

Check in 入住

1) How would you like to pay the deposit, in cash or by credit card? 您怎么付押金,现金还是信用卡?

2) You must pay 1000 yuan as a deposit. 您必须付1000元作为押金。

3) As a hotel policy, we require one day’s room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.按照酒店规定,没有预订的客人得付一天房费作为押金。

4) we’ll refund the money you overpaid when you check out. 您离店时,我们会退还您多付的钱。

5) Here is your receipt, and please keep it, you need to show it to us when you check out. 给您收据,请保管好,你离店时得出示它。

6) And you also need to take care of your key, you have to return it to us when you check out. 您得好好保管它,您离店时必须归还给我们。

7) Thank you, and hope you will have a good stay in our hotel. 谢谢,希望您过得愉快。

A. Check out for individual guest 为散客退房

1) Good morning, sir, do you check out? 早上好,您退房吗?

2) Do you want to check out or keep key here?您想要离店还是要保管钥匙? If you check out before 6:00pm, you will pay half day charge. 六点之前退房, 得付半天房费。

If you check out after 6:00pm, you will pay full day charge. 六点之后退房,付一天房费。

Could you give me your room number, please?


May I have your name and your room number?


May I have you room key, please? 能给我您的房间钥匙吗?

Did you take anything from the mini-bar?/Did you use the mini-bar of your room? 请问您房间里的酒水有没有用过?

Have you signed any chits in the last hour?


10) Is your luggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your bags have been brought down, please?


11) Let me figure it out /Let me calculate that for you.


12) Shall I draw up your bill for you?


13) Your final bill has not reached our department yet, sir. would you please wait a moment while I chase it down?


14) Just a moment, please. Room attendant is checking your room. 请稍等,客房服务员正在查房。

15) Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct? 请检查一下数目是否正确。

16) I’ll check our accounts. Just a moment, please.


17) This is your bill, check it please, if it is correct, please sign your name.


18) Can I check the details for you, please? /Let me break it down for you.


19) That first number is your room number. 第一个数字是您的房间号。

20) The second entry is the restaurant. 第二行是餐厅的帐。

21) Item 6 is your room charge. 第六项是电话费。

22) Item 7 is the cost for the phone calls. 第七项是房费。

23) That charge is for drinks taken from the mini-bar.


24) The service charge is included in this bill. 服务费包括在内。

25) What would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?


26) In what form will payment be made? 用什么方式付帐?

27) We accept the following credit cards…… 我们接受这些信用卡……

28) Show me your credit card, please. 请出示您的信用卡。

29) May I see your credit card? 我能用一下您的信用卡吗?

30) My I imprint/have a print of your credit card? 可以刷一下您的信用卡吗?

31) I’m afraid we don’t accept…cards, but we do accept these.(point to credit card display)


32) The total is…, and here is your change. 总数是…,这是您的找头。

33) Here is the money you overpaid. 这是您多付的钱。

34) Do you need receipt? 您需要收据吗?

35) Here is your receipt. 给您收据。

36) Thank you for choosing our hotel. I hope you enjoyed your stay. We hope you will come and stay with us again.


B. Check out for group guest 为团体客人结帐

1) How would you like to make payment? 您怎么付费?

2) Would you like to pay on the company account? 您用公司帐户结帐吗?

3) May I know the name of your company, please? 请问贵公司帐户号码?

4) Separate bill or one for all? 分开结还是一起结?

5) Your company/travel agency will pay your room rent, but you will pay your phone charge. 您的房租由公司付,但您要付房间的电话费。

6) All account to your room charge, right? 所有的帐都转到您的房间,好吗?

7) May I have two of your business cards, please? One for our file and one for accounts.


8) Could you sign your name here? 请在这签名好吗?

9) We hope to see you again soon. 希望很快再见到您。

exchange money 兑换外币

1) How much would you like to change? 您想换多少钱?

2) The rates of exchange are on the board there, sir. 先生,兑换率在布告牌那。

3) Today’s foreign currency rate for US$ is 8.07./ According to today’s exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.07 yuan. /The present rate is 100 to 807. 今天美元的兑换率是8.07.

4) Could you fill out this form? 您能填一下这张表吗?

5) You’d like to change US$800 into RMB. Is that all right? 您想把800美元换成人民币,对吗?

6) You gave me 800 US dollars, so that will be RMB 6200. Here you are.


7) I’ll calculate that for you. It comes to RMB 6200 at today’s exchange rate.


8) I’m sorry but we do not change US dollars into Japanese Yen. 很抱歉,我们没有把美元兑换日元的业务。

9) I’m afraid we don’t accept non-convertible currency, sir. 对不起,我们不接受不能兑换的货币。

10) What domination would you like, sir? we have 100 yuan notes, 50 yuan notes, 10 yuan notes, 5 yuan notes, 2 yuan notes and one yuan notes.


Use safes/safe-deposit boxes 使用保险箱

1) If you want to keep some valuable things, you can use hotel safe-deposit boxes.


2) Please fill out this form first. 请先填表。

3) Would you like to use it until May 20th ? 您预备使用到五月二十日吗?

