
Module 1~2

1. Telecommuting


employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or mode 2. clock and off 上下班打卡

3. a nine-to five job 朝九晚五的工作

4. compressed work weeks 周工作小时不变,工作天数变化 5. shift-work

You work during different parts of the day (eg. Nights) 6. freelance 自由职业者

You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. 7. temping(temp) 打临时工

You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract. 8. flexi-time

You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.

9. hot-desking

You don’t have a permanent place or office to work at, but you find a place to work when you arrive.

10. telecommuting=teleworking

You work for a company from home via email, phone or the Internet.

11. part-time

You only work for some of the week (not full-time). 12. shift-work

You do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part. 13. consultancy

You aren’t employed by a company, but are paid to give specialist advice. 14. Pension 养老金

a regular payment to a person that is intended to allow them to subsist without working 15. Parental leave

time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work with his or her baby

(Parental leave is an employee benefit that provides paid or unpaid time off work to care for a child or make arrangements for the child's welfare. The term

A pension plan in which the amount of an employee's pension is based on the number of years that they worked for each employer and the salary they had at the end of each

period of employment

17. reward and recognition scheme 奖励和认可制度 18. take … with a pinch of salt 对…半信半疑

Not completely believe something is true or likely

19. turnover 离职率、营业额(在课本中,是营业额的意思)

1) The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time. 营业额

2) The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced. 人员流动率 20. distribution center 配销中心

Place where goods are sent to be sold 21. warehouse 仓库

Place where goods are sold 22. holding company 控股公司

Company which controls others with the largest stake(over 51%) 23. call center 客服中心

Place where employee give information to customers by telephone 24. plant 工厂

Factory with industrial machinery 25. headquarter 公司总部 The head office of a company 26. subsidiary 子公司

Company owned by a holding company 27. branch 分公司

Office or group that forms part of a large company 26. corporation 与company区别

An organization formed by a group of companies 27. division 部门

A separate part of a large comany

Module 3

Vocabulary 1、Sole trader

You are self-employed and set up the business on your own. 独立法人,独立经销店 2、Partnership

You are self-employed and start the business with another person. You are both equally liable. 合伙经营


You buy a license to trade under the name of the franchiser and you benefit from the franchiser’s expertise.

连锁店,特许经营 4、Entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurial means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.

企业家的,创业者的 5、compromise

A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people. 妥协,折衷 6、ludicrous

If you describe something as ludicrous, you are emphasizing that you think it is foolish, unreasonable, or unsuitable. 滑稽的,荒唐的 7、solicitor

In Britain, a solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents and cases, and represents clients in the lower courts of law. 律师

8、profit margin

A profit margin is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producing and marketing it. 利润率

9、branch out into 扩展到


A venture is a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks 冒险,风险,企业

Writing:Taking notes and messages Tips:

When we take notes of what people say, it’s important to summarise it in a short message. Try to use fewer words and make it clear. Example

Dates:The event is on the 25th.

Times:The schedule says Jochen is speaking at 9.30pm but he’s supposed to speak at 11am. He’d actually prefer to speak at 2pm Numbers: His mobile is 0778 890 8895.

Module 4


 If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those

duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf.

 If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone

else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work. Incentive

 If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it. Define

 If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its

limits are, or what it is like.  阐明;规定;限定;使明确

 If you define a word or expression, you explain its meaning, for example in a

dictionary. let go of

 If you let go of someone or something, you stop holding them, release, as from

one's grip

 If you let go of a feeling, attitude, or the control that you have over something, you

accept that you should give it up or that it should no longer influence you. Misunderstanding

 A misunderstanding of sth. is a failure to understand something properly, for

example a situation or a person's remarks. Challenging

 If you do something in a challenging way, you seem to be inviting people to argue

with you or compete against you in some way. tailor按需定制;量身打造

 If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it

suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it.  tailor sth. to sb’s needs

 Sb is tailor-made for the task.

