


Simply asking a child for her candy the day after Halloween would probably elicit nothing more than laughter.

But what if in the true American way, the child was offered cash and a really cool toothbrush?

All right, perhaps the toothbrush isn't as much of an incentive, but there's cash.

And as part of the nationwide "Halloween Candy Buy-Back" program, the candy is donated to Operation Gratitude for its holiday care packages for U.S. military members overseas.

This year, about two dozen dentists in the D.C. region are taking part in the program on Nov. 1, including Fairlington Dental in Arlington. Dawn Patrick, practice administrator, says this will be their third year taking part in the buyback program.

Fairlington Dental will buy back candy at $1 a pound, and in exchange the first 100 kids will receive a special, light-up toothbrush.

Patrick says they take part because "it's just the fun of seeing the kids all excited, and giving the candy back. We know they've eaten some it." "It's fun to see the kids come in and how excited they are to sell their candy and collect their money," Patrick says.

Contrary to popular belief, Halloween candy is not anathema to dentists, she says.

"You can eat pretty much whatever you like, as long as you brush," Patrick says.

Sterling dentist Dr. Shreyesh Ruparelia, who will be taking part for his third year, writes in his blog that last year his practice -- Cascades

Center for Dental Health -- sent more than 600 pounds of candy overseas through Operation Gratitude.



Simply asking a child for her candy the day after Halloween would probably elicit nothing more than laughter.

But what if in the true American way, the child was offered cash and a really cool toothbrush?

All right, perhaps the toothbrush isn't as much of an incentive, but there's cash.

And as part of the nationwide "Halloween Candy Buy-Back" program, the candy is donated to Operation Gratitude for its holiday care packages for U.S. military members overseas.

This year, about two dozen dentists in the D.C. region are taking part in the program on Nov. 1, including Fairlington Dental in Arlington. Dawn Patrick, practice administrator, says this will be their third year taking part in the buyback program.

Fairlington Dental will buy back candy at $1 a pound, and in exchange the first 100 kids will receive a special, light-up toothbrush.

Patrick says they take part because "it's just the fun of seeing the kids all excited, and giving the candy back. We know they've eaten some it." "It's fun to see the kids come in and how excited they are to sell their candy and collect their money," Patrick says.

Contrary to popular belief, Halloween candy is not anathema to dentists, she says.

"You can eat pretty much whatever you like, as long as you brush," Patrick says.

Sterling dentist Dr. Shreyesh Ruparelia, who will be taking part for his third year, writes in his blog that last year his practice -- Cascades

Center for Dental Health -- sent more than 600 pounds of candy overseas through Operation Gratitude.


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