

英语中大多数形容词(性质形容词)、副词是可以分等级的,一般有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。 形容词、副词的本来形式就是形容词的原级。如:John is a tall boy.

两者间进行比较用到形容词比较级。如:Jim is taller than John. 三者或者三者以上进行比较用形容词的最高级。如:

Mike is the tallest of the three boys. 注:(形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the)

如:long longer longest 原级 比较级 最高级 The black pen is very long.

The blue pen is longer than the black one. The red pen is the longest of the three. 2.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则



1. A + be+ 形容词比较级+ than +B (A比B更„ ) Jane is taller than Kate.

A + 动词+ 副词比较级+ than +B (A比B更„ ) Jane runs faster than Kate.

2. A +be +as +形容词原形 + as +B ( A和B是一样地„) Jane is as tall as Kate.

A +动词+as +副词原形 + as +B ( A和B做某事一样地„) Jane runs as fast as Kate.

【拓展】not as„as = not so„as表“不如...”, 常可以与比较级转换。如:

Jane is not as/so tall as Kate. (Jane不如Kate高。) = Kate is taller than Jane. (Kate比Jane更高)

①He is as tall as me.=He is the same _________ as me. 他与我一样高。 ②He is as old as me.= He is the same ___________ as me. 他与我一样大。 ③He isn't as/so old as me . 他没我大。 比较级的几种特殊用法:

1. “比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +多音节词”表示“越来越„„” 如:

① warmer and warmer ② more and more beautiful. 2. “the +比较级+句子, the+比较级+句子”,表示“越„„,越„„”。 The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. 我们越多的在一起,我们就越快乐。

3. 修饰比较级的词有:a little, much, a lot, rather, even等。

He is much / a little taller than me. 他比我高很多/一点。 ①I'm a little ____________(tall) than him. 我比他高一点。

②That must be a lot _________________(interesting) than taking a bus.

4. 两个相同对象进行比较,为了避免重复,常用that来代替前面的单数比较对象,用those来代替前面的复数比较对象。

The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Hubei. The trees are greener in the country are much greener than those in the city. 5. less与more 的转换:

Math is less interesting than English. (趣味性更少些) = English is more interesting than math.

Jack is more outgoing than Tom.= Tom is less outgoing than Jack. (杰克比汤姆更外向) 形容词最高级用法

形容词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较。 形容词的最高级前面一定要加定冠词the,副词的最高级前面可加the,也可省略the, 后面可带of/in短语来说明比较的范围。

1.主语+ 系动词+ the +形容词最高级+ of/in 短语。 She is the youngest of all.

2.主语+ 谓语动词+ (the )+副词最高级+ of/in 短语。 She reads ( the ) most carefully in her class.

3.„one of the +最高级+名词复数,意为“„„之一”。例如: Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century. 4.„最高级+of (in/among)„,意为“„„之中,最„„”。例如:

Of all the movie stars, I think Zhang Ziyi is the best.

5. This is / was +the+最高级+单数名词+that定语从句,意为“这是最„„”。例如:

This is the worst film that I have seen these years.

6. the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in+范围 表示“在„范围内„是第几„的” Hainan is the second largest island in China. 7.形容词最高级与比较级的转换,变成: ①形容词比较级+than any other +单数名词 ②形容词比较级+than the other + 复数名词 ③形容词比较级+than anyone else

例如:This book is more difficult than any other book here. = This book is the most difficult book of all.


英语中大多数形容词(性质形容词)、副词是可以分等级的,一般有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。 形容词、副词的本来形式就是形容词的原级。如:John is a tall boy.

两者间进行比较用到形容词比较级。如:Jim is taller than John. 三者或者三者以上进行比较用形容词的最高级。如:

Mike is the tallest of the three boys. 注:(形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the)

如:long longer longest 原级 比较级 最高级 The black pen is very long.

The blue pen is longer than the black one. The red pen is the longest of the three. 2.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则



1. A + be+ 形容词比较级+ than +B (A比B更„ ) Jane is taller than Kate.

A + 动词+ 副词比较级+ than +B (A比B更„ ) Jane runs faster than Kate.

2. A +be +as +形容词原形 + as +B ( A和B是一样地„) Jane is as tall as Kate.

A +动词+as +副词原形 + as +B ( A和B做某事一样地„) Jane runs as fast as Kate.

【拓展】not as„as = not so„as表“不如...”, 常可以与比较级转换。如:

Jane is not as/so tall as Kate. (Jane不如Kate高。) = Kate is taller than Jane. (Kate比Jane更高)

①He is as tall as me.=He is the same _________ as me. 他与我一样高。 ②He is as old as me.= He is the same ___________ as me. 他与我一样大。 ③He isn't as/so old as me . 他没我大。 比较级的几种特殊用法:

1. “比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +多音节词”表示“越来越„„” 如:

① warmer and warmer ② more and more beautiful. 2. “the +比较级+句子, the+比较级+句子”,表示“越„„,越„„”。 The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. 我们越多的在一起,我们就越快乐。

3. 修饰比较级的词有:a little, much, a lot, rather, even等。

He is much / a little taller than me. 他比我高很多/一点。 ①I'm a little ____________(tall) than him. 我比他高一点。

②That must be a lot _________________(interesting) than taking a bus.

4. 两个相同对象进行比较,为了避免重复,常用that来代替前面的单数比较对象,用those来代替前面的复数比较对象。

The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Hubei. The trees are greener in the country are much greener than those in the city. 5. less与more 的转换:

Math is less interesting than English. (趣味性更少些) = English is more interesting than math.

Jack is more outgoing than Tom.= Tom is less outgoing than Jack. (杰克比汤姆更外向) 形容词最高级用法

形容词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较。 形容词的最高级前面一定要加定冠词the,副词的最高级前面可加the,也可省略the, 后面可带of/in短语来说明比较的范围。

1.主语+ 系动词+ the +形容词最高级+ of/in 短语。 She is the youngest of all.

2.主语+ 谓语动词+ (the )+副词最高级+ of/in 短语。 She reads ( the ) most carefully in her class.

3.„one of the +最高级+名词复数,意为“„„之一”。例如: Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century. 4.„最高级+of (in/among)„,意为“„„之中,最„„”。例如:

Of all the movie stars, I think Zhang Ziyi is the best.

5. This is / was +the+最高级+单数名词+that定语从句,意为“这是最„„”。例如:

This is the worst film that I have seen these years.

6. the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in+范围 表示“在„范围内„是第几„的” Hainan is the second largest island in China. 7.形容词最高级与比较级的转换,变成: ①形容词比较级+than any other +单数名词 ②形容词比较级+than the other + 复数名词 ③形容词比较级+than anyone else

例如:This book is more difficult than any other book here. = This book is the most difficult book of all.


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