生命的故事 翻译 -


(atotal of 6copies)

Author:Zhu huifang

Time to market:January,2016

Reader:the children between 3and 6

Advice on:picture book ,story-drawing



Authorised nation:


Book number:

978-7-5493-3860-3《Why i don’thave a penis 》

978-7-5493-3859-7《The mother’sbreast 》

978-7-5493-3862-7《Don’ttouch me 》

978-7-5493-3857-3《I also want to have a baby 》

978-7-5493-3861-0《When I grow up I want to marry the mother 》

978-7-5493-3858-0《Dear grandmother 》

Book Description

This is a set of suitable for 3~6years old child to read picture books, life education, sexual enlightenment encyclopedia, a total of 6copies, with vivid pictures and sweet words, and the child to share the secret of the girl, the boy's secret, cherish oneself body, the source of life, the end of life, the secret of love.Famous early childhood sexual education experts guided reading, parents can accompany children to read together, help children to solve confusion of gender, parents and their relations, a better understanding of yourself, take good care of yourself.

《Why I don't have a penis 》through the story of warmth, helping children to understand the physiology of men and women of different, genital characteristics and nursing, etc.

《The mother's breast 》breast is raising a vital organs, through the story of warmth, help children to understand the truth of the breast, etc.,Help the little girl understand the importance of the breast`,learn to take care of yourself.

《Don't touch me 》tell a child will know how to protect themselves from small, private parts can't let people literally touch, as well as respect for others, don't spy on other people's privacy.

《I also want to have a baby 》in simple words, sweet pictures and stories, to the baby tells the story of the origin of life.

《When I grow up I want to marry the mother 》from the perspective of parent-child attachment, help children to treat the feelings between the parents and correctly, in increase intimacy at the same time, a better life cheerfully.

《Dear grandmother 》by touching words, sweet picture, tell the child process and the end of life.

The book features and selling point

1. Clear and meaningful theme, guide the children to understand life, take good care of yourself.

2. The picture, warmth, vivid, interesting story, at the same time, permeate the education significance.By reading the story, let a child since

But to learn the truth of the matter, to build a healthy sexual knowledge.

3. Gentle, close to life, the most suitable for the child's life education and sex enlightenment "--picture books.

The authors introduce

Hui-fang zhu, born in 1975in changshu, preschool teachers, fairy tale creation began in 2004, has so far published nearly four hundred fairy tales.

Expert introduction

Huang Peigong, preschool education graduate, engaged in preschool education and psychological research work more than 20years, as a kindergarten teacher and college teachers and children’spainting studio artist.

The editors recommend

Children around the age of 3, began to gradually realize that gender differences, and curious about the origin of life, such as problems, one is put forward each question that parents often do not know how to deal with.This set of images and vivid picture books with warm words, share secrets about gender with children, to teach children to learn to cherish their own bodies, to understand the beginning and the end of life, etc.Books can help children establish a close relationship with their parents, learn to know yourself better, take good care of yourself.


(atotal of 6copies)

Author:Zhu huifang

Time to market:January,2016

Reader:the children between 3and 6

Advice on:picture book ,story-drawing



Authorised nation:


Book number:

978-7-5493-3860-3《Why i don’thave a penis 》

978-7-5493-3859-7《The mother’sbreast 》

978-7-5493-3862-7《Don’ttouch me 》

978-7-5493-3857-3《I also want to have a baby 》

978-7-5493-3861-0《When I grow up I want to marry the mother 》

978-7-5493-3858-0《Dear grandmother 》

Book Description

This is a set of suitable for 3~6years old child to read picture books, life education, sexual enlightenment encyclopedia, a total of 6copies, with vivid pictures and sweet words, and the child to share the secret of the girl, the boy's secret, cherish oneself body, the source of life, the end of life, the secret of love.Famous early childhood sexual education experts guided reading, parents can accompany children to read together, help children to solve confusion of gender, parents and their relations, a better understanding of yourself, take good care of yourself.

《Why I don't have a penis 》through the story of warmth, helping children to understand the physiology of men and women of different, genital characteristics and nursing, etc.

《The mother's breast 》breast is raising a vital organs, through the story of warmth, help children to understand the truth of the breast, etc.,Help the little girl understand the importance of the breast`,learn to take care of yourself.

《Don't touch me 》tell a child will know how to protect themselves from small, private parts can't let people literally touch, as well as respect for others, don't spy on other people's privacy.

《I also want to have a baby 》in simple words, sweet pictures and stories, to the baby tells the story of the origin of life.

《When I grow up I want to marry the mother 》from the perspective of parent-child attachment, help children to treat the feelings between the parents and correctly, in increase intimacy at the same time, a better life cheerfully.

《Dear grandmother 》by touching words, sweet picture, tell the child process and the end of life.

The book features and selling point

1. Clear and meaningful theme, guide the children to understand life, take good care of yourself.

2. The picture, warmth, vivid, interesting story, at the same time, permeate the education significance.By reading the story, let a child since

But to learn the truth of the matter, to build a healthy sexual knowledge.

3. Gentle, close to life, the most suitable for the child's life education and sex enlightenment "--picture books.

The authors introduce

Hui-fang zhu, born in 1975in changshu, preschool teachers, fairy tale creation began in 2004, has so far published nearly four hundred fairy tales.

Expert introduction

Huang Peigong, preschool education graduate, engaged in preschool education and psychological research work more than 20years, as a kindergarten teacher and college teachers and children’spainting studio artist.

The editors recommend

Children around the age of 3, began to gradually realize that gender differences, and curious about the origin of life, such as problems, one is put forward each question that parents often do not know how to deal with.This set of images and vivid picture books with warm words, share secrets about gender with children, to teach children to learn to cherish their own bodies, to understand the beginning and the end of life, etc.Books can help children establish a close relationship with their parents, learn to know yourself better, take good care of yourself.


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