 Sb. tailor-makes sth. according to the person.因人而异 Bits and pieces各种七零八碎的东西

 You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things. rise to the challenge of 受到批评

 rise to the challenge of risk

 His poor performance rise to the challenge from the audience . reward 奖赏;奖励

 If you do something and are rewarded with a particular benefit, you receive that

benefit as a result of doing that thing.

 If you say that something rewards your attention or effort, you mean that it is worth

spending time or effort on it. specify明确说明

 If you specify something, you give information about what is required or should

happen in a certain situation.

 If you specify what should happen or be done, you explain it in an exact and detailed

way. update sb. on sth.告诉最新进展

 If you update someone on a situation, you tell them the latest developments in that


 If you update something, you make it more modern, usually by adding new parts to it

or giving new information. brief 介绍基本情况

 If someone briefs you, especially about a piece of work or a serious matter, they give

you information that you need before you do it or consider it. check

 If you check on someone or something, you make sure they are in a safe or

satisfactory condition

 If you check something that is written on a piece of paper, you put a mark, like a V

with the right side extended, next to it to show that something is correct or has been selected or dealt with. boost

 If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.  If something boosts your confidence or morale, it improves it. available

 Someone who is available is not busy and is therefore free to talk to you or to do a

particular task.

 Sb. is available to do sth.  Sb. is available for sth.

A Report

Here are more phrases you can use for report writing.  Introduction

This report sets out to…

The purpose of this report is to…  Findings

It was found that … In addition to… Alternatively As a result of This means…

 Recommendations In conclusion

I would suggest that…

The findings clearly show that we should…

Module 5

1. consultant

A consultant is a person who gives expert advice to a person or organization on a particular subject. 2.source 寻找货源

In business, if a person or firm sources a product or a raw material for another business, they find someone who will supply it. 3.be sourced from由…提供

About 60 percent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer. 4. commission

If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you. 5. health care

Health care is the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession

Eg. In today's America, health care is one of the very biggest businesses. In Holland, the government sets a yearly budget for health care. 6. regenerate

To regenerate something means to develop and improve it to make it more active, successful, or important, especially after a period when it has been getting worse; or to form again (especially with improvements or removal of defects); renew and reconstitute 7. multinational company

A multinational company has branches or owns companies in many different countries. 8. multinational countries or regions

Multinational countries or regions have a population that is made up of people of several different nationalities. 9. budget

If you budget certain amounts of money for particular things, you decide that you can afford to spend those amounts on those things. (1) budget for

Your budget for something is the amount of money that you have available to spend on it. (2) on/within a budget of

Do something on/within a budget of $1000 (3) is budgeted at

The movie is budgeted at …

10.a referral from sb. to professional person or agency

A referral from sb. to professional person or agency is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them; or a recommendation to consult the (professional) person referred to. 11.work alongside

If you work alongside other people, you all work together in the same place. 12.expertise

Expertise is special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study, or practice.

13. have an appointment with

If you have an appointment with someone, you have arranged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work or for a serious purpose. 14.be done by appointment

If something can be done by appointment, people can arrange in advance to do it at a particular time. 15. art gallery

An art gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of works of art in it. 16. database

A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to. 17.(1) on site

If someone or something is on site, they are in a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. (2) off site

If someone or something is off site, they are away from a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. 18. collaborative

A collaborative piece of work is done by two or more people or groups working together. 19.varied

Something that is varied consists of things of different types, sizes, or qualities. Eg. His diet is varied and balanced. 20.bold

A bold color or pattern is very bright and noticeable. 21. corporate

Corporate means relating to business corporations or to a particular business corporation. 22. say something about

If something says something about a person, situation, or thing, it gives important information about them.

