



Abstract: With China’s building energy efficiency standards have been put forward, energy-saving windows and doors more and more favored by the market. At present, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and other cities, there are already many success stories of energy efficient building by the majority of consumers widely praised. To achieve economic and social benefits of energy efficient building win-win situation, and made ​​a great contribution to China’s sustainable development, being around a positive response of the real estate business. Present in 90% of our buildings is a high energy-consuming buildings, ground, roof, walls, doors and windows for the building energy consumption in the four parts, including doors and windows arranged in the first, accounting for about 50%. Therefore, in the development of new structures of windows and doors at the same time, we must first consider whether to adapt to the requirements of building energy efficiency. The key to building energy efficiency is to improve the energy conservation of doors and windows, how to improve the insulation properties of construction windows and doors need to be clear the main factors affecting it can be resolved, and received good results.Key words: building doors and windows; thermal insulation properties; measures





Abstract: With China’s building energy efficiency standards have been put forward, energy-saving windows and doors more and more favored by the market. At present, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and other cities, there are already many success stories of energy efficient building by the majority of consumers widely praised. To achieve economic and social benefits of energy efficient building win-win situation, and made ​​a great contribution to China’s sustainable development, being around a positive response of the real estate business. Present in 90% of our buildings is a high energy-consuming buildings, ground, roof, walls, doors and windows for the building energy consumption in the four parts, including doors and windows arranged in the first, accounting for about 50%. Therefore, in the development of new structures of windows and doors at the same time, we must first consider whether to adapt to the requirements of building energy efficiency. The key to building energy efficiency is to improve the energy conservation of doors and windows, how to improve the insulation properties of construction windows and doors need to be clear the main factors affecting it can be resolved, and received good results.Key words: building doors and windows; thermal insulation properties; measures



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