




Hi, my name is Peter. Last summer I We drove six to eight hours a day. In big cities , we stayed(待)in the hotels and the We once stayed in a small cabin(木屋to go swimming. There was a beautiful lake(湖)nfishing and cooked food outside the cabin. I had much fun on the vacation


Today is Wednesday, September__1__ .It is__2__ grandmother’s birthday. My grandmother is 65 years__3___

this year. My parents and I want __4 ___have a birthday __5___for her. Look at the picture. We buy a big cake and put some candles(蜡烛) on it. And we__6__ some gifts(礼物) for her. My grandmother is very__7__.We__8__ happy too . We say “happy__9__”to my grandmother. My family is a happy__10_


Hello, everyone .I’m Mary Green . Mary is my given name and Green is my 1____ name . 2______favorite day

of a week is Sunday. I don’t have any classes 3______ Sundays, so I’m free . In 4____morning, I get up late. Then I have 5______ at 8:30. And after that I watch TV. It’s very good . My parents often go to the shop and 6______ some food to cook at home . I like all the food .In the afternoon, I often play 7______my friends. At about half past five , I go home 8_______ have dinner . After dinner, I do my 9________ . I go to bed at ten o’clock .

Sunday a nice day for me. I like it very 10________ . Do you like i t ?



Robert Diana Sam Rose

Bill Ann Lily Jim Sally

My Family Tree


. They are

name is Robby. My mother’s name is Diana. My 6.are old. I have a


Do you know Zheng Xinyi? She is 1____artist from Hong Kong. When she was young, Zheng Xinyi was very 2____. She liked 3____ junk food very much. She ate it two 4 ____ three times a day. Later she decided 5____ go on a diet(节食). She only drinks a glass 6____ milk for breakfast, for lunch, she only eats some vegetables.

And she only eats an apple for 7 ____. She runs 8____ an hour every day. Look, she is much thinner than(比)

9 ____. She 10 ____ pretty. She made a lot of movies. She is popular and famous now.


There are __1___months in a year. In the twelve months,__2___ has twenty-eight days. But in a leap year (闰

年), it has__3__ days. A leap year comes__4_ four years. The __5___ eleven months have thirty __6__ thirty –one days.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a _7_ .But there are three hundred and sixty-six days in a leap

year. There are _8___days in a week. They are __9___ Sunday to Saturday. Sunday is the _10___ day of a week. The part of a day are morning, noon, afternoon ,evening and night.



We have a “Show Yourself” Festivalus some talents(才能).

is interesting and can play the violin. Jim and Wei Fang are both in the music great! Two 最后),a great band comes to show us, too.



Mr. and Mrs. Black have a happy _1__. They have a _2__Jack and a__3__Mary. Mary is a good girl. Every

evening she usually has__4__with his parents. And Jack likes sports. He often plays__5__and__6__with his friends. Sometimes (有时候) brother Jack goes to __7__soccer and __8__Mary also wants to go with him. Mr. and Mrs. Black sometimes take their daughter to watch his son’s soccer __9__, too. Look, they watch the game __10__ the tree.


Dave is an English _1__. He likes China. He_2__ to learn Chinese. Chinese is hard to learn, but he believe he

__3__ learn it _4__. Tom is Dave’s brother. He likes China __5__. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are __6__.” I can’t speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese Kung Fu,” he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Dave’s sister. She is a star in the school .She can __7_ ping-pong very well.Her__8_ sport star is Wang Nan. Cara is

Sally’s friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess __9__ her computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Cara’s sister, likes Beijing opera. She thinks it is interesting. She thinks it important to learn about Chinese history. She often goes to Beijing Opera __10__ his parents.


It’s Sunday. There are __1___ people on the bus. And an __2___ man is looking here and there. He wants to find a __3____. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small __4___ is on the seat. And a young man is __5___ to it . “ Excuse me, ___6__ I have this seat?” asks the old man.” sorry, it’s for a ___7__.She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man.” well,” says the old man,” let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave here.” Then the bus starts.“ She doesn’t come, __8__her bag is here, let me give her bag.” The old man wants to throw the bag __9__ of the window. “Don’t throw! It’s _10___bag.” The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).


(一)1.hard 2. by 3. was 4. pools 5. many 6. So 7. and 8. get 9. because 10. went

(二) 1.10th/tenth 2. my 3. old 4. to 5. party 6.buy /give 7. happy 8. are 9. birthday 10.family (三)1. family 2. My 3. on 4. the 5. breakfast 6. buy 7. with 8. to 9. homework 10. much

(四) 1. family 2.Ann 3.two 4.daughter 5. father’s 6. parents 7.brother 8.Sam 9.sister 10.teacher

(五) 1.an 2.fat 3.eating 4.or 5.to 6.of 7.dinner 8.about 9.before 10.looks

(六)1.twelve 2.February 3. twenty-nine 4. every 5. rest 6. or 7. year 8. seven 9.from 10.first

(七) 1. show 2. Festival 3. sing 4. plays 5. it 6. club 7. does 8. are 9. They 10. draws

(八) 1.family 2.son 3.daughter 4.dinner 5.basketball 6.soccer 7.play 8.sister 9.game/contest 10.under (九)1. boy 2. likes 3. can 4.well 5.too 6.interesting 7.play 8.favorite 9. on 10. with