23. say a lot for a person or thing

If something says a lot for a person or thing, it shows that this person or thing is very good or has a lot of good qualities. 24.rent

If you rent something from someone , you regularly pay its owner a sum of money in order to be able to have it and use it yourself

If you rent something to someone, you let them have it and use it in exchange for a sum of money which they pay you regularly. 25.justify

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

Useful Words and Expressions 1. attend a meeting 参加会议,出席会议 2. hold a meeting 举办会议, 开会

3. reach an agreement 达成一份协议

4. to source art (为商务用途)选择艺术装饰品 5. to commission art 定制艺术品 6. regeneration n. 重建,再生

7. sector n. (尤指商业、贸易等的)部门、领域、行业 8. internet advertising 互联网广告 9. installation n. 安装 10.healthcare n. 保健

11. referral n. 推荐人, 保荐人 12. specialist knowledge 专业知识 13. expertise n. 专家意见,专门技术/知识 14. make an appointment 预约,约会 15. gallery n. 美术馆,画廊 16. visual adj. 视觉的, 可视的 17. reference database n. 参考数据库 18. premise n. 楼宇,单位,处所 19. direct speech n. 直接引语 20. reported speech n. 间接引语

21. anecdotal things n. 轶事, 闲闻轶事 22. social norm 社会规范 23. questionnaire n. 调查表,调查问卷 24. goal-oriented adj. 目标明确的 25. office decoration n. 办公室装饰 26. accommodation n. 住宿 27. sponsor n. 主办方,赞助单位 28. buffet n. 自助餐 29. collaborative adj.合作的 30. on-site adj. 现场的

31. International Art Consultants 国际艺术顾问公司 32. chairperson 主席 33. minutes 备忘录,会议记录 34. take the minutes 做会议记录 35. agenda 议事日程 36. set the agenda 制定议程 37. move on (to the next point) 进入(下一点) 38. see somebody's point 明白某人的观点 39. go along (with sb.) on the point 同意某人的某个观点 40. head of a coin 硬币的正面 41.tail of a coin 硬币的反面 42.counter 筹码

Module 6 Recruitment

1. BBS电子公告板, 公告板服务

Bulletin Board System / Bulletin Board Service

Electronic bulletin board

2. OAS 办公自动化系统

( Office Automation System ) includes multi - media information , electronic bulletin board , public address system, property management system, and business convention system. OAS 办公自动化系统包括多媒体查询、电子布告 、 公共广播 、 物业管理系统 以及商务会议系统.

3.referral 推荐;移交

the act of referring (as forwarding an applicant for employment or referring a matter to an appropriate agency)

Referral is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them.

4.job fair 招聘会;人才招聘会;工作招聘会

Assist with the recruiting process, including interview arrangment , job fair, job posting, etc.

协助招聘流程, 包括面试安排, 招聘会,职位发布/招聘海报等

5.head-hunter 猎头公司,人才交流服务中心

talent exchange service centre

6.LinkedIn 领英

Refer to: LinkedIn.doc

7. ①be made redundant (人员因过剩)被解雇的,被裁减的

If you are made redundant, your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you. ②redundancy 裁减冗员;裁员

When there are redundancies, an organization tells some of its employees to leave because their jobs are no longer necessary or because the organization can no longer afford to pay them


④take voluntary redundcancy自愿离职,自愿接受辞职

8. sack sb / gives sb the sack 解雇;开除;炒鱿鱼

If your employers sack you / gives you the sack, they tell you that you can no longer work for them because you have done something that they did not like or because your work was not good enough.

9. ①give sb the axe拒绝某人;辞退某人;解雇某人

②get the axe被辞退,被解雇

③be axed/axe sth 解雇;裁减;削减;撤销

If someone's job / a public service / a television programme is axed, it is ended suddenly and without discussion.

④face the axe (通常为节省资金而进行的)解雇,撤销,关闭

If a person or institution is facing the axe, that person is likely to lose their job or that institution is likely to be closed, usually in order to save money.

10. ①give a job: take someone on, hire, recruit, employ

②take someone’s job away: dismiss, fire, sack, lay off(临时解雇), make redundant(裁员),

: give notice(预先通知), walk out(罢工), resign, take voluntary


11. CC (用于商业书信的末尾)抄送给,副本呈送(复写的副本(Carbon Copy))

CC is used at the end of a business letter to indicate that a copy is being sent to another person.


