤波器、TCR晶闸管控制电抗器和~ 控制系统采用基于DSP的全数字化控制器,应用瞬时无功理论进行编程控

控制保护系统。FC滤波器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,晶闸管控制电抗器 (TCR)用制,动态响应快、控制精度高、编程功能强,模块化设计,对几兆至几十兆于平衡系统中由于负载的波动所产生的感性无功功率。通过调节晶闸管触发角的大小,控制装置均可提供一体化的构造方式。

流过电抗器的电流达到控制无功功率的目的。根据负荷无功功率QL 的变化情况,改变电抗器~ 监控系统提供友好人机界面,实时显示系统工作状态。的无功功率QTCR (感性无功功率)。即不管负载的无功功率QL 如何变化,总要使二者之和为常~


数,这个常数等于电容器组发出的容性无功功率QC 的数值,使取自电网的无功功率Q为常数~ 控制方式灵活,可实现三相同时控制、分相控制和三相平衡化等多种控制

或为0,即:Q=QC -(QL +QTCR )=常数(或0),最终使得电网的功率因数保持恒定值,电压几乎方式。

不波动,从而达到无功补偿的目的,以抑制负载波动所造成的系统电压波动和闪变。控制保护系统通过采集到的供电母线电压及电流,在DSP控制器中计算出所需补偿的导纳值,从而Technical features

得出触发角的大小,并通过控制系统发出,改变晶闸管的触发角,来调整流过相控电抗器中的感性无功电流,实现了供电电网由于负载的变化引起的无功波动的动态跟踪调节。 ~ The adoption of control system is based on DSP full-digital controller and

applies instantaneous reactive theory to realize programming control, fast Shown as above figure, TCR+FC type SVC device is composed of FC filter, TCR thyristor control reactor dynamic response, high control precision, favorable programming function and control protection system. FC filter is used for providing capacitive reactive power and harmonic filter. and modular design. It can provide integrated structural mode for ten to Thyristor control reactor (TCR) is used for balancing inductive reactive power produced by load fluctuation several tens of mega of device.

in the system. Adjusting the size of thyristor trigger angle can realize the control of current flowing through ~ Monitoring system can provide friendly human-machine interface and

reactor and the control of reactive power. We can change reactive power QTCR of reactor (inductive reactive working state of real display system.

power) according to load reactive power QL . That is to say, no matter how to change load reactive power ~ The cooling system is taken use of heat tube cooling method with low

Q L , the sum of both must be a constant and it will be equal to the value of capacitive reactive power emitted operating noise and reliable operation.

by capacitor bank to keep reactive power Q from power grid a constant or zero, namely, Q=QC -(QL +QTCR ~ Flexible control method can realize multiple control modes including

=constant(or zero). Finally, power factor of power grid will remain constant value and it doesn’t have any three-phase simultaneous control, individual phase control and three-phase voltage fluctuation, and then realize reactive compensation in order to restrain system voltage fluctuation and balance etc.

flicker caused by load fluctuation. By acquired voltage and current from power supply bus, control protection system can calculate compensated admittance value in the DSP controller and then obtain the size of trigger TCR+FC型SVC 系统相关型号说明

angle. Then it can be given out by control system to change thyristor trigger angle, further more adjust Introduction on related type for TCR+FC type SVC systeminductive reactive current flowing through phase control capacitor so as to realize dynamic tracking regulation

of reactive fluctuation caused by change of load in the power grid.

产品型号 Product type

PowerSolver TM -TCR-□/□-□

滤波回路支数Filter circuit count电压等级(kV)

Voltage grade (kV)可调容量(Mvar)

Adjustable capacity (Mvar)SVC类型:TCR型SVC type: TCR type注册商标

Registered trademark产品名称

Product name


Cabinet body and Valve block Type



F: Valve block; K: Control cabinet; J: Monitoring cabinet电压等级Voltage grade (kV)


Capacity QL



FC滤波器、容量QcControl protection system

The capacity of thyristor control reactor QTCR

FC filter & capacity Qc

The Quantities of Single phase valve block thyristor SVC 类型:TCR型TCR+FC型SVC 系统工作原理SVC Type: TCR TypeThe working principle of TCR+FC 九洲电气SVC Type SVC system




~ 根据用户系统谐波构成含量和无功功率补偿容量进行量身定做,充分适应


~ 根据负荷不同投入情况,灵活设计分组,达到既补偿无功功率又能治理谐


Technical Features

~ Be customized by user system's harmonic content and capacity of reacting power

compensation,fully adapted to user needs.

