
Bimetallic Thermometer


It is one kind of thermometers to measure middle and low temperature on the spot. It could be used to directly measure temperature of liquid, vapor and gas ranging from-80℃~500℃.

Features :

. directly display temperature on the spot . high reliability and long life expectancy . many structure forms to meet different demands

Operation Theory:

Bimetallic thermometer is based on bimetal bended into ring shape. One side of bimetal expands in time of being heated, which results in revolving of indicator, then the meter indicates corresponding temperature value to pyroelectric potential.

Main Technical Parameters:

. Exective Standard JB/T8803-1998 GB3836-83 . Nominal Diameter of Dial:60,100,150 . Accuracy Class:(1.0),1.5 . Thermal Response Time:≤40S . Protection Calss:IP55 . Angle-adjusting Error

It shall be no more than 1% of its measuring range. . Return Error

It shall be no more than the absolute value of basic error limit. . Repeat

The repeat range shall be no more than 1/2 of absolute value of basic error limit.


Mounting & Fixing:

Threaded Connector

1. Inorder to guarantee the thermomter correctness depth of the caudal take immerging medium

must be exceed 75mm. 2. The line of sight and dial must be vertial inreading.

3. The bimetallic thermometer must to periodic detected according to correlatiue rules after operation (generic unexceed one year).

4. The thermometer with protection tube if only screw the nut anticlockwise.Then spin the core,

howener, protection tuberemained encase the new core, screw the nut, pay attention to Bimetallic screw thread don’t contact the boottem of protection tube. 5. Avoide to collided the caudal tube of thermometer in transportation installation and operation

especially not make if distortion.

Bimetallic Thermometer


It is one kind of thermometers to measure middle and low temperature on the spot. It could be used to directly measure temperature of liquid, vapor and gas ranging from-80℃~500℃.

Features :

. directly display temperature on the spot . high reliability and long life expectancy . many structure forms to meet different demands

Operation Theory:

Bimetallic thermometer is based on bimetal bended into ring shape. One side of bimetal expands in time of being heated, which results in revolving of indicator, then the meter indicates corresponding temperature value to pyroelectric potential.

Main Technical Parameters:

. Exective Standard JB/T8803-1998 GB3836-83 . Nominal Diameter of Dial:60,100,150 . Accuracy Class:(1.0),1.5 . Thermal Response Time:≤40S . Protection Calss:IP55 . Angle-adjusting Error

It shall be no more than 1% of its measuring range. . Return Error

It shall be no more than the absolute value of basic error limit. . Repeat

The repeat range shall be no more than 1/2 of absolute value of basic error limit.


Mounting & Fixing:

Threaded Connector

1. Inorder to guarantee the thermomter correctness depth of the caudal take immerging medium

must be exceed 75mm. 2. The line of sight and dial must be vertial inreading.

3. The bimetallic thermometer must to periodic detected according to correlatiue rules after operation (generic unexceed one year).

4. The thermometer with protection tube if only screw the nut anticlockwise.Then spin the core,

howener, protection tuberemained encase the new core, screw the nut, pay attention to Bimetallic screw thread don’t contact the boottem of protection tube. 5. Avoide to collided the caudal tube of thermometer in transportation installation and operation

especially not make if distortion.


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