A carbon is a sheet of carbon paper

Carbon copy复印件;副本

A carbon copy is a copy of a piece of writing that is made using carbon paper.

Forward 转交;转发;转接

If a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier.

Hard copy硬拷贝;打印稿

A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a version that is stored

on a computer.

Back copy过期刊物

A back copy of a magazine or newspaper is the same as a back issue.


email address 电子邮件地址

stay online 保持在线状态

incoming messages 发来的邮件

have email relationships with sb与某人保持电子邮件联系

have never met in person 从未谋面

inbox 收件箱

in case 以防万一

save 保存



delete 删除

email addict电子邮件成瘾者

Kick the habit戒掉习惯,戒除嗜好

clicking the habit 电子邮件点击癖

in the case of 就…而言,对于,至于

check the inbox 检查收件箱

subject line 主题行

project development officer 项目开发执行官

tribunal 法庭,裁判机关

log on to 登陆,进入

fire off 发送

text message短信

migraine 偏头痛migraine ['mi:ɡrein, 'mai-]

a severe recurring vascular headache; occurs more frequently in women than men

voicemail 语音信箱

automated messages自动信息

car plant 汽车工厂,汽车制造厂

pay off付清

mortgage 抵押,按揭贷款

13. Writing—Memo (Type of internal communication)

To: All production staff

From: Valter Rinckes

CC: Inga Palgimi

Subject: Health and Safety Inspection


Would all staff note that our annual health and safety inspection will take place on Monday, 23 February starting at 9:30. I'd be grateful if team leaders would check all exits are clear including the warehouse and storage areas. We appreciate your help in this matter.


1.pilot n. 飞行员

2.fighter pilot战斗机飞行员

3.shake off摆脱,甩掉

4.unglamorous没有魅力的,无浪漫色彩的, 乏味的,单调的

5.unglamorous image单调的形象

6.association with与…的联系

7.jolly n. 痛快,刺激

8.door-to-door adj. &adv. 挨家挨户的(地)

9.gamble vi. 投机,赌博

10.pay off还清(债),获得成功

11.tangible adj. 有形的,具体的,切实的

12.buzz n. (俚语)极度兴奋,微醉

13.commercial director销售总监

14.pitch n. 程度,(文化、知识、教育、 能力等方面的)水平

15.sales pitch推销商品的口才

N-COUNT A salesperson's sales pitch is what they say in order to persuade someone to buy something from them. 推销辞令

16.a firm of architects 建筑设计公司

17.administration staff行政人员,行政管理人员

18.call centre 呼叫中心,电话服务中心,客 服中心

19.driving lesson驾驶课

20.conveyor belt传送带,输送带

21.replace A with B用B来替换A

22.cold calling(向潜在客户拨打的)冷不防 电话,无约电话

Cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients—typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network—who were not expecting such an interaction.

23.outnumber vt. 数目上超过,数量上超过

24.job description 职务说明

25.distrust vt. 不信任,不相信

26.stuff n.材料

27.overload vt.超载

28.specification n.规格

29.prduct specifications 产品规格

30.dimensions n.尺寸

31.website 网址

32.classic adj.典型的

33.outgonging adj.外向的

34.pesonality n.性格

35.Personality type 性格类型

36.turn down 拒绝

37.knockback n. 拒绝,打击

38.hang up挂断电话

39.stationery n.文具/letter paper 信纸

40.home improvement 重新装修

41.insulation n.绝缘,绝热,隔离

42.office space 写字楼

43.availability n.可用性

44.Alternative n.可用性

45.promopt adj.迅速的

46.a prompt decision 快速决定

47.warehouse n.仓库

48.lot n.地段

N-COUNT A lot is a small area of land that belongs to a person or company. (个人或公司的) 一小块地

49.dog fighting空战

50.be up for sale 挂牌待销售

51.giving themselves airs/be putting on airs 装腔作势

Act like the master of

52.a pure myth 纯属虚构

Module 1~2

1. Telecommuting


employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or mode 2. clock and off 上下班打卡

3. a nine-to five job 朝九晚五的工作

4. compressed work weeks 周工作小时不变,工作天数变化 5. shift-work

You work during different parts of the day (eg. Nights) 6. freelance 自由职业者

You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. 7. temping(temp) 打临时工

You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract. 8. flexi-time

You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.