~ Be designed neatly based on the different condition of load inputted,to react power

compensation,and reduce harmonic at the same time.

高压电力滤波器(FC)产品型号High voltage power filter (FC) type


PowerSolver TM -FC-□/□-□


Numbers of filter高压电力滤波器(FC)的性能指标

电压等级(kV)~Voltage grade(kV) 电压:6kV、10kV、27.5kV及35kV滤波器容量(Mvar)~ 容量:原则上容量不限。

Filter capacity(Mvar)滤波类型:FC 型高压电力滤波器(FC)的系统组成

Filter type:FC注册商标

~ 控制柜

Registered trademark

~ 滤波电抗器(空心)产品名称

~Product name


~ 高压断路器或真空接触器

 High voltage power filter(FC)

High voltage power filter (FC) performance index

~ Voltage:6kV、10kV、27.5kV and 35kV

~ Capacity:In general there isn’t any limit of capacity

The composition of High voltage power filter (FC) system

~ Control cabinet

~ Filter reactor (hollow)~ Fixed capacitors

~ High voltage breaker or vacuum contactor

FC 滤波器、容量Q c FC filter & capacity Q





~ 电压:6kV、10kV

~ 容量:几百kvar~5000kvar

HVC 型无功补偿系统组成

~ 控制柜:功能因数控制器+继电控制~ 滤波电抗器(铁心)Capacity QL



Control protection TSC compensation circuit

HVC compensation circuit

~ 补偿电容器组


~ 断路器或真空接触器

TSC+HVC型SVC 系统工作原理

The working principle of TSC+HVC Type SVC system

 Traditional reactive compensation HVC(MSC)

如上图所示,TSC+HVC型SVC 装置主要由三部分构成:HVC 补偿器、TSC 补HVC (MSC) performance index

偿器和控制保护系统。HVC补偿器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,晶~ Voltage:6kV、10kV

闸管投切电容器 (TSC)用于平衡系统中由于负载的波动所产生的感性无功功~ Capacity:hundreds of kvar~5000kvar

率。通过控制晶闸管的导通与关断,来平衡变动的负荷产生的无功Q L 。最终The composition of HVC Type reactive compensation system

使得电网的功率因数保持恒定值,电压几乎不波动,从而达到无功补偿的目的,以抑制负载波动所造成的系统电压波动和闪变。控制保护系统通过采集~ Control cabinet:power factor controller+relay control到的供电母线电压及电流,在DSP 控制器中计算出所需补偿的导纳值,从而~ Filter reactor (core)

发出HVC1、HVC2及TSC 的投切信号,使相应补偿回路按控制器要求投入或~ Compensation capacitor bank切断, TSC的投切信号送入过零触发系统,在检测到阀组两端电压为零时发~ Breaker or vacuum contactor

出触发脉冲,使TSC 接入电网,接入时无浪涌电流,无操作过电压,可频繁投切,为使电网不过补,补偿系统通过控制器可随时发出TSC 投切信号来调整补偿的大小,从而控制向电网提供的补偿容量,实现无功补偿的自动调整功能。

As shown in above figure, TSC+HVC type SVC device is mainly composed of HVC compensator: TSC compensator and control protection system. HVC compensator is used for providing reactive power and harmonic filter, thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) is used for balancing inductive reactive power occurred by load fluctuation in the system. Controlling thyristor on / off can balance reactive power QL occurred by changeable load. Finally power factor of power grid will be kept a constant value, it almost haven’t voltage fluctuation and then realize reactive compensation in order to restrain fluctuation and flicker of system voltage caused by load fluctuation. Control protection system through collecting voltage and current of power supply bus can calculate compensated admittance value in the DSP controller and then give out switching signal of HVC1, HVC2 and TSC so as to ensure relative compensation circuit to input or cut off according to the requirement of controller, TSC switching signal are transported to zero-crossing trigger system and give out trigger pulse when voltage of both end of valve block is zero, and TSC will access to the power grid and in the process there isn’t any surge current, operating over voltage and can frequently switch in order to ensure without a over-compensation for power grid. Compensation system through controller can freely gives out TSC switching signal to adjust the size of compensation and then control compensation capacity providing for power grid in order to realize automatic adjusting function of reactive compensation.