4) This way, please. Your box number is 320. 请跟我来,您的柜子是320号。


Check in 入住

1) How would you like to pay the deposit, in cash or by credit card? 您怎么付押金,现金还是信用卡?

2) You must pay 1000 yuan as a deposit. 您必须付1000元作为押金。

3) As a hotel policy, we require one day’s room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.按照酒店规定,没有预订的客人得付一天房费作为押金。

4) we’ll refund the money you overpaid when you check out. 您离店时,我们会退还您多付的钱。

5) Here is your receipt, and please keep it, you need to show it to us when you check out. 给您收据,请保管好,你离店时得出示它。

6) And you also need to take care of your key, you have to return it to us when you check out. 您得好好保管它,您离店时必须归还给我们。

7) Thank you, and hope you will have a good stay in our hotel. 谢谢,希望您过得愉快。

A. Check out for individual guest 为散客退房

1) Good morning, sir, do you check out? 早上好,您退房吗?

2) Do you want to check out or keep key here?您想要离店还是要保管钥匙? If you check out before 6:00pm, you will pay half day charge. 六点之前退房, 得付半天房费。

If you check out after 6:00pm, you will pay full day charge. 六点之后退房,付一天房费。

Could you give me your room number, please?


May I have your name and your room number?


May I have you room key, please? 能给我您的房间钥匙吗?

Did you take anything from the mini-bar?/Did you use the mini-bar of your room? 请问您房间里的酒水有没有用过?

Have you signed any chits in the last hour?


10) Is your luggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your bags have been brought down, please?


11) Let me figure it out /Let me calculate that for you.


12) Shall I draw up your bill for you?


13) Your final bill has not reached our department yet, sir. would you please wait a moment while I chase it down?


14) Just a moment, please. Room attendant is checking your room. 请稍等,客房服务员正在查房。

15) Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct? 请检查一下数目是否正确。

16) I’ll check our accounts. Just a moment, please.


17) This is your bill, check it please, if it is correct, please sign your name.


18) Can I check the details for you, please? /Let me break it down for you.


19) That first number is your room number. 第一个数字是您的房间号。

20) The second entry is the restaurant. 第二行是餐厅的帐。

21) Item 6 is your room charge. 第六项是电话费。

22) Item 7 is the cost for the phone calls. 第七项是房费。

23) That charge is for drinks taken from the mini-bar.


24) The service charge is included in this bill. 服务费包括在内。

25) What would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?


26) In what form will payment be made? 用什么方式付帐?

27) We accept the following credit cards…… 我们接受这些信用卡……

28) Show me your credit card, please. 请出示您的信用卡。

29) May I see your credit card? 我能用一下您的信用卡吗?

30) My I imprint/have a print of your credit card? 可以刷一下您的信用卡吗?

31) I’m afraid we don’t accept…cards, but we do accept these.(point to credit card display)


32) The total is…, and here is your change. 总数是…,这是您的找头。

33) Here is the money you overpaid. 这是您多付的钱。

34) Do you need receipt? 您需要收据吗?

35) Here is your receipt. 给您收据。

36) Thank you for choosing our hotel. I hope you enjoyed your stay. We hope you will come and stay with us again.


B. Check out for group guest 为团体客人结帐

1) How would you like to make payment? 您怎么付费?

2) Would you like to pay on the company account? 您用公司帐户结帐吗?

3) May I know the name of your company, please? 请问贵公司帐户号码?

4) Separate bill or one for all? 分开结还是一起结?

5) Your company/travel agency will pay your room rent, but you will pay your phone charge. 您的房租由公司付,但您要付房间的电话费。

6) All account to your room charge, right? 所有的帐都转到您的房间,好吗?

7) May I have two of your business cards, please? One for our file and one for accounts.


8) Could you sign your name here? 请在这签名好吗?

9) We hope to see you again soon. 希望很快再见到您。

exchange money 兑换外币

1) How much would you like to change? 您想换多少钱?

2) The rates of exchange are on the board there, sir. 先生,兑换率在布告牌那。

3) Today’s foreign currency rate for US$ is 8.07./ According to today’s exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.07 yuan. /The present rate is 100 to 807. 今天美元的兑换率是8.07.

4) Could you fill out this form? 您能填一下这张表吗?

5) You’d like to change US$800 into RMB. Is that all right? 您想把800美元换成人民币,对吗?

6) You gave me 800 US dollars, so that will be RMB 6200. Here you are.


7) I’ll calculate that for you. It comes to RMB 6200 at today’s exchange rate.


8) I’m sorry but we do not change US dollars into Japanese Yen. 很抱歉,我们没有把美元兑换日元的业务。

9) I’m afraid we don’t accept non-convertible currency, sir. 对不起,我们不接受不能兑换的货币。

10) What domination would you like, sir? we have 100 yuan notes, 50 yuan notes, 10 yuan notes, 5 yuan notes, 2 yuan notes and one yuan notes.


Use safes/safe-deposit boxes 使用保险箱

1) If you want to keep some valuable things, you can use hotel safe-deposit boxes.


2) Please fill out this form first. 请先填表。

3) Would you like to use it until May 20th ? 您预备使用到五月二十日吗?

4) This way, please. Your box number is 320. 请跟我来,您的柜子是320号。


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