9. hot-desking

You don’t have a permanent place or office to work at, but you find a place to work when you arrive.

10. telecommuting=teleworking

You work for a company from home via email, phone or the Internet.

11. part-time

You only work for some of the week (not full-time). 12. shift-work

You do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part. 13. consultancy

You aren’t employed by a company, but are paid to give specialist advice. 14. Pension 养老金

a regular payment to a person that is intended to allow them to subsist without working 15. Parental leave

time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work with his or her baby

(Parental leave is an employee benefit that provides paid or unpaid time off work to care for a child or make arrangements for the child's welfare. The term

A pension plan in which the amount of an employee's pension is based on the number of years that they worked for each employer and the salary they had at the end of each

period of employment

17. reward and recognition scheme 奖励和认可制度 18. take … with a pinch of salt 对…半信半疑

Not completely believe something is true or likely

19. turnover 离职率、营业额(在课本中,是营业额的意思)

1) The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time. 营业额

2) The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced. 人员流动率 20. distribution center 配销中心

Place where goods are sent to be sold 21. warehouse 仓库

Place where goods are sold 22. holding company 控股公司

Company which controls others with the largest stake(over 51%) 23. call center 客服中心

Place where employee give information to customers by telephone 24. plant 工厂

Factory with industrial machinery 25. headquarter 公司总部 The head office of a company 26. subsidiary 子公司

Company owned by a holding company 27. branch 分公司

Office or group that forms part of a large company 26. corporation 与company区别

An organization formed by a group of companies 27. division 部门

A separate part of a large comany

Module 3

Vocabulary 1、Sole trader

You are self-employed and set up the business on your own. 独立法人,独立经销店 2、Partnership

You are self-employed and start the business with another person. You are both equally liable. 合伙经营


You buy a license to trade under the name of the franchiser and you benefit from the franchiser’s expertise.

连锁店,特许经营 4、Entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurial means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.

企业家的,创业者的 5、compromise

A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people. 妥协,折衷 6、ludicrous

If you describe something as ludicrous, you are emphasizing that you think it is foolish, unreasonable, or unsuitable. 滑稽的,荒唐的 7、solicitor

In Britain, a solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents and cases, and represents clients in the lower courts of law. 律师

8、profit margin

A profit margin is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producing and marketing it. 利润率

9、branch out into 扩展到


A venture is a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks 冒险,风险,企业

Writing:Taking notes and messages Tips:

When we take notes of what people say, it’s important to summarise it in a short message. Try to use fewer words and make it clear. Example

Dates:The event is on the 25th.

Times:The schedule says Jochen is speaking at 9.30pm but he’s supposed to speak at 11am. He’d actually prefer to speak at 2pm Numbers: His mobile is 0778 890 8895.

Module 4


 If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those

duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf.

 If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone

else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work. Incentive

 If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it. Define

 If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its

limits are, or what it is like.  阐明;规定;限定;使明确

 If you define a word or expression, you explain its meaning, for example in a

dictionary. let go of

 If you let go of someone or something, you stop holding them, release, as from

one's grip

 If you let go of a feeling, attitude, or the control that you have over something, you

accept that you should give it up or that it should no longer influence you. Misunderstanding

 A misunderstanding of sth. is a failure to understand something properly, for

example a situation or a person's remarks. Challenging

 If you do something in a challenging way, you seem to be inviting people to argue

with you or compete against you in some way. tailor按需定制;量身打造

 If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it

suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it.  tailor sth. to sb’s needs

 Sb is tailor-made for the task.