如下图所示,HVC 型无功补偿装置主要由两部分构成:HVC 补偿器及功率因数控制器。HVC 补偿器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,功率因数控制器用于控制HVC 补偿回路的投切。通过采集到的供电母线的电压及电流,经过功率因数控制器的计算后,发出HVC1、HVC2及HVC3的投切信号,使相应补偿回路按功率因数控制器要求自动投入或切开,实现电网的自动投切补偿。Shown as right figure, HVC type reactive compensation device is mainly composed of HVC compensator and power factor controller. HVC compensator is used for providing capacitive reactive power and harmonic filter. Power factor controller is used for controlling the switching of HVC compensation circuit. The device can adopt voltage and current of power supply bus, and after calculation of power factor controller. It can give out the switching signals of HVC1, HVC2 and HVC3 to ensure related compensation to input or cut off automatically according to the requirement of power factor controller and then realize automatic switch compensation of power grid.

HVC 型无功补偿相关型号说明

Instruction on related type for HVC type reactive compensation产品型号 Product type

PowerSolver TM - HVC-□/□-□

HVC 回路支数HVC circuit count电压等级(kV)Voltage grade (kV)补偿容量(kvar)

Compensation capacity (kvar)补偿类型:HVC 型

Compensation type: HVC type注册商标

Registered trademark产品名称Product name

柜体型号 Cabinet type

JZEHVC -□/□-□


Control compensation circuit count电压等级(kV)Voltage grade (kV)补偿总容量(kvar)

Total compensation capacity (kvar) 九洲电气HVC JZE HVC


The working principle of HVC Type

reactive compensation






~ 功率因数低,增加电网损耗,加大电能生产成本,降低生产效率。

~ 无功冲击引起电网电压降低、波动及闪变,严重时导致传动装置及保护装


~ 产生高次谐波电流,导致电网电压畸变。~ 导致保护及安全自动装置误动作。

~ 电容器组谐波电流放大,使电容器过负荷或过电压,甚至烧毁。~ 增加变压器损耗,引起变压器发热。

~ 导致电力设备发热,电机力矩不稳甚至损坏。~ 加速电力设备绝缘老化,绝缘易击穿。~ 干扰通讯信号。

~ 导致电网三相不平衡,产生负序电流使电机转子发生振动。

 Now Power Grid Facing threat

The power support quality is mainly judged by supply voltage variation, voltage wave and flickering, grid harmonic, 3 phases voltage unbalance, system frequency variation and other parameters etc.. As the more and more non-linear electrical equipments are used in the grid, the grid’s power support quality is affected seriously. Various electrical and electronic switch units and the frequent wave of load are two main factors which cause below drawbacks:

~ Low power factors, increase grid exhaustion, increase power generation cost, decrease

production efficiency.

~ Grid voltage decrease, wave and flicker, causes faults on drive device and protection

device, even production ceased.


~ 调节系统电压~ 保持电压稳定~ 控制无功潮流~ 增加输送能力

~ 为AC-DC换流器提供无功功率~ 提高系统的静态和暂态稳定性~ 加强对低频振荡的阻尼

 SVC 在用户侧可发挥的作用

~ 提高功率因数~ 减少无功潮流~ 降低电能损耗

~ 抑制电压波动和闪变

~ 减少非线性负荷引起的电压影响和谐波干扰~ 三相负荷平衡化

~ High order harmonic current, causes grid voltage distortion.~ Protection and safe auto device error operation.

~ Capacitors harmonic charging current increases, cause fusers overloaded or overvoltage,

even burned.

~ Increase transformers wear down, cause transformers heating up.

~ Cause equipment heating up, motor torque unstablized and even broken.~ Increase equipment’s aging, easy to make insulation broken.~ Disturb telecommunication signal.

~ Cause grid three phases unbalanced, generate negative order current to make rotors


The Functions of SVC in Power Grid SVC

~ Adjust system voltage.~ Keep voltage stable.~ Control wattless wave.

~ Increase transmission ability.

~ Provide compensation for AC-DC converter.~ Improve system static stable.


Strengthen low frequency tremble damp.

 The Functions of SVC for Users SVC

~ Increase power factors.~ Decrease wattless wave.~ Decrease power loss.

~ Restrain voltage fluctuate and flicker.

~ Decrease harmonic disturb from non-linear load.~ Make three phases balanced.