(十)1. many 2. old 3.seat 4.bag 5.next 6.may 7. woman 8. but 9.out 10.my





Hi, my name is Peter. Last summer I We drove six to eight hours a day. In big cities , we stayed(待)in the hotels and the We once stayed in a small cabin(木屋to go swimming. There was a beautiful lake(湖)nfishing and cooked food outside the cabin. I had much fun on the vacation


Today is Wednesday, September__1__ .It is__2__ grandmother’s birthday. My grandmother is 65 years__3___

this year. My parents and I want __4 ___have a birthday __5___for her. Look at the picture. We buy a big cake and put some candles(蜡烛) on it. And we__6__ some gifts(礼物) for her. My grandmother is very__7__.We__8__ happy too . We say “happy__9__”to my grandmother. My family is a happy__10_


Hello, everyone .I’m Mary Green . Mary is my given name and Green is my 1____ name . 2______favorite day

of a week is Sunday. I don’t have any classes 3______ Sundays, so I’m free . In 4____morning, I get up late. Then I have 5______ at 8:30. And after that I watch TV. It’s very good . My parents often go to the shop and 6______ some food to cook at home . I like all the food .In the afternoon, I often play 7______my friends. At about half past five , I go home 8_______ have dinner . After dinner, I do my 9________ . I go to bed at ten o’clock .

Sunday a nice day for me. I like it very 10________ . Do you like i t ?



Robert Diana Sam Rose

Bill Ann Lily Jim Sally

My Family Tree


. They are

name is Robby. My mother’s name is Diana. My 6.are old. I have a


Do you know Zheng Xinyi? She is 1____artist from Hong Kong. When she was young, Zheng Xinyi was very 2____. She liked 3____ junk food very much. She ate it two 4 ____ three times a day. Later she decided 5____ go on a diet(节食). She only drinks a glass 6____ milk for breakfast, for lunch, she only eats some vegetables.

And she only eats an apple for 7 ____. She runs 8____ an hour every day. Look, she is much thinner than(比)

9 ____. She 10 ____ pretty. She made a lot of movies. She is popular and famous now.


There are __1___months in a year. In the twelve months,__2___ has twenty-eight days. But in a leap year (闰

年), it has__3__ days. A leap year comes__4_ four years. The __5___ eleven months have thirty __6__ thirty –one days.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a _7_ .But there are three hundred and sixty-six days in a leap

year. There are _8___days in a week. They are __9___ Sunday to Saturday. Sunday is the _10___ day of a week. The part of a day are morning, noon, afternoon ,evening and night.



We have a “Show Yourself” Festivalus some talents(才能).

is interesting and can play the violin. Jim and Wei Fang are both in the music great! Two 最后),a great band comes to show us, too.



Mr. and Mrs. Black have a happy _1__. They have a _2__Jack and a__3__Mary. Mary is a good girl. Every

evening she usually has__4__with his parents. And Jack likes sports. He often plays__5__and__6__with his friends. Sometimes (有时候) brother Jack goes to __7__soccer and __8__Mary also wants to go with him. Mr. and Mrs. Black sometimes take their daughter to watch his son’s soccer __9__, too. Look, they watch the game __10__ the tree.


Dave is an English _1__. He likes China. He_2__ to learn Chinese. Chinese is hard to learn, but he believe he

__3__ learn it _4__. Tom is Dave’s brother. He likes China __5__. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are __6__.” I can’t speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese Kung Fu,” he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Dave’s sister. She is a star in the school .She can __7_ ping-pong very well.Her__8_ sport star is Wang Nan. Cara is

Sally’s friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess __9__ her computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Cara’s sister, likes Beijing opera. She thinks it is interesting. She thinks it important to learn about Chinese history. She often goes to Beijing Opera __10__ his parents.


It’s Sunday. There are __1___ people on the bus. And an __2___ man is looking here and there. He wants to find a __3____. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small __4___ is on the seat. And a young man is __5___ to it . “ Excuse me, ___6__ I have this seat?” asks the old man.” sorry, it’s for a ___7__.She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man.” well,” says the old man,” let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave here.” Then the bus starts.“ She doesn’t come, __8__her bag is here, let me give her bag.” The old man wants to throw the bag __9__ of the window. “Don’t throw! It’s _10___bag.” The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).


(一)1.hard 2. by 3. was 4. pools 5. many 6. So 7. and 8. get 9. because 10. went

(二) 1.10th/tenth 2. my 3. old 4. to 5. party 6.buy /give 7. happy 8. are 9. birthday 10.family (三)1. family 2. My 3. on 4. the 5. breakfast 6. buy 7. with 8. to 9. homework 10. much

(四) 1. family 2.Ann 3.two 4.daughter 5. father’s 6. parents 7.brother 8.Sam 9.sister 10.teacher

(五) 1.an 2.fat 3.eating 4.or 5.to 6.of 7.dinner 8.about 9.before 10.looks

(六)1.twelve 2.February 3. twenty-nine 4. every 5. rest 6. or 7. year 8. seven 9.from 10.first

(七) 1. show 2. Festival 3. sing 4. plays 5. it 6. club 7. does 8. are 9. They 10. draws

(八) 1.family 2.son 3.daughter 4.dinner 5.basketball 6.soccer 7.play 8.sister 9.game/contest 10.under (九)1. boy 2. likes 3. can 4.well 5.too 6.interesting 7.play 8.favorite 9. on 10. with

(十)1. many 2. old 3.seat 4.bag 5.next 6.may 7. woman 8. but 9.out 10.my


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