 Sb. tailor-makes sth. according to the person.因人而异 Bits and pieces各种七零八碎的东西

 You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things. rise to the challenge of 受到批评

 rise to the challenge of risk

 His poor performance rise to the challenge from the audience . reward 奖赏;奖励

 If you do something and are rewarded with a particular benefit, you receive that

benefit as a result of doing that thing.

 If you say that something rewards your attention or effort, you mean that it is worth

spending time or effort on it. specify明确说明

 If you specify something, you give information about what is required or should

happen in a certain situation.

 If you specify what should happen or be done, you explain it in an exact and detailed

way. update sb. on sth.告诉最新进展

 If you update someone on a situation, you tell them the latest developments in that


 If you update something, you make it more modern, usually by adding new parts to it

or giving new information. brief 介绍基本情况

 If someone briefs you, especially about a piece of work or a serious matter, they give

you information that you need before you do it or consider it. check

 If you check on someone or something, you make sure they are in a safe or

satisfactory condition

 If you check something that is written on a piece of paper, you put a mark, like a V

with the right side extended, next to it to show that something is correct or has been selected or dealt with. boost

 If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.  If something boosts your confidence or morale, it improves it. available

 Someone who is available is not busy and is therefore free to talk to you or to do a

particular task.

 Sb. is available to do sth.  Sb. is available for sth.

A Report

Here are more phrases you can use for report writing.  Introduction

This report sets out to…

The purpose of this report is to…  Findings

It was found that … In addition to… Alternatively As a result of This means…

 Recommendations In conclusion

I would suggest that…

The findings clearly show that we should…

Module 5

1. consultant

A consultant is a person who gives expert advice to a person or organization on a particular subject. 2.source 寻找货源

In business, if a person or firm sources a product or a raw material for another business, they find someone who will supply it. 3.be sourced from由…提供

About 60 percent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer. 4. commission

If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you. 5. health care

Health care is the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession

Eg. In today's America, health care is one of the very biggest businesses. In Holland, the government sets a yearly budget for health care. 6. regenerate

To regenerate something means to develop and improve it to make it more active, successful, or important, especially after a period when it has been getting worse; or to form again (especially with improvements or removal of defects); renew and reconstitute 7. multinational company

A multinational company has branches or owns companies in many different countries. 8. multinational countries or regions

Multinational countries or regions have a population that is made up of people of several different nationalities. 9. budget

If you budget certain amounts of money for particular things, you decide that you can afford to spend those amounts on those things. (1) budget for

Your budget for something is the amount of money that you have available to spend on it. (2) on/within a budget of

Do something on/within a budget of $1000 (3) is budgeted at

The movie is budgeted at …

10.a referral from sb. to professional person or agency

A referral from sb. to professional person or agency is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them; or a recommendation to consult the (professional) person referred to. 11.work alongside

If you work alongside other people, you all work together in the same place. 12.expertise

Expertise is special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study, or practice.

13. have an appointment with

If you have an appointment with someone, you have arranged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work or for a serious purpose. 14.be done by appointment

If something can be done by appointment, people can arrange in advance to do it at a particular time. 15. art gallery

An art gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of works of art in it. 16. database

A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to. 17.(1) on site

If someone or something is on site, they are in a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. (2) off site

If someone or something is off site, they are away from a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. 18. collaborative

A collaborative piece of work is done by two or more people or groups working together. 19.varied

Something that is varied consists of things of different types, sizes, or qualities. Eg. His diet is varied and balanced. 20.bold

A bold color or pattern is very bright and noticeable. 21. corporate

Corporate means relating to business corporations or to a particular business corporation. 22. say something about

If something says something about a person, situation, or thing, it gives important information about them.