 TCR 型SVC 补偿原理

SVC 的主要功能是改善电压调整率,还可以补偿功率因数。系统、负载和补偿器的单相等效电路原理图如下图右上。其中U、R、X分别为系统的线电压、电阻、电抗。当电压变化⊿U<<U,并且R<<X时,反应系统电压与无功功率动态补偿关系的特性曲线如下图右下。系统的特性曲线可以用下式近似:

U =U 0⋅(1−

Q ∆U ∆Q =−或者0S C

式中,U 0-无功功率为零时的系统电压;S SC -系统短路容量。

可见,无功功率的变化引起系统电压成比例的变化。投入补偿器之后,系统供给的无功功率为负载和补偿无功功率之和,即 Q=QL +Qr 因此,当负载无功功率QL 变化时,如果补偿器的无功功率Q r 总能够弥补Q L 变化,从而使Q 维持不变,即⊿Q=0,则⊿U=0,供电电压保持恒定,这就是对无功功率进行动态补偿的原理。图中示出了进行动态无功功率补偿,并使系统工作点保持在Q=QA =常数的情形。当Q=0时,即图中C 点时,实现了功率因数的完全补偿。

 SVC Working Theory SVC

The main function of SVC is to improve voltage adjust rate, and compensate power factor. The single phase equal effect electrical circuit theoretical drawing of system, load and compensator is the picture at left. The U, R,X are repetitively the cable voltage, resistance, reactance. When △U<<U, R<<X, the characteristics curve of the relationship between reaction system voltage and wattless static compensation is the picture at right. The characteristic curve of system can be described as below:

U =U 0⋅(1−

Q Q U =U 0⋅(1− or




system voltage U


r Q L

U 0-system voltage when wattless power rate is zero;S SC -system short circuit capacity.

So we can see the change of wattles power causes change of system voltage. The system wattles power is the sum of load and compensation power Q=QL =Qr Therefore, when QL changes, if the Qr can compensate the change of QL , which means △Q=0, and then △U=0, the power source keeps invariable. The picture shows the static wattless compensation which based on Q=QA .. When Q=0, which is the C point, the complete compensation has been realized.














准确地进行无功补偿,稳定母线电压,提高功率因数,彻底解决无功倒送问安装SVC可以很好的消除或削弱上述影响,保持母线电压平稳,消除谐波干题。安装新的SVC 系统时,可以充分利用原有的固定电容器组,只需增加晶扰,提高功率因数。

闸管相控电抗器(TCR)部分即可,投资节省,效果极佳,成为改善区域电Rolling Mill


The huge three phases type motor like rolling mill, frequently change symmetrical load to District Substation

cause wattless impact, can cause below harms.

In the district substation, it is usually apply classified cut type capacitors method to Cause grid voltage decrease and wave, when it is serious, equipment can’t work.compensate system and improve power factor, this method only can provide capacitor Generate harmful harmonic, mainly about add harmonic at 5, 7,11, 13, and other high wattless, and the adjustment is not accurate. When assure the power factor, at the same frequency harmonic, causes grid serious distortion.

time, cause reversed wattless power, increase bus voltage, influence equipment and To be equipped with SVC, can properly reduce above effects, keep bus voltage stable, system’s stabilization.

eliminate harmonic disturb, increase power factor.

The JZE’s SVC can properly solve above mentioned problems, can provide wattless compensation rapidly, stabilize bus voltage, improve power factor, completely solve the problem of reversed wattless power. When install the new SVC equipment, can sufficiently use original capacitor, just need to add TCR part, this method save cost, and effective.





产生谐波,普遍存在如2、4次偶次谐波与3、5、7次等奇次谐波共存情况,~ 稳定弱系统电压电压畸变加剧。~ 提高稳态输送容量存在严重的电压闪变。

~ 提高系统暂态稳定性功率因数低,生产效率低、损耗变大。

~ 增强电力系统阻尼解决上述问题的最有效方法是安装动态无功补偿装置(SVC)。九洲公司的~ 缓解次同步谐振SVC 系统响应时间小于10ms,完全可以快速补偿电弧炉的无功功率,稳定~ 预防电压不稳定

母线电压,抑制闪变。SVC 的分相补偿方式可以实现母线三相电压的平衡,~ 改善直流输电系统性能

同时滤波装置可以将有害高次谐波滤除。SVC 系统可以将功率因数提高到安装SVC系统成为我国目前电网安全高效稳定运行的重要技术保障。


Long Distance Power Transmission

Arc Furnace

The trend of power industry is turning to huge power grid, long distance transmission, Arc Furnace is important equipment in metallurgy industry, it is typical non-linear irregular and also requires higher safety and reliability. SVC can apparently improve the system’load. To connect it into grid, will cause a series of harmful effects.s ability of transmission, which has been proved world wide. To install SVC at one or more Cause grid’s three phases unbalanced, generate negative order current.sites in the grid, and fulfill below purpose:

Generate harmonic. The distortion of voltage gets worse.~ Stabilize week system voltage.

