

Class_________ Name_________ NO._______ Mark________

一.Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

( )1. A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish.

C. I like bananas

( )2. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg.

C. He is 172 cm.

( )3. A.I am going to go fishing.

B. I want to be a policeman. C. I am going to be sad.

( )4. A.I do my homework at home.

C.I went shopping.

( )5. A. He is a student. B. He is my brother.

C. He works in a hospital.

( )6.A. I want a bag. B. I want a pen. C. I like that red bag.

( )7.A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172 cm.

( )8.A. We are going to have a picnic. B. I am going to be a teacher. C. I am going to

have a headache.

( )9.A. I watch TV. B. I was at home. C. I went to see my uncle.

( )10.A. That tall young man. B. A woman. C. A teacher.

( )11.A. It’s next to the nature park. B. You can get there by the No.10 bus. C. You

can get there at 3 o’clock.

( )12.A. She works in a hospital. B. She is an actress.

C. She goes to school every day.

( )13.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you.

C. I am 1.65 meters tall.

( )14.A. I have a good bike. B. I am very happy. B. I was at home.

C. I have a headache.

( )15.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing.

C. I clean my bedroom.

( )16.A. I walked there. B. My father took me to the hospital.

C. I get there by bus.

( )17.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )18.A. I am 160 cm. B. I am heavier than you. C. I am 48 kg.

( )19.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football.

C. I like bananas.

( )20.A. I didn’t go to school. B. I went fishing.

C. I did my homework.

( )21.A. It ’s next to the nature park B. You can get there by No.10 bus.

C. You can get there at 3 0’clock.

( )22.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )23.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you. C. I am 165 cm tall.

( )24.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football.

C. I like bananas.

( )25.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing.

C. I clean my bedroom.

( )26.A. I like running. B. I like apples. C. I like riding a bike.

( )27.A. I am 50 kg. B. I’m 12. C. I’m 150 cm.

( )28.A. I am going to be sad. B. I’m going to go shopping.

C. I want to be a teacher.


Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

1. What ’s your favourite fruit?

2. How heavy is he?

3. What are you going to do tomorrow?

4. What did you do yesterday?

5. Where does your brother work?

6. Which bag do you like?

7. How tall is your father?

8. What are you going to do next weekend?

9. Where were you yesterday evening?

10. W ho is your math teacher?

11. H ow can I get to the zoo?

12. W hat does your sister do?

13. H ow tall are you?

14. W hat ’s the matter with you?

15. W hat did you do yesterday?

16. H ow did you go to the hospital yesterday?

17. W hat ’s your favourite season?

18. H ow heavy are you?

19. W hat ’s your hobby?

20. W here did you go last Monday?

21. W here is the zoo?

22. W hat ’s the weather like in spring?

23. H ow tall are you?

24. W hat ’s your hobby?

25. W hat do you usually do on the weekend?

26. W hat ’s your favourite fruit?

27. H ow heavy are you?

28. W hat are you going to be?

1-5 C B A C C

6-10 C C A B A

11-15 B B C C B

16-20 A B C B B

21-25 A A C B C

26-28 B A C


Class_________ Name_________ NO._______ Mark________

一.Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

( )1. A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish.

C. I like bananas

( )2. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg.

C. He is 172 cm.

( )3. A.I am going to go fishing.

B. I want to be a policeman. C. I am going to be sad.

( )4. A.I do my homework at home.

C.I went shopping.

( )5. A. He is a student. B. He is my brother.

C. He works in a hospital.

( )6.A. I want a bag. B. I want a pen. C. I like that red bag.

( )7.A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172 cm.

( )8.A. We are going to have a picnic. B. I am going to be a teacher. C. I am going to

have a headache.

( )9.A. I watch TV. B. I was at home. C. I went to see my uncle.

( )10.A. That tall young man. B. A woman. C. A teacher.

( )11.A. It’s next to the nature park. B. You can get there by the No.10 bus. C. You

can get there at 3 o’clock.

( )12.A. She works in a hospital. B. She is an actress.

C. She goes to school every day.

( )13.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you.

C. I am 1.65 meters tall.

( )14.A. I have a good bike. B. I am very happy. B. I was at home.

C. I have a headache.

( )15.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing.

C. I clean my bedroom.

( )16.A. I walked there. B. My father took me to the hospital.

C. I get there by bus.

( )17.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )18.A. I am 160 cm. B. I am heavier than you. C. I am 48 kg.

( )19.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football.

C. I like bananas.

( )20.A. I didn’t go to school. B. I went fishing.

C. I did my homework.

( )21.A. It ’s next to the nature park B. You can get there by No.10 bus.

C. You can get there at 3 0’clock.

( )22.A. It is warm. B. I like spring. C. Winter is a good season.

( )23.A. I am very tall. B. I am taller than you. C. I am 165 cm tall.

( )24.A. I go to school every day. B. I like playing football.

C. I like bananas.

( )25.A. I was in the classroom. B. I went fishing.

C. I clean my bedroom.

( )26.A. I like running. B. I like apples. C. I like riding a bike.

( )27.A. I am 50 kg. B. I’m 12. C. I’m 150 cm.

( )28.A. I am going to be sad. B. I’m going to go shopping.

C. I want to be a teacher.


Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)

1. What ’s your favourite fruit?

2. How heavy is he?

3. What are you going to do tomorrow?

4. What did you do yesterday?

5. Where does your brother work?

6. Which bag do you like?

7. How tall is your father?

8. What are you going to do next weekend?

9. Where were you yesterday evening?

10. W ho is your math teacher?

11. H ow can I get to the zoo?

12. W hat does your sister do?

13. H ow tall are you?

14. W hat ’s the matter with you?

15. W hat did you do yesterday?

16. H ow did you go to the hospital yesterday?

17. W hat ’s your favourite season?

18. H ow heavy are you?

19. W hat ’s your hobby?

20. W here did you go last Monday?

21. W here is the zoo?

22. W hat ’s the weather like in spring?

23. H ow tall are you?

24. W hat ’s your hobby?

25. W hat do you usually do on the weekend?

26. W hat ’s your favourite fruit?

27. H ow heavy are you?

28. W hat are you going to be?

1-5 C B A C C

6-10 C C A B A

11-15 B B C C B

16-20 A B C B B

21-25 A A C B C

26-28 B A C


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