23. say a lot for a person or thing

If something says a lot for a person or thing, it shows that this person or thing is very good or has a lot of good qualities. 24.rent

If you rent something from someone , you regularly pay its owner a sum of money in order to be able to have it and use it yourself

If you rent something to someone, you let them have it and use it in exchange for a sum of money which they pay you regularly. 25.justify

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

Useful Words and Expressions 1. attend a meeting 参加会议,出席会议 2. hold a meeting 举办会议, 开会

3. reach an agreement 达成一份协议

4. to source art (为商务用途)选择艺术装饰品 5. to commission art 定制艺术品 6. regeneration n. 重建,再生

7. sector n. (尤指商业、贸易等的)部门、领域、行业 8. internet advertising 互联网广告 9. installation n. 安装 10.healthcare n. 保健

11. referral n. 推荐人, 保荐人 12. specialist knowledge 专业知识 13. expertise n. 专家意见,专门技术/知识 14. make an appointment 预约,约会 15. gallery n. 美术馆,画廊 16. visual adj. 视觉的, 可视的 17. reference database n. 参考数据库 18. premise n. 楼宇,单位,处所 19. direct speech n. 直接引语 20. reported speech n. 间接引语

21. anecdotal things n. 轶事, 闲闻轶事 22. social norm 社会规范 23. questionnaire n. 调查表,调查问卷 24. goal-oriented adj. 目标明确的 25. office decoration n. 办公室装饰 26. accommodation n. 住宿 27. sponsor n. 主办方,赞助单位 28. buffet n. 自助餐 29. collaborative adj.合作的 30. on-site adj. 现场的

31. International Art Consultants 国际艺术顾问公司 32. chairperson 主席 33. minutes 备忘录,会议记录 34. take the minutes 做会议记录 35. agenda 议事日程 36. set the agenda 制定议程 37. move on (to the next point) 进入(下一点) 38. see somebody's point 明白某人的观点 39. go along (with sb.) on the point 同意某人的某个观点 40. head of a coin 硬币的正面 41.tail of a coin 硬币的反面 42.counter 筹码

Module 6 Recruitment

1. BBS电子公告板, 公告板服务

Bulletin Board System / Bulletin Board Service

Electronic bulletin board

2. OAS 办公自动化系统

( Office Automation System ) includes multi - media information , electronic bulletin board , public address system, property management system, and business convention system. OAS 办公自动化系统包括多媒体查询、电子布告 、 公共广播 、 物业管理系统 以及商务会议系统.

3.referral 推荐;移交

the act of referring (as forwarding an applicant for employment or referring a matter to an appropriate agency)

Referral is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them.

4.job fair 招聘会;人才招聘会;工作招聘会

Assist with the recruiting process, including interview arrangment , job fair, job posting, etc.

协助招聘流程, 包括面试安排, 招聘会,职位发布/招聘海报等

5.head-hunter 猎头公司,人才交流服务中心

talent exchange service centre

6.LinkedIn 领英

Refer to: LinkedIn.doc

7. ①be made redundant (人员因过剩)被解雇的,被裁减的

If you are made redundant, your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you. ②redundancy 裁减冗员;裁员

When there are redundancies, an organization tells some of its employees to leave because their jobs are no longer necessary or because the organization can no longer afford to pay them


④take voluntary redundcancy自愿离职,自愿接受辞职

8. sack sb / gives sb the sack 解雇;开除;炒鱿鱼

If your employers sack you / gives you the sack, they tell you that you can no longer work for them because you have done something that they did not like or because your work was not good enough.

9. ①give sb the axe拒绝某人;辞退某人;解雇某人

②get the axe被辞退,被解雇

③be axed/axe sth 解雇;裁减;削减;撤销

If someone's job / a public service / a television programme is axed, it is ended suddenly and without discussion.

④face the axe (通常为节省资金而进行的)解雇,撤销,关闭

If a person or institution is facing the axe, that person is likely to lose their job or that institution is likely to be closed, usually in order to save money.

10. ①give a job: take someone on, hire, recruit, employ

②take someone’s job away: dismiss, fire, sack, lay off(临时解雇), make redundant(裁员),

: give notice(预先通知), walk out(罢工), resign, take voluntary


11. CC (用于商业书信的末尾)抄送给,副本呈送(复写的副本(Carbon Copy))

CC is used at the end of a business letter to indicate that a copy is being sent to another person.