Serious voltage flicker.

~ Increase stable transmission capacity.Low power factor, production efficiency gets low, and waste gets more.

~ Increase transient stability.

The best way to solve above mentioned problem is to equip with SVC. The reaction time of ~ Strengthen power system damp.

JZE’s SVC is less than 10ms, can completely compensate the wattless power, stabilize ~ Relieve secondary synchronic harmonic.bus voltage, restrain flicker. SVC’s compensation method can realize bus three phase ~ Prevent unstable voltage.

voltage balance, and at the same time filtrate harmful high frequency harmonic. The power ~ Improve DC transmission systematical performance

factor can improve to 0.92, the waste is reduced, the efficiency is improved.

To install SVC has become a efficient and safe solution for China’s grid.







~ 结构:柜式结构

~ 作用:用于实时计算电网无功,控制晶闸管触发角的大小,进而控制补偿


Digital Control

Electrical Power Vehicle

The electrical power vehicle uses single phase AC power to cause serious three phase unbalance. When the vehicle goes up slope, it consumes vast wattless power, and consumes very little when goes down, this causes power factor seriously decrease. To install SVC, and apply separate phases compensate method to balance there phase grid, with static compensation of wattless power to improve power factor.

~ structure:cubicle type

~ functions:applied in grid’s wattless calculation, control thyristor touch off angle, then

to control volume of wattless compensation.


自冷组架式结构,接受来自控制系统的信号,改变晶闸管触发角的大小,产生相应的无功补偿电流。高压晶闸管选用ABB 优质产品,性能良好。高位板集成自取能,触发监控,BOD 保护等多种功能。

High Voltage Thyristor Valves

Self cooling frame type, receiving signal from control system, change thyristor touch off angle, to create wattless compensating current. The thyristor valves are ABB products which have good quality and performance. And it has functions touch off monitoring, BOD protection etc.


~ 这类负载在起动工作过程中会对电网产生以下影响。~ 引起电网电压下降及波动。~ 功率因数降低。

~ 变频器整流器等传动装置会产生有害的高次谐波。

~ 安装SVC 可以很好地解决上述问题,通过快速无功补偿稳定网压,提高功


~ 结构:空芯干式,上下双线圈,自然冷却。

~ 作用:通过晶闸管的电流流经补偿电抗器时,产生系统所需的感性无功,


Compensation Hollow Reactor

Heavy Industry Load like Crane Machine,Wind Motor,Pump etc.

~ structure:Hollow dry type, up and down double loops, natural cooling.

~ functions:Generate required compensation, to keep bus voltage and power factor


~ These kinds of load can cause following effect to the grid.~ Grid voltage decreased and waving.~ Decrease power factor.

~ Harmful high order harmonics.

~ To install SVC can properly solve above problems. By fast wattless compensation, to

stabilize grid voltage, increase power factor, to filtrate system’s high order harmonics.



~ 结构:电抗器为空芯干式,自然冷却。电力电容器为组架式安装,自然冷却。~ 作用:消除流经系统的高次谐波,向系统提供容性无功,提高功率因数。

High Order Harmonic Filtrating Device

Composed by reactor, power capacitor and resistor, can compose many filtrating channel, in order to filtrate high order harmonic.

~ structure:the reactor is hollow dry type, up and down double loops, natural cooling.

Power capacitor is framed installation, natural cooling.

~ Functions:eliminate high order harmonic, provide compensation, improve power




TCR 型SVC 的性能指标

~ 电压:6kV、10kV、27.5kV及35kV~ 容量:1Mvar~100Mvar。


~ 控制器:控制柜+监控柜

~ 晶闸管阀组:晶闸管+高电位触发板+静态均压电阻+动态均压电阻、电


~ 相控电抗器(空心)~ 滤波电抗器(空心)~ 固定电容器组~ 隔离开关

 TCR type SVC

TCR type SVC performance index

~ Voltage:6kV、10kV、27.5kV and 35kV~ Capacity:1Mvar~100Mvar.

The composition of TCR+FC type SVC system

~ Controller:Control cabinet+monitoring cabinet


如下图所示,TCR+FC型SVC装置主要由三部分构成:FC滤波器、TCR晶闸管控制电抗器和~ 控制系统采用基于DSP的全数字化控制器,应用瞬时无功理论进行编程控

控制保护系统。FC滤波器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,晶闸管控制电抗器 (TCR)用制,动态响应快、控制精度高、编程功能强,模块化设计,对几兆至几十兆于平衡系统中由于负载的波动所产生的感性无功功率。通过调节晶闸管触发角的大小,控制装置均可提供一体化的构造方式。

流过电抗器的电流达到控制无功功率的目的。根据负荷无功功率QL 的变化情况,改变电抗器~ 监控系统提供友好人机界面,实时显示系统工作状态。的无功功率QTCR (感性无功功率)。即不管负载的无功功率QL 如何变化,总要使二者之和为常~


数,这个常数等于电容器组发出的容性无功功率QC 的数值,使取自电网的无功功率Q为常数~ 控制方式灵活,可实现三相同时控制、分相控制和三相平衡化等多种控制

或为0,即:Q=QC -(QL +QTCR )=常数(或0),最终使得电网的功率因数保持恒定值,电压几乎方式。

不波动,从而达到无功补偿的目的,以抑制负载波动所造成的系统电压波动和闪变。控制保护系统通过采集到的供电母线电压及电流,在DSP控制器中计算出所需补偿的导纳值,从而Technical features

得出触发角的大小,并通过控制系统发出,改变晶闸管的触发角,来调整流过相控电抗器中的感性无功电流,实现了供电电网由于负载的变化引起的无功波动的动态跟踪调节。 ~ The adoption of control system is based on DSP full-digital controller and

applies instantaneous reactive theory to realize programming control, fast Shown as above figure, TCR+FC type SVC device is composed of FC filter, TCR thyristor control reactor dynamic response, high control precision, favorable programming function and control protection system. FC filter is used for providing capacitive reactive power and harmonic filter. and modular design. It can provide integrated structural mode for ten to Thyristor control reactor (TCR) is used for balancing inductive reactive power produced by load fluctuation several tens of mega of device.

in the system. Adjusting the size of thyristor trigger angle can realize the control of current flowing through ~ Monitoring system can provide friendly human-machine interface and

reactor and the control of reactive power. We can change reactive power QTCR of reactor (inductive reactive working state of real display system.

power) according to load reactive power QL . That is to say, no matter how to change load reactive power ~ The cooling system is taken use of heat tube cooling method with low

Q L , the sum of both must be a constant and it will be equal to the value of capacitive reactive power emitted operating noise and reliable operation.

by capacitor bank to keep reactive power Q from power grid a constant or zero, namely, Q=QC -(QL +QTCR ~ Flexible control method can realize multiple control modes including

=constant(or zero). Finally, power factor of power grid will remain constant value and it doesn’t have any three-phase simultaneous control, individual phase control and three-phase voltage fluctuation, and then realize reactive compensation in order to restrain system voltage fluctuation and balance etc.

flicker caused by load fluctuation. By acquired voltage and current from power supply bus, control protection system can calculate compensated admittance value in the DSP controller and then obtain the size of trigger TCR+FC型SVC 系统相关型号说明

angle. Then it can be given out by control system to change thyristor trigger angle, further more adjust Introduction on related type for TCR+FC type SVC systeminductive reactive current flowing through phase control capacitor so as to realize dynamic tracking regulation

of reactive fluctuation caused by change of load in the power grid.

产品型号 Product type

PowerSolver TM -TCR-□/□-□

滤波回路支数Filter circuit count电压等级(kV)

Voltage grade (kV)可调容量(Mvar)

Adjustable capacity (Mvar)SVC类型:TCR型SVC type: TCR type注册商标

Registered trademark产品名称

Product name


Cabinet body and Valve block Type



F: Valve block; K: Control cabinet; J: Monitoring cabinet电压等级Voltage grade (kV)


Capacity QL



FC滤波器、容量QcControl protection system

The capacity of thyristor control reactor QTCR

FC filter & capacity Qc

The Quantities of Single phase valve block thyristor SVC 类型:TCR型TCR+FC型SVC 系统工作原理SVC Type: TCR TypeThe working principle of TCR+FC 九洲电气SVC Type SVC system




~ 根据用户系统谐波构成含量和无功功率补偿容量进行量身定做,充分适应


~ 根据负荷不同投入情况,灵活设计分组,达到既补偿无功功率又能治理谐


Technical Features

~ Be customized by user system's harmonic content and capacity of reacting power

compensation,fully adapted to user needs.

~ Be designed neatly based on the different condition of load inputted,to react power

compensation,and reduce harmonic at the same time.