A carbon is a sheet of carbon paper

Carbon copy复印件;副本

A carbon copy is a copy of a piece of writing that is made using carbon paper.

Forward 转交;转发;转接

If a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier.

Hard copy硬拷贝;打印稿

A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a version that is stored

on a computer.

Back copy过期刊物

A back copy of a magazine or newspaper is the same as a back issue.


email address 电子邮件地址

stay online 保持在线状态

incoming messages 发来的邮件

have email relationships with sb与某人保持电子邮件联系

have never met in person 从未谋面

inbox 收件箱

in case 以防万一

save 保存



delete 删除

email addict电子邮件成瘾者

Kick the habit戒掉习惯,戒除嗜好

clicking the habit 电子邮件点击癖

in the case of 就…而言,对于,至于

check the inbox 检查收件箱

subject line 主题行

project development officer 项目开发执行官

tribunal 法庭,裁判机关

log on to 登陆,进入

fire off 发送

text message短信

migraine 偏头痛migraine ['mi:ɡrein, 'mai-]

a severe recurring vascular headache; occurs more frequently in women than men

voicemail 语音信箱

automated messages自动信息

car plant 汽车工厂,汽车制造厂

pay off付清

mortgage 抵押,按揭贷款

13. Writing—Memo (Type of internal communication)

To: All production staff

From: Valter Rinckes

CC: Inga Palgimi

Subject: Health and Safety Inspection


Would all staff note that our annual health and safety inspection will take place on Monday, 23 February starting at 9:30. I'd be grateful if team leaders would check all exits are clear including the warehouse and storage areas. We appreciate your help in this matter.


1.pilot n. 飞行员

2.fighter pilot战斗机飞行员

3.shake off摆脱,甩掉

4.unglamorous没有魅力的,无浪漫色彩的, 乏味的,单调的

5.unglamorous image单调的形象

6.association with与…的联系

7.jolly n. 痛快,刺激

8.door-to-door adj. &adv. 挨家挨户的(地)

9.gamble vi. 投机,赌博

10.pay off还清(债),获得成功

11.tangible adj. 有形的,具体的,切实的

12.buzz n. (俚语)极度兴奋,微醉

13.commercial director销售总监

14.pitch n. 程度,(文化、知识、教育、 能力等方面的)水平

15.sales pitch推销商品的口才

N-COUNT A salesperson's sales pitch is what they say in order to persuade someone to buy something from them. 推销辞令

16.a firm of architects 建筑设计公司

17.administration staff行政人员,行政管理人员

18.call centre 呼叫中心,电话服务中心,客 服中心

19.driving lesson驾驶课

20.conveyor belt传送带,输送带

21.replace A with B用B来替换A

22.cold calling(向潜在客户拨打的)冷不防 电话,无约电话

Cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients—typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network—who were not expecting such an interaction.

23.outnumber vt. 数目上超过,数量上超过

24.job description 职务说明

25.distrust vt. 不信任,不相信

26.stuff n.材料

27.overload vt.超载

28.specification n.规格

29.prduct specifications 产品规格

30.dimensions n.尺寸

31.website 网址

32.classic adj.典型的

33.outgonging adj.外向的

34.pesonality n.性格

35.Personality type 性格类型

36.turn down 拒绝

37.knockback n. 拒绝,打击

38.hang up挂断电话

39.stationery n.文具/letter paper 信纸

40.home improvement 重新装修

41.insulation n.绝缘,绝热,隔离

42.office space 写字楼

43.availability n.可用性

44.Alternative n.可用性

45.promopt adj.迅速的

46.a prompt decision 快速决定

47.warehouse n.仓库

48.lot n.地段

N-COUNT A lot is a small area of land that belongs to a person or company. (个人或公司的) 一小块地

49.dog fighting空战

50.be up for sale 挂牌待销售

51.giving themselves airs/be putting on airs 装腔作势

Act like the master of

52.a pure myth 纯属虚构


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