高压电力滤波器(FC)产品型号High voltage power filter (FC) type


PowerSolver TM -FC-□/□-□


Numbers of filter高压电力滤波器(FC)的性能指标

电压等级(kV)~Voltage grade(kV) 电压:6kV、10kV、27.5kV及35kV滤波器容量(Mvar)~ 容量:原则上容量不限。

Filter capacity(Mvar)滤波类型:FC 型高压电力滤波器(FC)的系统组成

Filter type:FC注册商标

~ 控制柜

Registered trademark

~ 滤波电抗器(空心)产品名称

~Product name


~ 高压断路器或真空接触器

 High voltage power filter(FC)

High voltage power filter (FC) performance index

~ Voltage:6kV、10kV、27.5kV and 35kV

~ Capacity:In general there isn’t any limit of capacity

The composition of High voltage power filter (FC) system

~ Control cabinet

~ Filter reactor (hollow)~ Fixed capacitors

~ High voltage breaker or vacuum contactor

FC 滤波器、容量Q c FC filter & capacity Q





~ 电压:6kV、10kV

~ 容量:几百kvar~5000kvar

HVC 型无功补偿系统组成

~ 控制柜:功能因数控制器+继电控制~ 滤波电抗器(铁心)Capacity QL



Control protection TSC compensation circuit

HVC compensation circuit

~ 补偿电容器组


~ 断路器或真空接触器

TSC+HVC型SVC 系统工作原理

The working principle of TSC+HVC Type SVC system

 Traditional reactive compensation HVC(MSC)

如上图所示,TSC+HVC型SVC 装置主要由三部分构成:HVC 补偿器、TSC 补HVC (MSC) performance index

偿器和控制保护系统。HVC补偿器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,晶~ Voltage:6kV、10kV

闸管投切电容器 (TSC)用于平衡系统中由于负载的波动所产生的感性无功功~ Capacity:hundreds of kvar~5000kvar

率。通过控制晶闸管的导通与关断,来平衡变动的负荷产生的无功Q L 。最终The composition of HVC Type reactive compensation system

使得电网的功率因数保持恒定值,电压几乎不波动,从而达到无功补偿的目的,以抑制负载波动所造成的系统电压波动和闪变。控制保护系统通过采集~ Control cabinet:power factor controller+relay control到的供电母线电压及电流,在DSP 控制器中计算出所需补偿的导纳值,从而~ Filter reactor (core)

发出HVC1、HVC2及TSC 的投切信号,使相应补偿回路按控制器要求投入或~ Compensation capacitor bank切断, TSC的投切信号送入过零触发系统,在检测到阀组两端电压为零时发~ Breaker or vacuum contactor

出触发脉冲,使TSC 接入电网,接入时无浪涌电流,无操作过电压,可频繁投切,为使电网不过补,补偿系统通过控制器可随时发出TSC 投切信号来调整补偿的大小,从而控制向电网提供的补偿容量,实现无功补偿的自动调整功能。

As shown in above figure, TSC+HVC type SVC device is mainly composed of HVC compensator: TSC compensator and control protection system. HVC compensator is used for providing reactive power and harmonic filter, thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) is used for balancing inductive reactive power occurred by load fluctuation in the system. Controlling thyristor on / off can balance reactive power QL occurred by changeable load. Finally power factor of power grid will be kept a constant value, it almost haven’t voltage fluctuation and then realize reactive compensation in order to restrain fluctuation and flicker of system voltage caused by load fluctuation. Control protection system through collecting voltage and current of power supply bus can calculate compensated admittance value in the DSP controller and then give out switching signal of HVC1, HVC2 and TSC so as to ensure relative compensation circuit to input or cut off according to the requirement of controller, TSC switching signal are transported to zero-crossing trigger system and give out trigger pulse when voltage of both end of valve block is zero, and TSC will access to the power grid and in the process there isn’t any surge current, operating over voltage and can frequently switch in order to ensure without a over-compensation for power grid. Compensation system through controller can freely gives out TSC switching signal to adjust the size of compensation and then control compensation capacity providing for power grid in order to realize automatic adjusting function of reactive compensation.



如下图所示,HVC 型无功补偿装置主要由两部分构成:HVC 补偿器及功率因数控制器。HVC 补偿器用于提供容性无功功率及谐波滤波,功率因数控制器用于控制HVC 补偿回路的投切。通过采集到的供电母线的电压及电流,经过功率因数控制器的计算后,发出HVC1、HVC2及HVC3的投切信号,使相应补偿回路按功率因数控制器要求自动投入或切开,实现电网的自动投切补偿。Shown as right figure, HVC type reactive compensation device is mainly composed of HVC compensator and power factor controller. HVC compensator is used for providing capacitive reactive power and harmonic filter. Power factor controller is used for controlling the switching of HVC compensation circuit. The device can adopt voltage and current of power supply bus, and after calculation of power factor controller. It can give out the switching signals of HVC1, HVC2 and HVC3 to ensure related compensation to input or cut off automatically according to the requirement of power factor controller and then realize automatic switch compensation of power grid.

HVC 型无功补偿相关型号说明

Instruction on related type for HVC type reactive compensation产品型号 Product type

PowerSolver TM - HVC-□/□-□

HVC 回路支数HVC circuit count电压等级(kV)Voltage grade (kV)补偿容量(kvar)

Compensation capacity (kvar)补偿类型:HVC 型

Compensation type: HVC type注册商标

Registered trademark产品名称Product name

柜体型号 Cabinet type

JZEHVC -□/□-□


Control compensation circuit count电压等级(kV)Voltage grade (kV)补偿总容量(kvar)

Total compensation capacity (kvar) 九洲电气HVC JZE HVC


The working principle of HVC Type

reactive compensation



  • 高压静止无功补偿.doc
  • 高压静止无功补偿 1 引言 目前,我国电网的建设和运行中长期存在的一个问题是无功补偿容量不足和配备不合理,特别是可调节的无功容量不足,快速响应的无功调节设备更少.近年来,随着大功率非线性负荷的不断增加,电网的无功冲击和谐波污染呈不断上升的趋势,无功调节手段的缺乏使得母线电压随运行方式的改变而变化很大 ...

  • 节能与电能质量监测治理技术评估报告1217
  • 节能与电能质量监测治理技术评估报告(初稿) 1 技术基本情况 研究背景 随着国民经济的高速发展,对能源的需求也不断增长.而石油.煤炭等不可再生资源却日渐枯竭,因此如何实现节能和高效利用现有能源已成为当务之急.作为一种适用范围最广.使用最方便的清洁能源,电能的可持续发展已成为国民经济持续健康发展的重要 ...

  • 高压MCR型动态无功补偿装置
  • 高压MCR 型动态无功补偿装置[推荐] 高压MCR 型动态无功补偿装置 MCR型可控电抗器动态无功补偿系统由并联固定电容器组(兼滤波) 和先进的磁控电抗器(MCR )组成.磁控电抗器容量无级可调,能自动快速跟踪补偿负荷无功.稳定母线电压.该系统控制器采用16位微电脑芯片,能实时检测电网无功和电压参数 ...

  • 长线路电压质量的改善措施
  • 长线路电压质量的改善措施 0引言 礼经电器 降损节能和提高电能质量一直是电力企业追求的目标,经过 几年大规模的电网建设与改造,10kV 配电网已得到极大的改善.由于自然地理条件和投资收益等原因,少数偏远地区的10kV 线路供电半径仍然超出国家标准.随着我国经济的飞速发展,广大农村用户对用电质量要求越 ...

  • 工业节能增效解决方案
  • 工业节能增效解决方案 目录 一.引言 ........................................................................................... 3 二.工业用电现状分析 . ........................ ...

  • 磁控电抗器产品介绍
  • MSVC成套装置(磁控电抗器) 产品介绍 北京国能子金电气技术有限公司 目 录 前 言..........................................................................................................1 ...

  • 高压静止无功补偿装置水冷系统(06[1].01.05蓝元良)
  • DL 中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL xxxx-200x 高压静止无功补偿装置 第5部分 密闭式水冷却装置 High-voltage static VAR compensator Part 5 closed-loop water cooling system (送审稿) 200x-xx-xx发布 ...

  • 企业项目可行性报告
  • 附件二:系统开发与应用可行性研究报告项目名称: 小营站 220kV 站 STATCOM 系统的开发与应用 申请单位: 起止时间: 秦皇岛电力公司 2008 年 1 月 至 2009 年 12 月 曲效荣 秦皇岛市海洋路 50 号 066000 0335-3382108 0335-3382112 20 ...

  • 无功补偿技术
  • 无功补偿技术 一.为何需要无功补偿 在正常情况下,用电设备不但要从电源取得有功功率,同时还需要从电源取得无功功率.如果电网中的无功功率供不应求,用电设备就没有足够的无功功率来建立正常的电磁场,这些用电设备就不能维持在额定情况下工作,用电设备的端电压就要下降,从而影响用电设备的正常运行.但是从发电机和 ...